Trump NOT Heading To Pyongyang


Platinum Member
Nov 22, 2018
Whatever is really going on between Trump and Kim, a visit to the Hermit Kingdom at this time, or maybe ever ain't happening. Sure, the President stepped into N. Korea at the DMZ but only in the presence of his Secret Service detail and multiple concealed snipers in the event Kim tried something. Imagine him being in a situation where Kim's guards could easily overpower Trump's team and kidnap and ransom the President. What would be our reaction, what could be our reaction as long as they presented proof of life? What if Trump was being interrogated, beaten, starved as only the NK's can? A third meeting of any kind has to be a reward for Kim doing something concrete to give up his nukes and it must never involve endangering the one man Kim and his Chinese masters fear.


Trump declines to comment on report Kim invited him to North Korea - Reuters
Whatever is really going on between Trump and Kim, a visit to the Hermit Kingdom at this time, or maybe ever ain't happening. Sure, the President stepped into N. Korea at the DMZ but only in the presence of his Secret Service detail and multiple concealed snipers in the event Kim tried something. Imagine him being in a situation where Kim's guards could easily overpower Trump's team and kidnap and ransom the President. What would be our reaction, what could be our reaction as long as they presented proof of life? What if Trump was being interrogated, beaten, starved as only the NK's can? A third meeting of any kind has to be a reward for Kim doing something concrete to give up his nukes and it must never involve endangering the one man Kim and his Chinese masters fear.


Trump declines to comment on report Kim invited him to North Korea - Reuters

I'd kind of enjoy seeing Trump beaten and starved as only the North Koreans can. It would be a fitting end to their bromance. Americans don't negotiate with terrorists. So sad.
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I'd kind of enjoy seeing Trump beaten and starved as only the North Koreans can. It would be a fitting end to their bromance. Americans don't negotiate with terrorists. So sad.

Of course you's your ilk's fantasy to see him destroyed and why your side should be immediately arrested and deported. seems you've already been deported.
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My goodness! Kim Jong-un has kielbasa fingers.

Also, you're living in a fantasy world if you think North Korea is ever going to give up their nukes. They have one card and they are not going to throw it away.
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My goodness! Kim Jong-un has kielbasa fingers.

Also, you're living in a fantasy world if you think North Korea is ever going to give up their nukes. They have one card and they are not going to throw it away.

I have no dreams of Kim giving up his nukes. At this point the best we can do is convince him not to aim them at us....something no other President has ever even attempted.
My goodness! Kim Jong-un has kielbasa fingers.

Also, you're living in a fantasy world if you think North Korea is ever going to give up their nukes. They have one card and they are not going to throw it away.

I have no dreams of Kim giving up his nukes. At this point the best we can do is convince him not to aim them at us....something no other President has ever even attempted.

What aim? The only thing Best Korea has managed to hit successfully is the Sea of Japan. :lol:
My goodness! Kim Jong-un has kielbasa fingers.

Also, you're living in a fantasy world if you think North Korea is ever going to give up their nukes. They have one card and they are not going to throw it away.

IMHO Yeah they will (eventually), as you said it's all they got and it's either trade it in or ultimately get starved to death by the rest of the world (including China), they'll just make sure that they get as much as possible for it.

Dictatorships like the Kim dynasty care about one thing above all others, remaining in power.
Whatever is really going on between Trump and Kim, a visit to the Hermit Kingdom at this time, or maybe ever ain't happening. Sure, the President stepped into N. Korea at the DMZ but only in the presence of his Secret Service detail and multiple concealed snipers in the event Kim tried something. Imagine him being in a situation where Kim's guards could easily overpower Trump's team and kidnap and ransom the President. What would be our reaction, what could be our reaction as long as they presented proof of life? What if Trump was being interrogated, beaten, starved as only the NK's can? A third meeting of any kind has to be a reward for Kim doing something concrete to give up his nukes and it must never involve endangering the one man Kim and his Chinese masters fear.


Trump declines to comment on report Kim invited him to North Korea - Reuters

I'd kind of enjoy seeing Trump beaten and starved as only the North Koreans can. It would be a fitting end to their bromance. Americans don't negotiate with terrorists. So sad.

That is just fucked up. I have no love for Trump, but holy fuck...come on.
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What aim? The only thing Best Korea has managed to hit successfully is the Sea of Japan. :lol:

Wrong...he may not be able to precisely hit LA or SanFran but he can hit the western US.....I live in the western US so I'm interested in Kim being tamed before he acquires better accuracy. Retaliating against him with nukes is WW3 with China.
What aim? The only thing Best Korea has managed to hit successfully is the Sea of Japan. :lol:

Wrong...he may not be able to precisely hit LA or SanFran but he can hit the western US.....I live in the western US so I'm interested in Kim being tamed before he acquires better accuracy. Retaliating against him with nukes is WW3 with China.

