Trump OKs Keystone pipeline....

I never got too worked up over this one. But i am concerned it could adversely effect our environment. Is a few more bucks worth possibly destroying wildlife habitats? I guess that question has just been answered. I'm still torn though. And on another side note, the far Left leader of Canada has fully supported it. Something else for folks to chew on.

Of course the Canadian prime minister supports it. The alternative is to build a pipeline to the Canadian west coast. Why pump that sludge over the Queen's land when they can pump that sludge over American land.
There are thousands of pipelines already in place, your political correctness makes you a dumb motherfucker. Get a clue and educate yourself…:lmao:

Great, we got thousands of miles of pipeline already. We don't need this pipeline. It does not benefit the American people. It is increased environmental risk with no positive benefit for the American people. It is a lose, lose for us. Canada gets a higher price for her oil, we pay hundreds of millions of dollars more per month for their crude. Americans get a higher price of gas, a higher price of diesel, the inflationary aspect of those higher prices rolls through the distribution network and Americans pay more for everything from toilet paper to prunes.

Meanwhile, air and water quality suffer as additional pollutants are released into the atmosphere and waterways from the refining of a particular nasty form of something like oil for the benefit of foreign owned companies and foreign customers.

Are you an engineer?
And i believe this paves the way for the US Government to seize more land. But someone can correct me if i'm wrong on that. I think i read somewhere that the US Government will have to seize more land to make these pipelines happen. And that's something Small Government folks have always opposed. So, i just can't rush to cheer for this one. Is it really worth it in the end? I say no.
Way to go. The number one importer of oil to the United States is Canada. The goal of the pipeline, as listed by the Canadian government's application to the United States, was to raise the price they were getting for their oil by one dollar a barrel.

The pipeline is all about getting that nasty ass Alberta tar sand sludge to market. Canada could have built a pipeline to the west coast. The Canadian people shut that down. And for good reason, why have toxic sludge moving through their lands when they can purchase politicians across the border and ship the sludge over dumbass American's land and to the Gulf coast.

And it gets worse. Not only to we get to have that toxic sludge moving over our land, we get to refine the nasty ass shit to. But not for gasoline for domestic production. That is where it is going now. Nope, it is going to be processed into diesel fuel for EXPORT.

We get higher gas prices and a handful of permanent jobs for the privilege of exposing our most critical aquifer to a dangerous environmental risk and increased toxic waste generated via refining. Not a good deal for the US at all. Pretty sweet for Canada, the Koch brothers who own lots of Alberta Tar Sand leases and a half dozen refineries, and Mexico who will benefit from lower diesel fuel prices.

Canada has not "not chosen" to build a pipeline through it's country. Options are still being considered and debated that would take it out of the Lower Mainland or New Brunswick.

It's coming regardless. It's either going to come by the XL Pipeline, down the coasts of the United States by tanker, or by train.
And i believe this paves the way for the US Government to seize more land. But someone can correct me if i'm wrong on that. I think i read somewhere that the US Government will have to seize more land to make these pipelines happen. And that's something Small Government folks have always opposed. So, i just can't rush to cheer for this one. Is it really worth it in the end? I say no.
It is 1000% worth it....unless you want to return to the stone ages....

As for land, these are private easements for the most part unless it is in already existing public rights-of-way......
I never got too worked up over this one. But i am concerned it could adversely effect our environment. Is a few more bucks worth possibly destroying wildlife habitats? I guess that question has just been answered. I'm still torn though. And on another side note, the far Left leader of Canada has fully supported it. Something else for folks to chew on.

Of course the Canadian prime minister supports it. The alternative is to build a pipeline to the Canadian west coast. Why pump that sludge over the Queen's land when they can pump that sludge over American land.
There are thousands of pipelines already in place, your political correctness makes you a dumb motherfucker. Get a clue and educate yourself…:lmao:

Great, we got thousands of miles of pipeline already. We don't need this pipeline. It does not benefit the American people. It is increased environmental risk with no positive benefit for the American people. It is a lose, lose for us. Canada gets a higher price for her oil, we pay hundreds of millions of dollars more per month for their crude. Americans get a higher price of gas, a higher price of diesel, the inflationary aspect of those higher prices rolls through the distribution network and Americans pay more for everything from toilet paper to prunes.

Meanwhile, air and water quality suffer as additional pollutants are released into the atmosphere and waterways from the refining of a particular nasty form of something like oil for the benefit of foreign owned companies and foreign customers.


