Trump More Like NAZI Fuhrer As He Orders Free Press Halted

I don't think you people know what a fascist is.
It's anyone who doesn't agree with them this whole crying Nazi or fascist stuff is the updated version of the boy who cried wolf.

Yeah....that explains why they call everyone "nazicons". Nazi will soon join racist and bigot as overused and overplayed

Agreed, it's already overused and overplayed....witness everyone who disagrees with allowing hundreds of thousands of so-called refugees into our nations, we're immediately called racist and Nazi.

The problem with the Left, they hypocritically scream about their love of Free Speech, yet if anyone disagrees with them they scream and shout the person down to try and shut them up....the Left aren't so fond of Free Speech then are they?
The left blames the right for fear mongering, then the play this card. You can't make this up, the left has gone crazy.

The Left has always been crazy. They've just gone totally off the deep-end now is all, which was bound to happen. Leftism is a mental illness.
Donald Trump Threatens to Sue T-Shirt Company for Mocking Him
First Amendment expert Professor Eugene Volokh writes at The Volokh Conspiracy that Trump would almost certainly fail in court. “Trump doesn’t have a case here,” he argues. “Political criticism of this sort — even political criticism that’s sold for money — isn’t covered by trademark law, even when the subject’s name is a valid trademark…”

LOL Fascist pussy will not win...he is a public figure LOL

But IF Donald Trump was black, they'd probably find a way to demand he be allowed to sue the t-shirt company. Black Lives Matter thugs would help as would the Race-Baitor-In-Chief in the WH.
But IF Donald Trump was black, they'd probably find a way to demand he be allowed to sue the t-shirt company. Black Lives Matter thugs would help as would the Race-Baitor-In-Chief in the WH.
Yeah LOL the Blacks are lording it over you ...poor poor pitiful victim..effing Moron...whiny losah...
But IF Donald Trump was black, they'd probably find a way to demand he be allowed to sue the t-shirt company. Black Lives Matter thugs would help as would the Race-Baitor-In-Chief in the WH.
Yeah LOL the Blacks are lording it over you ...poor poor pitiful victim..effing Moron...whiny losah...

The blacks aren't lording it over anyone. I think the majority of normal people are just tired already of THEIR whining and constant demands that we white people somehow OWE them something.
Really? But they're mostly dead, and I suspect they would have been opposed to gay marriage, gays and blacks in an integrated military, and as they learned more about Mussolini and HItler I suppose they abhorred them too.

They're dead? You lefties are keeping them alive and well. Along with Marx and Engels.

How convenient is to claim they're dead, and blaming fascism and nazism on the right, when you lefties are the only ones that are keeping them alive.

An honest assessment of the Right Wing in America today, and the rhetoric of several of those running for the Republican Nomination, cannot dispute the similarity with these 14 points:

There is nothing honest in anything that comes from the left. Every single idea and solution that comes from the left, weather a 100 years ago, or today, is based on a deception and lies.

Dr. Lawrence Britt has examined the fascist regimes of Hitler (Germany), Mussolini (Italy), Franco (Spain), Suharto (Indonesia) and several Latin American regimes. Britt found 14 defining characteristics common to each:

It's easier to tell the story then to tell the truth.

First of all, as I said before, you don't know what fascism is, not even a slightest clue. If you did know, you wouldn't defend your "knowledge" with Britt's "warning signs" he used to criticize Bush, but defining Obama just as well or even better. Second, Lawrence Britt is not a doctor and he's "political scholar" as much as any frequent visitor of "politics" or "current events" on this board, for many of which I have more respect then for some discredited political attention whores.

And third, you completely ignored my question that was the main reason I addressed you in the previous post, so I'll ask again: Would you rather be a fascist or communist?

First, your rant proves two things:
  1. ”If you have to insist that you've won an Internet argument, you've probably lost badly (Danth's Law)
  2. You haven't read my first post on fascism.
I'm a pragmatist; a Secular Humanist if you need a label and I reject the ism's of Fascism Communism and Conservatism as impractical and immoral.
Really? But they're mostly dead, and I suspect they would have been opposed to gay marriage, gays and blacks in an integrated military, and as they learned more about Mussolini and HItler I suppose they abhorred them too.

