Trump OKs Keystone pipeline....

Who doesn't love using fascism to force people to go against their own will/land to appease a foreign company?
I know the left love fascism and we like jobs. It doesn't matter if an owner is foreign or not if Americans are at work for the good of the nation.
Sets a HUGE precedent IMO.
It says we wish to be energy independent and you think that's bad. amazing.
I never got too worked up over this one. But i am concerned it could adversely effect our environment. Is a few more bucks worth possibly destroying wildlife habitats? I guess that question has just been answered. I'm still torn though. And on another side note, the far Left leader of Canada has fully supported it. Something else for folks to chew on.

Of COURSE it will 'adversely' affect our environment. Everything we do as humans adversely affects the environment.

It's a matter of degree.

Which is worse, shipping oil underground where there is somewhere around zero chance of it falling off a bridge and contaminating the river below it or shipping it by rail and/or truck where the risk is multiplied ten fold?

It isn't that dimocrap FILTH are trying to stop the Pipeline..... The truth is, they're trying to stop the shipment of Oil totally.

Why? I don't know. Because they're scum, I guess
Who doesn't love using fascism to force people to go against their own will/land to appease a foreign company?
I know the left love fascism and we like jobs. It doesn't matter if an owner is foreign or not if Americans are at work for the good of the nation.
Sets a HUGE precedent IMO.
It says we wish to be energy independent and you think that's bad. amazing.
of course I don't think that's bad. "were energy dependent thanks to a foreign company" :lol:
Then you got snookered.

This is about Canadian oil being transported to Gulf refineries to be processed into to diesel fuel for EXPORT. It will increase gas prices for Americans, not decrease them. A great deal for Canada, they get a higher price for their crude. A great deal for Mexico, diesel prices drop. Hell, even a good deal for the European countries that will be gobbling up all that diesel along with Mexico.

But America first? Not by any stretch of imagination.

How in the FUCK is it going to increase American Gas/Diesel Prices? By taking up available refining capabilities?

That's idiotic. The first requests/demands for the fuel/gas will be American and they will be honored...... For less money

All it does is make the refineries more profitable by allowing them to run at near-100% capacity. And by doing that, gas/diesel prices will fall as a result.

Look up 'Economies of Scale' dumbass.

Jesus Jumping Christ On A Fucking Pogo Stick but dimocrap scum are fucking stupid.

It's like they can't stand the thought of living good

Idiotic says the man who claims Americans will get the oil simply by "demanding" it and even at a lower price.

Keystone won't make the price of gas go down and might make it go up. Here,

The Keystone XL pipeline isn’t about lowering your gas prices

You don't like the Washington Post, try this one.

Keystone XL Won't Lower Gas Prices, It Might Raise Them

Both several years old. Common knowledge for anyone even minimally aware of the issues. Hell, the application to the US for the permit openly admitted it was about opening up additional markets and would generate an additional dollar per barrel in revenue for Canada. That's over a hundred million dollars per month at current levels.

Here's what the US Government says about it --

Increasing American Energy Production Will Lower Gasoline Prices, Create More Jobs

You go ahead and invest in what dimocrap scum say. I'll bet on Republicans.

Let's see who makes out better in the end.

The Keystone XL Pipeline, in conjunction with other initiatives in Energy production, will have a stabilizing effect on Energy prices and will cause them to lower.

The major Oil Producing Countries will be forced to stop throttling their production of Oil. They do that to keep oil prices high. Supply and Demand. You should look into it sometime.

Once we get the Pipeline built and we open the HUGE Oil Reserves in Alaska, the CONSHELF and on Federal Lands..... Prices will plummet.

Oil is really, actually worth about an average of $25 a bbl. Even with the cost of Fracking. Fracked oil needs around $50 a bbl just to make a small profit.

Overall, with all things considered, the price of oil should never exceed $50 a bbl.

One of our biggest problems is -- We haven't built a refinery in something like 50 years. dimocrap SCUM won't let it happen.

The Keystone XL Pipeline is a major benefit to the US Consumer.

That you CHOOSE to believe dimocrap scum is your problem.

It's one thing to be born stupid. It's one thing to suffer brain damage.

It's quite another to CHOOSE to be stupid by believing what dimocrap SCUM have to say about -- Anything.

It's on you. Remember that. When you start whinging and sniveling about all the bad things that happened to you in your youth..... I'm telling you now -- It's on you for believing the wrong message.

Being a dimocrap isn't just a minor thing..... It isn't a political belief that you can change on a whim -- It is way of life.

A very bad way of life.

You'll see. I'm right

You are a flippin idiot. First, you post a partisan Republican house committee report, which is not worth the bandwidth used. Might as well let the oil industry give you the facts.