Kim has no reason to hit the US, he wants nukes for the same reason we have keep anyone from trying to take him out.
My goodness! Kim Jong-un has kielbasa fingers.

Also, you're living in a fantasy world if you think North Korea is ever going to give up their nukes. They have one card and they are not going to throw it away.

IMHO Yeah they will (eventually), as you said it's all they got and it's either trade it in or ultimately get starved to death by the rest of the world (including China), they'll just make sure that they get as much as possible for it.

Dictatorships like the Kim dynasty care about one thing above all others, remaining in power.

And giving away your nukes so another country can wipe you out is not a good way to stay in power.

He will never give up the nukes, he might at best agree not to make any more
What aim? The only thing Best Korea has managed to hit successfully is the Sea of Japan. :lol:

Wrong...he may not be able to precisely hit LA or SanFran but he can hit the western US.....I live in the western US so I'm interested in Kim being tamed before he acquires better accuracy. Retaliating against him with nukes is WW3 with China.

Not if NK uses nukes first, if they did use them in a first strike scenario it would be a toss-up who nukes them in retaliation first, the United States or China.

North Korea using nukes is the end of the DPRK and Kim Jong-Un knows that, so you don't have to worry about NK nuking your neighborhood, there's a better chance of it getting hit by a massive solar flare than a NK nuclear warhead.
Whatever is really going on between Trump and Kim, a visit to the Hermit Kingdom at this time, or maybe ever ain't happening. Sure, the President stepped into N. Korea at the DMZ but only in the presence of his Secret Service detail and multiple concealed snipers in the event Kim tried something. Imagine him being in a situation where Kim's guards could easily overpower Trump's team and kidnap and ransom the President. What would be our reaction, what could be our reaction as long as they presented proof of life? What if Trump was being interrogated, beaten, starved as only the NK's can? A third meeting of any kind has to be a reward for Kim doing something concrete to give up his nukes and it must never involve endangering the one man Kim and his Chinese masters fear.


Trump declines to comment on report Kim invited him to North Korea - Reuters

I'd kind of enjoy seeing Trump beaten and starved as only the North Koreans can. It would be a fitting end to their bromance. Americans don't negotiate with terrorists. So sad.

That is just fucked up. I have no love for Trump, but holy fuck...come on.

I think that Trump is out to destroy western democracy, because he blames American bankers for his business failures. Think about it, Gator. Trump was prosecuted TWICE in the 1970's by the federal government, for felony racial discrimination in housing. He lost $1 billion in real estate investments in the 1980's. I remember a lawyer friend saying it was now impossible to LOSE money on any urban real estate investment in the 1980's. Trump managed to lose $1 billion.

After Trump's 4 business bankruptcies in the 1990's, American banks cut off Trump and refused to lend to him. That continues to do this day. That's why Trump's primary banker is Deutches Banke. No one else in the world will lend to him. Except the Saudi's and the Russians. Trump's wealth is dependent on the Russian oligarchs and the Saudi Princes - who are now going around America booking hundreds of rooms in empty Trump hotels.

Think about it Gator. Trump is a vengeful prick who thinks nothing of going after the people he believes has done him wrong. Every since member of the Administration who participated in the Russian investigation, except Rod Rosenstein, has been very publically fired, and Trump is not attempting to prosecute them. All of the leadership at the DHS who refused to carry out Trump's separation of families, in violation of multiple court orders - has been fired, and those separations are now being done by the private prison companies he's hired in place of DHS staff, to do this work.

It's not a pretty picture.
Not if NK uses nukes first, if they did use them in a first strike scenario it would be a toss-up who nukes them in retaliation first, the United States or China.

North Korea using nukes is the end of the DPRK and Kim Jong-Un knows that, so you don't have to worry about NK nuking your neighborhood, there's a better chance of it getting hit by a massive solar flare than a NK nuclear warhead.

What are your bonafides as to what I should worry about involving NK and nuclear war? Ever been in a war? I have. And nothing ever goes like you think it will. We in Phoenix could well get hit by a nuke Kim aimed at Frisco. Your assertion that China would nuke NK for any reason is preposterous...Kim is their pitbull. Kim probably got most of his technology from the PRC and the Chinese could easily use him to strike us and claim shock and surprise. Nothing in the orient is as it seems and the quicker your realize that, the more worries you'll have.
I think that Trump is out to destroy western democracy, because he blames American bankers for his business failures. .

:eek: are you for real? Donny's an asshole but he's not the love child of Charles Manson and the Anti-Christ.

Do yourself and the rest of society a favor and dial down the LSD dosage, K?
Not if NK uses nukes first, if they did use them in a first strike scenario it would be a toss-up who nukes them in retaliation first, the United States or China.

