trump mocks GHW Bush at rally

Trump mocks Bush's 1000 Points of Light, #MeToo at rally

Face it RWers....your so called president is a classless jerk. The Oval Office is being occupied by a nasty, knuckle dragging, Bastard....we have never had a Commander in Chief with a mouth that puts drunken sailors to shame.

Part of Trump's personality is asshole. Nobody denies it. Some is for entertainment, some by design.

But this wasn't worth a thread IMO. Everything Trump does is declared scandalous by progressives, primarily because they're short on material. Trump's point is Bush's statement was subjective and didn't produce anything, while Trump gets shit done.

Yes it was worth a thread. There are plenty of sane people in this country that have not drunk the Trump Kool-Aid. They care about civility. The Trump supporters are animals who can no longer think for themselves.
Sorry bout that,

1. Yeah that, Thousand Points of Light" was lame, only 1000,...seems kinda like an exclusive org.
2. He was so heavy into the New World Order, BS which is selling this Great Nation to some other Nations, or a so called group of people, or some such BS, which is what a duffass would do.
3. The filthy rich org. where untold wealth is desired to be untold power, NO!

Yep, Trump is déclassé, a bully and a jerk. There is no doubt.

Well Sheite, I will agree with you whole heartedly on the polished presidential aura, brilliantly executed rhetoric, genteel comportment of Obama! Perhaps Biden said it best; " I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy," lol. Now what did all that polish and poise get us through the course of 8 years... A leap toward National crisis, IMHO!

O0bama is as popular as he has ever been as well as George W. unlike Trump who is still unpopular.

O and W were equally worthless and detriments to this country.

Trump and his supporters are worthless trash.

O and his supporters were an abomination and a stain on this country.
Does anyone else ever think of someone selling you a bad time share whenever this charlatan takes the stage? After watching the President of the United States of America address citizens, I feel as if I'd like to take a nice hot shower.
I know exactly how you feel, I felt the same way everytime Obama opened his mouth. And.....before you say or think anything,
that wasn't racist.
Does anyone else ever think of someone selling you a bad time share whenever this charlatan takes the stage? After watching the President of the United States of America address citizens, I feel as if I'd like to take a nice hot shower.
I know exactly how you feel, I felt the same way everytime Obama opened his mouth. And.....before you say or think anything,
that wasn't racist.
I see the benefit of the doubt. But I gotta ask, if it wasn't t racist, what was it?

I mean, I see no nobility in Trump's words. And Trump doesn't have something like a Churchillian mastery of English. And, regrettably, what Trump promotes is an instigational brand of politics. That's always risky as instigation has to be sustained over the long run.

I still believe that people would prefer aspirational politics instead.
Trump mocks Bush's 1000 Points of Light, #MeToo at rally

Face it RWers....your so called president is a classless jerk. The Oval Office is being occupied by a nasty, knuckle dragging, Bastard....we have never had a Commander in Chief with a mouth that puts drunken sailors to shame.

Libs mocked HW too, and it was considered to be "sophisticated" when they did it.

Why is it now considered "classless"?
Trump mocks Bush's 1000 Points of Light, #MeToo at rally

Face it RWers....your so called president is a classless jerk. The Oval Office is being occupied by a nasty, knuckle dragging, Bastard....we have never had a Commander in Chief with a mouth that puts drunken sailors to shame.
So all the leftwing douchebags who mocked Bush when he was in office are "nasty, knuckle dragging, Bastards?"HWB deserves to be mocked. He's one of the main reasons for the rise of the deep state.
Trump mocks Bush's 1000 Points of Light, #MeToo at rally

Face it RWers....your so called president is a classless jerk. The Oval Office is being occupied by a nasty, knuckle dragging, Bastard....we have never had a Commander in Chief with a mouth that puts drunken sailors to shame.
Classless Jerk? Bush was a pu$$y because he allowed obama to talk $hit about him for 8 years. Trump comes along says something and it's all hands on deck. Fvck the bastard.
First of all, Bush didn't write that speech. Peggy Noonan wrote it. Second, Bush was a shitty president who didn't have the guts to stand by his promise to not raise taxes. That's how we got President Blowjob. You leftists are some of the biggest hypocrites on the planet.

