Trump officially declared a racist

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If you're going to refer to anything as racism, then the word lost all meaning. It's like the boy that cried wolf. Nobody even pays attention anymore.

When Trump was a Democrat, he was a fine man and a talented entertainer. The day he decided to run for a Republican President, he was racist.

Then you on the left can't figure out how he's doing better in the polls since all this racist crap started? People are getting sick of it,.
When Trump was a Democrat, he was a pompous egotistical asshole...just like today

Note that Democrats never tried to elect him president

That's because he never tried to run as a Democrat. Plenty of pictures of Trump rubbing elbows with leftist celebrities and politicians, including Bill and Hillary. They all loved him.
Trump loved to rub up to celebrities

Now, he rubs up to tyrants like Putin, Kim Jong Un and Prince Salman

Yeah, that really sucks. You're used to a do-nothing President. Sorry, but that's not what you have now.
Yeah now we have a fk everything up president

The only people Fn everything up is your Democrat led Congress. Trump? Great economy going on and looks like so for the foreseeable future.
What is it about AMERICA FIRST don't you comprehend dumbass?

That's not a founding principle, dope.
I suggest you read those documents knucklehead.

Post it up, dope.
Show us where "Anerica First" is or ever was a founding principle.
Why don't you show what part of those principles that doesn't make America first?
We're not even supposed to have a standing full time military. That's why we have the second amendment.
You lost this argument.
Christ you're dense one.
Show us a founding document that cites "America first" as a founding principle, dope.
Dumb ass show me it's not.
If you're going to refer to anything as racism, then the word lost all meaning. It's like the boy that cried wolf. Nobody even pays attention anymore.

When Trump was a Democrat, he was a fine man and a talented entertainer. The day he decided to run for a Republican President, he was racist.

Then you on the left can't figure out how he's doing better in the polls since all this racist crap started? People are getting sick of it,.
When Trump was a Democrat, he was a pompous egotistical asshole...just like today

Note that Democrats never tried to elect him president

That's because he never tried to run as a Democrat. Plenty of pictures of Trump rubbing elbows with leftist celebrities and politicians, including Bill and Hillary. They all loved him.
Trump loved to rub up to celebrities

Now, he rubs up to tyrants like Putin, Kim Jong Un and Prince Salman

Yeah, that really sucks. You're used to a do-nothing President. Sorry, but that's not what you have now.
Yeah now we have a fk everything up president
Fucking up haters of America is what he does Best
By act of Congress, Trump is a racist

Live updates: Backlash after Trump's racist tweets - CNNPolitics

The House of Representatives passed a resolution denouncing President Trump's racist comments targeting four progressive Democratic congresswomen of color.

The vote was 240 to 187.
I'm glad you sid that, bripat. It does have a meaning, and that meaning is that the Democrats have no grounds to impeach the President, and they are giving so much credence to the Communists among them, that they are announcing their Socialism is fully accepted and appreciated, even though it smacks of Communism, which is just another moniker interchanged with the name, Socialism.

The meaning is the Democrats are fully embracing Communism.
By act of Congress, Trump is a racist

Live updates: Backlash after Trump's racist tweets - CNNPolitics

The House of Representatives passed a resolution denouncing President Trump's racist comments targeting four progressive Democratic congresswomen of color.

The vote was 240 to 187.

Fuck them all.

Well thought out response.

Do you have a logical reason why Trump told 3 women born in this country to go back to where they came from?
I do.

He told ONE of them to go back to Somalia and fix it, THEN come back and tell us how she did it.

Pretty straight forward, but admittedly brash.

No brasher than Ilhad Omar's shameful promotion of America's enemies in the Middle East. Her ninnyhammering about the nice people who send her money from all over the Middle East and who also sent money and men to al Qaeda who were "some people who did some things" according to Omar. She offended every person who lost a father, mother, sister, brother, aunt, uncle, grandmother or grandfather on 9/11. "Never forget" means we will not let anyone over here conspire with enemy agents over there who already have planned where they will hit us next. Oh, wait. They hit us in the Democrat Congress with people sympathetic to terrorists who aim to destroy Israel and the United States with nukes and assorted other technologies.
By act of Congress, Trump is a racist

Live updates: Backlash after Trump's racist tweets - CNNPolitics

The House of Representatives passed a resolution denouncing President Trump's racist comments targeting four progressive Democratic congresswomen of color.