North Korea using nukes is the end of the DPRK and Kim Jong-Un knows that, so you don't have to worry about NK nuking your neighborhood, there's a better chance of it getting hit by a massive solar flare than a NK nuclear warhead.

What are your bonafides as to what I should worry about involving NK and nuclear war? Ever been in a war? I have. And nothing ever goes like you think it will. We in Phoenix could well get hit by a nuke Kim aimed at Frisco. Your assertion that China would nuke NK for any reason is preposterous...Kim is their pitbull. Kim probably got most of his technology from the PRC and the Chinese could easily use him to strike us and claim shock and surprise. Nothing in the orient is as it seems and the quicker your realize that, the more worries you'll have.

The Kim regime isn't China's "pitbull", in fact the DPRK is more of a headache for China than it is for the United States, that being said the Kim Regime has China's patronage and thus doesn't need to keep a nuclear arsenal long term to ensure its sovereignty and regime survival. The same way Japan doesn't need to worry about having nuclear weapons because it has the patronage of the United States and sits comfortably under the U.S. nuclear umbrella. The biggest worry China has with respect to North Korea is regime collapse followed by a refugee crisis and the threat of internal strife in NK spilling cross-border (which is heightened in the event NK deploys a nuclear arsenal).

Long term China doesn't want a nuclear armed NK anymore than the United States wants a nuclear armed Mexico, there's just no upside to it and LOTS of potential downside, and they damn sure have let the Kim Regime know in no uncertain terms that a first strike using nukes will be the end of the DPRK because it puts China directly in the path of another world war.

Any other scenario makes no sense and the Chinese aren't stupid (and neither are the North Koreans for that matter).
I think that Trump is out to destroy western democracy, because he blames American bankers for his business failures. .

:eek: are you for real? Donny's an asshole but he's not the love child of Charles Manson and the Anti-Christ.

Do yourself and the rest of society a favor and dial down the LSD dosage, K?

Why are Trump's followers on this board openly promoting death to all leftists? A race war? Authoritarianism? Undermining the rule of law? Calling the MSM the "enemy of the people", which is a label first used by Joseph Stalin. You have people sending bombs to Trump's enemies, people driving across country to go gunning for Hispanics, another gunman attacking Jews at worship services, while Trump wants to declare Anti-Fa a "terrorist organization".

While Moscow Mitch refuses to bring any legislation to the Senate floor, as he accepts a multi-million dollar investment from a previously sanctioned Russian oligarch, is his own district. Mitch lifted sanctions against this particular oligarch. Trump has sold out the USA to Vladimir Putin, and is on TV saying he took their help last time, and he'll do it again. Why shouldn't he?

Then there's the government whistle-blower who was so alarmed by a promise made by Trump in a telephone call to a foreign leader, that he tried to tell Congress about it. Trump is blocking this disclosure. Every single day there are more disclosures and dangerous behaviours by this President and his corrupt administration.
I think that Trump is out to destroy western democracy, because he blames American bankers for his business failures. .

:eek: are you for real? Donny's an asshole but he's not the love child of Charles Manson and the Anti-Christ.

Do yourself and the rest of society a favor and dial down the LSD dosage, K?

Why are Trump's followers on this board openly promoting death to all leftists?
......because they're just as deranged and under the control of their partisan crime bosses as you dingbats-D are.

You and your ilk are just mirror images of "Trump's followers", you just have your heads too far up the asses of the politicians you worship to notice.:cool:
Why are Trump's followers on this board openly promoting death to all leftists? A race war? Authoritarianism? Undermining the rule of law? Calling the MSM the "enemy of the people", which is a label first used by Joseph Stalin. You have people sending bombs to Trump's enemies, people driving across country to go gunning for Hispanics, another gunman attacking Jews at worship services, while Trump wants to declare Anti-Fa a "terrorist organization".

While Moscow Mitch refuses to bring any legislation to the Senate floor, as he accepts a multi-million dollar investment from a previously sanctioned Russian oligarch, is his own district. Mitch lifted sanctions against this particular oligarch. Trump has sold out the USA to Vladimir Putin, and is on TV saying he took their help last time, and he'll do it again. Why shouldn't he?

Then there's the government whistle-blower who was so alarmed by a promise made by Trump in a telephone call to a foreign leader, that he tried to tell Congress about it. Trump is blocking this disclosure. Every single day there are more disclosures and dangerous behaviours by this President and his corrupt administration.

You should be more concerned about Trudy appearing in brown face on multiple occasions or your pitiful currency now worth only 75 cents to our dollar. Or how you're dealing with the border-jumpers heading up your way when ICE comes calling. How's that socialized medicine working out for you? Found a doctor in the states who will see you in the next 6 months when one of yours won't? You run your vile mouth about what's happening in America instead of looking around you to see what a pitiful mess Canuckistan is.

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