Trump Negotiating Peace Barry Believed Would Never Be

Barry tried to alter Israel's election to overthrow its govt while arming and negotiating with Israel's enemies...

President Trump is actually negotiating peace between Israel & Middle Eastern nations...

Horse Feathers. Iran has been instrument in driving those nations together. In the old Tradition, the Jews and the Arabs always got along for thousands of years. In the last 1000 years, it's been the Persians that have been the enemy of everyone else including the Arabs and Jews. There has been backroom deals going on all along between the Arab Countries and Israel for quite some time. Rump really had nothing to do with it. It's another case of Rump taking credit for someone elses accomplishments.
So do you think this is a good thing (the peace deals) or a bad thing.

Not worth answering. Ask a better question.
Barry tried to alter Israel's election to overthrow its govt while arming and negotiating with Israel's enemies...

President Trump is actually negotiating peace between Israel & Middle Eastern nations...

Obama didn't earn a Nobel Peace Prize, but got one anyway.

Trump is earning a Nobel Peace Prize in the Middle East, but will never get one.

It's really not a peace prize, it's the International Leftists Man of the Year award

The Arab Countries were already working with Israel for many years. They fear Iran much more than Israel. They also see the benefits of getting their hands on some of Israels military and tech stuff and knowledge. Iran has nothing to offer except more terrorist support. The real people that should be nominated should be the two from the two countries that brought their countries to agree to this agreement in the open.

Yes, the Nobel Peace Prize has become a Political tool and Rump plays that stage well. He's trying to grab for of other peoples blood sweat and tears. He probably leaked it and left them no choice but to admit to it publicly. If he wants to really bring peace to the middle east he needs to find a way to isolate Iran from spreading the Terrorism they export. Until, He's nothing but a liar, thief and a cheat.
Barry tried to alter Israel's election to overthrow its govt while arming and negotiating with Israel's enemies...

President Trump is actually negotiating peace between Israel & Middle Eastern nations...

Obama didn't earn a Nobel Peace Prize, but got one anyway.

Trump is earning a Nobel Peace Prize in the Middle East, but will never get one.

It's really not a peace prize, it's the International Leftists Man of the Year award

The Arab Countries were already working with Israel for many years. They fear Iran much more than Israel. They also see the benefits of getting their hands on some of Israels military and tech stuff and knowledge. Iran has nothing to offer except more terrorist support. The real people that should be nominated should be the two from the two countries that brought their countries to agree to this agreement in the open.

Yes, the Nobel Peace Prize has become a Political tool and Rump plays that stage well. He's trying to grab for of other peoples blood sweat and tears. He probably leaked it and left them no choice but to admit to it publicly. If he wants to really bring peace to the middle east he needs to find a way to isolate Iran from spreading the Terrorism they export. Until, He's nothing but a liar, thief and a cheat.

That's pretty funny. Your first post is a serious attempt to be rational, then your second post shows you're completely insane and full of nothing but vitriol and hate. And "Rump," ooohhhh, how third grade of you. Was this a joke?
Barry tried to alter Israel's election to overthrow its govt while arming and negotiating with Israel's enemies...

President Trump is actually negotiating peace between Israel & Middle Eastern nations...

Horse Feathers. Iran has been instrument in driving those nations together. In the old Tradition, the Jews and the Arabs always got along for thousands of years. In the last 1000 years, it's been the Persians that have been the enemy of everyone else including the Arabs and Jews. There has been backroom deals going on all along between the Arab Countries and Israel for quite some time. Rump really had nothing to do with it. It's another case of Rump taking credit for someone elses accomplishments.
Yeah, Iran just loves Israel, which is why the occasionally lobbed a few missiles towards Israel during the Gulf War in hopes of dragging Israel into the c[inflict, inflaming the entire M.E. against Israel...

Do you think before you post these things or just let the dumb shot fly from your head onto the board?

Iran isn't Arab. Neither is Syria nor is Turkey. They are Persian. You have zero knowledge of the whole situation. Damn, talking with you, I just lost one IQ point. I can't afford to converse with you too many times.
You do know that the Arabs conquered Persia in 651 AD. History must not be one of your strong points.

