Trump never caves. Until he does.

The man has a backbone like cooked spaghetti.

Just call him - 'The Caver'.
Did you want him to keep the Shutdown going?

Oh, you're just taking this opportunity to do a touchdown dance at the expense of everyone else.


Go fuck yourself. You're a piece of shit.

Paint it any way you'd like Lumpy

nice bumpersticker

You should send one to Nancy
And 2 for your man McConnell the sleeze

Good idea.

He can give it to Schumer as a birthday present
and yet they hail the emperor with no clothes or spine
That's because he represents core republican values like lying, cheating, and racism.
As opposed to stealing, cheating, lying, tyranny, government oppression, racism, dilution of individual voting power (via cheating and promoting illegal alien voting), economic shitting, and loss of liberty.

We had to pick our poison.

what happens if Congress does not come up with a solution in the three weeks they wanted that Trump gave them? If there is another shutdown Chuck and Nancy own that one.
Chuck and nancy own nothing It's all on the morons you put into our WH What a bunch of crooks and con men trump's responsible for,, Pelosi won't be blackmailed
The level of your idiocy is truly remarkable.
and yet they hail the emperor with no clothes or spine
That's because he represents core republican values like lying, cheating, and racism.
As opposed to stealing, cheating, lying, tyranny, government oppression, racism, dilution of individual voting power (via cheating and promoting illegal alien voting), economic shitting, and loss of liberty.

We had to pick our poison.

Except that yours are made up.
what happens if Congress does not come up with a solution in the three weeks they wanted that Trump gave them? If there is another shutdown Chuck and Nancy own that one.
Chuck and nancy own nothing It's all on the morons you put into our WH What a bunch of crooks and con men trump's responsible for,, Pelosi won't be blackmailed
The level of your idiocy is truly remarkable.
Who is the idiot ?You ? Trump? I say both
So the #GOPTaxScam didn’t benefit the economy? Trickle down economics don’t work? Who knew?

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GOP Tax Cut Had No Major Impact On Business Investment Or Hiring: Survey
The White House had predicted the massive fiscal stimulus package would boost business spending and job growth.
what happens if Congress does not come up with a solution in the three weeks they wanted that Trump gave them? If there is another shutdown Chuck and Nancy own that one.
Chuck and nancy own nothing It's all on the morons you put into our WH What a bunch of crooks and con men trump's responsible for,, Pelosi won't be blackmailed
Now Will ,you have to stop laughing at me You're giving me a complex about two lines and just thought 'blah blah blah - Trumpbot spinning'

Did you not see the beginning of the video? Right off the bat he said that the government would remain closed until he got his wall. Well, it ain't closed anymore. He caved...period. We are done here. Have a nice day.
How does a president advance his agenda when his own party in congress is filled with either cowards or traitors? They did nothing for two years, except let Trump take all the bullets while they acted calm and stately and proposed nothing. They are the cowards who along with devils in the DOJ, FBI, et al. have destroyed our nation and have forced Trump to compromise. There are just as many enemies in the republican congress as there are leakers in Trump’s white house and cabinets. It has been Trump vs. the left, half the right, the media, the educators, the entertainment industry, and unhinged mobs since the beginning. Everything Trump accomplished was by his own directives (not congress) and even a number of those were struck down by rogue judges who usurped his powers illegally.

You people suffer from some sickness (imo), you cannot be that ignorant or naïve? But no more sick or bad for America than the mainstream media who covers up all of the lies, scandals, crimes and sins of the left. Yet, the MSM is where the left takes its cues, and because most of your pals laugh along with you, that is proof enough you must be right. I am convinced if you are not a true believer in God then you are easily manipulated into wasting your life on materialism and self indulgences or falling in line with an egotistical, secular humanist movement that flaunts its self-importance and laughs at eternal matters.

GOP Tax Cut Had No Major Impact On Business Investment Or Hiring: Survey
The White House had predicted the massive fiscal stimulus package would boost business spending and job growth.

Why do you liberals insist on denying reality? Why do you insist on rejecting good economic news? If Obama had had the kind of economic success numbers that Trump is having, you guys would have trumpeted the news.

You are being redirected...