They're dead? You lefties are keeping them alive and well. Along with Marx and Engels.

How convenient is to claim they're dead, and blaming fascism and nazism on the right, when you lefties are the only ones that are keeping them alive.

An honest assessment of the Right Wing in America today, and the rhetoric of several of those running for the Republican Nomination, cannot dispute the similarity with these 14 points:

There is nothing honest in anything that comes from the left. Every single idea and solution that comes from the left, weather a 100 years ago, or today, is based on a deception and lies.

Dr. Lawrence Britt has examined the fascist regimes of Hitler (Germany), Mussolini (Italy), Franco (Spain), Suharto (Indonesia) and several Latin American regimes. Britt found 14 defining characteristics common to each:

It's easier to tell the story then to tell the truth.

First of all, as I said before, you don't know what fascism is, not even a slightest clue. If you did know, you wouldn't defend your "knowledge" with Britt's "warning signs" he used to criticize Bush, but defining Obama just as well or even better. Second, Lawrence Britt is not a doctor and he's "political scholar" as much as any frequent visitor of "politics" or "current events" on this board, for many of which I have more respect then for some discredited political attention whores.

And third, you completely ignored my question that was the main reason I addressed you in the previous post, so I'll ask again: Would you rather be a fascist or communist?

"They're dead? You lefties are keeping them alive and well. Along with Marx and Engels.

How convenient is to claim they're dead, and blaming fascism and nazism on the right, when you lefties are the only ones that are keeping them alive."

It is all rather pathetic, dragging up Hitler and Stalin....I mean they need to change the record already.

They've tried to change the record, if by "record" you mean history.
I don't think you people know what a fascist is.
It's anyone who doesn't agree with them this whole crying Nazi or fascist stuff is the updated version of the boy who cried wolf.

The worst ones are the Antifa crowd.

The Moderates I find that one can have a rational conversation with, even if there's some disagreement about things. The Antifa crowd, who are basically willing to at the drop of a hat turn into violent psychopaths, it's utterly impossible to even communicate with, never mind even attempt to approach to have any sort of rational conversation with.
On June 28, the Daily Stormer, America’s most popular neo-Nazi news site, endorsed Trump for President, urging white men to “vote for the first time in our lives for the one man who actually represents our interests.”

The editor of the white nationalist magazine American Renaissance, Jared Taylor, boasted that while Trump “would repudiate any association with people like me, but his support comes from people who are more like me than he might like to admit.”
The white supremacists flocking to Donald Trump
On June 28, the Daily Stormer, America’s most popular neo-Nazi news site, endorsed Trump for President, urging white men to “vote for the first time in our lives for the one man who actually represents our interests.”

The editor of the white nationalist magazine American Renaissance, Jared Taylor, boasted that while Trump “would repudiate any association with people like me, but his support comes from people who are more like me than he might like to admit.”
The white supremacists flocking to Donald Trump

The black supremacists support Obama....Black Lives Matter, Nation of Islam being the two most infamous of the black supremacist groups.
Ok. Look. I am somewhat of an amatuer enthusiast about nazis and Jews. I can say with limited authority that Trump is not a Nazi and certainly not a bigot.

I like Trump. He's a nic man.

The confusion arises because he is independently wealthy. He is not beholden to capito-nazis.

Everyone is a fascist, deep down.
Deep down and all the way to the tip of your pointy head is Pura Carne. You're a meat head.
The US has a fascist form of govt. Yes. Corporations are people too!
" 'American Fascism.' It's the control of government by big business, which Franklin Delano Roosevelt defined in 1938 as fascism,"
Nader( a real patriot)
View attachment 55686
Im a meat body too. You better not e face to face with me in a battle. I'm emotionally soft, but physically... I will demolish you.
On June 28, the Daily Stormer, America’s most popular neo-Nazi news site, endorsed Trump for President, urging white men to “vote for the first time in our lives for the one man who actually represents our interests.”

