Trump: Middle East Would Be Better Off With Saddam, Gaddafi

"It's not even a contest."

Donald Trump said Sunday that the Middle East would be more stable if Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein and Libyan autocrat Muammar Gaddafi were still in power.

When asked on NBC's "Meet the Press" if he thought the region would be "safer" with Hussein and Gaddafi ruling Iraq and Libya, respectively, the real estate mogul and ersatz Republican presidential candidate replied, "It's not even a contest."

Trump reasoned that had the United States not forced Hussein out of power in Iraq, the Islamic State would not have come into existence.

More: Donald Trump: Middle East Would Be Better Off With Saddam, Gaddafi

Amen! I totally agree! Saddam kept the lid on that cesspool.

Of course he's right but we don't get a re-do. The past is prologue. We won't have to worry about it much longer. Putin will be running the Middle East. What we had best do is drill like crazy before Putin cuts off our Middle East oil supply.

You actually think Big Oil would allow that to happen?

Big Oil? You mean the BIg Oil that did squat when a bunch of Turd World Goverments nationalized their oil fields?

They are going to do something about Putin? LOL!!

Big Oil will tell their Congressional toadies what to do. America would never allow Putin to cut off our Middle East oil supply. Even Putin knows that.

we import very little oil from the ME...we get more than double the ME imports from fact we're EXPORTING oil to mexico now...and that hasn't happened in decades...
Then there was the Shah of Iran. He brought them into the 20th century, then was deposed. Now they're back in the 7th century and the M.E. is headed for a nuclear war.
"It's not even a contest."

Donald Trump said Sunday that the Middle East would be more stable if Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein and Libyan autocrat Muammar Gaddafi were still in power.

When asked on NBC's "Meet the Press" if he thought the region would be "safer" with Hussein and Gaddafi ruling Iraq and Libya, respectively, the real estate mogul and ersatz Republican presidential candidate replied, "It's not even a contest."

Trump reasoned that had the United States not forced Hussein out of power in Iraq, the Islamic State would not have come into existence.

More: Donald Trump: Middle East Would Be Better Off With Saddam, Gaddafi

Amen! I totally agree! Saddam kept the lid on that cesspool.

Of course he's right but we don't get a re-do. The past is prologue. We won't have to worry about it much longer. Putin will be running the Middle East. What we had best do is drill like crazy before Putin cuts off our Middle East oil supply.

You actually think Big Oil would allow that to happen?

Big oil would have no say in the matter. Big oil doesn't control Russia, China, and Iran.
"It's not even a contest."

Donald Trump said Sunday that the Middle East would be more stable if Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein and Libyan autocrat Muammar Gaddafi were still in power.

When asked on NBC's "Meet the Press" if he thought the region would be "safer" with Hussein and Gaddafi ruling Iraq and Libya, respectively, the real estate mogul and ersatz Republican presidential candidate replied, "It's not even a contest."

Trump reasoned that had the United States not forced Hussein out of power in Iraq, the Islamic State would not have come into existence.

More: Donald Trump: Middle East Would Be Better Off With Saddam, Gaddafi

Amen! I totally agree! Saddam kept the lid on that cesspool.

Of course he's right but we don't get a re-do. The past is prologue. We won't have to worry about it much longer. Putin will be running the Middle East. What we had best do is drill like crazy before Putin cuts off our Middle East oil supply.

You actually think Big Oil would allow that to happen?

Big Oil? You mean the BIg Oil that did squat when a bunch of Turd World Goverments nationalized their oil fields?

They are going to do something about Putin? LOL!!

Big Oil will tell their Congressional toadies what to do. America would never allow Putin to cut off our Middle East oil supply. Even Putin knows that.

we import very little oil from the ME...we get more than double the ME imports from fact we're EXPORTING oil to mexico now...and that hasn't happened in decades...

Yeah. The Saudi king is dirt poor because we don't buy his oil. Ever hear of OPEC?
"It's not even a contest."

Donald Trump said Sunday that the Middle East would be more stable if Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein and Libyan autocrat Muammar Gaddafi were still in power.

When asked on NBC's "Meet the Press" if he thought the region would be "safer" with Hussein and Gaddafi ruling Iraq and Libya, respectively, the real estate mogul and ersatz Republican presidential candidate replied, "It's not even a contest."

Trump reasoned that had the United States not forced Hussein out of power in Iraq, the Islamic State would not have come into existence.

More: Donald Trump: Middle East Would Be Better Off With Saddam, Gaddafi

Amen! I totally agree! Saddam kept the lid on that cesspool.