So how many speeches does trump write?
Is it relevant?
First of all, Bush didn't write that speech. Peggy Noonan wrote it. Second, Bush was a shitty president who didn't have the guts to stand by his promise to not raise taxes. That's how we got President Blowjob. You leftists are some of the biggest hypocrites on the planet.

Oh...then Mock away Liar in trump leg humpers are getting more demented every time you defend the indefensible.

The man is an embarrassment to this...once Independent voters cannot be happy with someone who insults everyone....demeaning whichever minority group he chooses....and lowers the standards of the presidency to the level of the 3 Stooges. It is unbelievable that his cult can defend a man who mocks a recent widower......HAVE U NO SHAME?
I believe you need to have that TDS checked it's starting to look like you are devoid of reality
Trump mocks Bush's 1000 Points of Light, #MeToo at rally

Face it RWers....your so called president is a classless jerk. The Oval Office is being occupied by a nasty, knuckle dragging, Bastard....we have never had a Commander in Chief with a mouth that puts drunken sailors to shame.

Skull and Bones George H W Bush won't even have to wait in line when he gets to hell...they will push him to the front of the line. You don't know a fucking thing about what he is, what he has done and what that "thousand points of light" speech really referred to which was based on luciferian/Baal worship. Bush is a pedophile and child rapist that prefers fellatio from little black boys....made him feel powerful.

Reference Cathy O'Brien and research the Franklin to be you.
I was laughing my ass off when our President was discussing and joking about the idiocy of the "1,000 points of light" slogan knowing that The Donald knows it was a nefarious NWO slogan.
Again, how petty can you get? You guys look for the most trivial reasons to attack Trump. All Trump did was make fun of Bush's silly phrase "a thousand points of light." FYI, as I mentioned, the Democrats attacked Bush's "thousand points of light" message relentlessly during the 1988 campaign. SNL mocked it in skits.
They love a classless jerk. They are never more happy than when decent Americans are offended.
I've given this phenomenon some serious thought in the months since November 8, 2016.

I have a slightly different spin; namely...

America was sssooo sick-and-tired of the Death-By-A-Thousand-Cuts that LibProgs have been facilitating against White Straight Christian America, that they were even willing to hire such a Creature to sweep aside the LibProg poison, so long as the job got done.

Ya'll, on the other hand, have been blaming everybody BUT yourselves and your twisted LibProg agenda, since November 8, 2016.

Queens of Denial.
Does anyone else ever think of someone selling you a bad time share whenever this charlatan takes the stage? After watching the President of the United States of America address citizens, I feel as if I'd like to take a nice hot shower.
I know exactly how you feel, I felt the same way everytime Obama opened his mouth. And.....before you say or think anything,
that wasn't racist.
I see the benefit of the doubt. But I gotta ask, if it wasn't t racist, what was it?

I mean, I see no nobility in Trump's words. And Trump doesn't have something like a Churchillian mastery of English. And, regrettably, what Trump promotes is an instigational brand of politics. That's always risky as instigation has to be sustained over the long run.

I still believe that people would prefer aspirational politics instead.
Definition of racism
1: a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race
2: a doctrine or political program based on the assumption of racism and designed to execute its principles: a political or social system founded on racism
3: racial prejudice or discrimination
Definition of RACISM

I didn't like any of his policies, Nosmo. They were far too liberal for my liking.
Now connect the dots between what I said and racism.
Maybe give your definition of racism to connect the dots.
Does anyone else ever think of someone selling you a bad time share whenever this charlatan takes the stage? After watching the President of the United States of America address citizens, I feel as if I'd like to take a nice hot shower.

He is probably the most talented carnival barker that God ever created...

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