Trump never caves. Until he does.

Bingo and I couldn't agree more.

Trump has never "caved' to anything. Only the lefty loons view common sense as caving.

You can't cure lefty loon stupidity.

Oh come now, while he made the right choice he also caved.

His words on one day were totally different than the next.
Paint it any way you'd like Lumpy

nice bumpersticker

You should send one to Nancy
Bingo and I couldn't agree more.

Trump has never "caved' to anything. Only the lefty loons view common sense as caving.

You can't cure lefty loon stupidity.

Oh come now, while he made the right choice he also caved.

His words on one day were totally different than the next.

You can call in caving I call it using common sense.
Will you call it common sense if he renews the gov't shutdown?
what happens if Congress does not come up with a solution in the three weeks they wanted that Trump gave them? If there is another shutdown Chuck and Nancy own that one.
Chuck and nancy own nothing It's all on the morons you put into our WH What a bunch of crooks and con men trump's responsible for,, Pelosi won't be blackmailed

The man has a backbone like cooked spaghetti.

Just call him - 'The Caver'.

He’s never been in a position that he didn’t have control over. This is a shock to his system. What’s funny is Nancy Pelosi knows this and she is going to make it as uncomfortable for him as possible because he will only make mistakes and say things he shouldn’t under the pressure.

The man has a backbone like cooked spaghetti.

Just call him - 'The Caver'.

He’s never been in a position that he didn’t have control over. This is a shock to his system. What’s funny is Nancy Pelosi knows this and she is going to make it as uncomfortable for him as possible because he will only make mistakes and say things he shouldn’t under the pressure.


Trump had it all his way during his first two years. No one in the Dems had any political power to challenge him.
Now that the Dems have the House, we will all see how good Trump REALLY is at playing POTUS.

So far...he stinks.
Bingo and I couldn't agree more.

Trump has never "caved' to anything. Only the lefty loons view common sense as caving.

You can't cure lefty loon stupidity.

Oh come now, while he made the right choice he also caved.

His words on one day were totally different than the next.

You can call in caving I call it using common sense.
Will you call it common sense if he renews the gov't shutdown?

LMAO I'd call it answering the Dems who don't keep promises.

The man has a backbone like cooked spaghetti.

Just call him - 'The Caver'.

What on earth are you talking about? Did you *watch* Trump's announcement? He served notice that if Congress has not reached a fair deal on border security after three weeks, he will invoke his right to declare a national emergency over the border situation and will secure the border that way. That is hardly "caving." Go watch his announcement.

It is people like you who make our politics so poisoned and polarized. If you even *think* that you're not getting every little thing you want, you attack the politicians who are trying to do what's right because in your mind they're not being "tough" enough, and you demonize anyone with an opposing view.

Would you rather that Trump had let hundreds of thousands of federal workers and federal contractors continue without paychecks and in quite a few cases lose their homes, lose their apartments, and go bankrupt or at least have their credit rating severely damaged? Some federal contractors lost their jobs during the shutdown because their customers cancelled their contracts and are putting those contracts up for rebidding or are turning those positions into federal positions. Several federal contractors who attend my church had to rely on collections from other members just so they could pay their rent/mortgage and eat during the shutdown. I'd bet good money that if you had stopped getting paid and were at risk of losing your home during the shutdown, your attitude would be very different.

He has no legal right to declare an emergency UNLESS there's an actual emergency. There will be no emergency declaration.

He won't shut the government down again either. Republicans won't let him do that twice.

You stupid orange clown is done. Everything Donald Trump touches, dies.

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