The vote was 240 to 187.

Fuck them all.

Well thought out response.

Do you have a logical reason why Trump told 3 women born in this country to go back to where they came from?
I do.

He told ONE of them to go back to Somalia and fix it, THEN come back and tell us how she did it.

Pretty straight forward, but admittedly brash.

No brasher than Ilhad Omar's shameful promotion of America's enemies in the Middle East. Her ninnyhammering about the nice people who send her money from all over the Middle East and who also sent money and men to al Qaeda who were "some people who did some things" according to Omar. She offended every person who lost a father, mother, sister, brother, aunt, uncle, grandmother or grandfather on 9/11. "Never forget" means we will not let anyone over here conspire with enemy agents over there who already have planned where they will hit us next. Oh, wait. They hit us in the Democrat Congress with people sympathetic to terrorists who aim to destroy Israel and the United States with nukes and assorted other technologies.

You said here "... the nice people who send her money from all over the Middle East and who also sent money and men to al Qaeda ..."

With other words: You call her a member of the godless terror organization Al Quaeda with "facts", which come only from your pure fantasy.

Did you ever think about the 8th commandement and why it exists? So what for heavens sake do you try to do? Do you like to kill your own soul only because of some stupid political opinions? We are all children of god.

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When Trump was a Democrat, he was a pompous egotistical asshole...just like today

Note that Democrats never tried to elect him president

That's because he never tried to run as a Democrat. Plenty of pictures of Trump rubbing elbows with leftist celebrities and politicians, including Bill and Hillary. They all loved him.
Trump loved to rub up to celebrities

Now, he rubs up to tyrants like Putin, Kim Jong Un and Prince Salman

Yeah, that really sucks. You're used to a do-nothing President. Sorry, but that's not what you have now.
Yeah now we have a fk everything up president

The only people Fn everything up is your Democrat led Congress. Trump? Great economy going on and looks like so for the foreseeable future.

That's something what I don't understand. Your economy should crash down with such a president. How do you explain this? And do you have on your own really some more money now, where you would say this money is an effect of something what Donald Trump had done? The last calculation I heard says he costs in average every member of the US-American middle class additionally about $670 a year.

And what is "forseeable future" for you? Months? Years? Decades? And are you sure this is not an effect of the government Obama? What a government is doing needs often a very long time before positive effects start to be noticable. And are you also sure this is not only an effect of mathematics?
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talk about not being smart I bet you are an obamacare supporter
Obamacare architect' Jonathan Gruber recently said that Obamacare only passed due to the 'stupidity' of the American voter and a lack of 'transparency,'

A health care system for all citizens is a minimal requirement for a modern civilisation. Same with food for everyone and a warm home for everyone; including safety for everyone.

I don't want government-run healthcare a slave might I don't

Aha. Because of brainwashed political propaganda? The health care system of Germany cost per person for example relatively 50% of the health care system of the USA - is very effective - and in principle for [nearly] everyone here available. And no one is a slave because of this.

Snowflake you do realize the reason Germany has universal healthcare is because they have very little military cost
They depend heavily on America

Germany is in Crisis, and their Social Welfare System is on the verge of Financial Collapse.
For a country that is smaller than California, they are in trouble like California now.

Open Borders and Social Welfare are Incompatible.

Nonsense. As far as I remember Germany is always in a crisis written on paper but never was in any real crisis since 1973 ("oil-shock"). An this crisis was funny. We were able to make interesting walks over the Autobahn on Sunday, because no one drove there with a car.

