Trump officially declared a racist

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Try again.

You're actually asking me to make you look dumb as shit again?


WTF? ....
Because racism is believing one's race is superior to another. One cannot be racially superior to a member of their own race.



Your ‘definition’ is incomplete.

It's not. Racism is based in the belief of racial superiority.


I guess the concept is waaay above your intellectual capacity.

Explain it to us, professor. It was you who did not understand, dope.

Who is "us," comrade?

English is a German language. ...

It is a Germanic language. Both English and modern German derived from Proto-Germanic.

From "deutsch" or "dutch" - how you say. "German" or "Germanic" are Roman expressions. A German is for example a Suebe ("Schwabe") or a Saxon or an "Angeln" (Englishman) or ... or ... or ... . Germans are lots of nations or tribes. I can read for example Swedish textes and understand a lot. The Swiss are Celts for example (Helvetii) - but the most speak a German language. Similiar is it in case of Bavarians. A Bavarian expression for Bavaria is for example "Bayerland" spoken nearly like Ireland with a "B": B-Ireland. And Bavarians have the same absurde traditional mentality for strange forms of sports like the Scotts. The German word for German "deutsch" (spoken like "doitsh" - the Scotish say sometimes "scoitsh" to their language) is the germanic word "teuta", which comes from the celtic word "thuatha" (people) . The people, who are speaking one of the German languages. It's for example not so easy to explain in the English speaking world the expression "Holy roman empire of German nation". It means a combination of "Holy roman empire of united nations" and "Holy Roman empire of the people of German tongue" - but the main unifying language in the holy empire was Latin. The Germans, who had founded France for example, speak today French because of the Latin language. If Germans had founded the USA then they had called it GSA "The German States of America". "United" is indeed the most modern equivalent for the word "deutsch". One of the oldest variations is "thiot" for "doitsh". Means only something like "to belong together".


So it is. The word "German" is an empty phrase.
Sorry, it was racist.
Sorry, only in your retarded mind.

Trump's own govt says you're dumb as shit.

Federal guidance identifying 'go back to where you came from' as discrimination goes viral after Trump comments

"Examples of potentially unlawful conduct include insults, taunting, or ethnic epithets, such as making fun of a person's foreign accent or comments like, 'Go back to where you came from,' whether made by supervisors or by co-workers," it adds.

talk about not being smart I bet you are an obamacare supporter
Obamacare architect' Jonathan Gruber recently said that Obamacare only passed due to the 'stupidity' of the American voter and a lack of 'transparency,'

And you're a deflecting loser who is obviously outmatched.
I guess you need to learn the definition of deflection You posted
"Trump's own govt says you're dumb as shit."
I posted where obama's own government said you were dumb as shit which is not a deflection but an insight on how obama viewed his followers dumbass.


Your post just happened to be outside of the context of the thread and therefore irrelevant, dope.
So, the House Circus is wasting time more worried voting about Trump tweets about Congresswomen hating America... rather than not vote on fixing the immigration crisis?

It's obvious that Trump is the one who hates America. He had no regard for any of our nation's founding principles.
What is it about AMERICA FIRST don't you comprehend dumbass?

That's not a founding principle, dope.
I suggest you read those documents knucklehead.

Post it up, dope.
Show us where "Anerica First" is or ever was a founding principle.
You're actually asking me to make you look dumb as shit again?



Your ‘definition’ is incomplete.

It's not. Racism is based in the belief of racial superiority.


I guess the concept is waaay above your intellectual capacity.

Explain it to us, professor. It was you who did not understand, dope.

Who is "us," comrade?

The readers, dope.

English is a German language. ...

It is a Germanic language. Both English and modern German derived from Proto-Germanic.

