Trump must enact rules on banks so that a financial crisis never happens again. NEVER AGAIN, FOLKS!

here's the bottom line, my friends: big bankers made a fortune by cheating people & stealing money

bank regulators knew about the swindle and could have shut it down, but did nothing.

30 million people became jobless. 10 million people became homeless.

thousands of suicides were linked to the financial crisis.

the 2008 crash cost the economy 22 trillion and more human pain than anyone could ever count.

The regulators were working for evil.
oh, and here's a good idea, my friends: when CEOs break the law, they should go to jail, just like everyone else.

my friends, the words chiseled in the stone above the supreme court are EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER THE LAW. they are not followed by EXCEPT FOR CORPORATE EXECUTIVES
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my friends, these big banks are like terrorists. the last financial bomb was nearly fatal to the american economy. we survived, but we cant afford another hit, my friends.
i'm saying "my friends" a lot because i wanted to sound like FDR. he also was tough on banks.
my friends, these big banks are like terrorists. the last financial bomb was nearly fatal to the american economy. we survived, but we cant afford another hit, my friends.
That was just the subprime mortgage bomb. Wait until the other shoe drops, the corporate debt bomb.
this big, dynamic, complicated economy of ours needs basic regulations in place, my friends, to make sure markets work.

its not hard to come up with some straightforward rules that can make an enormous difference, my friends.
my friends, the only way banks should be able to make profit is to make sure they repaid their loans on time
Of note is all these elected officials who legislated deregulation are millionaires now.....~S~
I would like to see an insurable interest requirement for all credit default swaps. It is amazing to me such a regulation does not exist to this day. The lack of this requirement played a big part in the last crash.
That still turns my head round & my understanding (limited) the entire scenario orbits profiting on an impending failure.....

this big, dynamic, complicated economy of ours needs basic regulations in place, my friends, to make sure markets work.

We had 'em, they broke ' i don't profess intricate knowlege beyond what i read.....but it would appear the punsihment (if any) justifies the crime.....

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

rule number 1: never lose money.

rule number 2: never forget rule number 1
here's the bottom line, my friends: big bankers made a fortune by cheating people & stealing money

bank regulators knew about the swindle and could have shut it down, but did nothing.

30 million people became jobless. 10 million people became homeless.

thousands of suicides were linked to the financial crisis.

the 2008 crash cost the economy 22 trillion and more human pain than anyone could ever count.

Banks did not cause 30 million people to become jobless.

If I own a business, and the business is profitable, what do you think a bank is going to do to force me to lay people off?

Banks did not cause people to lose jobs.

Nor can rules on banks prevent a crash. Regulation is what caused the crash.
here's the bottom line, my friends: big bankers made a fortune by cheating people & stealing money

bank regulators knew about the swindle and could have shut it down, but did nothing.

30 million people became jobless. 10 million people became homeless.

thousands of suicides were linked to the financial crisis.

the 2008 crash cost the economy 22 trillion and more human pain than anyone could ever count.

Obama already did that. Trump rolled back the laws and regulations Obama signed into law because he’s undoing everything OBama did.
here's the bottom line, my friends: big bankers made a fortune by cheating people & stealing money

bank regulators knew about the swindle and could have shut it down, but did nothing.

30 million people became jobless. 10 million people became homeless.

thousands of suicides were linked to the financial crisis.

the 2008 crash cost the economy 22 trillion and more human pain than anyone could ever count.

Banks did not cause 30 million people to become jobless.

If I own a business, and the business is profitable, what do you think a bank is going to do to force me to lay people off?

Banks did not cause people to lose jobs.

Nor can rules on banks prevent a crash. Regulation is what caused the crash.

Please refrain from commenting on economics until you learn simple basic things.

If you own a business that is profitable, and your banker fears a recession or that your industry could have setbacks, and he cancellations your line of credit, and calls your loan, you’re out of business which is what happened in to a lot of businesses in 2008.
here's the bottom line, my friends: big bankers made a fortune by cheating people & stealing money

bank regulators knew about the swindle and could have shut it down, but did nothing.

30 million people became jobless. 10 million people became homeless.

thousands of suicides were linked to the financial crisis.

the 2008 crash cost the economy 22 trillion and more human pain than anyone could ever count.

Obama already did that. Trump rolled back the laws and regulations Obama signed into law because he’s undoing everything OBama did.

Indeed he is, as he was elected to do.
here's the bottom line, my friends: big bankers made a fortune by cheating people & stealing money

bank regulators knew about the swindle and could have shut it down, but did nothing.

30 million people became jobless. 10 million people became homeless.

thousands of suicides were linked to the financial crisis.

the 2008 crash cost the economy 22 trillion and more human pain than anyone could ever count.
What rules would you like to see Trump enact?
Sell the GSEs and FHA.

Also FDIC insurance applies only to banks with no derivative exposure at all: take deposits, make loans, that's it

My work here is done

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