36% of the current refugees for example have a job here. 80% of them a relativelly good job, where they pay in our social systems too. That's not bad for this short time. And we had always poor migrants - from all over Europe, Russia, Turkey and so on. Our social systems still exist. Oh by the way: More and more migrants are coming from England too. How many from the USA? I don't know. Not many. You are a so called "safe country of origin" - but perhaps this will change under Trump. The problem of migration is that so many people have to flee from irreal and dangerous situations. Migration is per se not positive - but it is also not negative. Some people go in other countries only on reason to make a new experience. A problem is the migration on economical reasons. "braindrift". That's the form of migration the USA, Canada and other countries prefer. Rich people and high performers are welcome - others not. That's not good for the countries, where the people come from.

In the moment we calculate we are able to help in Germany every year 200,000 new refugees without a big problem. It come normally much less.

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By act of Congress, Trump is a racist

Live updates: Backlash after Trump's racist tweets - CNNPolitics

The House of Representatives passed a resolution denouncing President Trump's racist comments targeting four progressive Democratic congresswomen of color.

The vote was 240 to 187.

Fuck them all.

Well thought out response.

Do you have a logical reason why Trump told 3 women born in this country to go back to where they came from?
I do.

He told ONE of them to go back to Somalia and fix it, THEN come back and tell us how she did it.

Pretty straight forward, but admittedly brash.

No brasher than Ilhad Omar's shameful promotion of America's enemies in the Middle East. Her ninnyhammering about the nice people who send her money from all over the Middle East and who also sent money and men to al Qaeda who were "some people who did some things" according to Omar. She offended every person who lost a father, mother, sister, brother, aunt, uncle, grandmother or grandfather on 9/11. "Never forget" means we will not let anyone over here conspire with enemy agents over there who already have planned where they will hit us next. Oh, wait. They hit us in the Democrat Congress with people sympathetic to terrorists who aim to destroy Israel and the United States with nukes and assorted other technologies.

You said here "... the nice people who send her money from all over the Middle East and who also sent money and men to al Qaeda ..."

With other words: You call her a member of the godless terror organization Al Quaeda with "facts", which come only from your pure fantasy.

Did you ever think about the 8th commandement and why it exists? So what for heavens sake do you try to do? Do you like to kill your own soul only because of some stupid political opinions? We are all children of god.

You haven't figured out the politely-entered leftist distribution of assets from the Middle East through money laundering? Since you're using the illustrations you have in foreign languages which is not in accordance with USMB posting Rules and Guidelines, I'm not surprised as to why you have missed the recent narrative on huge monetary dispersements the Democrats yield using a famous charity fund which changes lanes when Judicial Watch picks up on the current benefactor, as was the case with the Clinton Library foundation a few months back that funded the fully discredited Steel dossier. If that has gone across your radar screen, it is not evident here as you so blythely beat me up for lying, which is 95% unlikely, due to the surreptitious nature of DNC money that makes bad things happen to good Republican conservatives, and in this case our much-ninnyhammered-by-the-socialist-left in the Democrat Party. Maybe you should learn how to flail yourself for your pretentious ignorance of how things work in the La-la Land of the Left aka false narratives by the Soros wallet-sized boatload. Consider me well-striped by your whip that constantly beats dead horses. :rolleyes:
That's because he never tried to run as a Democrat. Plenty of pictures of Trump rubbing elbows with leftist celebrities and politicians, including Bill and Hillary. They all loved him.
Trump loved to rub up to celebrities

Now, he rubs up to tyrants like Putin, Kim Jong Un and Prince Salman

Yeah, that really sucks. You're used to a do-nothing President. Sorry, but that's not what you have now.
Yeah now we have a fk everything up president

The only people Fn everything up is your Democrat led Congress. Trump? Great economy going on and looks like so for the foreseeable future.

That's something what I don't understand. Your economy should crash down with such a president. How do you explain this? And do you have on your own really some more money now, where you would say this money is an effect of something what Donald Trump had done? The last calculation I heard says he costs in average every member of the US-American middle class additionally about $670 a year.

