Trump officially declared a racist

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I don't want government-run healthcare a slave might I don't

Aha. Because of brainwashed political propaganda? The health care system of Germany cost per person for example relatively 50% of the health care system of the USA - is very effective - and in principle for [nearly] everyone here available. And no one is a slave because of this.
Germany's Social Services Network is collapsing due to a mass influx of so called refugees sucking Germany Dry.

Open Borders and Socialism are incompatible.

And Germany is smaller than the state of California, who is drowning in Debt due to trying to support millions of illegals. California is also an Exodus State, with Los Angelos and San Francisco listed in the top 10 cities in America that people are fleeing from.

The Top Four Reasons California Is Unsustainable

California in Crisis

Germany only has 80 million people and is not even in the top 15 in GDP, and they are in trouble.

Opinion: The German Social System in Crisis | DW | 26.04.2003

Report shows huge rise in social welfare spending in Germany | DW | 15.07.2009

Monthly Review | Germany’s Hidden Social Crisis

German Social Democracy in Crisis

What about if you would stop this nonsense? It's just simple bullshit what you say here.

Germany is going down the toilet, thanks to The Globalist Politicians who have betrayed it.
You ever been there?
I lived there for two long years.
There's no evidence she married her brother but I have no doubt you would.

There is no evidence of Russian Collusion, except for Obama and Clinton's. Yet you refuse to believe The Mueller Report or accept the results of the election.

She married her brother and he boned her every night.

They gave birth to you.
I see you still can't comprehend I accepted Mueller's findings. I also see you're still obsessing over her and her brother despite there being no proof.

Thanks for proving you're just another deranged rightie.

It's Omar that obsesses over her brother's cock and you obsess over Trump.

Both of you are deranged inbred boneheads.
No, it's actually you obsessing over it. Notice you're the one who brought it up and you're the one who can't stop thinking about it and posting about it.
What Flag do you fly over your commie compound and why are you obsessed about President Trump like Omar was obsessed over her brother's cock?


You poor thing, you just can't stop fantasizing about cocks. Don't worry, that doesn't make trump a racist.

Sorry, only in your retarded mind.

Trump's own govt says you're dumb as shit.

Federal guidance identifying 'go back to where you came from' as discrimination goes viral after Trump comments

"Examples of potentially unlawful conduct include insults, taunting, or ethnic epithets, such as making fun of a person's foreign accent or comments like, 'Go back to where you came from,' whether made by supervisors or by co-workers," it adds.

talk about not being smart I bet you are an obamacare supporter
Obamacare architect' Jonathan Gruber recently said that Obamacare only passed due to the 'stupidity' of the American voter and a lack of 'transparency,'

And you're a deflecting loser who is obviously outmatched.
I guess you need to learn the definition of deflection You posted
"Trump's own govt says you're dumb as shit."
I posted where obama's own government said you were dumb as shit which is not a deflection but an insight on how obama viewed his followers dumbass.


Your post just happened to be outside of the context of the thread and therefore irrelevant, dope.
You still don't understand deflection? even after it was defined for you? Not my problem obama's government viewed his supporters so stupid they passed a bill into law that would have never passed if they hadn't been so deceptive.
Trump has a long, long history of racism

This is just the latest, shameful example of it
There is no evidence of Russian Collusion, except for Obama and Clinton's. Yet you refuse to believe The Mueller Report or accept the results of the election.

She married her brother and he boned her every night.

They gave birth to you.
I see you still can't comprehend I accepted Mueller's findings. I also see you're still obsessing over her and her brother despite there being no proof.

Thanks for proving you're just another deranged rightie.

It's Omar that obsesses over her brother's cock and you obsess over Trump.

Both of you are deranged inbred boneheads.
No, it's actually you obsessing over it. Notice you're the one who brought it up and you're the one who can't stop thinking about it and posting about it.
What Flag do you fly over your commie compound and why are you obsessed about President Trump like Omar was obsessed over her brother's cock?


You poor thing, you just can't stop fantasizing about cocks. Don't worry, that doesn't make trump a racist.


I'm not the one fantasizing about President Trump's "Goldmember"
Trump has a long, long history of racism

This is just the latest, shameful example of it
So, give us a history lesson, complete with "Evidence" of your unsupported allegations.

