Trump now leading in battleground states

I didn’t want to do it but my two sons made me do it anyway, so I got a plumber friend of mine to past a picture of Trump to the inside bowl of our pissing bowl I have in my “Joe’s Bar & Grill” restraint.

Then my sons made me take a picture; which I have posted here.

No offence intended or implied


Best economy in World History
Wall is 1/3 done
Vast improvements to Veterans care
New trade deals with many nations !!$$$
Iran Back in chains !!
China victories in trade war
Obliteration of Isis
USA out of fake Paris climate accords
USA.. no Asia TPP
Much easier to get “ new trial drugs “ if last resort
I already know your poll is a fake Biden doesn't have support in North Carolina

Well, I'm sure he doesn't in whatever Deliverance Cosplay part you live in, Cleetus.

If people keep dying at the rate they are, Trump is going to lose by Goldwater numbers.
Best economy in World History
Wall is 1/3 done
Vast improvements to Veterans care
New trade deals with many nations !!$$$
Iran Back in chains !!
China victories in trade war
Obliteration of Isis
USA out of fake Paris climate accords
USA.. no Asia TPP

Wow, what a vivid fantasy life you have.

Worst Recession in 90 years.
Wall is already collapsing because they used inferior materials
Trade deals that were no better than the ones we already had.
Iran is free to make nukes because most countries are ignoring our sanctions.
ISIS was on life support when Trump got there... And now Iran runs Iraq and Syria

Oh, let's go with the important numbers.

147,000 dead from Covid-19
40 Million jobs lost since March
60 days of riots.
Best economy in World History
Wall is 1/3 done
Vast improvements to Veterans care
New trade deals with many nations !!$$$
Iran Back in chains !!
China victories in trade war
Obliteration of Isis
USA out of fake Paris climate accords
USA.. no Asia TPP

Wow, what a vivid fantasy life you have.

Worst Recession in 90 years.
Wall is already collapsing because they used inferior materials
Trade deals that were no better than the ones we already had.
Iran is free to make nukes because most countries are ignoring our sanctions.
ISIS was on life support when Trump got there... And now Iran runs Iraq and Syria

Oh, let's go with the important numbers.

147,000 dead from Covid-19
40 Million jobs lost since March
60 days of riots.
Dead because of virus you buffoon !!
Economy already rebounding
The Democrat “Eichmans “ did zero while T closed down travel and got supplies moving
Cuomo should be charged for murder !!
Best economy in World History
Wall is 1/3 done
Vast improvements to Veterans care
New trade deals with many nations !!$$$
Iran Back in chains !!
China victories in trade war
Obliteration of Isis
USA out of fake Paris climate accords
USA.. no Asia TPP
I stopped at "Best economy in World History".

Best economy in world history?

A mediocre 2.1% GDP with an exploding budget/deficit, bond yields crashing by 50% and a NY Fed forced to pour $1.5 TRILLION into short term credit markets to keep them moving? All BEFORE the virus hit?

My goodness, you have to get outside your alternate universe once in a while. That's just FANTASY.
Dead because of virus you buffoon !!
Economy already rebounding
The Democrat “Eichmans “ did zero while T closed down travel and got supplies moving

Uh, guy, the Virus was his fault because he called it a hoax and didn't take action.

The economy is not "rebounding", it's getting a lot worse.
Dead because of virus you buffoon !!
Economy already rebounding
The Democrat “Eichmans “ did zero while T closed down travel and got supplies moving

Uh, guy, the Virus was his fault because he called it a hoax and didn't take action.

The economy is not "rebounding", it's getting a lot worse.
He took action from day 1
The Dems did zero peon
He took action from day 1
The Dems did zero peon

Yes, he took action.

He did a racist travel ban that probably accelerated the spread.
He called it a hoax.
He undermined Drs. Fauci and Brix at every turn.
He fought against social distancing because it might spook the markets.
He undermined the efforts of governors in the first affected states to control it.

He did a lot of stuff. And all of it was bad.
He took action from day 1
The Dems did zero peon

Yes, he took action.

He did a racist travel ban that probably accelerated the spread.
He called it a hoax.
He undermined Drs. Fauci and Brix at every turn.
He fought against social distancing because it might spook the markets.
He undermined the efforts of governors in the first affected states to control it.

He did a lot of stuff. And all of it was bad.
incel lay off the crack
He took action from day 1
The Dems did zero peon

Yes, he took action.

He did a racist travel ban that probably accelerated the spread.
He called it a hoax.
He undermined Drs. Fauci and Brix at every turn.
He fought against social distancing because it might spook the markets.
He undermined the efforts of governors in the first affected states to control it.

He did a lot of stuff. And all of it was bad.
incel lay off the crack
Drugs is what leftist “ Sewer rats “ ,like you do
It would not surprise me if the voting booths all came with an armed minder to make sure every vote is democrat.
Trumps flip flops exposes trumps unhinged mindset

16 January 2020
The world's two largest economies have been locked in a bitter trade battle.

The dispute has seen the US and China impose tariffs on hundreds of billions of dollars worth of one another's goods.

US President Donald Trump has long accused China of unfair trading practices and intellectual property theft.

In China, there is a perception that America is trying to curb its rise as a global economic power.
US-China trade war in 300 words

June 17, 2020 at 7:15 p.m. CD
Trump asked China’s Xi to help him win reelection, according to Bolton book

President Trump asked Chinese President Xi Jinping to help him win the 2020 U.S. election, telling Xi during a summit dinner last year that increased agricultural purchases by Beijing from American farmers would aid his electoral prospects,

JULY 7, 2020
Why China Wants Trump to Win
Four more years might present tantalizing opportunities for Beijing to expand its influence around East Asia and the world.
Why China Wants Trump to Win

July 18, 2020
WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump’s “ban” on travel from China is his go-to point when defending his response to the coronavirus pandemic. The problem with his core argument starts with the fact that he did not ban travel from China. He imposed porous restrictions.

Over the past week, Trump cited his China action repeatedly and as part of a scattered indictment of Democratic presidential rival Joe Biden.
AP FACT CHECK: Trump and the virus-era China ban that isn't

It would not surprise me if the voting booths all came with an armed minder to make sure every vote is democrat.
Do you have any idea why you are supporting trump-?

Please check the appropriate box or boxes below—
NOTE: a lie here will haunt you for the remainder of your life

[ ] I like his haircut

[ ] Trump is rich

[ ] Trump is a genius

[ ] Trump promised me he would lower my rent

[ ] my neighbor told me to do so

[ ] _________________________
the Lord is watching

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