trump mocks GHW Bush at rally

Wow, can you say "hateful overreaction"? Trump made fun of Bush Sr.'s "thousand points of life." So did the Democrats back in 1988 when Bush first started using the phrase in his campaign. S&L mocked Bush for the phrase.
Every day Trump makes Bush look better.

First of all, Bush didn't write that speech. Peggy Noonan wrote it. Second, Bush was a shitty president who didn't have the guts to stand by his promise to not raise taxes. That's how we got President Blowjob. You leftists are some of the biggest hypocrites on the planet.
The Bush men are hinged at the waist....they bend and sway like a dashboard Hula guts no glory......I have more respect for the Bush women than their weak ass gutless husbands.....
First of all, Bush didn't write that speech. Peggy Noonan wrote it. Second, Bush was a shitty president who didn't have the guts to stand by his promise to not raise taxes. That's how we got President Blowjob. You leftists are some of the biggest hypocrites on the planet.

Oh...then Mock away Liar in trump leg humpers are getting more demented every time you defend the indefensible.

The man is an embarrassment to this...once Independent voters cannot be happy with someone who insults everyone....demeaning whichever minority group he chooses....and lowers the standards of the presidency to the level of the 3 Stooges. It is unbelievable that his cult can defend a man who mocks a recent widower......HAVE U NO SHAME?
First of all, Bush didn't write that speech. Peggy Noonan wrote it. Second, Bush was a shitty president who didn't have the guts to stand by his promise to not raise taxes. That's how we got President Blowjob. You leftists are some of the biggest hypocrites on the planet.

So how many speeches does trump write?
I never got that "thousand points of light" thing either.

"Make American Great Again" has so much more meaning.
First of all, Bush didn't write that speech. Peggy Noonan wrote it. Second, Bush was a shitty president who didn't have the guts to stand by his promise to not raise taxes. That's how we got President Blowjob. You leftists are some of the biggest hypocrites on the planet.

Oh...then Mock away Liar in trump leg humpers are getting more demented every time you defend the indefensible.

The man is an embarrassment to this...once Independent voters cannot be happy with someone who insults everyone....demeaning whichever minority group he chooses....and lowers the standards of the presidency to the level of the 3 Stooges. It is unbelievable that his cult can defend a man who mocks a recent widower......HAVE U NO SHAME?
Independent voters are far more unhappy with the direction that the democrat party is heading, if truth be known.
Nobody says that a person has to like the guy, Trump didn't win a popularity contest, he won the presidency of the United States.
Trump has backed what he campaigned on, like no other president in my lifetime.
You lefties are to blame for Trumps success, If Obama hadn't been president, Trump wouldn't have been elected.
If you lefties hadn't put up the likes of Hillary, Trump wouldn't have been elected.
So don't go pointing fingers unless you're looking in the mirror.
First of all, Bush didn't write that speech. Peggy Noonan wrote it. Second, Bush was a shitty president who didn't have the guts to stand by his promise to not raise taxes. That's how we got President Blowjob. You leftists are some of the biggest hypocrites on the planet.

Oh...then Mock away Liar in trump leg humpers are getting more demented every time you defend the indefensible.

The man is an embarrassment to this...once Independent voters cannot be happy with someone who insults everyone....demeaning whichever minority group he chooses....and lowers the standards of the presidency to the level of the 3 Stooges. It is unbelievable that his cult can defend a man who mocks a recent widower......HAVE U NO SHAME?

Sorry your girl lost. You'll have another chance in 2020. Or 2024.
Independent voters are far more unhappy with the direction that the Republican party is heading, if truth be known.

Otherwise, the GOP would not be so far behind in the generic congressional ballot.
Oh...then Mock away Liar in trump leg humpers are getting more demented every time you defend the indefensible.

The man is an embarrassment to this...once
Once proud? Before Bill Clinton spilled cum on the carpet (and Monica's dress). And before Obama used the Oval Office desk for a footrest. Don't talk to me about pride in the office of the President when the last two Democrats defiled it on a regular basis, hypocrite.
First of all, Bush didn't write that speech. Peggy Noonan wrote it. Second, Bush was a shitty president who didn't have the guts to stand by his promise to not raise taxes. That's how we got President Blowjob. You leftists are some of the biggest hypocrites on the planet.

So how many speeches does trump write?
Defending HW now, are we? If Trump criticized MS-13 would you defend them too? Oh, that's right. You already HAVE.
The Trumpians are rabid lemmings. They'll defend the rude, the crass and the indefensible. When Trump acts like an asshole, they act like assholes. Is this a case of birds of a feather or are these rabid lemmings nags just naturally assholes and would act this way no matter how the president acts?
Yep, the polls that called the PV exactly right.

And now, the election is on Trump's character and leadership, and there are no EV to protect his minority.:laughing0301:

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