From "deutsch" or "dutch" - how you say. "German" or "Germanic" are Roman expressions. A German is for example a Suebe ("Schwabe") or a Saxon or an "Angeln" (Englishman) or ... or ... or ... . Germans are lots of nations or tribes. I can read for example Swedish textes and understand a lot. The Swiss are Celts for example (Helvetii) - but the most speak a German language. Similiar is it in case of Bavarians. A Bavarian expression for Bavaria is for example "Bayerland" spoken nearly like Ireland with a "B": B-Ireland. And Bavarians have the same absurde traditional mentality for strange forms of sports like the Scotts. The German word for German "deutsch" (spoken like "doitsh" - the Scotish say sometimes "scoitsh" to their language) is the germanic word "teuta", which comes from the celtic word "thuatha" (people) . The people, who are speaking one of the German languages. It's for example not so easy to explain in the English speaking world the expression "Holy roman empire of German nation". It means a combination of "Holy roman empire of united nations" and "Holy Roman empire of the people of German tongue" - but the main unifying language in the holy empire was Latin. The Germans, who had founded France for example, speak today French because of the Latin language. If Germans had founded the USA then they had called it GSA "The German States of America". "United" is indeed the most modern equivalent for the word "deutsch". One of the oldest variations is "thiot" for "doitsh". Means only something like "to belong together".


So it is. The word "German" is an empty phrase.

You're living proof of that.
Your ‘definition’ is incomplete.

It's not. Racism is based in the belief of racial superiority.


I guess the concept is waaay above your intellectual capacity.

Explain it to us, professor. It was you who did not understand, dope.

Who is "us," comrade?

The readers, dope.

You think you speak for "the readers"?
It's not. Racism is based in the belief of racial superiority.


I guess the concept is waaay above your intellectual capacity.

Explain it to us, professor. It was you who did not understand, dope.

Who is "us," comrade?

The readers, dope.

You think you speak for "the readers"?

The public. Those reading this thread and hopefully following the discussion. Christ....another concept you struggle with.

I speak to reality for myself.

Now.....explain yourself. Explain your objection with what I posted.
A health care system for all citizens is a minimal requirement for a modern civilisation. Same with food for everyone and a warm home for everyone; including safety for everyone.

I don't want government-run healthcare a slave might I don't

Aha. Because of brainwashed political propaganda? The health care system of Germany cost per person for example relatively 50% of the health care system of the USA - is very effective - and in principle for [nearly] everyone here available. And no one is a slave because of this.

Germany's Social Services Network is collapsing due to a mass influx of so called refugees sucking Germany Dry.

Open Borders and Socialism are incompatible.

And Germany is smaller than the state of California, who is drowning in Debt due to trying to support millions of illegals. California is also an Exodus State, with Los Angelos and San Francisco listed in the top 10 cities in America that people are fleeing from.

The Top Four Reasons California Is Unsustainable

California in Crisis

Germany only has 80 million people and is not even in the top 15 in GDP, and they are in trouble.

Opinion: The German Social System in Crisis | DW | 26.04.2003

Report shows huge rise in social welfare spending in Germany | DW | 15.07.2009

Monthly Review | Germany’s Hidden Social Crisis

German Social Democracy in Crisis

What about if you would stop this nonsense? It's just simple bullshit what you say here.

Germany is going down the toilet, thanks to The Globalist Politicians who have betrayed it.

You ever been there?
Did you ever try to think about about what the expansion of the universe means? The universe expands from every point into all directions. This means when you change the position in the universe, then you will see always the same: an expanding universe. You are in the middle and the universe expands. If you'll fly through the universe, then you are in every single moment also always in the middle. You should not think god is an idiot. For him is the USA "only" one center, one first point, one middle. But it exists in reality a nearly endless number of first points. That's by the way a reason why we are able to make a time travel into all pasts of the universe. God made everything transparent. We are able to find out what's going on. If not today, then tomorrow. If not tomorrow, then the day after tomorrow. If ... The universe never forgets anything.

Oh by the way. Time for the USA to close the concentration camp Guantanamo. A civilized first nation should not act like a criminal organisation.


Exactly. That's one reason to fight against Trump for many other people of the USA. He's a specialist in throwing dirty sticky defamations against everyone and everything. And his spitlickers repeat this nonsense, as if they would read what he says in a holy book. A very insane form of possessive political propaganda. He lies like a professional machine gun liar. Intentionally and unwitting - both, I guess. To be a defamator and liar seems to be a kind of second nature of him - and not only of him.

Oh by the way: Thank you, Bruce Springsteen. Thank you very much.