And what is "forseeable future" for you? Months? Years? Decades? And are you sure this is not an effect of the government Obama? What a government is doing needs often a very long time before positive effects start to be noticable. And are you also sure this is not only an effect of mathematics?

Let me explain something to you: DumBama was the most anti-business President we've ever had in our lifetime. Most everything he ever did in regards to business was a negative for them.

In our country, the government doesn't create jobs--the private sector does. All government can do is make it more or less inviting for the private sector to accomplish this.

After Trump got in, he rescinded much of DumBama's job killing regulations. He was able to pass a bill to lower their taxes. He eventually got rid of the Commie Care mandate. That encouraged some businesses to give raises to their employees, bonuses, or both. They had the money to expand their businesses leading to even more jobs.

Until today, Trump's policy of removing two regulations on businesses for every one created is still in effect. Small business confidence hit it's highest level in recorded history under Trump. Small businesses are the life blood of new jobs.

I'm 59 years old, and for the life of me, I don't recall a time when we had more jobs than people to actually do them. That's what we have under President Trump.
Trump loved to rub up to celebrities

Now, he rubs up to tyrants like Putin, Kim Jong Un and Prince Salman

Yeah, that really sucks. You're used to a do-nothing President. Sorry, but that's not what you have now.
Yeah now we have a fk everything up president

The only people Fn everything up is your Democrat led Congress. Trump? Great economy going on and looks like so for the foreseeable future.

That's something what I don't understand. Your economy should crash down with such a president. How do you explain this? And do you have on your own really some more money now, where you would say this money is an effect of something what Donald Trump had done? The last calculation I heard says he costs in average every member of the US-American middle class additionally about $670 a year.

And what is "forseeable future" for you? Months? Years? Decades? And are you sure this is not an effect of the government Obama? What a government is doing needs often a very long time before positive effects start to be noticable. And are you also sure this is not only an effect of mathematics?

Let me explain something to you: DumBama was the most anti-business President we've ever had in our lifetime. Most everything he ever did in regards to business was a negative for them.

In our country, the government doesn't create jobs--the private sector does. All government can do is make it more or less inviting for the private sector to accomplish this.

After Trump got in, he rescinded much of DumBama's job killing regulations. He was able to pass a bill to lower their taxes. He eventually got rid of the Commie Care mandate. That encouraged some businesses to give raises to their employees, bonuses, or both. They had the money to expand their businesses leading to even more jobs.

Until today, Trump's policy of removing two regulations on businesses for every one created is still in effect. Small business confidence hit it's highest level in recorded history under Trump. Small businesses are the life blood of new jobs.

I'm 59 years old, and for the life of me, I don't recall a time when we had more jobs than people to actually do them. That's what we have under President Trump.
You're 59 and should know better Obama anti business ??? Look up what the DOW and NAS were when he came and when he left and then check out the 75 straight months of 6 digit job gains Trump came into office on the back of Dems and Obama and all your repub friends can do is BS about how bad he was
Trump loved to rub up to celebrities

Now, he rubs up to tyrants like Putin, Kim Jong Un and Prince Salman

Yeah, that really sucks. You're used to a do-nothing President. Sorry, but that's not what you have now.
Yeah now we have a fk everything up president

The only people Fn everything up is your Democrat led Congress. Trump? Great economy going on and looks like so for the foreseeable future.

That's something what I don't understand. Your economy should crash down with such a president. How do you explain this? And do you have on your own really some more money now, where you would say this money is an effect of something what Donald Trump had done? The last calculation I heard says he costs in average every member of the US-American middle class additionally about $670 a year.

And what is "forseeable future" for you? Months? Years? Decades? And are you sure this is not an effect of the government Obama? What a government is doing needs often a very long time before positive effects start to be noticable. And are you also sure this is not only an effect of mathematics?

Let me explain something to you: DumBama was the most anti-business President we've ever had in our lifetime. Most everything he ever did in regards to business was a negative for them.

In our country, the government doesn't create jobs--the private sector does. All government can do is make it more or less inviting for the private sector to accomplish this.