Of course he's right but we don't get a re-do. The past is prologue. We won't have to worry about it much longer. Putin will be running the Middle East. What we had best do is drill like crazy before Putin cuts off our Middle East oil supply.

You actually think Big Oil would allow that to happen?

Big Oil? You mean the BIg Oil that did squat when a bunch of Turd World Goverments nationalized their oil fields?

They are going to do something about Putin? LOL!!

Big Oil will tell their Congressional toadies what to do. America would never allow Putin to cut off our Middle East oil supply. Even Putin knows that.

Who's going to stop him? Obama? LOL!!
He's right insofar as what has happened after obama. Iraq was stable until obama pulled the rug out and wasted the lives and limbs of all of those soldiers of ours.
Obama is a creepy killer.
Of course he's right but we don't get a re-do. The past is prologue. We won't have to worry about it much longer. Putin will be running the Middle East. What we had best do is drill like crazy before Putin cuts off our Middle East oil supply.

You actually think Big Oil would allow that to happen?

Big Oil? You mean the BIg Oil that did squat when a bunch of Turd World Goverments nationalized their oil fields?

They are going to do something about Putin? LOL!!

Big Oil will tell their Congressional toadies what to do. America would never allow Putin to cut off our Middle East oil supply. Even Putin knows that.

we import very little oil from the ME...we get more than double the ME imports from fact we're EXPORTING oil to mexico now...and that hasn't happened in decades...

Yeah. The Saudi king is dirt poor because we don't buy his oil. Ever hear of OPEC?

irrelevant....we import more oil from canada than the ME. That's a fact.
You actually think Big Oil would allow that to happen?

Big Oil? You mean the BIg Oil that did squat when a bunch of Turd World Goverments nationalized their oil fields?

They are going to do something about Putin? LOL!!

Big Oil will tell their Congressional toadies what to do. America would never allow Putin to cut off our Middle East oil supply. Even Putin knows that.

we import very little oil from the ME...we get more than double the ME imports from fact we're EXPORTING oil to mexico now...and that hasn't happened in decades...

Yeah. The Saudi king is dirt poor because we don't buy his oil. Ever hear of OPEC?

irrelevant....we import more oil from canada than the ME. That's a fact.

Then get ready to import even more from Canada.
Are we to simply excuse the two Bush presidents who invaded Iraq - TWICE?

Both Bush presidents gave us ISIS - especially Bush 43. Not only did Bush 43 lie us into Iraq - his daddy, Bush 41, lied us into the First Gulf War by suckering Saddam into invading Kuwait. The Bushes cost America much prestige, blood and treasure.

Bush 41 suckered Saddam into invading Kuwait by giving him the "green light" via April Glaspie.

It is now more than fifteen years since that fateful meeting on July 25, 1990 between then-US Ambassador to Iraq April Glaspie and President Saddam Hussein that the Iraqi leader interpreted as a "green light" from Washington for his invasion of Kuwait eight days later.

TRANSCRIPT: Is the US State Department still keeping April Glaspie under wraps?

Bush 43 conjured up lies to invade Iraq a 2nd time. He was planning to invade Iraq before 9/11.

"It's not even a contest."

Donald Trump said Sunday that the Middle East would be more stable if Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein and Libyan autocrat Muammar Gaddafi were still in power.

When asked on NBC's "Meet the Press" if he thought the region would be "safer" with Hussein and Gaddafi ruling Iraq and Libya, respectively, the real estate mogul and ersatz Republican presidential candidate replied, "It's not even a contest."

Trump reasoned that had the United States not forced Hussein out of power in Iraq, the Islamic State would not have come into existence.

More: Donald Trump: Middle East Would Be Better Off With Saddam, Gaddafi

Amen! I totally agree! Saddam kept the lid on that cesspool.

You dont even understand the implications of what you just said do you?
Man -- this OP should have come with a poll. Because somehow --- after all these years the partisians from BOTH sides are finally agreeing with me about Iraq back in 1992.. Arabs NEED strongmen regimes. Don't have a clue how to operate a "democracy"..

Problem is --- Lahkota probably LOVES the eight years of bombing Iraq daily under Clinton and the 12 years of starving them of most everything economical. Mad Albright said the 200,000 "containment" casualties were JUSTIFIED..

So if all of you asses and elephants now agree we had no plan and had 12 years of f-ing LOUSY Iraq policy, followed by an unsuccessful 8 years of trying to patch up the damage. ---- why don't you step aside and let the folks "that told you so" take a whack at MidEast policy for awhile. Lord knows -- it couldn't be worse..
Correct answer in 1996 for Iraq is same CORRECT answer now for Syria. As it was the CORRECT answer for Libya, Somalia, Yemen -----

Bomb the strategic targets that could fall into the wrong hands --- and then walk away...
No 20 year tragedy of containment, bombing, starving, invasion, occupation, and lack of a strong sovereign govt.. We should be kissing Assad's ass and apologizing about now..

