trump mocks GHW Bush at rally

The Trumpians are rabid lemmings. They'll defend the rude, the crass and the indefensible. When Trump acts like an asshole, they act like assholes. Is this a case of birds of a feather or are these rabid lemmings nags just naturally assholes and would act this way no matter how the president acts?
And Maxine calls for violence against Republicans and left wingers are all too happy to oblige.
Every day Trump makes Bush look better.


Obama dishonored you Brits by sending back a bust of Winston Churchill because he believed Churchill was an irrelevant old dead white guy whose ideas had no place in this time. London also has a Jihadist Muslim mayor who's telling you that terrorist attacks are the new norm. And you subjects act like you're all ok with this? Sounds like you spineless subjects are getting the government you deserve.

I really pity you Brits, how you've fallen. There truly is no longer an "England" anymore.
Yep, the polls that called the PV exactly right.

And now, the election is on Trump's character and leadership, and there are no EV to protect his minority.:laughing0301:
No, the election is gonna be about the violence and corruption of the unhinged left.
The Trumpians are rabid lemmings. They'll defend the rude, the crass and the indefensible. When Trump acts like an asshole, they act like assholes. Is this a case of birds of a feather or are these rabid lemmings nags just naturally assholes and would act this way no matter how the president acts?
And Maxine calls for violence against Republicans and left wingers are all too happy to oblige.
Yeah but...yeah but... yeah but....

I guess you think this redeems Trump.

Yeah but.......
Trump mocks Bush's 1000 Points of Light, #MeToo at rally

Face it RWers....your so called president is a classless jerk. The Oval Office is being occupied by a nasty, knuckle dragging, Bastard....we have never had a Commander in Chief with a mouth that puts drunken sailors to shame.
Perhaps I'm the only one, but I didn't vote Trump for his; moral superiority / exemplification, silky smooth 'polititalk', unoffensive & polite equivocations, PC considerations or geopolitical contriteness!
Does anyone else ever think of someone selling you a bad time share whenever this charlatan takes the stage? After watching the President of the United States of America address citizens, I feel as if I'd like to take a nice hot shower.
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The Trumpians are rabid lemmings. They'll defend the rude, the crass and the indefensible. When Trump acts like an asshole, they act like assholes. Is this a case of birds of a feather or are these rabid lemmings nags just naturally assholes and would act this way no matter how the president acts?
And Maxine calls for violence against Republicans and left wingers are all too happy to oblige.
Yeah but...yeah but... yeah but....

I guess you think this redeems Trump.

Yeah but.......
I don't blame you for not wanting to talk about Maxine and her calls for mob violence. Kinda destroys your argument, doesn't it?
Every day Trump makes Bush look better.


Obama dishonored you Brits by sending back a bust of Winston Churchill because he believed Churchill was an irrelevant old dead white guy whose ideas had no place in this time. London also has a Jihadist Muslim mayor who's telling you that terrorist attacks are the new norm. And you subjects act like you're all ok with this? Sounds like you spineless subjects are getting the government you deserve.

I really pity you Brits, how you've fallen. There truly is no longer an "England" anymore.
I would piss on a bust of Churchill who was no friend to my community. I dont think that Obama did anything on his but if he did I would cheer him . Khan isnt my favourite politician but explain to me what he has got wrong.

This is what he actually said.

Sadiq Khan has said he believes the threat of terror attacks are “part and parcel of living in a big city” and encouraged Londoners to be vigilant to combat dangers.

The Mayor of London revealed he had a “sleepless night” after the recent bombing in New York, and said major cities around the world “have got to be prepared for these sorts of things” to happen when people least expect them.

“That means being vigilant, having a police force that is in touch with communities, it means the security services being ready, but it also means exchanging ideas and best practice”, Mr Khan told the Evening Standard shortly before a meeting with New York mayor Bill de Blasio.

What do you disagree with here ?
You are misinformed and should apologise to the Mayor.

Forgive me if I find the left's sudden respect for George H.W. Bush more than a little phony in fact I suspect when he dies more than a few of you have less than flattering things to say about him.
Wow, can you say "hateful overreaction"? Trump made fun of Bush Sr.'s "thousand points of life." So did the Democrats back in 1988 when Bush first started using the phrase in his campaign. S&L mocked Bush for the phrase.
What other president has made fun of it?
Forgive me if I find the left's sudden respect for George H.W. Bush more than a little phony in fact I suspect when he dies more than a few of you have less than flattering things to say about him.
I always liked him.
Mocks? Almost nobody actually understood the phrase and lefties did everything to ridicule President George H. Bush it including weird cartoons depicting the WW2 hero with crazy eyes and 1000 points of light. Trump never came close to mocking Bush as democrats did at the time but he slyly illustrates the difference between the Bush era of pie in the sky cliche slogans and real agenda. What would lefties do without the tax exempt Media Matters to feed them the daily dose of hate speech pablum?
Trump mocks Bush's 1000 Points of Light, #MeToo at rally

Face it RWers....your so called president is a classless jerk. The Oval Office is being occupied by a nasty, knuckle dragging, Bastard....we have never had a Commander in Chief with a mouth that puts drunken sailors to shame.

Trump performs another miracle.... he gets left wing asshats to defend GHW Bush, a man they hated when he was in office.....
Yep, Trump is déclassé, a bully and a jerk. There is no doubt.

Well Sheite, I will agree with you whole heartedly on the polished presidential aura, brilliantly executed rhetoric, genteel comportment of Obama (by comparison)! Perhaps Biden said it best; " I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy," lol. Now what did all that polish and poise get us through the course of 8 years... A leap toward National crisis, IMHO!
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The Trumpians are rabid lemmings. They'll defend the rude, the crass and the indefensible. When Trump acts like an asshole, they act like assholes. Is this a case of birds of a feather or are these rabid lemmings nags just naturally assholes and would act this way no matter how the president acts?
And Maxine calls for violence against Republicans and left wingers are all too happy to oblige.
Yeah but...yeah but... yeah but....

I guess you think this redeems Trump.

Yeah but.......
I don't blame you for not wanting to talk about Maxine and her calls for mob violence. Kinda destroys your argument, doesn't it?
What argument so youmproffer? Yeah, but...

That lacks nobility.
Wow, can you say "hateful overreaction"? Trump made fun of Bush Sr.'s "thousand points of life." So did the Democrats back in 1988 when Bush first started using the phrase in his campaign. S&L mocked Bush for the phrase.

It was a hateful comment by Trump and it was no joke. The fact that you try to excuse it shows how hateful you are.

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