After Trump got in, he rescinded much of DumBama's job killing regulations. He was able to pass a bill to lower their taxes. He eventually got rid of the Commie Care mandate. That encouraged some businesses to give raises to their employees, bonuses, or both. They had the money to expand their businesses leading to even more jobs.

Until today, Trump's policy of removing two regulations on businesses for every one created is still in effect. Small business confidence hit it's highest level in recorded history under Trump. Small businesses are the life blood of new jobs.

I'm 59 years old, and for the life of me, I don't recall a time when we had more jobs than people to actually do them. That's what we have under President Trump.

The most "anti-business" president who holds the record for the most consecutive months of job growth spanning nearly 7 years.
The voters of Minnesota must feel really stupid for sending this fraud and liar to DC to represent them, hopefully they will kick her out next year.
They didn't look like they felt stupid when they welcomed her home at the airport.

MAGAt = Delicate. Precious. Flower. Stop parroting ignorant conspiracy theories if you don't want to look so weak and stupid. Feckless and afraid.

her fraudulent immigration papers are not a theory, but clearly a conspiracy to violate this country's immigration laws in order to claim citizenship. Her fraudulent filings of joint income tax returns while married to one man and fling with another is not a theory, it is fact.

She is a fraud, a trojan horse of the jihad. she and Tlaib are just the beginning of the long range muslim plan to destroy the USA from within, and fools like you are sitting on your asses grinning like jackasses watching it happen
A health care system for all citizens is a minimal requirement for a modern civilisation. Same with food for everyone and a warm home for everyone; including safety for everyone.

I don't want government-run healthcare a slave might I don't

Aha. Because of brainwashed political propaganda? The health care system of Germany cost per person for example relatively 50% of the health care system of the USA - is very effective - and in principle for [nearly] everyone here available. And no one is a slave because of this.

Snowflake you do realize the reason Germany has universal healthcare is because they have very little military cost
They depend heavily on America

Germany is in Crisis, and their Social Welfare System is on the verge of Financial Collapse.
For a country that is smaller than California, they are in trouble like California now.

Open Borders and Social Welfare are Incompatible.

Nonsense. As far as I remember Germany is always in a crisis written on paper but never was in any real crisis since 1973 ("oil-shock"). An this crisis was funny. We were able to make interesting walks over the Autobahn on Sunday, because no one drove there with a car.

36% of the current refugees for example have a job here. 80% of them a relativelly good job, where they pay in our social systems too. That's not bad for this short time. And we had always poor migrants - from all over Europe, Russia, Turkey and so on. Our social systems still exist. Oh by the way: More and more migrants are coming from England too. How many from the USA? I don't know. Not many. You are a so called "safe country of origin" - but perhaps this will change under Trump. The problem of migration is that so many people have to flee from irreal and dangerous situations. Migration is per se not positive - but it is also not negative. Some people go in other countries only on reason to make a new experience. A problem is the migration on economical reasons. "braindrift". That's the form of migration the USA, Canada and other countries prefer. Rich people and high performers are welcome - others not. That's not good for the countries, where the people come from.

In the moment we calculate we are able to help in Germany every year 200,000 new refugees without a big problem. It come normally much less.

So 64% of so called refugees, Jihadists, don't have a job.

And The German Welfare system has to support them.

Got it.
Yeah, that really sucks. You're used to a do-nothing President. Sorry, but that's not what you have now.
Yeah now we have a fk everything up president

The only people Fn everything up is your Democrat led Congress. Trump? Great economy going on and looks like so for the foreseeable future.

That's something what I don't understand. Your economy should crash down with such a president. How do you explain this? And do you have on your own really some more money now, where you would say this money is an effect of something what Donald Trump had done? The last calculation I heard says he costs in average every member of the US-American middle class additionally about $670 a year.

And what is "forseeable future" for you? Months? Years? Decades? And are you sure this is not an effect of the government Obama? What a government is doing needs often a very long time before positive effects start to be noticable. And are you also sure this is not only an effect of mathematics?

