trump Mismanagement Helped Fuel Cornonavirus Crisis

Democrat hysteria to hurt Trumps re-election chances are just dispicable panic spreading horse crap. The USA, a hub of global trade, is not even in the top thirty nations for COVID19 cases per million residents.


We are not even in the same galaxy as the number of deaths in Europe, China or Iran.

Go blow you Dimocrat bullshit somewhere else why doncha?
The real danger is that the democrat orchestration of lies is having an effect. Keep in mind that democrats would cheerfully bring the entire country to its knees if it meant them getting power.

The deaths from the corona hoax occurs in homes and hospitals for the very old and already sick. It is not too early to ask if democrat operatives are creating and raising a body count? One hospital reported elderly patients going from healthy to dead in a matter of hours. This is what murder looks like.
The real danger is that the democrat orchestration of lies is having an effect. Keep in mind that democrats would cheerfully bring the entire country to its knees if it meant them getting power.

The deaths from the corona hoax occurs in homes and hospitals for the very old and already sick. It is not too early to ask if democrat operatives are creating and raising a body count? One hospital reported elderly patients going from healthy to dead in a matter of hours. This is what murder looks like.
That is all total bullshit.
“For six weeks behind the scenes, and now increasingly in public, Trump has undermined his administration’s own efforts to fight the coronavirus outbreak — resisting attempts to plan for worst-case scenarios, overturning a public-health plan upon request from political allies and repeating only the warnings that he chose to hear. Members of Congress have grilled top officials like Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar and Centers for Disease Control Director Robert Redfield over the government’s biggest mistake: failing to secure enough testing to head off a coronavirus outbreak in the United States. But many current and former Trump administration officials say the true management failure was Trump’s.” ibid

And of course Trump’s supporters will ignore the facts and truth – just like Trump.

SInce you have no facts and are lying its easy to ignore you. Trump allocated BILLIONS for the CDC to fight this, and Pisslosi and the Dims sat on it for over a month. Travel from the hardest hit areas was halted, and you idiots screamed RACIST! Then later complained he didn’t restrict things enough. Which is it? Whine all you want, but one man can’t stop people like you from acting stupidly. No amount of money thrown at the CDC will stop the spread. Fear mongering and lies from the Dims are the biggest problems.
trump had warning. He had time to get ready for it to come to America. He knew it was coming yet he didn't take the proper steps to help contain and control it.

He was more worried about reelection and himself.

Trump's mismanagement helped fuel coronavirus crisis

Gee whiz. There must be at least eleventy-seven hundred thousand deaths already in the US from that nasty bug. Dang that Trump.
Biden says there have been 154 million deaths caused by the "Trumpvirus" since Jan. 34.

Damn! That plus the 150 million people killed by guns in the US, means there's nobody living in this country.

I wondered why the mailman hasn't shown up yet. Wonder if he shot himself or got the Chinese Death Virus?

lol sounds like all the 'death tolls' the shit for brains attribute to Da Inquisition' and the witch burnings, trying to make Europe look like Muslim rampagings. For those who haven't looked it up, the totals for all three Inquisitions and the alleged 'millions of witches burned' amounted to less than 12,000, over 350 years, for the entire European region.Muslims kill more little boys in gang rapes in Afghanistan in a year than that.
The real danger is that the democrat orchestration of lies is having an effect. Keep in mind that democrats would cheerfully bring the entire country to its knees if it meant them getting power.

The deaths from the corona hoax occurs in homes and hospitals for the very old and already sick. It is not too early to ask if democrat operatives are creating and raising a body count? One hospital reported elderly patients going from healthy to dead in a matter of hours. This is what murder looks like.

If the body count doesn't rise fast enough to suit them they will fall back on infecting a couple of homos in the Bay area; that will create a wave of infections from coast to coast within hours, as the psychos did with AIDS, and still do with antibiotic resistant staph infections, syphilis, and of course they still lead the pack in new HIV infections, as always.. Democrats opposed letting the CDC do anything about stopping the spread of AIDS, so they have experience with generating pandemics to help their political agendas.
trump had warning. He had time to get ready for it to come to America. He knew it was coming yet he didn't take the proper steps to help contain and control it.

He was more worried about reelection and himself.

Trump's mismanagement helped fuel coronavirus crisis

Yep, sadly enough.