Start from oh, the 1990s until present and give us a year by year list of DOCUMENTED "Racist Actions" taken by Donald Trump himself.

What flag do you fly over your commie compound?
So, the House Circus is wasting time more worried voting about Trump tweets about Congresswomen hating America... rather than not vote on fixing the immigration crisis?

It's obvious that Trump is the one who hates America. He had no regard for any of our nation's founding principles.
What is it about AMERICA FIRST don't you comprehend dumbass?

That's not a founding principle, dope.
I suggest you read those documents knucklehead.

Post it up, dope.
Show us where "Anerica First" is or ever was a founding principle.
Why don't you show what part of those principles that doesn't make America first?
We're not even supposed to have a standing full time military. That's why we have the second amendment.
You lost this argument.
I see you still can't comprehend I accepted Mueller's findings. I also see you're still obsessing over her and her brother despite there being no proof.

Thanks for proving you're just another deranged rightie.

It's Omar that obsesses over her brother's cock and you obsess over Trump.

Both of you are deranged inbred boneheads.
No, it's actually you obsessing over it. Notice you're the one who brought it up and you're the one who can't stop thinking about it and posting about it.
What Flag do you fly over your commie compound and why are you obsessed about President Trump like Omar was obsessed over her brother's cock?


You poor thing, you just can't stop fantasizing about cocks. Don't worry, that doesn't make trump a racist.


I'm not the one fantasizing about President Trump's "Goldmember"

Apparently, you are. You can't stop talking about it.
It's Omar that obsesses over her brother's cock and you obsess over Trump.

Both of you are deranged inbred boneheads.
No, it's actually you obsessing over it. Notice you're the one who brought it up and you're the one who can't stop thinking about it and posting about it.
What Flag do you fly over your commie compound and why are you obsessed about President Trump like Omar was obsessed over her brother's cock?


You poor thing, you just can't stop fantasizing about cocks. Don't worry, that doesn't make trump a racist.


I'm not the one fantasizing about President Trump's "Goldmember"

Apparently, you are. You can't stop talking about it.

For you to help you along with more of your Trump Fantasies
No, it's actually you obsessing over it. Notice you're the one who brought it up and you're the one who can't stop thinking about it and posting about it.
What Flag do you fly over your commie compound and why are you obsessed about President Trump like Omar was obsessed over her brother's cock?


You poor thing, you just can't stop fantasizing about cocks. Don't worry, that doesn't make trump a racist.


I'm not the one fantasizing about President Trump's "Goldmember"

Apparently, you are. You can't stop talking about it.

For you to help you along with more of your Trump Fantasies

Yet you're the one who can't stop thinking about it.
What Flag do you fly over your commie compound and why are you obsessed about President Trump like Omar was obsessed over her brother's cock?


You poor thing, you just can't stop fantasizing about cocks. Don't worry, that doesn't make trump a racist.


I'm not the one fantasizing about President Trump's "Goldmember"

Apparently, you are. You can't stop talking about it.

For you to help you along with more of your Trump Fantasies

Yet you're the one who can't stop thinking about it.

Don't mistake "thinking about it" (you don't know what I am thinking) for making a mockery of you and running circles around your lame ass.


Sorry, only in your retarded mind.

Trump's own govt says you're dumb as shit.

Federal guidance identifying 'go back to where you came from' as discrimination goes viral after Trump comments

"Examples of potentially unlawful conduct include insults, taunting, or ethnic epithets, such as making fun of a person's foreign accent or comments like, 'Go back to where you came from,' whether made by supervisors or by co-workers," it adds.

talk about not being smart I bet you are an obamacare supporter
Obamacare architect' Jonathan Gruber recently said that Obamacare only passed due to the 'stupidity' of the American voter and a lack of 'transparency,'

A health care system for all citizens is a minimal requirement for a modern civilisation. Same with food for everyone and a warm home for everyone; including safety for everyone.

I don't want government-run healthcare a slave might I don't

Aha. Because of brainwashed political propaganda? The health care system of Germany cost per person for example relatively 50% of the health care system of the USA - is very effective - and in principle for [nearly] everyone here available. And no one is a slave because of this.

