Trump obtained a podiatrist’s note to avoid serving in his own military coup!

NEW YORK (The Borowitz Report)—Donald J. Trump obtained a doctor’s note to avoid serving in his own military coup, according to a bombshell book published today.​
The book, written by Trump’s New York-based podiatrist, Dr. Harland Dorrinson, reveals that the former President became concerned that, if a military coup that he was masterminding gained critical mass, he might be required to assume an active combat role.​
To foreclose that possibility, he contacted Dorrinson, who has written a number of doctor’s notes for Trump over the years.​
An excerpt from the note reads, “Donald J. Trump is suffering from extremely painful bone spurs that would make any active-duty participation in a military coup out of the question. In the event of such a coup, I strongly recommend that he be limited to an administrative role.”​
The podiatrist’s searing exposé is the thirty-seventh book about the last days of Trump’s Presidency published this week, according to industry estimates.​

I didn't even need to read this one. . . just the headline was hilarious this time.

Borowitz is running on all cylinders this time. You can tell by how he triggered the Trump lovers. Usually it is your side that has no sense of humor.

If some of you didn't have Trump to obsesses over I honestly think you would take your own life.
While I do agree with you?

Making fun of Hillary, Joe, Obama, Trump, and all of our leaders, is, objectively fun.
I don't get it...Dr Love is so against wrong doing by Trump but seems unconcerned about the Biden Crime family.....:dunno:

Spicer & Co? :lol: Well, nice to see that Spicey landed on his feet!

Other States Look To Texas For Advice On How To Get Democrats To Leave

"U.S.—In a brilliant move, Governor Greg Abbott has tricked dozens of Democrat legislators into leaving Texas. This is leading other governors across the country to ask Texas for advice on how they can get Democrats to leave their states as well.

"Arizona is a beautiful state," said Governor Doug Ducey, "but it has one problem: it's full of Democrats. Is there some way we can just get them to—I dunno—leave? Why can't they live in California or Cuba, or somewhere they'll fit in better?"

The governor of Georgia has also stated he will be flying to Texas to learn all of Governor Abbott's secrets to making Democrats go somewhere else. . . . "

MisterBeale Ok - The Bee scored with that one! :clap:

. . . and of course, there is always the Onion, which is somewhere in the middle. :heehee:

Experts Encourage Americans To Start Thinking About What Form Of Government They’d Like To Try After Democracy Crumbles

“We’re urging this country’s citizens to really put their heads together on how they’d like the country to be governed after the federal government ultimately implodes and leaves a massive power vacuum,” said policymaking expert James Kimberly, explaining to the country’s 330 million residents that there were some “really cool” options to consider for the post-democracy America, ranging from a constitutional monarchy to an outright banana republic. “How about a totalitarian dictatorship? Anarcho-syndicalism? Or, hey, Japan did some cool stuff with a shogun back in the day. Nothing saying we can’t have an American shogun. There’s also always complete chaos to consider, which would make a lot of sense given where we’re heading.. . .

But Biden holds women up against a wall and shoves his finger in their vagina against their will as they struggle to get away and his son runs around the world getting money for the Biden family while selling out his country.....

Where's your evidence of that you lying bitch?
What party of the country d i d he sell?
You see. You make ridiculous claims and never support them other than your big mouth.
Why do you have to deliberately lie all the time? Are you mentally ill or still paranoid? You're a complete fruit loop.
Where's your evidence of that you lying bitch?
What party of the country d i d he sell?
You see. You make ridiculous claims and never support them other than your big mouth.
Why do you have to deliberately lie all the time? Are you mentally ill or still paranoid? You're a complete fruit loop.
But you can't quote me on a single example???? kind of weak don't ya think lightweight?....
You're a republican. It's in your DNA.
Lets start with you believing the election was fraudulent and provided no evidence.
Have you got that yet?
trump said, in his speech at his Jan. 6 rally, that "we are going to the Capitol," then went back to his quarters on turned on the TV. I guess he couldn't walk the relatively short distance between the White House and the Capitol, even though he never seems to have trouble walking on other occasions.

trump's the guy who wanted a military parade down Pennsylvania Ave. because he was jealous of Bastille Day. He has such a sense of humor.
. . . and of course, there is always the Onion, which is somewhere in the middle. :heehee:

Experts Encourage Americans To Start Thinking About What Form Of Government They’d Like To Try After Democracy Crumbles

“We’re urging this country’s citizens to really put their heads together on how they’d like the country to be governed after the federal government ultimately implodes and leaves a massive power vacuum,” said policymaking expert James Kimberly, explaining to the country’s 330 million residents that there were some “really cool” options to consider for the post-democracy America, ranging from a constitutional monarchy to an outright banana republic. “How about a totalitarian dictatorship? Anarcho-syndicalism? Or, hey, Japan did some cool stuff with a shogun back in the day. Nothing saying we can’t have an American shogun. There’s also always complete chaos to consider, which would make a lot of sense given where we’re heading.. . .

I saw this one. Priceless. The Onion does the best PhotoShops :cool-45:

WASHINGTON—Clutching his briefcase and keeping his eyes averted as he approached, President Joe Biden rushed past an intimidating circle of senators smoking weed on the Capitol steps, sources confirmed Friday. “Excuse me, folks, just trying to get through here,” said the commander-in-chief, reportedly holding his breath as Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) blew smoke in his direction and laughingly offered him a toke from a lit joint. “Oh, uh, no thanks, haha. I’m running late. Plus, uh, I heard that stuff can make you go crazy.” At press time, a hyperventilating Biden was reportedly lying on the floor of the Oval Office trying to come down from a contact high.​

NEW YORK (The Borowitz Report)—Donald J. Trump obtained a doctor’s note to avoid serving in his own military coup, according to a bombshell book published today.​
The book, written by Trump’s New York-based podiatrist, Dr. Harland Dorrinson, reveals that the former President became concerned that, if a military coup that he was masterminding gained critical mass, he might be required to assume an active combat role.​
To foreclose that possibility, he contacted Dorrinson, who has written a number of doctor’s notes for Trump over the years.​
An excerpt from the note reads, “Donald J. Trump is suffering from extremely painful bone spurs that would make any active-duty participation in a military coup out of the question. In the event of such a coup, I strongly recommend that he be limited to an administrative role.”​
The podiatrist’s searing exposé is the thirty-seventh book about the last days of Trump’s Presidency published this week, according to industry estimates.​

Tell us Dr Love, if lightning strikes again in 2024 and the Bad Orange Man is re-elected, what do you think the nation's reaction should be? What would you consider appropriate? Fess up now...God hates a coward...

That lady has zero credibility - But whatever blows yer skirt up Loon.

She has more credibility than Kavanaugh's accusers....she has been a democrat her entire life and worked in Joe's senate office.....

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