Here's a nice profile (2014) of Admiral Tim Ziemer: Helicopter pilot in Vietnam, nominated as Bush's Malaria czar in 2005, then President Obama's Global Pandemic Czar - until he was fired by Trump in 2018, and saw the entire infrastructure disbanded. Because preparing for, and protecting citizens against, global pandemics is a waste of money.

He reorganized and focused the global fight against malaria, to great effect:

Since he took the job in 2006, worldwide malaria deaths have dropped 40 percent, to about 600,000 a year from one million.

“He never seeks the limelight, but he deserves a lot of credit for that,” said Mikkel Vestergaard Frandsen, owner of Vestergaard, the world’s biggest mosquito net maker.

Many countries now use the tactics Admiral Ziemer adopted after demanding proof that they worked. For prevention, they include free distribution of nets impregnated with insecticide, indoor pesticide spraying and routine doses of malaria medicine for pregnant women. For diagnosis and treatment, they include rapid blood tests and pills that combine a new fast-acting Chinese drug, artemisinin, with one of several longer-lasting drugs. [...]

Although he does nothing to court publicity in status-obsessed Washington, many malaria fighters call him one of the most quietly effective leaders in public health. “All the organizations fighting malaria work more closely than they did eight years ago,” said Ray Chambers, the private equity investor and co-founder of Malaria No More who is now the United Nations Secretary General’s Special Envoy for Malaria. “I think that’s due in no small part to Tim and his personality. He’s not seeking individual credit and he works for the team — but his trains run on time.”​

Of course, a dedicated, independent-minded public servant with a track record of enormous efficiency and meticulous, responsible use of public funds, he lacked the skill required to last in this administration, that is, the unquestioning, abject subservience to the Dear Leader. So, quite naturally, he had to be fired.

Here's the list of benighted goofs who find Trump's incompetence and recklessness "funny":

Funny x 12
Death Angel
The Breeze

Belligerently ignorant, and - combined - they're still dumber than an average lamppost, but peerless in their Trump fluffing. A waste of bandwidth and perfectly good oxygen.
Drumpf needs to ask the "shithole" countries in Africa what to do. They only have 3 or 4 cases and no deaths so far. I know one of the cases is an Italian chick.
trump had warning. He had time to get ready for it to come to America. He knew it was coming yet he didn't take the proper steps to help contain and control it.

He was more worried about reelection and himself.

Trump's mismanagement helped fuel coronavirus crisis

How many times are you going to post the same debunked horse crap?

Grow up.

There is no known cure for TDS Fueled© insanity.

That's a disheartening thought. All throughout history mankind has desperately sought to find a cure for the the insidious disease which causes leftists to foam at the mouth and gnaw off their own appendages.

Ancient medical practitioners have tried all manner of things, including trepanning, blood-letting with leeches, even chants and spells to drive out what they suspected were "demons."

It wasn't up until the 20th century that mankind came close to curing the disease that afflicts so many people in this world, using electroshock therapy, lobotomies, and drugs like Thorazine.

There was a renown physician in Chile who came as close to anyone, in the treatment and cure of those poor obsessed leftists. His treatment involved the use of military helicopters and was quite a radical procedure, but the recidivism rate was quite impressive. One hundred percent of his patients were completely cured of their disease...

Augusto Pinochet - Wikipedia
trump had warning. He had time to get ready for it to come to America. He knew it was coming yet he didn't take the proper steps to help contain and control it.

He was more worried about reelection and himself.

Trump's mismanagement helped fuel coronavirus crisis

How many times are you going to post the same debunked horse crap?

Grow up.

There is no known cure for TDS Fueled© insanity.

That's a disheartening thought. All throughout history mankind has desperately sought to find a cure for the the insidious disease which causes leftists to foam at the mouth and gnaw off their own appendages.

Ancient medical practitioners have tried all manner of things, including trepanning, blood-letting with leeches, even chants and spells to drive out what they suspected were "demons."

It wasn't up until the 20th century that mankind came close to curing the disease that afflicts so many people in this world, using electroshock therapy, lobotomies, and drugs like Thorazine.

There was a renown physician in Chile who came as close to anyone, in the treatment and cure of those poor obsessed leftists. His treatment involved the use of military helicopters and was quite a radical procedure, but the recidivism rate was quite impressive. One hundred percent of his patients were completely cured of their disease...