\Well snowflake since I am a citizen of America you are a citizen of the world I REALLY DON'T GIVE A FLYING FUCK ABOUT YOUR OPINION.

Sure you don't do so. You are an US-American. For an US-American is only the own opinion important - independent from any facts and indpendent from any other opinion. Astonishing is only that all mass-individualists of the USA have all the same opinion or perhaps also the opposite of the same opinion - and all other US-Americans don't have any chance to say anything and to be taken serios. Or am I wrong? Often I love it very much to be wrong. Unfortunatelly happens this very seldom....

On the contrary, you is only wrong every times you trying to talks about an US-American. Happens this very often because you is try talk about an US-American all of the times. Instead of happen very often you is make the ass of youself, you should to ask an US-American if you has the question about an US-American.

Take your soldiers and go home. We don't need your army here. Is this clear enough now for you? All discussions of Trump in this context are mad.

Who is going to help fight off the Muslim Terrorists you invited in to your country when they start beheading more and more German Citizens?

Germany has become weak, and wimpy and effeminate, and no longer stands up for itself.

Bad luck for us. What do you think about a big German-American Volksfest when you'll go? We could perhaps made a giant party. A really big event. With food from the USA and Germany. Sports and concerts too. Politicians, who kiss each other and lots of tears and so on. With romance and a lot of sentimentality ... and a little knight tournament ... and ...

I don't want government-run healthcare a slave might I don't

Aha. Because of brainwashed political propaganda? The health care system of Germany cost per person for example relatively 50% of the health care system of the USA - is very effective - and in principle for [nearly] everyone here available. And no one is a slave because of this.
Germany's Social Services Network is collapsing due to a mass influx of so called refugees sucking Germany Dry.

Open Borders and Socialism are incompatible.

And Germany is smaller than the state of California, who is drowning in Debt due to trying to support millions of illegals. California is also an Exodus State, with Los Angelos and San Francisco listed in the top 10 cities in America that people are fleeing from.

The Top Four Reasons California Is Unsustainable

California in Crisis

Germany only has 80 million people and is not even in the top 15 in GDP, and they are in trouble.

Opinion: The German Social System in Crisis | DW | 26.04.2003

Report shows huge rise in social welfare spending in Germany | DW | 15.07.2009

Monthly Review | Germany’s Hidden Social Crisis

German Social Democracy in Crisis

What about if you would stop this nonsense? It's just simple bullshit what you say here.

Germany is going down the toilet, thanks to The Globalist Politicians who have betrayed it.
You ever been there?
To The Jerk Store?

Yah, I saw you on a shelf.

The Date Read: EXPIRED

English is a German language. ...

It is a Germanic language. Both English and modern German derived from Proto-Germanic.

From "deutsch" or "dutch" - how you say. "German" or "Germanic" are Roman expressions. A German is for example a Suebe ("Schwabe") or a Saxon or an "Angeln" (Englishman) or ... or ... or ... . Germans are lots of nations or tribes. I can read for example Swedish textes and understand a lot. The Swiss are Celts for example (Helvetii) - but the most speak a German language. Similiar is it in case of Bavarians. A Bavarian expression for Bavaria is for example "Bayerland" spoken nearly like Ireland with a "B": B-Ireland. And Bavarians have the same absurde traditional mentality for strange forms of sports like the Scotts. The German word for German "deutsch" (spoken like "doitsh" - the Scotish say sometimes "scoitsh" to their language) is the germanic word "teuta", which comes from the celtic word "thuatha" (people) . The people, who are speaking one of the German languages. It's for example not so easy to explain in the English speaking world the expression "Holy roman empire of German nation". It means a combination of "Holy roman empire of united nations" and "Holy Roman empire of the people of German tongue" - but the main unifying language in the holy empire was Latin. The Germans, who had founded France for example, speak today French because of the Latin language. If Germans had founded the USA then they had called it GSA "The German States of America". "United" is indeed the most modern equivalent for the word "deutsch". One of the oldest variations is "thiot" for "doitsh". Means only something like "to belong together".


So it is. The word "German" is an empty phrase.

You're living proof of that.

