Trump Names Islamic Guard Terror Group

They may terrorize Iranians as much as anyone else. It's sort of a unique group in that it certainly does ferment terror, but it's also first and foremost about internal "security" and they were on "our side" in Iraq v ISIS.

More shit Trump throws against wall

More uninformed stupidity by another dumbass dimocrap.

Try reading somebody that knows what he's talking about for a change --

Brett Velicovich: Designation of Iran’s IRGC as a terror group is long overdue

Furthermore, much of the turmoil we see around the world is a direct result of the actions of the IRGC and state sponsorship of terrorism by Iran. From conflicts in Syria and Lebanon to Yemen and Venezuela, Iran’s proxy groups that fall under the purview of the IRGC are covertly involved in terrorist operations that escalate chaos in support of their broader agenda. More specifically within the IRGC, a small branch of rogue elements known as the IRGC-“Quds Force,” led by none other than Major General Qasem Soleimani, exports terrorism and funds their operations through illicit activities including Illegal arms sales, front companies, and the drug trade.

I’ve personally witnessed that terrorism first hand.
Try r e a d I n g. See I went slow for y o u.

The Republican Guard undeniably helps terror groups outside Iran. What's unique about them is that they do more. And they bucked up Iraq's army after we failed.
Try r e a d I n g. See I went slow for y o u.

The Republican Guard undeniably helps terror groups outside Iran. What's unique about them is that they do more. And they bucked up Iraq's army after we failed.

What the FUCK is 'unique' about that, numbskull?

In every single totalitarian state that has ever existed since the beginning of fucking time, the rulers have had control of the Army and they use their Army to suppress their own people. Every time.

You're a little late to the party, aren't you?

Try reading some history.

Or not. Maybe Comedy Central will cover it someday and you'll be 'woke' to it

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