Augusto Pinochet - Wikipedia
Thats bullshit. The Nubians used tetracycline way before that.
trump had warning. He had time to get ready for it to come to America. He knew it was coming yet he didn't take the proper steps to help contain and control it.

He was more worried about reelection and himself.

Trump's mismanagement helped fuel coronavirus crisis

How many times are you going to post the same debunked horse crap?

Grow up.

There is no known cure for TDS Fueled© insanity.

That's a disheartening thought. All throughout history mankind has desperately sought to find a cure for the the insidious disease which causes leftists to foam at the mouth and gnaw off their own appendages.

Ancient medical practitioners have tried all manner of things, including trepanning, blood-letting with leeches, even chants and spells to drive out what they suspected were "demons."

It wasn't up until the 20th century that mankind came close to curing the disease that afflicts so many people in this world, using electroshock therapy, lobotomies, and drugs like Thorazine.

There was a renown physician in Chile who came as close to anyone, in the treatment and cure of those poor obsessed leftists. His treatment involved the use of military helicopters and was quite a radical procedure, but the recidivism rate was quite impressive. One hundred percent of his patients were completely cured of their disease...

Augusto Pinochet - Wikipedia
Thats bullshit. The Nubians used tetracycline way before that.

Wuz dey kangs an shiet?
trump had warning. He had time to get ready for it to come to America. He knew it was coming yet he didn't take the proper steps to help contain and control it.

He was more worried about reelection and himself.

Trump's mismanagement helped fuel coronavirus crisis

How many times are you going to post the same debunked horse crap?

Grow up.

There is no known cure for TDS Fueled© insanity.

That's a disheartening thought. All throughout history mankind has desperately sought to find a cure for the the insidious disease which causes leftists to foam at the mouth and gnaw off their own appendages.

Ancient medical practitioners have tried all manner of things, including trepanning, blood-letting with leeches, even chants and spells to drive out what they suspected were "demons."

It wasn't up until the 20th century that mankind came close to curing the disease that afflicts so many people in this world, using electroshock therapy, lobotomies, and drugs like Thorazine.

There was a renown physician in Chile who came as close to anyone, in the treatment and cure of those poor obsessed leftists. His treatment involved the use of military helicopters and was quite a radical procedure, but the recidivism rate was quite impressive. One hundred percent of his patients were completely cured of their disease...

Augusto Pinochet - Wikipedia
Thats bullshit. The Nubians used tetracycline way before that.

Wuz dey kangs an shiet?
They didnt use the word kings. They were pharaohs.

Ancient brew masters tapped antibiotic secrets

"A chemical analysis of the bones of ancient Nubians shows that they were regularly consuming tetracycline, most likely in their beer. The finding is the strongest evidence yet that the art of making antibiotics, which officially dates to the discovery of penicillin in 1928, was common practice nearly 2,000 years ago."
How many times are you going to post the same debunked horse crap?

Grow up.

There is no known cure for TDS Fueled© insanity.

That's a disheartening thought. All throughout history mankind has desperately sought to find a cure for the the insidious disease which causes leftists to foam at the mouth and gnaw off their own appendages.

Ancient medical practitioners have tried all manner of things, including trepanning, blood-letting with leeches, even chants and spells to drive out what they suspected were "demons."

It wasn't up until the 20th century that mankind came close to curing the disease that afflicts so many people in this world, using electroshock therapy, lobotomies, and drugs like Thorazine.

There was a renown physician in Chile who came as close to anyone, in the treatment and cure of those poor obsessed leftists. His treatment involved the use of military helicopters and was quite a radical procedure, but the recidivism rate was quite impressive. One hundred percent of his patients were completely cured of their disease...

Augusto Pinochet - Wikipedia
Thats bullshit. The Nubians used tetracycline way before that.

Wuz dey kangs an shiet?
They didnt use the word kings. They were pharaohs.

Ancient brew masters tapped antibiotic secrets

"A chemical analysis of the bones of ancient Nubians shows that they were regularly consuming tetracycline, most likely in their beer. The finding is the strongest evidence yet that the art of making antibiotics, which officially dates to the discovery of penicillin in 1928, was common practice nearly 2,000 years ago."

So Tetracycline cures TDS? Great.
The current U.S. population is estimated to be 330,398,837 there are now I believe 24 deaths attributed to the coronavirus you would have to be one major dumbass to consider this mismangement. You want to see what mismangement looks like see China cases 80,754 deaths 3136 and considering China is not known for it's honesty in these type of situations these numbers are likely higher.
There is no known cure for TDS Fueled© insanity.