\Well snowflake since I am a citizen of America you are a citizen of the world I REALLY DON'T GIVE A FLYING FUCK ABOUT YOUR OPINION.

Sure you don't do so. You are an US-American. For an US-American is only the own opinion important - independent from any facts and indpendent from any other opinion. Astonishing is only that all mass-individualists of the USA have all the same opinion or perhaps also the opposite of the same opinion - and all other US-Americans don't have any chance to say anything and to be taken serios. Or am I wrong? Often I love it very much to be wrong. Unfortunatelly happens this very seldom....

On the contrary, you is only wrong every times you trying to talks about an US-American. Happens this very often because you is try talk about an US-American all of the times. Instead of happen very often you is make the ass of youself, you should to ask an US-American if you has the question about an US-American.

Take your soldiers and go home. We don't need your army here. Is this clear enough now for you? All discussions of Trump in this context are mad.

Who is going to help fight off the Muslim Terrorists you invited in to your country when they start beheading more and more German Citizens?

Germany has become weak, and wimpy and effeminate, and no longer stands up for itself.

Bad luck for us. What do you think about a big German-American Volksfest when you'll go? We could perhaps made a giant party. A really big event. With food from the USA and Germany. Sports and concerts too. Politicians, who kiss each other and lots of tears and so on. With romance and a lot of sentimentality ... and a little knight tournament ... and ...

Sounds great to me. I love fests. My favorite
Just closed Wurzburg.
its not racist to want america-haters to leave the country. His comments and the crowd chant had nothing to do with Omar's color or religion, it had to do with her hateful statements about the country that saved her life and allowed her a seat in the congress.

Why don't you get that message, dope?

Awww, did Omar hurt your feelings? Poor little snowflake.

I'll swear MAGA people are the MOST sensitive, delicate, precious little flowers I've ever come across in the political spectrum.

You line up behind Trump because he is so big and brave and powerful. He bravely and boldly stands up to this tiny black woman, all to keep you safe and snug in your white bread world. Soon he'll rid the country of all the people who are not white Europeans. Then you can finally leave your basements.

you have no idea what you are talking about. Omar has openly praised radical muslim terrorists and criticized the USA and its people. That bitch did not hurt my feelings at all, she is not worth it.

She committed fraud when immigrating be taking the name of another family (she was not born an Omar), then she engaged in a fraud marriage with her brother so he could enter the country illegally, then she had the gaul to marry another man and file joint tax returns with him while still "legally" married to her brother. She has committed multiple felonies and should be indicted and tried on each of them.

The voters of Minnesota must feel really stupid for sending this fraud and liar to DC to represent them, hopefully they will kick her out next year.

Trump has every race and culture represented in his administration, to claim he is some kind of white supremist is just stupid. He was given the Ellis Island award for his work to improve the lives of blacks in NYC.

You need to get out of the basement and stop watching the liars on CNN, they have filled your head with bullshit.
Trump is a racist compulsive lying pig. Fact.

and you display your stupidity on this message board on a daily basis.

did Trump say "we need black faces to stand up for blacks" "we need muslim faces to stand up for muslims" ? No that was said by a racist black female in the US congress. These modern black racists think that all blacks must think the same, say the same, and do the same. THAT my little friend is racism at its worst.

How is that racist?
One cannot be racist toward a member of their own race, dope.

screaming that all blacks must think alike and spew the same rhetoric is the most racist thing anyone can do.

then why do these morons call Ben Carson a racist?
I guess the concept is waaay above your intellectual capacity.

Explain it to us, professor. It was you who did not understand, dope.

Who is "us," comrade?

The readers, dope.

You think you speak for "the readers"?

The public. Those reading this thread and hopefully following the discussion. Christ....another concept you struggle with.

I speak to reality for myself.

Now.....explain yourself. Explain your objection with what I posted.

Your problem is your simplistic application of the idea of "superior." It's not your fault that you can't work with anything but the large-grip crayons. Let me help you out: If it is night now, what does that suggest is coming soon?
The voters of Minnesota must feel really stupid for sending this fraud and liar to DC to represent them, hopefully they will kick her out next year.
They didn't look like they felt stupid when they welcomed her home at the airport.