Every St Pats day, the Irish are Irish once again. The Jews are still believe in the old Holy Land that dates back before that. The Muslims are still trying to take over the entire World. The Russian Government is still trying to take over the world. And Alexander defeated the Persians in 331 120 years before the creation of the Islamic Religion.

The Ottoman Empire was considered Persian since it occupied much of the same territories that the old Persian Empire did. The reason the Person Empire failed wasn't because Alexander was so brilliant it was because the Persian Government was at the end of it's decline and it's Pegan Gods would no longer show it favor. That happened in 331. But when Alexander fell the Ottoman Empire took over. Suleiman I brought the whole region back together. And, yes, he was a Muslim. But it was a different Islam than today. Christian, Jews, Peaceful Muslims and even those of the old ways all lived in harmony. Of course, there was another group of Muslims that couldn't live with anyone that thought different than they did. Suleiman handled it like the Ottoman Empire that replace him the same way. Swift and deadly. I know you don't know about the two sons, one controlled on region while the other controlled the other. They were the two sons of the Founder of Islam. They went to war against each other constantly.

But none of this has anything to do with the heritage of the Arabs and Persians. It's in the Blood. The Palistinians work it for all it's worth in their favor but in the end, Arab Blood runs deep. And I don't find it strange that the traditional Arab countries are making Peace with Israel since that goes back almost 2000 years. You don't understand it because you don't have a 2000 year old heritage. In fact, you don't have a heritage at all. If you did, you would understand that part of the world better.
The 9/11 attacks were likely orchestrated by Israel's Mossad...for the explicit purpose of spurring the U.S. to attack Israel's Muslim neighbors whom they dont want to share 1/4 of the world with. It served very much the same purpose as Pearl Harbor did, except Pearl Harbor wasnt a false flag blamed on a different group.
You are an anti-Semitic idiot. The identities of the attackers have already been made, as has their reason / agenda behind it. None of it has anything to do with Israel.
Barry started more wars, dragged us into more wars, & supposed and funded more terrorist military attacks than Trump has negotiated peace deals, which stands at 4...and Barry was given a NPP....for 'potential'.

Barry tried to alter Israel's election to overthrow its govt while arming and negotiating with Israel's enemies...

President Trump is actually negotiating peace between Israel & Middle Eastern nations...

Obama didn't earn a Nobel Peace Prize, but got one anyway.

Trump is earning a Nobel Peace Prize in the Middle East, but will never get one.

It's really not a peace prize, it's the International Leftists Man of the Year award

The Arab Countries were already working with Israel for many years. They fear Iran much more than Israel. They also see the benefits of getting their hands on some of Israels military and tech stuff and knowledge. Iran has nothing to offer except more terrorist support. The real people that should be nominated should be the two from the two countries that brought their countries to agree to this agreement in the open.

Yes, the Nobel Peace Prize has become a Political tool and Rump plays that stage well. He's trying to grab for of other peoples blood sweat and tears. He probably leaked it and left them no choice but to admit to it publicly. If he wants to really bring peace to the middle east he needs to find a way to isolate Iran from spreading the Terrorism they export. Until, He's nothing but a liar, thief and a cheat.

Trump farting about in the Middle East as the USA burns through multiples crises shows how desperate Trump is to distract the American people from his failures to govern the nation effectively. Most Americans couldn't find Bahrain on a map.
Barry tried to alter Israel's election to overthrow its govt while arming and negotiating with Israel's enemies...

President Trump is actually negotiating peace between Israel & Middle Eastern nations...

Obama didn't earn a Nobel Peace Prize, but got one anyway.

Trump is earning a Nobel Peace Prize in the Middle East, but will never get one.

It's really not a peace prize, it's the International Leftists Man of the Year award

The Arab Countries were already working with Israel for many years. They fear Iran much more than Israel. They also see the benefits of getting their hands on some of Israels military and tech stuff and knowledge. Iran has nothing to offer except more terrorist support. The real people that should be nominated should be the two from the two countries that brought their countries to agree to this agreement in the open.