That's a disheartening thought. All throughout history mankind has desperately sought to find a cure for the the insidious disease which causes leftists to foam at the mouth and gnaw off their own appendages.

Ancient medical practitioners have tried all manner of things, including trepanning, blood-letting with leeches, even chants and spells to drive out what they suspected were "demons."

It wasn't up until the 20th century that mankind came close to curing the disease that afflicts so many people in this world, using electroshock therapy, lobotomies, and drugs like Thorazine.

There was a renown physician in Chile who came as close to anyone, in the treatment and cure of those poor obsessed leftists. His treatment involved the use of military helicopters and was quite a radical procedure, but the recidivism rate was quite impressive. One hundred percent of his patients were completely cured of their disease...

Augusto Pinochet - Wikipedia
Thats bullshit. The Nubians used tetracycline way before that.

Wuz dey kangs an shiet?
They didnt use the word kings. They were pharaohs.

Ancient brew masters tapped antibiotic secrets

"A chemical analysis of the bones of ancient Nubians shows that they were regularly consuming tetracycline, most likely in their beer. The finding is the strongest evidence yet that the art of making antibiotics, which officially dates to the discovery of penicillin in 1928, was common practice nearly 2,000 years ago."

So Tetracycline cures TDS? Great.
Well you gotta remember. Up until Black people educated europe and brought them back from reverting back to the stoneage, white people thought water harbored evil spirits so they took a bath about once every 5 years.
At the end of the day, the only person who can keep themselves safe is themselves. In other words, if more people learned how to be responsible for themselves, maybe there wouldn't be so much blame to go dumping onto anyone else's plate.

God bless you and our leader always!!!


P.S. Forgive me if this is a dumb question, but how many people out there are actually willing to compromise their own well being just to make our leader look bad?

We're just hoping to avoid the plague his mismanagement caused. We are just at the begining of this thing... the markets are crashing, business is declining... I went to a store and some of the shelves are empty, people are hoarding.
Trump’s incompetence is on full display.People are now seeing just how unprepared Trump is for the office. Trump’s mental illness and inability to face reality is exacerbating the crisis. What was Trump tweeting this weekend? Calling the NYTs ‘the enemy of the people.” No wonder the markets are tanking.
Trump was more concerned about the threat to his reelection bid than the threat to citizens.
trump had warning. He had time to get ready for it to come to America. He knew it was coming yet he didn't take the proper steps to help contain and control it.

He was more worried about reelection and himself.

Trump's mismanagement helped fuel coronavirus crisis

You are ridiculous.

January 11th - China informs the WHO that they have a new unidentified Corona Virus.
January 17th - the CDC starts screening people at airports
January 21st - US reports first case.
January 28th - CDC expands screening to dozens of international airports in the US.
January 30th - US quarantines entire plane of people from China.
February 5th - 350 on two chartered flights are quarantined.

This illustrates how utterly stupid you people are.
This thread of yours, is exactly... EXACTLY why Trump will be reelected.

We went from on the 11th, not even knowing what we had to be weary of, to screening airports in a mere 6 days.
We went from having a bran new virus being reported on the 11th, to having hundreds on hundreds of US citizens quarantined, in barely over 3 weeks.

To say that the government did not act fast, is ridiculous. He had warning? What warning? What are you smoking?

Our first reported case, was barely 10 days from the time we even knew there was a new virus in the world. China had kept the information locked down. Remember, one of the first doctors, was arrested and forced to sign papers that he was spreading rumors and disrupting social order.

By the way, this is what happens when government is in control of health care. When politicians reputations are on the line, it's less important to admit what is going on, than it is to pretend everything is fine.

But this idea that we had tons of warnings, when it was barely a week between when we were told about this virus, and when the illness actually showed up in the states, you are crazy. Our government did exactly as they were supposed to do, and honestly I think this is one the few times they acted pretty darn good.
Drumpf needs to ask the "shithole" countries in Africa what to do. They only have 3 or 4 cases and no deaths so far. I know one of the cases is an Italian chick.

All the deaths from their assorted purges, mass rapes, 'revolutions', ebola and AIDS epidemics make it hard for other diseases to take root, or even be noticed.

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