trump mocks GHW Bush at rally

Yep, the polls that called the PV exactly right.

And now, the election is on Trump's character and leadership, and there are no EV to protect his minority.:laughing0301:
No, the election is gonna be about the violence and corruption of the unhinged left.

So who on the Dem side advocates violence against detractors or has a trained monkey open his rally with "Lock her Up!" The same trained monkey that is now waiting sentencing and spilling his guts to Mueller.
Forgive me if I find the left's sudden respect for George H.W. Bush more than a little phony in fact I suspect when he dies more than a few of you have less than flattering things to say about him.

I voted for GWB. But rather than show him respect....I am pointing out what a classless buffoon that trump is.
GHWB was the epitome of a President, while Trump is just a buffoon and disgrace to the Office.
Wow, can you say "hateful overreaction"? Trump made fun of Bush Sr.'s "thousand points of life." So did the Democrats back in 1988 when Bush first started using the phrase in his campaign. S&L mocked Bush for the phrase.

It was a hateful comment by Trump and it was no joke. The fact that you try to excuse it shows how hateful you are.

Just call the orange clown an asswatt....he is a certified JERK.
GHWB was the epitome of a President, while Trump is just a buffoon and disgrace to the Office.

I respected GHWB. He took care of Saddam and did not leave the ME in flames. Unfortunately...his son was not as kind. We will be paying for the vanishing WMD for generations.

But I would trade W for the Bastard in office now any day of the week.
Forgive me if I find the left's sudden respect for George H.W. Bush more than a little phony in fact I suspect when he dies more than a few of you have less than flattering things to say about him.

I voted for GWB. But rather than show him respect....I am pointing out what a classless buffoon that trump is.
Sure you did the only thing you highlight is what a partisan buffoon you are.
Forgive me if I find the left's sudden respect for George H.W. Bush more than a little phony in fact I suspect when he dies more than a few of you have less than flattering things to say about him.
He spends his cash in Kennebunkport in the summer. He's alright in my book. Order those lobster rolls, my friend!
First of all, Bush didn't write that speech. Peggy Noonan wrote it. Second, Bush was a shitty president who didn't have the guts to stand by his promise to not raise taxes. That's how we got President Blowjob. You leftists are some of the biggest hypocrites on the planet.

Oh...then Mock away Liar in trump leg humpers are getting more demented every time you defend the indefensible.

The man is an embarrassment to this...once Independent voters cannot be happy with someone who insults everyone....demeaning whichever minority group he chooses....and lowers the standards of the presidency to the level of the 3 Stooges. It is unbelievable that his cult can defend a man who mocks a recent widower......HAVE U NO SHAME?


Wow, can you say "hateful overreaction"? Trump made fun of Bush Sr.'s "thousand points of life." So did the Democrats back in 1988 when Bush first started using the phrase in his campaign. S&L mocked Bush for the phrase.
Did you mean "SNL" (Saturday Night Live)? If so, they mock everyone. It is their job, in fact. Not a strong argument here.
Every day Trump makes Bush look better.


Obama dishonored you Brits by sending back a bust of Winston Churchill because he believed Churchill was an irrelevant old dead white guy whose ideas had no place in this time. London also has a Jihadist Muslim mayor who's telling you that terrorist attacks are the new norm. And you subjects act like you're all ok with this? Sounds like you spineless subjects are getting the government you deserve.

I really pity you Brits, how you've fallen. There truly is no longer an "England" anymore.
He returned one bust of Churchill because the WH already had one. That bust is still there.
I love the alt right sillies calling ABC a hate site, in particular when one particular person has been spewing hate here for more than seven years. He needs a tissue.
Yep, Trump is déclassé, a bully and a jerk. There is no doubt.

Well Sheite, I will agree with you whole heartedly on the polished presidential aura, brilliantly executed rhetoric, genteel comportment of Obama (by comparison)! Perhaps Biden said it best; " I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy," lol. Now what did all that polish and poise get us through the course of 8 years... A leap toward National crisis, IMHO!