Just watching us throw those "free syrians" under the Russian bombs ought to make you violently ill.. No matter whether you're left or right. THAT is the reputation of your sucky American policy in the ME..

Repubs SHUN Rand Paul and his father. But had they listened instead of calling them "doves", we would have gotten to the kumbaiya moment a couple decades sooner..
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Big Oil? You mean the BIg Oil that did squat when a bunch of Turd World Goverments nationalized their oil fields?

They are going to do something about Putin? LOL!!

Big Oil will tell their Congressional toadies what to do. America would never allow Putin to cut off our Middle East oil supply. Even Putin knows that.

we import very little oil from the ME...we get more than double the ME imports from fact we're EXPORTING oil to mexico now...and that hasn't happened in decades...

Yeah. The Saudi king is dirt poor because we don't buy his oil. Ever hear of OPEC?

irrelevant....we import more oil from canada than the ME. That's a fact.

Then get ready to import even more from Canada.
When Trump (or another Republican) wins the election, we'll open up new drilling and OPEC and Russia will be fucked financially.
I don't know about Saddam but Libya was no threat to the U.S. or anyone else until Barry Hussein decided to overthrow the Gaddafi regime to make room for the Muslem brotherhood.
I don't know about Saddam but Libya was no threat to the U.S. or anyone else until Barry Hussein decided to overthrow the Gaddafi regime to make room for the Muslem brotherhood.
That's exactly right. He probably had it planned from the beginning of his bogus presidency.
Big Oil? You mean the BIg Oil that did squat when a bunch of Turd World Goverments nationalized their oil fields?

They are going to do something about Putin? LOL!!

Big Oil will tell their Congressional toadies what to do. America would never allow Putin to cut off our Middle East oil supply. Even Putin knows that.

we import very little oil from the ME...we get more than double the ME imports from fact we're EXPORTING oil to mexico now...and that hasn't happened in decades...

Yeah. The Saudi king is dirt poor because we don't buy his oil. Ever hear of OPEC?

irrelevant....we import more oil from canada than the ME. That's a fact.

Then get ready to import even more from Canada.

not a problem....We have enough oil on this continent that we shouldn't have to import ANY from the ME anyway.
Big Oil will tell their Congressional toadies what to do. America would never allow Putin to cut off our Middle East oil supply. Even Putin knows that.

we import very little oil from the ME...we get more than double the ME imports from fact we're EXPORTING oil to mexico now...and that hasn't happened in decades...

Yeah. The Saudi king is dirt poor because we don't buy his oil. Ever hear of OPEC?

irrelevant....we import more oil from canada than the ME. That's a fact.

Then get ready to import even more from Canada.

not a problem....We have enough oil on this continent that we shouldn't have to import ANY from the ME anyway.

How long will it take you to bring it in if you start Monday? Which you won't because your Party won't let you.
Are we to simply excuse the two Bush presidents who invaded Iraq - TWICE?

Both Bush presidents gave us ISIS - especially Bush 43. Not only did Bush 43 lie us into Iraq - his daddy, Bush 41, lied us into the First Gulf War by suckering Saddam into invading Kuwait. The Bushes cost America much prestige, blood and treasure.

Bush 41 suckered Saddam into invading Kuwait by giving him the "green light" via April Glaspie.

It is now more than fifteen years since that fateful meeting on July 25, 1990 between then-US Ambassador to Iraq April Glaspie and President Saddam Hussein that the Iraqi leader interpreted as a "green light" from Washington for his invasion of Kuwait eight days later.

TRANSCRIPT: Is the US State Department still keeping April Glaspie under wraps?

Bush 43 conjured up lies to invade Iraq a 2nd time. He was planning to invade Iraq before 9/11.

While what you claim may hold some amount of truth, it matters little now. Get out of the past and look forward.
we import very little oil from the ME...we get more than double the ME imports from fact we're EXPORTING oil to mexico now...and that hasn't happened in decades...

Yeah. The Saudi king is dirt poor because we don't buy his oil. Ever hear of OPEC?

irrelevant....we import more oil from canada than the ME. That's a fact.

Then get ready to import even more from Canada.

not a problem....We have enough oil on this continent that we shouldn't have to import ANY from the ME anyway.
How long will it take you to bring it in if you start Monday?

say what?
Which you won't because your Party won't let you.
say what, again?

My party? What party? What exactly are you getting at? I'm not very fluent in obtuse

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