Trump-not Bread and Circuses.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
Donald Trump did not just win the last election; he has exposed something that may spell the end of the Democratic Party for some time to come. Hillary Clinton was a miserable candidate and the miscalculation of the democrats to run her didnā€™t just cost them the election, it opened the door to a closet holding ā€œBread and Circusesā€ insanity that would scare any reasonable mind.

Medicare for All, college loan forgiveness, no borders, free basic income and of course, societal surveillance to make sure people are complying-you name it; itā€™s all there. The partyā€™s emergency push to impose impeachment is not to save the Constitution, itā€™s a desperate measure to save the Democratic party from itself.

Trump is not the typical vanilla Republican candidate dispensing highfalutin platitudes about moral superiority; heā€™s a fixer going after actual problems obvious to anyone living in the real world. When people see the chaos in the cities with hooligans dumping buckets of water on police and homeless cement dwellers running raw sewage onto the shoes of the working class in Americaā€™s largest metropolitan areas, they are understandably frightened at the prospects.

This is what ā€œBread and Circusesā€ is; it didnā€™t work out for the Romans and Trump is leading the charge to make sure we donā€™t repeat history. Trumpā€™s main opposition is an embedded deep state thatā€™s been all about Bread and Circuses for decades so itā€™s not surprising they see Trumpā€™s exposeā€™ as a high crime. Itā€™s a crime against the status quo, not the people.

They must impeach him. Look at the absurd candy-land of candidates they are running against him. Their best bet, Joe Biden, is a classic crook with a neā€™er do well crack-smoking, brothel-hopping son on a corrupt payroll.

Americans donā€™t want Bread and Circuses-they want Trump.

'Bread and circuses' could strike down America like it did Rome
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Americans sure have had enough circuses arranged by Dems around Trump.

Alexey Pushkov: Demsā€™ goal is to topple Trump. These past two years theyā€™ve been in a non-stop hysteria. They started up with finding a porn star and when that didnā€™t work they decided to look into allegations of collusions with Russia. They have been investigating that for 2 years, 32.4 million dollars have been spent on the Mueller investigation and at the end Mueller said there was not any sufficient evidence to support the allegation that Trump has colluded with Russia. So, the collusion accusation was off the mark. The narrative that Russia meddled in US election has not gone away but it is getting old, doesnā€™t touch the nerve any more, itā€™s not considered to be enough bate any more to catch such a big fish as Trump, heā€™s off this hook already.

So, they invented a new theory. And they appeared to have found that pretext initiating impeachment inquiry, nothing will come out of it of course. There is no doubt the Senate will not give Trump away.

Why are the Democrats are doing what they are doing then? By playing this card they seek to weaken Trump before the elections: the voters will ā€œknowā€ that the president has done something and nobody will look at the substance of the claim and the claim is completely unfounded. Moreover, f Trump chooses the right line of conduct (and I think he might). Itā€™s Biden who will lose the most.

Details in the video of Russian political talk show ā€œThe Great Gameā€ (already interpreted into English)
The Great Game. 29.09.2019

Aleksey Pushkov - Wikipedia

Trump did not win the last election.

President Trump?

Or are the visions and voices back?
The last election Trump lost rather badly.

That is why the house is even capable of impeaching him. Or do you actually think that mid-terms have nothing to do with the figure head of the entire party. You might want to check for those voices yourself.

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