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Trump now aims to screw up the deal with Iran......

Obama gave Iran everything they wanted up front.

Here, for you morons to learn something, (for a change, besides what Hannity tells you to think):

Since October, Iran has:

  • Shipped 25,000 pounds of enriched uranium out of the country
  • Dismantled and removed two-thirds of its centrifuges
  • Removed the calandria from its heavy water reactor and filled it with concrete
  • Provided unprecedented access to its nuclear facilities and supply chain
Because Iran has completed these steps, the U.S. and international community can begin the next phase under the JCPOA, which means the U.S. will begin lifting its nuclear-related sanctions on Iran. However, a number of U.S. sanctions authorities and designations will continue to remain in place.


Aren't these the same things promised and sworn to by North Korea, during the administration of President Bill Clinton? How'd that work out?

Rouhani unveils Iran’s new nuclear achievements
Press TV- President Hassan Rouhani has unveiled two major nuclear achievements on the occasion of the 11th anniversary of Iran’s National Nuclear Technology Day.

The Iranian chief executive lifted the curtain off the accomplishments made by the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran, namely a stone centrifuge, and high temperature condensate pump.

The former product is used to analyze samples gleaned from oil fields in order to estimate the general geological conditions governing the terrains.

The latter product is used at Bushehr Nuclear Power Plant in southern Iran. It has been manufactured by domestic experts for the first time at a fourth of the international price.

Separately, the day witnessed the inauguration of three nuclear centers:

A center for the production and development of nuclear medicine in the north-central Alborz Province; another designed to host industrial irradiation in the northwestern Qazvin Province; and one for the crushing and concentration of uranium stone in the east-central Yazd Province.

Later in the day, Rouhani delivered an address to commemorate the occasion, hailing that the country had led as many as 42 nuclear projects towards fruition over the past year on the solar calendar, which ended on March 20, 2017.


Rouhani unveils Iran's new nuclear achievements
hey are spread out all over the Western world.

They declared a caliphate in Iraq and Syria and used to control it. They have lost their caliphate. You said Obama's policies benefitted the terrorists - so how does losing their declared caliphate benefit them?

Now as to ISIS being spread throughout the world, what is your point? What role does the US military, Air Force, Navy have in engaging Daesh in Europe? None,
right? What Obama policy benefited and ISIS lone wolf terrorist asshole who lives in Germany or France.

What policy has Trump proposed to deal with that threat?
Maybe Trump is going to 'screw up' the deal by refusing to pay anymore ransoms like Obama was doing....
The orange clown is simply "amazing"......

Just TWO days ago his own state department acknowledged that Iran is fully complying with the nuclear deal that Obama and our allies finally made to ease the tensions with that volatile country.

But, our once "against all wars" demagogue seems to need some extra attention from his ass kissers and he has decided to embolden the hawks in Iran.....Probably under the advisement of Kushner serving the wants of Israel.

Never mind that we are slowly inching our way into a confrontation with N. Korea and China.....and alienating our allies. As his poll numbers steadily decline and since he has NO damn idea of what to do on domestic initiatives, this orange idiot wants to pick a fight with everyone.

The fucking clown is a damn walking catastrophe of foreign relations....not even Hailey or Tillerson can stop this maniac from pissing off the entire planet against us....except, of course, his love interests at the Kremlin.

Someone PLEASE tell Trump to just worry about his golfing.

It appears he wants to do just what Shrub did with North Korea before North Korea had attained an atomic bomb. Shrub refused to talk to them and now we have what we have. Poor drumpf, an 8 year old trying his little best to pretend to be an adult. Iran's atomic bomb is contained for the next 15 years unless turd blossom fucks it up, which he'll likely do because Republicans have zero ability to conduct foreign policy. This is how the real world works lying Donald, it is messy and complicated and most of the time you just get the best deal you can.

Again, all you people with children in the military right now, you must be shitting bricks because it's likely they will have to fight a horrendous war in North Korea or Iran, or both.

Not drumpf's children though, they'll be safe and secure and spending taxpayer money. Bitch idn't it.
hey are spread out all over the Western world.

They declared a caliphate in Iraq and Syria and used to control it. They have lost their caliphate. You said Obama's policies benefitted the terrorists - so how does losing their declared caliphate benefit them?

Now as to ISIS being spread throughout the world, what is your point? What role does the US military, Air Force, Navy have in engaging Daesh in Europe? None,
right? What Obama policy benefited and ISIS lone wolf terrorist asshole who lives in Germany or France.

What policy has Trump proposed to deal with that threat?

ISIS is not the only Islamist faction in the world. They merely get the most current press.
The orange clown is simply "amazing"......

Just TWO days ago his own state department acknowledged that Iran is fully complying with the nuclear deal that Obama and our allies finally made to ease the tensions with that volatile country.

But, our once "against all wars" demagogue seems to need some extra attention from his ass kissers and he has decided to embolden the hawks in Iran.....Probably under the advisement of Kushner serving the wants of Israel.

Never mind that we are slowly inching our way into a confrontation with N. Korea and China.....and alienating our allies. As his poll numbers steadily decline and since he has NO damn idea of what to do on domestic initiatives, this orange idiot wants to pick a fight with everyone.

The fucking clown is a damn walking catastrophe of foreign relations....not even Hailey or Tillerson can stop this maniac from pissing off the entire planet against us....except, of course, his love interests at the Kremlin.

Someone PLEASE tell Trump to just worry about his golfing.
You mean the deal they already broke?

You mean the deal that Iran signed with THE JIHADIST COCKSUCKER Obama Bin Lying with a country that has vowed to commit Genocide against Israel and who launched two ICMBS in violation of that deal just a week after with the writing on them "DEATH TO AMERICA" "DEATH TO ISRAEL?"

