Trump Often Complained About 'Ugly' US Navy Ships Compared Them To Russian & Italian ones, called Pence a "f*cking loser": Ex Defense Chief Mark Esper

Esper was confirmed 90-8...2 days later, Trump made the infamous "perfect" call with Zelensky

Trump was going to start an illegal war----and yet ESPER didn't say anything till years later? Come on now, even you can't be this stupid basque----

Esper is playing nitwitted Trump haters for the morons that they are. Aren't you tired of being played for an idiot?
I like the ideal of dipping terrorists in pig blood----they murder and torture and they justify saying that their god wants it and will reward them in heaven with virgins. Dipping their asses in blood means in their mind that they can't go to heaven and rape virgins.
Trump was going to start an illegal war----and yet ESPER didn't say anything till years later? Come on now, even you can't be this stupid basque----

Esper is playing nitwitted Trump haters for the morons that they are. Aren't you tired of being played for an idiot?
when asked about this, Esper says he didn't want to lose his job because the person who would have replaced him would be worse, a crazy MAGA loon, which is why Esper didn't push back earlier, he would have been fired, and all hell would have broken loose
"Trump has no principles", Esper tells Anderson Cooper

It's called an "infomercial" dumbass. They are trying to sell a book by a disgruntled guy who got fired because of his incompetence.

Basically, you're posting spam.
when asked about this, Esper says he didn't want to lose his job because the person who would have replaced him would be worse, a crazy MAGA loon, which is why Esper didn't push back earlier, he would have been fired, and all hell would have broken loose
He was fired for being inept---------and again why wouldn't he acted to stop a war when he could instead of writing a book years later to make money?

His claims are stupid---those that believe his nonsense are even stupier.
The US Navy has never had ships built to win beauty contests. They were built for war. And they are the best in the world.

If you want pretty ships, watch the Americas Cup or something similar.
Russians build pretty ships. The problem is that they are designed to be disposable. All their main battery missiles are in one-shot boxes because the Russian plan was to salvo everything at the US ships in the minutes they had before being obliterated by either submarine torpedoes, Harpoons, or air strikes. Without carrier planes the Russian navy was just a bunch of targets. That's why the Russians specialized in Submarines, they hoped they'd last longer in a war.
Russians build pretty ships. The problem is that they are designed to be disposable. All their main battery missiles are in one-shot boxes because the Russian plan was to salvo everything at the US ships in the minutes they had before being obliterated by either submarine torpedoes, Harpoons, or air strikes. Without carrier planes the Russian navy was just a bunch of targets. That's why the Russians specialized in Submarines, they hoped they'd last longer in a war.
Well those involved in the Ukraine War are proving to be disposable. :auiqs.jpg:

They've lost two Flagships in a week.
It's called an "infomercial" dumbass. They are trying to sell a book by a disgruntled guy who got fired because of his incompetence.

Basically, you're posting spam.
so because it's written in a book format means it's not worthy for discussion? ok.
so because it's written in a book format means it's not worthy for discussion? ok.
:rolleyes: You are simply posting a spam infomercial, and apparently you are too stupid to even realize that.

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In realityland Trump was probable just being humorous. It was Biden who suggested that the armed forces should shoot them in the legs. Trump was making fun of Biden's stupidity.

Biden is so fucking stupid that he doesn't seem to comprehend that...

A) Legs are difficult to shoot because they move quickly.

B) The femoral artery is in the leg. People bleed to death very quickly when their femoral artery is severed by a gunshot, or a knife wound, or whatever other traumatic injury.

Biden, the racist corrupt demented piece of shit Putin puppet, is so fucking ignorant that he doesn't even comprehend those facts.
Think your feelings will ever recover from the Orange Blob getting his ass kicked by Biden, mouth breather?
This guy has no credibility
Just wait until you see the unbelievable stuff his investigators are finding in Hawaii!

If the Cry Baby Loser was pissy about the U.S. Navy not being as glitzy as some other nations', imagine if he got a gander at his savvy genius's oligarch flotilla with all those gold-plated toilets!

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Horrible stuff all the way through. But none of it surprising in the least, sadly.

These sober, intelligent, serious, patriotic people must have been terrified during those four years.
It's "horrible stuff" to think our ships aren't pretty?

Really? That's the stuff you dembots think is horrible?
Actually he's very credible. Look at what Trump's sons have said? Why can't daddy bomb Mexico?
I'd rather bomb cartels, then arm cartels like Obama and Xiden did.

But then again, some of us think cartels are a bad thing

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