Trump: More fraud

Do I know how to get rid of pismoe and Slyhunter or just what?

Doesn't matter cuz the gullible RWNJ dupes want to vote for a crooked thug. They want to vote for Drumpf because he will finish the job of taking down the US that the Bushes and other Repubs started.

That is their goal.
----------------------------------- take down the USA , the way things are going that has been mrobamas work while the Trump will do his job of making America Great Again Luddley !!
Do I know how to get rid of pismoe and Slyhunter or just what?

Doesn't matter cuz the gullible RWNJ dupes want to vote for a crooked thug. They want to vote for Drumpf because he will finish the job of taking down the US that the Bushes and other Repubs started.

That is their goal.
----------------------------------- take down the USA , the way things are going that has been mrobamas work while the Trump will do his job of making America Great Again Luddley !!

Your idea of "making American great again" is screwing over the American worker to hire foreigners and illegals.

And, I'm sick to death of the RWNJs whining about how their own country isn't great and then, in the next sentence, worshiping Pooting. Honestly, you disgust me. You really do.


No. Compare the articles and the dates of the articles. And try thinking for yourself instead of believing the shit Brietbart spews.
Trump says , rebuild USA military , do some water boarding and then some carpet bombing . Trump says that Guns are good , islam is messed up and that the newly elected muslim mayor of londonistan is a wanker . Trump says build the border wall and deport those that need deporting . What more could an American want Luddley ??
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------------------------------------ where did Luddley go , where are you Luddley ??? Slyhunter posted some interesting info for you Luddley !!

Jesus H Fucking Christ

You people really cannot READ.

Hint: check the date of that OLD article.

And then, :anj_stfu:
It says he won.
It says his university had some value.
It says his students rated the school Above average.
You did read those parts right?
Let me ask you something, when a scammer scams a victim, does the victim know they are being scammed, when they are being scammed, or do they find out AFTER they have been scammed, that they were scammed?

The questionnaire on what they rated the course, was BEFORE they realized they had been scammed.
------------------- if so the dummies sound like the millenial generation . They sound like women who wait 4 - 10 - 20 years before reporting a rape . Anyway , if i was asked to rate anything before i tried it i would tell the guy looking for the rating to drop dead !! Course , i ain't a millenial type Care 4 All !!
Trump says , rebuild USA military , do some water boarding and then some carpet bombing . Trump says that Guns are good , islam is messed up and that the newly elected muslim mayor of londonistan is a wanker . Trump says build the border wall and deport those that need deporting . What more could an American want Luddley ??

Our military isn't brken and doesn't need "rebuilding". Quit reading the GOP lies designed to enrich the 1%.

Water boarding does not work and is the opposite of American values.

Carpet bombing is stupid and would kill mostly innocents and maybe an occasional terrorist.

and so on and so on and so on and so on


You always post the same knee jerk, brainless RWNJ drivel and you know what? I always get the distinct feeling you KNOW its RWNJ brainless drivel.

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