Yeah, i have big concerns. Is it really worth it in the end? I would have to say no. I don't walk in lock-step with any particular entity. I am a Trump supporter, but i side with Native Americans and Environmentalists on this one.
I don't think most Republicans are aware that many who opposed these pipelines were Small Government Republican land owners. The US Government is squeezing them out to make these pipelines happen. It's in the process of seizing more US lands. I don't think most Republicans are fully informed on this issue. Opposition wasn't only about thwarting Environmentalists.
And i believe this paves the way for the US Government to seize more land. But someone can correct me if i'm wrong on that. I think i read somewhere that the US Government will have to seize more land to make these pipelines happen. And that's something Small Government folks have always opposed. So, i just can't rush to cheer for this one. Is it really worth it in the end? I say no.
It is 1000% worth it....unless you want to return to the stone ages....

As for land, these are private easements for the most part unless it is in already existing public rights-of-way......

Many who oppose these pipelines are Small Government Republican land owners. They're being squeezed out. The opposition wasn't only about thwarting Environmentalists. I think it's very sad that so many Republicans never got fully informed on this issue.
The Democrats are standing by with their thumbs up their asses while Trump steals the union vote from under their very noses. The Democrats' idea of disavowing the white working class is destroying them.
One amusing aspect of this debate is watching leftists - who have been banging for years to ramp up an infrastructure program because it would create jobs - try to argue that building this piece of infrastructure wouldn't create many jobs.
Personally, I think using pipelines to move oil is much more safer for the environment and people.
Transporting oil by train has proven dangerous for the environment and could cause death tolls in heavily populated area if there is one of the too common derailments.

But at the same time, I see this as a negative, particularly because it breaks another treaty with the Native Americans and what is highly important to them.
Let me put it this way, if the Dakota Pipeline was scheduled to go through one of Donald Trumps golf courses, it definitely would be diverted. But in this case, it's only Native Americans and who gives a shit about that minority and their heritage.
One amusing aspect of this debate is watching leftists - who have been banging for years to ramp up an infrastructure program because it would create jobs - try to argue that building this piece of infrastructure wouldn't create many jobs.

It's gonna create a few. But are those few jobs worth risking destroying our beautiful wildlife and lands? And keep in mind, the US Government will seize more land to make these pipelines happen. And if you're a real Small Government Republican, that's very disturbing. I just can't bring myself to jump for joy over this one. The risk/reward doesn't seem worth it.
Personally, I think using pipelines to move oil is much more safer for the environment and people.
Transporting oil by train has proven dangerous for the environment and could cause death tolls in heavily populated area if there is one of the too common derailments.
View attachment 108482
But at the same time, I see this as a negative, particularly because it breaks another treaty with the Native Americans and what is highly important to them.
Let me put it this way, if the Dakota Pipeline was scheduled to go through one of Donald Trumps golf courses, it definitely would be diverted. But in this case, it's only Native Americans and who gives a shit about that minority and their heritage.

Yeah and i'm perplexed that so few Small Government Republicans are disturbed by the US Government seizing more land to make these pipelines happen. Real Small Government Republicans oppose the US Government seizing so much land. It's seizing more & more every day. I'm a Trump supporter, but i just can't jump for joy over this one.
tar sands crap to export. NO impact on price at the pump here, Canadians profit, Saudi's profit for refining it in Texas, after the pipeline is compete less than 50 people have a a job, government FORCED eminent domain,

larger government that does bascally NOTHING for our country ..

I never got too worked up over this one. But i am concerned it could adversely effect our environment. Is a few more bucks worth possibly destroying wildlife habitats? I guess that question has just been answered. I'm still torn though. And on another side note, the far Left leader of Canada has fully supported it. Something else for folks to chew on.

Adversely effect "WHO'S ENVIRONMENT"???
tar sands crap to export NO impact on price at the pump here, Canadians profit, Saudi's profit for refining it in Texas, after the pipeline is compete less than 50 people have a a job, government FORCED eminent domain,

larger government that does bascally NOTHING for our country ..


Which is a bigger danger please just answer this simple question!
1 million barrels, 55 million gallons traveling 1 mile in the worst stormy area of the North Pacific OR
700 barrels traveling one mile on dry land?
Which would have a more devastating affect on the environment?
I just don't understand why the simplicity of this choice is so hard!

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