Yes, the Nobel Peace Prize has become a Political tool and Rump plays that stage well. He's trying to grab for of other peoples blood sweat and tears. He probably leaked it and left them no choice but to admit to it publicly. If he wants to really bring peace to the middle east he needs to find a way to isolate Iran from spreading the Terrorism they export. Until, He's nothing but a liar, thief and a cheat.

Trump farting about in the Middle East as the USA burns through multiples crises shows how desperate Trump is to distract the American people from his failures to govern the nation effectively. Most Americans couldn't find Bahrain on a map.

I traveled extensively in that area and I probably can't either.
The 9/11 attacks were likely orchestrated by Israel's Mossad...for the explicit purpose of spurring the U.S. to attack Israel's Muslim neighbors whom they dont want to share 1/4 of the world with. It served very much the same purpose as Pearl Harbor did, except Pearl Harbor wasnt a false flag blamed on a different group.

Total ignorance.
The 9/11 attacks were likely orchestrated by Israel's Mossad...for the explicit purpose of spurring the U.S. to attack Israel's Muslim neighbors whom they dont want to share 1/4 of the world with. It served very much the same purpose as Pearl Harbor did, except Pearl Harbor wasnt a false flag blamed on a different group.

Total ignorance.
Going withthe

The 9/11 attacks were likely orchestrated by Israel's Mossad...for the explicit purpose of spurring the U.S. to attack Israel's Muslim neighbors whom they dont want to share 1/4 of the world with. It served very much the same purpose as Pearl Harbor did, except Pearl Harbor wasnt a false flag blamed on a different group.

Total ignorance.

Going with the corrupt government's bought media explanation is total ignorance.
The 9/11 attacks were likely orchestrated by Israel's Mossad...for the explicit purpose of spurring the U.S. to attack Israel's Muslim neighbors whom they dont want to share 1/4 of the world with. It served very much the same purpose as Pearl Harbor did, except Pearl Harbor wasnt a false flag blamed on a different group.

Total ignorance.
Going with the government/corporate media explanation is total ignorance. Totally scary that people are so gullible and dont use their own minds.
The 9/11 attacks were likely orchestrated by Israel's Mossad...for the explicit purpose of spurring the U.S. to attack Israel's Muslim neighbors whom they dont want to share 1/4 of the world with. It served very much the same purpose as Pearl Harbor did, except Pearl Harbor wasnt a false flag blamed on a different group.

Total ignorance.
Going withthe

The 9/11 attacks were likely orchestrated by Israel's Mossad...for the explicit purpose of spurring the U.S. to attack Israel's Muslim neighbors whom they dont want to share 1/4 of the world with. It served very much the same purpose as Pearl Harbor did, except Pearl Harbor wasnt a false flag blamed on a different group.

Total ignorance.

Going with the corrupt government's bought media explanation is total ignorance.
The 9/11 attacks were likely orchestrated by Israel's Mossad...for the explicit purpose of spurring the U.S. to attack Israel's Muslim neighbors whom they dont want to share 1/4 of the world with. It served very much the same purpose as Pearl Harbor did, except Pearl Harbor wasnt a false flag blamed on a different group.

Total ignorance.
Going with the government/corporate media explanation is total ignorance. Totally scary that people are so gullible and dont use their own minds.

Wow 2 false starts there genius.
Barry tried to alter Israel's election to overthrow its govt while arming and negotiating with Israel's enemies...

President Trump is actually negotiating peace between Israel & Middle Eastern nations...

As someone from the region I can tell you this.

Most of the mid east leaders are dictators and dont represent the people. Trump can buy the puppet leaders but will never buy the people.
Israel is a rogue nation and a cancer that was installed forcefully, took lands by force, killed thousands in the process...they've got the upper hand now with the help of our tax money but it wont last forever. 1.6 billion want their holy land back and as the history showed things do change...dont be fooled that the US will be forever strong and protecting Israel imperialistic ambitions.

