Trump now says the folders marked “classified” were empty. He kept them because they were “cool”

He doesn’t need to have made the claim in court (yet) you execrable dumbass.

Wrong. It’s what he and at least one credible witness have maintained so far, out of court.

And it doesn’t surprise me that you choose, in advance, to deny the truth of that claim. Idiot jerkoffs like you dispense with any need for evidence to jump to your preconceived conclusions.

You are a tool.

How about a wager:

Trump gets convicted I win.

Trump gets cleared you win.

Loser has to sig every post for 4 months with

"[Winner] showed me I'm not as smart as I thought I am"

Think you are so smart? Put up.
This actually sounds exactly like something he would do. An empty folder w a James Bond style “Top Secret” stamp and he thinks “its cool” so keeps it. Be honest as a no name average citizen we’d probably keep that stupid empty folder also haha it would be kind of a cool souvenir
How about a wager:

Trump gets convicted I win.

Trump gets cleared you win.

Loser has to sig every post for 4 months with

"[Winner] showed me I'm not as smart as I thought I am"

Think you are so smart? Put up.

The fact that the Fake Trump, Alec Baldwin, was arrested before Real Trump doesnt give me confidence
How about a wager:

Trump gets convicted I win.

Trump gets cleared you win.

Loser has to sig every post for 4 months with

"[Winner] showed me I'm not as smart as I thought I am"

Think you are so smart? Put up.

You'd be stupid to make a bet with Welshy. He doesn't honor bets he loses...

I made a bet. I lost. Welching is not cool, at least not the way I was raised. Therefore, I am obligated to honor the bet (Zona's revenge ): and the terms were simple. I bet that Pres. Obama would NOT get re-elected.


The payment terms were simple, too. If I lost the bet, I was to flat out LEAVE USMB.


Thus, I am obliged to leave USMB. I have been' assured' by lots of my lib "buddies" that I will come back under some other username. Nope. Gone means gone. They can believe whatever a lib's heart says they should believe. But, I'll still be gone.


That leaves only one thing left to say.


And now he's back posting under a new name.
You'd be stupid to make a bet with Welshy. He doesn't honor bets he loses...

And now he's back posting under a new name.

Oh wow, didn't realize his screen name is de-facto "I'm not as smart as I thought I am when I made that bet....and I don't have the integrity I thought I had either"

I guess life's hard when you are too much of a dummy to know you are dumb. :eusa_doh:
Those hired or appointed have completely different classified doc regulations than elected representatives.
You were borrowing copies you had to return.
When presidents have staff meetings, a copy is made for everyone to keep.

Yes, copies of classified material are made for everyone at the meeting so that they can all read the same thing without having to pass around a single copy. NO. They don't get to keep them. Apparently you've never been around classified material.
Intellectual giant Billy thinks folders with labels marked Secret, Top Secret, and SCI are classified documents. BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :auiqs.jpg:

The folders themselves are not classified per se, they are only classified when they have information in them. However, they are considered controlled documents.
I also noticed the folders looked empty in the staged photo.

Would having a few cover sheets be ”cool.” Perhaps.

Where I worked before I retired we had plenty of those cover sheets in an office supply room. I thought about taking a few but never did. I figured that some fool would see them in my home and call the FBI and I would be in a world of shit.

On the commands that I was at, the RM's (Radiomen) generally kept the classified folders stored in their workspace (a classified materials area), on shore they were held in the admin office. And, all those folders were serialized so that when classified material went out, they could be logged with what was in them. And, the RM's went apeshit if any of those folders ended up missing, as that caused them to think that classified material was wandering around somewhere.
What should worry every American is the fact that the FBI felt compelled to stage a picture at Trump's home... clearly showing that the deep state is and has always been in charge... not the people we elect....

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How about a wager:

Trump gets convicted I win.

Trump gets cleared you win.

Loser has to sig every post for 4 months with

"[Winner] showed me I'm not as smart as I thought I am"

Think you are so smart? Put up.
I learned long ago not to make wagers on the Board. And, in any event, wouldn’t there have to be something first to wager upon even if I felt inclined to engage in a wager?

I suppose this will come as a news flash to you, but so far President Trump hasn’t been indicted (or even arrested) on any criminal matters.

Finally, it doesn’t require a proclamation from me that I’m smart to note that you aren’t.
Prove him wrong,
Classification folders are not just for show. They have indentification on them to match the documents inside. So that if the documents are removed from the folder, you can remember which folder it goes in.

If the documents didn't match the folders that they are being kept in, it would have came out.
Classification folders are not just for show. They have indentification on them to match the documents inside. So that if the documents are removed from the folder, you can remember which folder it goes in.

If the documents didn't match the folders that they are being kept in, it would have came out.
That makes sense. I can’t read any individual identifying information on any of the file folder covers in that staged search warrant execution photo.

But it remains pretty irrelevant, frankly.

Why? Because the President’s position is that he had previously DEclassified them when he was still President. Accordingly, neither the documents within a formerly classified file folder cover nor that cover itself would still be classified despite the present markings.
I learned long ago not to make wagers on the Board.

What you should've learned is that your analysis is worth fuck all and you shouldn't run your mouth based on half-baked wishful politico fantasies stirring around in your head.
What you should've learned is that your analysis is worth fuck all and you shouldn't run your mouth based on half-baked wishful politico fantasies stirring around in your head.
What you should learn is that you couldn’t convince a fish to get back into the water.

The half-baked political fantasies are all yours, Auntie. 👍
Lol Trump never ceases to amaze me with the stupid shit he says.

Does it bother his supporters this contradicts his assertion he declassified the documents he stole? Nope probably not. The mental gymnastics must be exhausting.

He just called out DOJ to show their cards.......never thought of that, eh?
What you should learn is that you couldn’t convince a fish to get back into the water.

The half-baked political fantasies are all yours, Auntie. 👍
blah blah blah.

When it will be well proven in court that Trump illegally kept classified documents you'll be shown WrongAgain, you'll again learn nothing.
blah blah blah.

When it will be well proven in court that Trump illegally kept classified documents you'll be shown WrongAgain, you'll again learn nothing.
Lol. . Nice try.

:itsok: “When it will be” assumes that there will be an indictment and a trial.

Possible. But not likely.

The government lawyers are not big fans of losing. And, unlike you, they can assess the risks.
Lol Trump never ceases to amaze me with the stupid shit he says.

Does it bother his supporters this contradicts his assertion he declassified the documents he stole? Nope probably not. The mental gymnastics must be exhausting.

He's on the same level as Biden

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