Let me explain something to you: DumBama was the most anti-business President we've ever had in our lifetime. Most everything he ever did in regards to business was a negative for them.

In our country, the government doesn't create jobs--the private sector does. All government can do is make it more or less inviting for the private sector to accomplish this.

After Trump got in, he rescinded much of DumBama's job killing regulations. He was able to pass a bill to lower their taxes. He eventually got rid of the Commie Care mandate. That encouraged some businesses to give raises to their employees, bonuses, or both. They had the money to expand their businesses leading to even more jobs.

Until today, Trump's policy of removing two regulations on businesses for every one created is still in effect. Small business confidence hit it's highest level in recorded history under Trump. Small businesses are the life blood of new jobs.

I'm 59 years old, and for the life of me, I don't recall a time when we had more jobs than people to actually do them. That's what we have under President Trump.
You're 59 and should know better Obama anti business ??? Look up what the DOW and NAS were when he came and when he left and then check out the 75 straight months of 6 digit job gains Trump came into office on the back of Dems and Obama and all your repub friends can do is BS about how bad he was

your kenyan messiah obozo the great said that manufacturing jobs would never return to the USA, now they have under Trump's policies.

Obama may have had a few favorable economic numbers, I will give you that. But he is solely responsible for the divisions we see in our country today, the hate, the violence, the uncompromising bullshit, the lying, the corruption of our intelligence services.

Obama was the worst president in history in the ways that really matter, he hated this country and everything it stands for, he was at best a muslim sympathizer and at worst a practicing muslim. He and both clintons should be sitting in jail cells for treasonous acts.
The voters of Minnesota must feel really stupid for sending this fraud and liar to DC to represent them, hopefully they will kick her out next year.
They didn't look like they felt stupid when they welcomed her home at the airport.

MAGAt = Delicate. Precious. Flower. Stop parroting ignorant conspiracy theories if you don't want to look so weak and stupid. Feckless and afraid.

her fraudulent immigration papers are not a theory, but clearly a conspiracy to violate this country's immigration laws in order to claim citizenship. Her fraudulent filings of joint income tax returns while married to one man and fling with another is not a theory, it is fact.

She is a fraud, a trojan horse of the jihad. she and Tlaib are just the beginning of the long range muslim plan to destroy the USA from within, and fools like you are sitting on your asses grinning like jackasses watching it happen

No, we are sitting on our asses laughing at your rantings. We are not afraid of this tiny tiny woman. Your cowardice is amusing.
That's not a founding principle, dope.
I suggest you read those documents knucklehead.

Post it up, dope.
Show us where "Anerica First" is or ever was a founding principle.
Why don't you show what part of those principles that doesn't make America first?
We're not even supposed to have a standing full time military. That's why we have the second amendment.
You lost this argument.
Christ you're dense one.
Show us a founding document that cites "America first" as a founding principle, dope.
Dumb ass show me it's not.

It was your assertion, loser.
Yeah, that really sucks. You're used to a do-nothing President. Sorry, but that's not what you have now.
Yeah now we have a fk everything up president

The only people Fn everything up is your Democrat led Congress. Trump? Great economy going on and looks like so for the foreseeable future.

That's something what I don't understand. Your economy should crash down with such a president. How do you explain this? And do you have on your own really some more money now, where you would say this money is an effect of something what Donald Trump had done? The last calculation I heard says he costs in average every member of the US-American middle class additionally about $670 a year.

And what is "forseeable future" for you? Months? Years? Decades? And are you sure this is not an effect of the government Obama? What a government is doing needs often a very long time before positive effects start to be noticable. And are you also sure this is not only an effect of mathematics?

Let me explain something to you: DumBama was the most anti-business President we've ever had in our lifetime. Most everything he ever did in regards to business was a negative for them.

In our country, the government doesn't create jobs--the private sector does. All government can do is make it more or less inviting for the private sector to accomplish this.