We should make a homeland in the US for the Israelis and on their way out Isreal should Nuke the Middle East into fucking oblivion.
Wishful thinking. Israelis got you by the balls they use your money while many americans are starving and many of them are veterans. Keep up !!!
Barry tried to alter Israel's election to overthrow its govt while arming and negotiating with Israel's enemies...

President Trump is actually negotiating peace between Israel & Middle Eastern nations...

Horse Feathers. Iran has been instrument in driving those nations together. In the old Tradition, the Jews and the Arabs always got along for thousands of years. In the last 1000 years, it's been the Persians that have been the enemy of everyone else including the Arabs and Jews. There has been backroom deals going on all along between the Arab Countries and Israel for quite some time. Rump really had nothing to do with it. It's another case of Rump taking credit for someone elses accomplishments.
So do you think this is a good thing (the peace deals) or a bad thing.

Not worth answering. Ask a better question.
You just don't want to give Trump any credit whatsoever. Pretty fucking retarded Daryl (and Daryl and Daryl)
Bahrain has never attacked Israel. A peace deal well it just a relationship deal. They decided to have a relationship.

Saudi Arabia was on good terms with the US. It was just an irate Saudi called bin laden who disagreed.

Still this is a deal between the US, Israel, and Bahrain. So what is Bahrain getting in return. Well they do have have a relationship with Israel. But they also have a deal with the US.

the UAE also agreeing to work toward normalization of relations with Israel

Only time will tell as the Egyptian and Israel relationship has lasted for 30 years.

Define Irony - Carter who brokered the deal lost reelection.

Bahrain will be able to buy F-35 fighter jets. Sounds like Trump just agreed to sell them the jets and they just have to normalize relations with Israel.

Israel will be able to purchase more weapons from the US

The art of a deal. Based on weapon purchases?
Bahrain and U.A.E. are also close to Iran and the Straight of Hormuz. An advantage for us.

Bahrain and the UAE allowed American troops to establish bases during Desert Storm. I was in UAE. So it has been that way since Bush was the president.
Barry tried to alter Israel's election to overthrow its govt while arming and negotiating with Israel's enemies...

President Trump is actually negotiating peace between Israel & Middle Eastern nations...

Horse Feathers. Iran has been instrument in driving those nations together. In the old Tradition, the Jews and the Arabs always got along for thousands of years. In the last 1000 years, it's been the Persians that have been the enemy of everyone else including the Arabs and Jews. There has been backroom deals going on all along between the Arab Countries and Israel for quite some time. Rump really had nothing to do with it. It's another case of Rump taking credit for someone elses accomplishments.
Yeah, Iran just loves Israel, which is why the occasionally lobbed a few missiles towards Israel during the Gulf War in hopes of dragging Israel into the c[inflict, inflaming the entire M.E. against Israel...

Do you think before you post these things or just let the dumb shot fly from your head onto the board?

Iran isn't Arab. Neither is Syria nor is Turkey. They are Persian. You have zero knowledge of the whole situation. Damn, talking with you, I just lost one IQ point. I can't afford to converse with you too many times.
You do know that the Arabs conquered Persia in 651 AD. History must not be one of your strong points.

Every St Pats day, the Irish are Irish once again. The Jews are still believe in the old Holy Land that dates back before that. The Muslims are still trying to take over the entire World. The Russian Government is still trying to take over the world. And Alexander defeated the Persians in 331 120 years before the creation of the Islamic Religion.

The Ottoman Empire was considered Persian since it occupied much of the same territories that the old Persian Empire did. The reason the Person Empire failed wasn't because Alexander was so brilliant it was because the Persian Government was at the end of it's decline and it's Pegan Gods would no longer show it favor. That happened in 331. But when Alexander fell the Ottoman Empire took over. Suleiman I brought the whole region back together. And, yes, he was a Muslim. But it was a different Islam than today. Christian, Jews, Peaceful Muslims and even those of the old ways all lived in harmony. Of course, there was another group of Muslims that couldn't live with anyone that thought different than they did. Suleiman handled it like the Ottoman Empire that replace him the same way. Swift and deadly. I know you don't know about the two sons, one controlled on region while the other controlled the other. They were the two sons of the Founder of Islam. They went to war against each other constantly.