Let's see:

* Manufacturing jobs have risen more than they have in 15 years.
* Wages have risen two years in a row, with a 3.2% rise registered last year.
* Black and Hispanic unemployment are at historic lows.
* Last month the economy added 315,000 jobs.
* GDP growth has been solid for the last year, at one point topping 3%.
* The number of long-term unemployed people dropped by 205,000 in 2018.
* The number of people employed part-time for economic reasons dropped by 329,000 in 2018.
* 142,000 people voluntarily left their jobs to look for better jobs. This indicates that these workers believed they had a good chance of finding a better job, which would not be the case if they did not believe the economy was doing better than before.
* The number of "discouraged workers" dropped by 99,000 in 2018.

The man has a backbone like cooked spaghetti.

Just call him - 'The Caver'.

Remember the old party line? That Trump was bad because he did not listen to other people?

Now that he "compromised" now they attack him for being weak enough to listen to other people.

When the fuck will Republicans learn that democrats are our fucking enemies and need to be treated as such?

The man has a backbone like cooked spaghetti.

Just call him - 'The Caver'.

What on earth are you talking about? Did you *watch* Trump's announcement? He served notice that if Congress has not reached a fair deal on border security after three weeks, he will invoke his right to declare a national emergency over the border situation and will secure the border that way. That is hardly "caving." Go watch his announcement.

It is people like you who make our politics so poisoned and polarized. If you even *think* that you're not getting every little thing you want, you attack the politicians who are trying to do what's right because in your mind they're not being "tough" enough, and you demonize anyone with an opposing view.

Would you rather that Trump had let hundreds of thousands of federal workers and federal contractors continue without paychecks and in quite a few cases lose their homes, lose their apartments, and go bankrupt or at least have their credit rating severely damaged? Some federal contractors lost their jobs during the shutdown because their customers cancelled their contracts and are putting those contracts up for rebidding or are turning those positions into federal positions. Several federal contractors who attend my church had to rely on collections from other members just so they could pay their rent/mortgage and eat during the shutdown. I'd bet good money that if you had stopped getting paid and were at risk of losing your home during the shutdown, your attitude would be very different. about two lines and just thought 'blah blah blah - Trumpbot spinning'

Did you not see the beginning of the video? Right off the bat he said that the government would remain closed until he got his wall.
Well, it ain't closed anymore.

He caved...period.

We are done here.

Have a nice day.

well Pelozi overplayed her hand and he took it. I even recommended it to him on a post last week. She said, I quote, no negotiating until the government is open, so he said, ok, I will open the government, now negotiate.

And would you take a fking look, no negotiating. so the limit is three weeks. so if the government budget comes up, and there is no negotiation, then she would have renegged, and the world will know it.

Ouch, she walked right into it, played well by trump. Why aren't you all screaming at her to negotiate, it's what she said she'd do. where's it at? come on now, this isn't on orangemanbad, nope. And chuckie is now screaming for trump to shut up. how fking funny, I guess he ain't too bright, he should go back to his box.

The man has a backbone like cooked spaghetti.

Just call him - 'The Caver'.

What on earth are you talking about? Did you *watch* Trump's announcement? He served notice that if Congress has not reached a fair deal on border security after three weeks, he will invoke his right to declare a national emergency over the border situation and will secure the border that way. That is hardly "caving." Go watch his announcement.

It is people like you who make our politics so poisoned and polarized. If you even *think* that you're not getting every little thing you want, you attack the politicians who are trying to do what's right because in your mind they're not being "tough" enough, and you demonize anyone with an opposing view.

Would you rather that Trump had let hundreds of thousands of federal workers and federal contractors continue without paychecks and in quite a few cases lose their homes, lose their apartments, and go bankrupt or at least have their credit rating severely damaged? Some federal contractors lost their jobs during the shutdown because their customers cancelled their contracts and are putting those contracts up for rebidding or are turning those positions into federal positions. Several federal contractors who attend my church had to rely on collections from other members just so they could pay their rent/mortgage and eat during the shutdown. I'd bet good money that if you had stopped getting paid and were at risk of losing your home during the shutdown, your attitude would be very different. about two lines and just thought 'blah blah blah - Trumpbot spinning'

Watch the video and look at just some of the things Trump has caved on.

And if that is not enough - I refer you to Ann Coulter; his biggest fan during the campaign.

Ann Coulter Goes Scorched Earth on Newt Gingrich in Battle Over Trump

Don't waste your fingers typing to me again on this. I try not to waste too much time on mindless sheep like you.

I am no fan of Coulter. But at least she stands behind her points.

Unlike...'the Caver'.

