Trump Now Leads vrs ALL Democrat POTUS Candidates According to Zogby

Polls? Remember 2016? Trump had absolutely no way to win. (2020 Trump is a 7:1 favorite in Vegas betting)

The best poll you can use are the feet at his rally (and those waiting outside), the increased polling support by minorities, the number of donors (not just dollars) and, the passionate rhetoric and effort to shame, insult, expose, punish his supporters and his policies.

When you have people openly saying they hope for a recession to get rid of the president, you know his opposition is in deep deep trouble.
The best candidate the Dems have is serving our nation in Indonesia and wont be invited to the next set of debates in all likelihood.
So Zogby is saying Trump is up by like 2 to 4% against all Dems.

So it is more likely he is up by 6 to 10%.

Trump in Dead Heats With Biden and Sanders, Half of Voters “Silently” Support Trump

Trump will win.
given the clown car opposition that's a gimme.

What Trump is doing bass-ackwards is not getting down ballot Rs funded and coached now for the April/May internal capital flight crisis that will hit the Blue states at that time
Polls? Remember 2016? Trump had absolutely no way to win. (2020 Trump is a 7:1 favorite in Vegas betting)

You're confusing polls with prediction models. The polls accurately predicted Clinton would win by 2-3% of the popular vote.
You're confusing polls with prediction models. The polls accurately predicted Clinton would win by 2-3% of the popular vote.

Wow. You actually said something intelligent. Amazing. Well then,you should read this article:

>> 3 modelers predict Trump reelection: report

Three modelers are predicting President Trump will win reelection in 2020 based on a combination of economic data and incumbent advantages, according to a column in The New York Times.
While it is still over a year out, I think Trump is going to get fiercely sabotaged by the Old Guard GOP Elites who will try to weaken him with scores of lance wounds like a matador weakens a bull. They will leap on every perceived Trump misstep and twisted statement used to slander him in the media to undermine him and once again to present him as a loser

But Trump has a lot going for him:
1) the stupidity of the Democratic party candidates that are currently trying to take out their best shot at beating Trump; Biden (Trump would still beat Biden though)
2) The economy is very strong even still in real terms like employment, wages and addressing health care costs which Trump is going to reduce.
3) Dems are handing over to Trump Florida by talking about exploiting Medicare, Appalachian states by attacking coal, a huge block of Western states by attacking oil and gas industries, and Michigan by talking about gutting the auto industry
4) Free speech issues favor Trump,
5) Patriotism issue favors Trump
6) Trump is going to take 40% of Latinos and about 25% of blacks.
7) Trump is getting us out of Afghanistan and he crushed ISIS.
8) China aggression along its periphery will drive many to support Trump.
Trump is the Walmart of politics nobody wants to go there but you can't beat the prices. Trump is annoying but he does get things done.
The Dem 2020 candidates made the mistake of telling America what they plan to do if elected.

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