MAGAt = Delicate. Precious. Flower. Stop parroting ignorant conspiracy theories if you don't want to look so weak and stupid. Feckless and afraid.
talk about not being smart I bet you are an obamacare supporter
Obamacare architect' Jonathan Gruber recently said that Obamacare only passed due to the 'stupidity' of the American voter and a lack of 'transparency,'

A health care system for all citizens is a minimal requirement for a modern civilisation. Same with food for everyone and a warm home for everyone; including safety for everyone.

I don't want government-run healthcare a slave might I don't

Aha. Because of brainwashed political propaganda? The health care system of Germany cost per person for example relatively 50% of the health care system of the USA - is very effective - and in principle for [nearly] everyone here available. And no one is a slave because of this.

Snowflake you do realize the reason Germany has universal healthcare is because they have very little military cost
They depend heavily on America

What a nonsense. Your health care system costs relativelely twice the money and your country has an absurde high military household too. And specially the USA took a lot of care that Germany is not able to defend the East of Europe. You are not here, because you like to help us. You are here, because you like to control us. You live in fear of free Germans. The USA wishes to have a German army getting orders directly from the White House.

Trump "knows" for example it is the best for the Brits not to pay their debts of 100 billion Euro and to leave the EU. That's the current politics of the USA. You are an aggressor. An enemy of Europe.

The best joke Trump made was to convince the Brits to arrest a tanker of the Iran. Now the Iran arrested a tanker of the Brits. And absolutely not any idiot in the English speaking world has now any idea about what to do furthermore. That's typical for Trumps politic. No plan about anything - only empty phrases. And whoever trusts in the empty phrase "Donald Trump" is lost in confusion and paralysis.

no snowflake you citizens of the world don't have to maintain a defense you depend on the benefit of the USA, so you can take most of your revenue and have government-run healthcare
What is it about AMERICA FIRST don't you comprehend dumbass?

Did you ever try to think about about what the expansion of the universe means? The universe expands from every point into all directions. This means when you change the position in the universe, then you will see always the same: an expanding universe. You are in the middle and the universe expands. If you'll fly through the universe, then you are in every single moment also always in the middle. You should not think god is an idiot. For him is the USA "only" one center, one first point, one middle. But it exists in reality a nearly endless number of first points. That's by the way a reason why we are able to make a time travel into all pasts of the universe. God made everything transparent. We are able to find out what's going on. If not today, then tomorrow. If not tomorrow, then the day after tomorrow. If ... The universe never forgets anything.

Oh by the way. Time for the USA to close the concentration camp Guantanamo. A civilized first nation should not act like a criminal organisation.


God also said thou shalt not bear false witness

Exactly. That's one reason to fight against Trump for many other people of the USA. He's a specialist in throwing dirty sticky defamations against everyone and everything. And his spitlickers repeat this nonsense, as if they would read what he says in a holy book. A very insane form of possessive political propaganda. He lies like a professional machine gun liar. Intentionally and unwitting - both, I guess. To be a defamator and liar seems to be a kind of second nature of him - and not only of him.

Oh by the way: Thank you, Bruce Springsteen. Thank you very much.

\Well snowflake since I am a citizen of America you are a citizen of the world I REALLY DON'T GIVE A FLYING FUCK ABOUT YOUR OPINION.

Sure you don't do so. You are an US-American. For an US-American is only the own opinion important - independent from any facts and indpendent from any other opinion. Astonishing is only that all mass-individualists of the USA have all the same opinion or perhaps also the opposite of the same opinion - and all other US-Americans don't have any chance to say anything and to be taken serios. Or am I wrong? Often I love it very much to be wrong. Unfortunatelly happens this very seldom....

On the contrary, you is only wrong every times you trying to talks about an US-American. Happens this very often because you is try talk about an US-American all of the times. Instead of happen very often you is make the ass of youself, you should to ask an US-American if you has the question about an US-American.

Take your soldiers and go home. We don't need your army here. Is this clear enough now for you? All discussions of Trump in this context are mad.

Have Putin’s whore make a request and I’m sure we can accommodate you, Diter.
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