Trump not safe in WH after theft of laptop, etc from Secret Service Car

Actually the floor plans were for Trump Tower. Not the White House.

Still a big deal.
Well, darn. I guess Melania will have to move her nasty ass to the white house then, right?
Trump prodded and poked. It's going to be a heck of a ride. A t of people are real butt hurt.
I know how much you guys want this to be a massive conspiracy, but did it occur to you that whoever stole it just wanted a laptop to pawn, rather than the John LeCarre novel that you guys seem to be writing?
'Professional' job resulted in laptop with WH floor plans, security pins, and a radio were stolen from a Secret Service car today, putting Trump's security at risk.

'They knew what they were going after...'

Laptop with Trump Tower floor plans stolen from Secret Service
The whole thing stinks to high heaven!

A secret service agent left her laptop in her car
but, had sensitive documents, agency issued radio,
keycard and misc. in a backpack
inside her unlocked car, parked in the driveway,
the house has video surveillance... nothing is mentioned
about motion detector flood lights....

and, somebody just happens to pull up in a car
at 3 o'clock in the morning and conveniently
make off with shit that shouldn't be in the car.

According to the article you linked to...
after he left the scene, he turned onto Cropsey Ave
and dumped the backpack in the snow, outside a private home....

You think a 'professional' would dump evidence,
He ran to the car and ran back but, further down
the article has him walking away and turning onto
Cropsey Ave, where he dumps the backpack....

Then we have a bag, containing papers,
dumped on a front porch in Bay Ridge...

If you zoom in on Google maps, you'll see
once you hit 14th Ave, taking Cropsey Ave
towards Bay Ridge, there is a Golf course...

You have to navigate around the Golf course
to proceed into the Bay Ridge area...

Not to you realize the distance
we're looking at here to end up in Bay Ridge
from Bath Beach, on foot

I don't think so!

I could go on and on why this doesn't make sense
but, I just don't feel like's driving me nuts!

The FBI 'discovered' Russia hacked the elections...
After the fact

The CIA 'discovered' information was stolen
when hackers breached their servers...
After the fact

An intruder was able to make it over the fence
and discovered wandering around the White House....
16 minutes after the fact

And, exactly why would this Secret Service agent
have information pertaining to the investigation
of Hillary's private email server, on her laptop?

What the fuck is really going on?!

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