Trump Often Complained About 'Ugly' US Navy Ships Compared Them To Russian & Italian ones, called Pence a "f*cking loser": Ex Defense Chief Mark Esper

Horrible stuff all the way through. But none of it surprising in the least, sadly.

These sober, intelligent, serious, patriotic people must have been terrified during those four years.
Bombing Mexico and Iran, invading Venezuela. All Trump has talked about was getting out of conflicts including Afghanistan, but he was going to bomb Mexico, who was working with us and attack 2 other countries… sorry but it is not reality and this guy is lying.
When you make absolutely crazy claims and are a partisan hack… it doesn’t matter how much the leftist media says he is creditable, he just a lying political hack trying to sell books!
Trump is the same as he was 50 years ago. He's still a flaky liar and a cheat. He's still pushing conspiracy theories and crackpot ideas.
Bombing Mexico and Iran, invading Venezuela. All Trump has talked about was getting out of conflicts including Afghanistan, but he was going to bomb Mexico, who was working with us and attack 2 other countries… sorry but it is not reality and this guy is lying.
And yet Junior defends it. So no, sorry, this guy isn't lying.

The mere fact that you don't like something doesn't make it fake news. Really.

i present both sides, so here's Trump's lengthy statement on the matter. i report, you decide

Bombing Mexico and Iran, invading Venezuela. All Trump has talked about was getting out of conflicts including Afghanistan, but he was going to bomb Mexico, who was working with us and attack 2 other countries… sorry but it is not reality and this guy is lying.
You people are dense. Targeted cartel opps isn't bombing the Mexican capital building or their presidental mansion (could be wrong about that though).
The LCS's are butt ugly and pieces of crap.

The Iowa's had the prettiest lines of any US warship. Plus beautiful teak decks...
  • i present both sides......... i report, you decide
  • So fucking what, moron? What's your fucking problem ...... you stupid faggot?------------------------------------------------------------------------
As you see above, good poster Basque, MAGA's Duped & Snookered can be vindictive when a discouraging word is heard about the Tangerine Man.
It is what it is.
And it ain't bean-bag.

That cowardice resulted in letting the Democrat filth get away with stealing the election from the American people
"Stealing the election"?
How's your case on that coming, good poster Flash?

Working out for you?
In court now?
In truth, good poster Flash, there could possibly be some on this venue that think your efforts are ineffective.
And sad.
My avatar finds that unfortunate for you. You could've been better. IMHO
But good luck.
Pence was a traitor to his country and to the Constitution by not insisting on an audit of the disputed Democrat controlled voting districts during the 2020 Presidential election. That cowardice resulted in letting the Democrat filth get away with stealing the election from the American people. Trump is right, Pence deserves the scorn of the American people.
The subject is Trump complaining that Navy ships are ugly which caused him to lose his compulsion to jizz on himself when he looked at one.

In realityland Trump was probable just being humorous. It was Biden who suggested that the armed forces should shoot them in the legs. Trump was making fun of Biden's stupidity.

Biden is so fucking stupid that he doesn't seem to comprehend that...

A) Legs are difficult to shoot because they move quickly.

B) The femoral artery is in the leg. People bleed to death very quickly when their femoral artery is severed by a gunshot, or a knife wound, or whatever other traumatic injury.

Biden, the racist corrupt demented piece of shit Putin puppet, is so fucking ignorant that he doesn't even comprehend those facts.
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The US Navy has never had ships built to win beauty contests. They were built for war. And they are the best in the world.

If you want pretty ships, watch the Americas Cup or something similar.
A full-on U.S. warship is awesome to behold.



Esper says he had to sue the Department Of Defense to get his book released, and that he completed the book 4 months after Trump left office

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