trump mocks GHW Bush at rally

The Bush men are hinged at the waist....they bend and sway like a dashboard Hula guts no glory......I have more respect for the Bush women than their weak ass gutless husbands.....

I have no respect for assholes like you. You are weak and pathetic to boot. The Bushes have been a class act unlike trash like Trump and supporters like you.
Mocks? Almost nobody actually understood the phrase and lefties did everything to ridicule President George H. Bush it including weird cartoons depicting the WW2 hero with crazy eyes and 1000 points of light. Trump never came close to mocking Bush as democrats did at the time but he slyly illustrates the difference between the Bush era of pie in the sky cliche slogans and real agenda. What would lefties do without the tax exempt Media Matters to feed them the daily dose of hate speech pablum?
A thousand points of light references selfless service to your fellow citizens. I can understand why Trump never understood the phrase as selfless service is nowhere within ten city blocks of Donald Trump.

What I don't understand is how regular Americans don't understand the phrase. They were, not all that long ago, nice people with decent principles. I guess one whiff of that Trump charisma is enough for regular folks to turn into greedy assholes. Lemmings.
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Yep, Trump is déclassé, a bully and a jerk. There is no doubt.

Well Sheite, I will agree with you whole heartedly on the polished presidential aura, brilliantly executed rhetoric, genteel comportment of Obama! Perhaps Biden said it best; " I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy," lol. Now what did all that polish and poise get us through the course of 8 years... A leap toward National crisis, IMHO!

Obama is as popular as he has ever been as well as George W. unlike Trump who is still unpopular.
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The Trumpians are rabid lemmings. They'll defend the rude, the crass and the indefensible. When Trump acts like an asshole, they act like assholes. Is this a case of birds of a feather or are these rabid lemmings nags just naturally assholes and would act this way no matter how the president acts?
And Maxine calls for violence against Republicans and left wingers are all too happy to oblige.

It was Trump who hinted at violence not Waters. I also remember Michelle Fields getting a threat her throat would be cut after she pressed charges for assault against Trump's campaign manager.
Yep, Trump is déclassé, a bully and a jerk. There is no doubt.

Well Sheite, I will agree with you whole heartedly on the polished presidential aura, brilliantly executed rhetoric, genteel comportment of Obama! Perhaps Biden said it best; " I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy," lol. Now what did all that polish and poise get us through the course of 8 years... A leap toward National crisis, IMHO!

O0bama is as popular as he has ever been as well as George W. unlike Trump who is still unpopular.

O and W were equally worthless and detriments to this country.
The dirty little secret is that lefties don't have a thought in their pretty little empty heads. The best they can do is rely on Media Matters for the pablum they need for hate speech designed to try to split the republican base.
Yep, Trump is déclassé, a bully and a jerk. There is no doubt.

Well Sheite, I will agree with you whole heartedly on the polished presidential aura, brilliantly executed rhetoric, genteel comportment of Obama! Perhaps Biden said it best; " I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy," lol. Now what did all that polish and poise get us through the course of 8 years... A leap toward National crisis, IMHO!

O0bama is as popular as he has ever been as well as George W. unlike Trump who is still unpopular.
Is this were I pull out polls of GOP favorability & all that subjectively gathered BS... No, whatever it is it is and projecting partisan stats amt.'s to jack shit in the end. We have a wildly popular and zealously backed President who is the champion for us, his 'deplorable' base! Let the chips fall where they may come election time. I could care less about convincing a progressive that they are going to win or loose in any election. lol...
Wow, can you say "hateful overreaction"? Trump made fun of Bush Sr.'s "thousand points of life." So did the Democrats back in 1988 when Bush first started using the phrase in his campaign. S&L mocked Bush for the phrase.

What other president has made fun of it?

What Democrats mocked his 1,000 points?
Yep, Trump is déclassé, a bully and a jerk. There is no doubt.

Well Sheite, I will agree with you whole heartedly on the polished presidential aura, brilliantly executed rhetoric, genteel comportment of Obama! Perhaps Biden said it best; " I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy," lol. Now what did all that polish and poise get us through the course of 8 years... A leap toward National crisis, IMHO!

O0bama is as popular as he has ever been as well as George W. unlike Trump who is still unpopular.
Is this were I pull out polls of GOP favorability & all that subjectively gathered BS... No, whatever it is it is and projecting partisan stats amt.'s to jack shit in the end. We have a wildly popular and zealously backed President who is the champion for us, his 'deplorable' base! Let the chips fall where they may come election time. I could care less about convincing a progressive that they are going to win or loose in any election. lol...
Trump is popular only with is base and despised by rest of the country.

No one is concerned about a Trumper's feelings at this point.
The democrat Clinton draft dodger establishment thought GHW Bush was an easy target and mocked him in cruel ways at the time even though he was a WW2 hero. Today the freaking left wing idiots think a Media Matters sound bite can split the republican party when the democrat party is so fragmented that they can't decide whether they want to run as capitalists or socialists.
The elections of 2008 and 2012 were significant, and the mainstream GOP loves Bush more than Trump.
Trump mocks Bush's 1000 Points of Light, #MeToo at rally

Face it RWers....your so called president is a classless jerk. The Oval Office is being occupied by a nasty, knuckle dragging, Bastard....we have never had a Commander in Chief with a mouth that puts drunken sailors to shame.

God bless President Donald Trump. He is going to make America great again and is well on his way to doing so. He get's things done, more than any potus before him and he still has time to make liberals wet their panties daily.

I love what he says and especially what he does.
Yep, Trump is déclassé, a bully and a jerk. There is no doubt.

Well Sheite, I will agree with you whole heartedly on the polished presidential aura, brilliantly executed rhetoric, genteel comportment of Obama! Perhaps Biden said it best; " I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy," lol. Now what did all that polish and poise get us through the course of 8 years... A leap toward National crisis, IMHO!

O0bama is as popular as he has ever been as well as George W. unlike Trump who is still unpopular.
Is this were I pull out polls of GOP favorability & all that subjectively gathered BS... No, whatever it is it is and projecting partisan stats amt.'s to jack shit in the end. We have a wildly popular and zealously backed President who is the champion for us, his 'deplorable' base! Let the chips fall where they may come election time. I could care less about convincing a progressive that they are going to win or loose in any election. lol...
Trump is popular only with is base and despised by rest of the country.

No one is concerned about a Trumper's feelings at this point.
Sounds about right... sucks to be y'all, lol.
yabut . . . the Trumpers all look sillier than usual trying cover for this gaffe of Trump

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