But none of this has anything to do with the heritage of the Arabs and Persians. It's in the Blood. The Palistinians work it for all it's worth in their favor but in the end, Arab Blood runs deep. And I don't find it strange that the traditional Arab countries are making Peace with Israel since that goes back almost 2000 years. You don't understand it because you don't have a 2000 year old heritage. In fact, you don't have a heritage at all. If you did, you would understand that part of the world better.
Ok so here is where I stop listening to you because as I said before, history is not your strong point. Alexander did conquer the Persians during the 3rd century BC , but Islam wasn't even a religion until 800 years later. The Ottoman Empire didn't exist until the end of the 13th century AD. 1600 years after the death of Alexander. Whoever taught you history is a fucking moron.
Barry tried to alter Israel's election to overthrow its govt while arming and negotiating with Israel's enemies...

President Trump is actually negotiating peace between Israel & Middle Eastern nations...

As someone from the region I can tell you this.

Most of the mid east leaders are dictators and dont represent the people. Trump can buy the puppet leaders but will never buy the people.
Israel is a rogue nation and a cancer that was installed forcefully, took lands by force, killed thousands in the process...they've got the upper hand now with the help of our tax money but it wont last forever. 1.6 billion want their holy land back and as the history showed things do change...dont be fooled that the US will be forever strong and protecting Israel imperialistic ambitions.

We should make a homeland in the US for the Israelis and on their way out Isreal should Nuke the Middle East into fucking oblivion.
Wishful thinking. Israelis got you by the balls they use your money while many americans are starving and many of them are veterans. Keep up !!!

Barry tried to alter Israel's election to overthrow its govt while arming and negotiating with Israel's enemies...

President Trump is actually negotiating peace between Israel & Middle Eastern nations...

Horse Feathers. Iran has been instrument in driving those nations together. In the old Tradition, the Jews and the Arabs always got along for thousands of years. In the last 1000 years, it's been the Persians that have been the enemy of everyone else including the Arabs and Jews. There has been backroom deals going on all along between the Arab Countries and Israel for quite some time. Rump really had nothing to do with it. It's another case of Rump taking credit for someone elses accomplishments.
So do you think this is a good thing (the peace deals) or a bad thing.

Not worth answering. Ask a better question.
You just don't want to give Trump any credit whatsoever. Pretty fucking retarded Daryl (and Daryl and Daryl)

I give him credit when he deserves credit. But lately that hasn't been the case. And the Swing States have Biden kicking Rumps ass so they aren't buying it either.
Barry tried to alter Israel's election to overthrow its govt while arming and negotiating with Israel's enemies...

President Trump is actually negotiating peace between Israel & Middle Eastern nations...

Horse Feathers. Iran has been instrument in driving those nations together. In the old Tradition, the Jews and the Arabs always got along for thousands of years. In the last 1000 years, it's been the Persians that have been the enemy of everyone else including the Arabs and Jews. There has been backroom deals going on all along between the Arab Countries and Israel for quite some time. Rump really had nothing to do with it. It's another case of Rump taking credit for someone elses accomplishments.
Yeah, Iran just loves Israel, which is why the occasionally lobbed a few missiles towards Israel during the Gulf War in hopes of dragging Israel into the c[inflict, inflaming the entire M.E. against Israel...

Do you think before you post these things or just let the dumb shot fly from your head onto the board?

Iran isn't Arab. Neither is Syria nor is Turkey. They are Persian. You have zero knowledge of the whole situation. Damn, talking with you, I just lost one IQ point. I can't afford to converse with you too many times.
You do know that the Arabs conquered Persia in 651 AD. History must not be one of your strong points.