That Deal?

Tell me, do you jack off in front of a picture of Obama Bin Dick Sucking wearing a Burka wishing you were a member of Obama Bin Spying's Harem of Political Whores?

GTFO of here Jizz Breath.

I hope you get deported soon.
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hey are spread out all over the Western world.

They declared a caliphate in Iraq and Syria and used to control it. They have lost their caliphate. You said Obama's policies benefitted the terrorists - so how does losing their declared caliphate benefit them?

Now as to ISIS being spread throughout the world, what is your point? What role does the US military, Air Force, Navy have in engaging Daesh in Europe? None,
right? What Obama policy benefited and ISIS lone wolf terrorist asshole who lives in Germany or France.

What policy has Trump proposed to deal with that threat?

ISIS is not the only Islamist faction in the world. They merely get the most current press.
And the most funding from Obama Bin Cocksucking. Yes, he paid ISIS to help with his coup against Syria, just like he paid Al Nusra, and the Muslim Brotherhood and Al Queda to help in Libya and Egypt.
That idiot Obama had many failures as President. We all know his biggest failure was Obamacare. There are many candidates for second place but leading the list is the stupid Iran deal. What the hell was that dumbass thinking giving Iran hundreds of billions of dollars and trusting the figgin ("Death to America") Mullahs? Worst President ever!
What the hell was that dumbass thinking giving Iran hundreds of billions of dollars

Yet ANOTHER right wing idiot who "learns" facts from FOX and Gateway [to hell] pundits.........
We gave Iran billions of US money????? Really, fuck head?

You really should go back to Libphuckistan. Your act is tiresome. Do you even have a green card?

Iran Admits It Test Fired New Missile, Putting Nuclear Deal In Jeopardy | Zero Hedge
Iran May Have Received as Much as $33.6 Billion in Cash, Gold Payments From U.S.
The U.S. Sent Another $1.3 Billion to Iran After Hostages Were Released

I think your Burka is fitting too snug today and cutting off circulation to your head.
Your lies are a little weak today.
Obamacare was slave reparation by a different name.

That stupid Iran deal was Muslim reparation by a different name.

It was Obama kissing the ass of the most militant Muslim country in the Middle East. Dumbass Obama. What would you expect after the sonofabitch went on a tour of the Middle East apologizing for America? He never got anything right.

Good for Trump giving signals that the deal is over. Of course that shithead Obama already gave the Mullahs hundreds of billions of dollars so we can't undo their funding for terrorism.
Flash, post: 17076416
That idiot Obama had many failures as President. We all know his biggest failure was Obamacare. There are many candidates for second place but leading the list is the stupid Iran deal. What the hell was that dumbass thinking giving Iran hundreds of billions of dollars and trusting the figgin ("Death to America") Mullahs? Worst President ever!

You are repeating a stale talking point. The Iran deal could only fail if Iran cheated. Iran is not cheatiing at all according to the Trump Administration.

When wingnuts cannot revise their talking points to reflect current reality they are doing themselves a disservice. They are being stupid to be more blunt.
Flash, post: 17076523
Good for Trump giving signals that the deal is over.

Trump can't make the deal be over nor will he ever try.

He can't knock 18,000 Boeing jobs down just to appease establishment warmongers like you.

You are living in a fantasy world, designed by Trump to use words to dumb you down and use actions completely opposite his meaningless words.
Instead of broadly rewarding Trump's backers, the House bill hands huge benefits to the tiny share of his voters earning the highest incomes. Their gains come at the expense of the much larger group of older, blue-collar whites who flocked to his "Make America Great Again" banner.

In Flash World whites were slaves;

Flash, post: 17076523
Obamacare was slave reparation by a different name.

Your disinformation is racist.

Trump's white low educated voters benefitted most from the ACA as is.

The link tells it all:

The Republican health-care bill threatens Trump's voters

"To the victor belong the spoils," candidate Donald Trump reminded 2016 voters. But the House Republican health bill turns that old maxim on its head.

Instead of broadly rewarding Trump's backers, the House bill hands huge benefits to the tiny share of his voters earning the highest incomes. Their gains come at the expense of the much larger group of older, blue-collar whites who flocked to his "Make America Great Again" banner.

That redistribution of money from less-affluent Trump supporters to wealthy ones complicates the ability of Congress to deliver on "repeal-and-replace" promises. And it foreshadows tensions within Trump's coalition that will loom over later efforts to enact tax reform."
The orange clown is simply "amazing"......

Just TWO days ago his own state department acknowledged that Iran is fully complying with the nuclear deal that Obama and our allies finally made to ease the tensions with that volatile country.

But, our once "against all wars" demagogue seems to need some extra attention from his ass kissers and he has decided to embolden the hawks in Iran.....Probably under the advisement of Kushner serving the wants of Israel.

Never mind that we are slowly inching our way into a confrontation with N. Korea and China.....and alienating our allies. As his poll numbers steadily decline and since he has NO damn idea of what to do on domestic initiatives, this orange idiot wants to pick a fight with everyone.

The fucking clown is a damn walking catastrophe of foreign relations....not even Hailey or Tillerson can stop this maniac from pissing off the entire planet against us....except, of course, his love interests at the Kremlin.

Someone PLEASE tell Trump to just worry about his golfing.
It was a terrible deal. Kerry and Obama were bamboozled by smarter Iranians. They were playing Chess while Obama and Kerry were playing Checkers. But that being said, Trump is obligated to adhere to the deal. We have to live up to our word. Otherwise, it puts all future deals in jeopardy. Trump is unfortunately boxed in on this one.
Perhaps Red State Amerika needs to witness and feel the glow-heat and destruction of a nuclear exchange caused by them and Putin's puppet!!!

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