After Trump got in, he rescinded much of DumBama's job killing regulations. He was able to pass a bill to lower their taxes. He eventually got rid of the Commie Care mandate. That encouraged some businesses to give raises to their employees, bonuses, or both. They had the money to expand their businesses leading to even more jobs.

Until today, Trump's policy of removing two regulations on businesses for every one created is still in effect. Small business confidence hit it's highest level in recorded history under Trump. Small businesses are the life blood of new jobs.

I'm 59 years old, and for the life of me, I don't recall a time when we had more jobs than people to actually do them. That's what we have under President Trump.

The most "anti-business" president who holds the record for the most consecutive months of job growth spanning nearly 7 years.
Masturbating to false stories about the worst President in US History with the worst Economic Performance will make you go blind.
Yeah now we have a fk everything up president

The only people Fn everything up is your Democrat led Congress. Trump? Great economy going on and looks like so for the foreseeable future.

That's something what I don't understand. Your economy should crash down with such a president. How do you explain this? And do you have on your own really some more money now, where you would say this money is an effect of something what Donald Trump had done? The last calculation I heard says he costs in average every member of the US-American middle class additionally about $670 a year.

And what is "forseeable future" for you? Months? Years? Decades? And are you sure this is not an effect of the government Obama? What a government is doing needs often a very long time before positive effects start to be noticable. And are you also sure this is not only an effect of mathematics?

Let me explain something to you: DumBama was the most anti-business President we've ever had in our lifetime. Most everything he ever did in regards to business was a negative for them.

In our country, the government doesn't create jobs--the private sector does. All government can do is make it more or less inviting for the private sector to accomplish this.

After Trump got in, he rescinded much of DumBama's job killing regulations. He was able to pass a bill to lower their taxes. He eventually got rid of the Commie Care mandate. That encouraged some businesses to give raises to their employees, bonuses, or both. They had the money to expand their businesses leading to even more jobs.

Until today, Trump's policy of removing two regulations on businesses for every one created is still in effect. Small business confidence hit it's highest level in recorded history under Trump. Small businesses are the life blood of new jobs.

I'm 59 years old, and for the life of me, I don't recall a time when we had more jobs than people to actually do them. That's what we have under President Trump.

The most "anti-business" president who holds the record for the most consecutive months of job growth spanning nearly 7 years.
Masturbating to false stories about the worst President in US History with the worst Economic Performance will make you go blind.
There's nothing false about it...

Yeah, that really sucks. You're used to a do-nothing President. Sorry, but that's not what you have now.
Yeah now we have a fk everything up president

The only people Fn everything up is your Democrat led Congress. Trump? Great economy going on and looks like so for the foreseeable future.

That's something what I don't understand. Your economy should crash down with such a president. How do you explain this? And do you have on your own really some more money now, where you would say this money is an effect of something what Donald Trump had done? The last calculation I heard says he costs in average every member of the US-American middle class additionally about $670 a year.

And what is "forseeable future" for you? Months? Years? Decades? And are you sure this is not an effect of the government Obama? What a government is doing needs often a very long time before positive effects start to be noticable. And are you also sure this is not only an effect of mathematics?

Let me explain something to you: DumBama was the most anti-business President we've ever had in our lifetime. Most everything he ever did in regards to business was a negative for them.

In our country, the government doesn't create jobs--the private sector does. All government can do is make it more or less inviting for the private sector to accomplish this.

After Trump got in, he rescinded much of DumBama's job killing regulations. He was able to pass a bill to lower their taxes. He eventually got rid of the Commie Care mandate. That encouraged some businesses to give raises to their employees, bonuses, or both. They had the money to expand their businesses leading to even more jobs.

Until today, Trump's policy of removing two regulations on businesses for every one created is still in effect. Small business confidence hit it's highest level in recorded history under Trump. Small businesses are the life blood of new jobs.

I'm 59 years old, and for the life of me, I don't recall a time when we had more jobs than people to actually do them. That's what we have under President Trump.

The most "anti-business" president who holds the record for the most consecutive months of job growth spanning nearly 7 years.
With NO bankrupt companies to his credit like the bs financial genus has
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