Obese patients and smokers banned from routine surgery in 'most severe ever' rationing in the NHS

You poor thing, you just can't stop fantasizing about cocks. Don't worry, that doesn't make trump a racist.

I'm not the one fantasizing about President Trump's "Goldmember"
Apparently, you are. You can't stop talking about it.
For you to help you along with more of your Trump Fantasies
Yet you're the one who can't stop thinking about it.
Don't mistake "thinking about it" (you don't know what I am thinking) for making a mockery of you and running circles around your lame ass.



Everyone can see what you're thinking of ... you can't stop posting about it.
Most of it goes to public transportation, but it goes to other wasteful areas as well.

You ever been out of the country Ray From Cleveland? To a place where public transportation is seen as an asset? Europe? Japan? China?

Let's look at China. Say what you will about their politics, but they have public transportation figured out. They move millions of people on a daily basis safely and efficiently. Shanghai and Beijing both have vast subway systems that are cheap and easy to use. They also have high speed rail. I rode a train from Shanghai to Xi'an. We traveled about 300 kmh. Fast, safe and extremely comfortable. In May they unveiled a Maglev prototype capable of reaching 600 kmh.

Meanwhile here in the best most advanced country in the world we still have folks carrying on about the evils of leftist pubic transportation. Man you can't make this shit up.

I have no problem with public transportation, just as long as those that are using it pay for it and it's not subsidized by taxpayers. I don't think I should be paying for you to ride around on a bus. If you want to use a bus, go ahead, just leave me out of it and pay for it yourself.

The reason public transportation sucks money out of the public is because nobody wants to take public transportation. It couldn't survive on it's own. Even years ago when many didn't have a choice, they hated it. A car in every driveway and a chicken in every pot was considered a milestone for the future. People wanted the freedom to go when and where they wanted to go.

Do you know what it's like up north to stand at a bus stop at 5:00 am, and the temperature is 2 degrees with the wind blowing at 20mph? Let me tell you, it's no fun.
I think you are wrong about that. It is cost effective for taxpayers to pay for busses . They are taking people to work so subsiding it is mostly taxes from them. And no I dont think it should be free but reasonable. I use the bus because I have one car for both me and my wife so she gets the car. I pay to ride the bus but I am sure it will never make a profit. That is not its goal. Its goal is to get people to work

Sent from my SM-J737T1 using Tapatalk

I don't care if it makes a profit or not, the point is that if you ride a bus, you should pay for the bus and not taxpayers.

Here they are taxing everybody in the county to subsidize probably a fraction of 1%. Okay, so they are going to work. So am I. But taxpayers don't subsidize my car or insurance either.
Your car isn't for the public the bus is. Oh and I pay for the bus. I am just saying that it is a logical thing to have in a city with a decent population. The only people who ride free where I am are the disabled . The elderly pay half . Oh and I live in Florida I would much rather have the elderly on a bus then behind the wheel. Yes it is ageist but it is down right scary on the road in southern Florida. Well I cant also discount the horrible new York drivers.

Sent from my SM-J737T1 using Tapatalk

Oh, I know about Florida drivers. When I see them up here with Florida plates, I keep my distance and pay close attention to what they are doing. Terrible drivers.
It's obvious that Trump is the one who hates America. He had no regard for any of our nation's founding principles.
What is it about AMERICA FIRST don't you comprehend dumbass?

That's not a founding principle, dope.
I suggest you read those documents knucklehead.

Post it up, dope.
Show us where "Anerica First" is or ever was a founding principle.
Why don't you show what part of those principles that doesn't make America first?
We're not even supposed to have a standing full time military. That's why we have the second amendment.
You lost this argument.
Christ you're dense one.
Show us a founding document that cites "America first" as a founding principle, dope.
What is it about AMERICA FIRST don't you comprehend dumbass?

That's not a founding principle, dope.
I suggest you read those documents knucklehead.

Post it up, dope.
Show us where "Anerica First" is or ever was a founding principle.
Why don't you show what part of those principles that doesn't make America first?
We're not even supposed to have a standing full time military. That's why we have the second amendment.
You lost this argument.
Christ you're dense one.
Show us a founding document that cites "America first" as a founding principle, dope.

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