Every St Pats day, the Irish are Irish once again. The Jews are still believe in the old Holy Land that dates back before that. The Muslims are still trying to take over the entire World. The Russian Government is still trying to take over the world. And Alexander defeated the Persians in 331 120 years before the creation of the Islamic Religion.

The Ottoman Empire was considered Persian since it occupied much of the same territories that the old Persian Empire did. The reason the Person Empire failed wasn't because Alexander was so brilliant it was because the Persian Government was at the end of it's decline and it's Pegan Gods would no longer show it favor. That happened in 331. But when Alexander fell the Ottoman Empire took over. Suleiman I brought the whole region back together. And, yes, he was a Muslim. But it was a different Islam than today. Christian, Jews, Peaceful Muslims and even those of the old ways all lived in harmony. Of course, there was another group of Muslims that couldn't live with anyone that thought different than they did. Suleiman handled it like the Ottoman Empire that replace him the same way. Swift and deadly. I know you don't know about the two sons, one controlled on region while the other controlled the other. They were the two sons of the Founder of Islam. They went to war against each other constantly.

But none of this has anything to do with the heritage of the Arabs and Persians. It's in the Blood. The Palistinians work it for all it's worth in their favor but in the end, Arab Blood runs deep. And I don't find it strange that the traditional Arab countries are making Peace with Israel since that goes back almost 2000 years. You don't understand it because you don't have a 2000 year old heritage. In fact, you don't have a heritage at all. If you did, you would understand that part of the world better.
Ok so here is where I stop listening to you because as I said before, history is not your strong point. Alexander did conquer the Persians during the 3rd century BC , but Islam wasn't even a religion until 800 years later. The Ottoman Empire didn't exist until the end of the 13th century AD. 1600 years after the death of Alexander. Whoever taught you history is a fucking moron.

let me guess. Your History Teacher sounded to you like a Charlie Brown Teacher to you.
Barry tried to alter Israel's election to overthrow its govt while arming and negotiating with Israel's enemies...

President Trump is actually negotiating peace between Israel & Middle Eastern nations...

Horse Feathers. Iran has been instrument in driving those nations together. In the old Tradition, the Jews and the Arabs always got along for thousands of years. In the last 1000 years, it's been the Persians that have been the enemy of everyone else including the Arabs and Jews. There has been backroom deals going on all along between the Arab Countries and Israel for quite some time. Rump really had nothing to do with it. It's another case of Rump taking credit for someone elses accomplishments.
Yeah, Iran just loves Israel, which is why the occasionally lobbed a few missiles towards Israel during the Gulf War in hopes of dragging Israel into the c[inflict, inflaming the entire M.E. against Israel...

Do you think before you post these things or just let the dumb shot fly from your head onto the board?

Iran isn't Arab. Neither is Syria nor is Turkey. They are Persian. You have zero knowledge of the whole situation. Damn, talking with you, I just lost one IQ point. I can't afford to converse with you too many times.

They don't do nuance...."they all look alike" is as far as the conservative mind can reach.
Barry tried to alter Israel's election to overthrow its govt while arming and negotiating with Israel's enemies...

President Trump is actually negotiating peace between Israel & Middle Eastern nations...

Horse Feathers. Iran has been instrument in driving those nations together. In the old Tradition, the Jews and the Arabs always got along for thousands of years. In the last 1000 years, it's been the Persians that have been the enemy of everyone else including the Arabs and Jews. There has been backroom deals going on all along between the Arab Countries and Israel for quite some time. Rump really had nothing to do with it. It's another case of Rump taking credit for someone elses accomplishments.
So do you think this is a good thing (the peace deals) or a bad thing.

Not worth answering. Ask a better question.
You just don't want to give Trump any credit whatsoever. Pretty fucking retarded Daryl (and Daryl and Daryl)

I give him credit when he deserves credit. But lately that hasn't been the case. And the Swing States have Biden kicking Rumps ass so they aren't buying it either.
How can Biden kick anyone's ass when he never leaves his basement, and when he does he needs ear buds and a teleprompter to remind himself to BREATHE?! :p

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