If Obama's tenure was a leap toward a "national crisis" then Trump's leap is a higher hurdle:

The other North Korea threat -- that almost never gets talked about
Trump never goes after anyone who can defend themselves without getting into the hog pen with him.
He prefers 94-year-old men in wheelchairs who just lost their wife, (the only wife he ever had, not three whores who married him for money).
He prefers to go after a senator dying from brain cancer.
He prefers bigoted slurs for a woman who will absolutely slaughter him in the 2020 debates, and he knows she will.
He's the biggest coward to ever enter the political ring.
Kim Jong Un knows this, too. That's why he's mocking Trump now.
Trump mocks Bush's 1000 Points of Light, #MeToo at rally

Face it RWers....your so called president is a classless jerk...
You may very well prove correct... the indicators DO seem to be there, don't they?

The Oval Office is being occupied by a nasty, knuckle dragging, Bastard....
You may very well prove correct...

...we have never had a Commander in Chief with a mouth that puts drunken sailors to shame.
Oh, I'm not so sure about that... I've read that both Jackson and Grant were pretty damned foul-mouthed, in private and in public.


And these things were known... or strongly suspected... or both... well in advance of November 8, 2016.

So why did The Creature win?

It wasn't the Roooooskies.

It wasn't the Money Men.

It wasn't Gerrymandering.

It was you (Liberals-Progressives-Democrats, collectively) standing alongside Illegal Aliens rather than your own fellow countrymen.

It was you standing alongside Muslims rather than your own people.

It was you 'giving the farm away' with respect to international trade.

It was you grotesquely expanding the Nanny Welfare State at the expense of a shrinking pool of productive people (taxpayers).

It was you normalizing 'gay marriage' - legitimizing sexual deviancy and perversion (homosexuality) through judicial activism, on your watch.

It was you mishandling our war-making capability and causing more problems than you inherited, through your own incompetency.

It was you abandoning mainstream Blue Collar (White Working Class) rank-and-file and leaning too heavily on Blacks and Hispanics and the fringe as your Base.

It was you drawing Red Lines In The Sand (in Syria) for our adversaries and then impotently doing nothing once an Adversary With Balls decided to cross that Line.

It was you leveraging an increasingly Liberal-leaning Mainstream Media to attempt to browbeat The People into submission, 24x7, year after year, over a decade or more.

It was you creating a poisonous climate where Opposition to your Agenda was automatically labeled Politically Incorrect and Racist and Backwards and un-American.

It was you disenfranchising legions of youngsters and activists in the Primaries by failing to provide equal footing for Senator Bernie Sanders alongside your standard bearer.

It was you getting caught at that preferential treatment during the Primaries and being forced to $hitCan your DNC Chair (Wasserman) on the morning of Convention Day 1.

It was your stupidity in appointing a Black as interim DNC chair at a time when you desperately needed the backing of White America in order to stay in power.

It was your candidate's spouse getting caught in a secret meeting on an airport tarmac with the US AG the day before DOJ cleared your candidate of wrongdoing.

If was your candidate lying her a$$ off about inappropriate use of government messaging systems, in connection with a questionable matter (Benghazi) still under scrutiny.

It was your national committee and candidate playing to Minorities and blowing off White Straight Christian America, arrogantly delusional that you no longer needed them.

It was your delusional perception that you did not need to invest time and effort in States other than those which traditionally supported (past tense) your party.

It was you fielding an incredibly $hitty candidate with more horns on her (and her hubby) than one can easily count, who offered nothing other than counterpointing.

And then you idiots double-down on Stupid after the election and appoint a Hispanic as DNC Chair and a frigging Muslim as DNC Vice-Chair. You can't make this $hit up !!!

You (collectively) have lost your way; you continue to delude yourselves about why you lost; you continue to delude yourselves that Minorities and Other Liberals are enough.

You've (oh-so-deservedly) had your a$$e$ kicked, and will have them kicked again, because you've grown (collectively) too thick-headed to learn from your mistakes.


Until you manage to get your (collective) head out of your a$$, and regain your pragmatism, all you've got is Ankle-Biting like this Trump-disses-HW happy hor$e$hit.

It doesn't sit well with me either, but what can you expect from The Creature that your own stupidity loosed upon our beloved Republic?
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Forgive me if I find the left's sudden respect for George H.W. Bush more than a little phony in fact I suspect when he dies more than a few of you have less than flattering things to say about him.
He spends his cash in Kennebunkport in the summer. He's alright in my book. Order those lobster rolls, my friend!
Good for you like I said I suspect when he passes away the hate will come out not from everyone but from a lot of people.

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