The editor of the white nationalist magazine American Renaissance, Jared Taylor, boasted that while Trump “would repudiate any association with people like me, but his support comes from people who are more like me than he might like to admit.”
The white supremacists flocking to Donald Trump

The black supremacists support Obama....Black Lives Matter, Nation of Islam being the two most infamous of the black supremacist groups.
Louis Farrakhan depicted attorney Benjamin Crump, Jesse Jackson, Barak Obama, and Eric Holder as part of what he called the “pacifiers” and “cowardly punkified black leadership.” He said these people are trying to stop the explosion of justifiable violence against “the white man’s tyranny on black people.”

Obama was especially single out as a bad black leader. Obama is responsible for killing Libyan dictator Qaddafi, the largest financial supporter of the Nation of Islam. Farrakhan denounced Obama as being controlled by wealthy Jewish backers at the time."
Farrakhan green-lights violence, calls for racial holy war at massive rally
Ok. Look. I am somewhat of an amatuer enthusiast about nazis and Jews. I can say with limited authority that Trump is not a Nazi and certainly not a bigot.

I like Trump. He's a nic man.

The confusion arises because he is independently wealthy. He is not beholden to capito-nazis.

Everyone is a fascist, deep down.
Deep down and all the way to the tip of your pointy head is Pura Carne. You're a meat head.
The US has a fascist form of govt. Yes. Corporations are people too!
" 'American Fascism.' It's the control of government by big business, which Franklin Delano Roosevelt defined in 1938 as fascism,"
Nader( a real patriot)
View attachment 55686
Im a meat body too. You better not e face to face with me in a battle. I'm emotionally soft, but physically... I will demolish you.

Opting to threats, how juvenile of you.
Trump maybe a fascist, but that's not the story. The important takeaway from his rise to the top, is that he is supported by at least 25% of the current iteration of the Republican Party and a number of those who claim no party allegiance.

The once and no more GOP has fractured and the schism continues to widen. No longer does the party claim to be compassionate, have a big tent or to put country first. Each set within the party now seeks power, and given this singular motive anyone of its sets will be unable to govern in the best interests of all of the people.

Good points.

Trump has lied repeatedly and they defend him. Now he has made fun of a handicapped man and they're defending him. And with every lie, he demands an apology when he gets caught and the low-info types defend him.

Every time, I wonder how much lower he and they will go and the next day, they go even lower.

I recently heard that if the polls are averaged, it comes out to be something less than 30% support his fascist dictator plans for the country.

The good news is that means 70% do not.

I've also read that actual Republicans are very busy, behind the scenes, plotting his political demise.

And we've got another year of being entertained by this blowhard empty suit.
Ok. Look. I am somewhat of an amatuer enthusiast about nazis and Jews. I can say with limited authority that Trump is not a Nazi and certainly not a bigot.

I like Trump. He's a nic man.

The confusion arises because he is independently wealthy. He is not beholden to capito-nazis.

Everyone is a fascist, deep down.
Deep down and all the way to the tip of your pointy head is Pura Carne. You're a meat head.
The US has a fascist form of govt. Yes. Corporations are people too!
" 'American Fascism.' It's the control of government by big business, which Franklin Delano Roosevelt defined in 1938 as fascism,"
Nader( a real patriot)
View attachment 55686
Im a meat body too. You better not e face to face with me in a battle. I'm emotionally soft, but physically... I will demolish you.

Opting to threats, how juvenile of you.
yes, I have arrested development, but when im not screaming rhetoric, im bashing breaches In walls
First, your rant proves two things:
  1. ”If you have to insist that you've won an Internet argument, you've probably lost badly (Danth's Law)
  2. You haven't read my first post on fascism.
First you have to prove that I insisted on winning the argument. Hint - I haven't.

Now, have I won the argument? I didn't have to, you lost it by quoting "doctor" Lawrence Britt.

Also, you avoided to answer my direct question two times, and that pretty much put you in troll category.

Let's try one more time: Would you rather be a fascist or communist?

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