Have a nice day.

in other words, you are a coward and give up--you're caving in

So...I have to waste my time debating with closed minded idiots (whom I do not respect) like you and the other Trumpbot. Even though I made my point perfectly clear. Or you call me a coward? Just for not chatting on a chat forum.


I'll pass.

See you later, loser.

Have a nice day.

= you are a coward-caving in

The man has a backbone like cooked spaghetti.

Just call him - 'The Caver'.

What on earth are you talking about? Did you *watch* Trump's announcement? He served notice that if Congress has not reached a fair deal on border security after three weeks, he will invoke his right to declare a national emergency over the border situation and will secure the border that way. That is hardly "caving." Go watch his announcement.

It is people like you who make our politics so poisoned and polarized. If you even *think* that you're not getting every little thing you want, you attack the politicians who are trying to do what's right because in your mind they're not being "tough" enough, and you demonize anyone with an opposing view.

Would you rather that Trump had let hundreds of thousands of federal workers and federal contractors continue without paychecks and in quite a few cases lose their homes, lose their apartments, and go bankrupt or at least have their credit rating severely damaged? Some federal contractors lost their jobs during the shutdown because their customers cancelled their contracts and are putting those contracts up for rebidding or are turning those positions into federal positions. Several federal contractors who attend my church had to rely on collections from other members just so they could pay their rent/mortgage and eat during the shutdown. I'd bet good money that if you had stopped getting paid and were at risk of losing your home during the shutdown, your attitude would be very different. about two lines and just thought 'blah blah blah - Trumpbot spinning'

Watch the video and look at just some of the things Trump has caved on.

And if that is not enough - I refer you to Ann Coulter; his biggest fan during the campaign.

Ann Coulter Goes Scorched Earth on Newt Gingrich in Battle Over Trump

Don't waste your fingers typing to me again on this. I try not to waste too much time on mindless sheep like you.

I am no fan of Coulter. But at least she stands behind her points.

Unlike...'the Caver'.

Have a nice day.

in other words, you are a coward and give up--you're caving in

No "in other words" are needed. His response was quite clear.
DJT is the Caver in Chief.
But don't worry, you'll probably get another federal govt shut down that you and others like you, for some odd reason, think is a great idea.

he's leaving his OWN thread
he is not responding to posts in his OWN thread
= coward--caving in
I've only see one other coward to that on USMB

The man has a backbone like cooked spaghetti.

Just call him - 'The Caver'.

What on earth are you talking about? Did you *watch* Trump's announcement? He served notice that if Congress has not reached a fair deal on border security after three weeks, he will invoke his right to declare a national emergency over the border situation and will secure the border that way. That is hardly "caving." Go watch his announcement.

It is people like you who make our politics so poisoned and polarized. If you even *think* that you're not getting every little thing you want, you attack the politicians who are trying to do what's right because in your mind they're not being "tough" enough, and you demonize anyone with an opposing view.

Would you rather that Trump had let hundreds of thousands of federal workers and federal contractors continue without paychecks and in quite a few cases lose their homes, lose their apartments, and go bankrupt or at least have their credit rating severely damaged? Some federal contractors lost their jobs during the shutdown because their customers cancelled their contracts and are putting those contracts up for rebidding or are turning those positions into federal positions. Several federal contractors who attend my church had to rely on collections from other members just so they could pay their rent/mortgage and eat during the shutdown. I'd bet good money that if you had stopped getting paid and were at risk of losing your home during the shutdown, your attitude would be very different. about two lines and just thought 'blah blah blah - Trumpbot spinning'

Watch the video and look at just some of the things Trump has caved on.

And if that is not enough - I refer you to Ann Coulter; his biggest fan during the campaign.

Ann Coulter Goes Scorched Earth on Newt Gingrich in Battle Over Trump

Don't waste your fingers typing to me again on this. I try not to waste too much time on mindless sheep like you.

I am no fan of Coulter. But at least she stands behind her points.

Unlike...'the Caver'.

Have a nice day.

in other words, you are a coward and give up--you're caving in

No "in other words" are needed. His response was quite clear.
DJT is the Caver in Chief.
But don't worry, you'll probably get another federal govt shut down that you and others like you, for some odd reason, think is a great idea.

he's leaving his OWN thread
he is not responding to posts in his OWN thread

= coward--caving in
I've only see one other coward to that on USMB

BS. You got called out and deflect like your Orange God. You were proven wrong and your dirty stained training Pullups need to be changed.

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