Second, do you really think we can win a race to the bottom with the Middle East? They can make money at ten dollars a barrel. And in effect, shut down domestic production. It's a fool me once kind of thing.

Third, you got to be smoking some good shit if you believe the federal government and the Trump administration has any desire to move oil prices down. That would curtail domestic production, hell it is the biggest problem now.

Fourth, your refinery argument is foolish. We have vastly expanded capacity. Worse, when you examine that capacity expansion you find it is for, wait for it, EXPORT.

US is becoming the 'refiner to the world'

You can sling shit all you want. Bookmark the thread. Come back to it later, when gas prices are higher, when diesel prices here at home are higher, when the temporary jobs are all dried up, and when there is an environmental catastrophe at both ends, the toxic waste from the refining process and leaks in the pipeline. Then you can tell me what a great deal it was for the American people.

What toxic waste from the refining process?

Are you aware of the fact that petroleum coke is the main byproduct of the process? Petroleum coke has many, many uses. I, for one, have hauled dozens of loads of petcoke to SLC to be used as a landscaping material.

"Uses of Petroleum Coke

Petroleum coke is typically used as a source of energy, or as a source of carbon for industrial applications. Fuel grade petcoke represents nearly 80 percent of worldwide production and is a source of fuel for cement kilns and electric power plants. Calcined petcoke has the highest carbon purity and is used to manufacture energy, as well as in the aluminum, graphite electrode, steel, titanium dioxide and other carbon consuming industries.

Additionally, the EPA does NOT classify petcoke as a hazardous material.

“The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) does not classify petcoke as a hazardous waste. EPA has surveyed the potential human health and environmental impacts of petcoke through its High Production Volume (HPV) Challenge Program and found the material to be highly stable and non-reactive at ambient environmental conditions. Most toxicity analyses of petcoke find it has a low potential to cause adverse effects on aquatic or terrestrial environments as well as a low health hazard potential in humans, with no observed carcinogenic, reproductive, or developmental effects.”

Petroleum Coke | AFPM
I never got too worked up over this one. But i am concerned it could adversely effect our environment. Is a few more bucks worth possibly destroying wildlife habitats? I guess that question has just been answered. I'm still torn though. And on another side note, the far Left leader of Canada has fully supported it. Something else for folks to chew on.

Of course the Canadian prime minister supports it. The alternative is to build a pipeline to the Canadian west coast. Why pump that sludge over the Queen's land when they can pump that sludge over American land.
I never got too worked up over this one. But i am concerned it could adversely effect our environment. Is a few more bucks worth possibly destroying wildlife habitats? I guess that question has just been answered. I'm still torn though. And on another side note, the far Left leader of Canada has fully supported it. Something else for folks to chew on.

Of course the Canadian prime minister supports it. The alternative is to build a pipeline to the Canadian west coast. Why pump that sludge over the Queen's land when they can pump that sludge over American land.
There are thousands of pipelines already in place, your political correctness makes you a dumb motherfucker. Get a clue and educate yourself…:lmao:
I never got too worked up over this one. But i am concerned it could adversely effect our environment. Is a few more bucks worth possibly destroying wildlife habitats? I guess that question has just been answered. I'm still torn though. And on another side note, the far Left leader of Canada has fully supported it. Something else for folks to chew on.

Of course the Canadian prime minister supports it. The alternative is to build a pipeline to the Canadian west coast. Why pump that sludge over the Queen's land when they can pump that sludge over American land.
There are thousands of pipelines already in place, your political correctness makes you a dumb motherfucker. Get a clue and educate yourself…:lmao:
Then you got snookered.

This is about Canadian oil being transported to Gulf refineries to be processed into to diesel fuel for EXPORT. It will increase gas prices for Americans, not decrease them. A great deal for Canada, they get a higher price for their crude. A great deal for Mexico, diesel prices drop. Hell, even a good deal for the European countries that will be gobbling up all that diesel along with Mexico.

But America first? Not by any stretch of imagination.

How in the FUCK is it going to increase American Gas/Diesel Prices? By taking up available refining capabilities?

That's idiotic. The first requests/demands for the fuel/gas will be American and they will be honored...... For less money

All it does is make the refineries more profitable by allowing them to run at near-100% capacity. And by doing that, gas/diesel prices will fall as a result.

Look up 'Economies of Scale' dumbass.

Jesus Jumping Christ On A Fucking Pogo Stick but dimocrap scum are fucking stupid.

It's like they can't stand the thought of living good

Idiotic says the man who claims Americans will get the oil simply by "demanding" it and even at a lower price.

Keystone won't make the price of gas go down and might make it go up. Here,

The Keystone XL pipeline isn’t about lowering your gas prices

You don't like the Washington Post, try this one.

Keystone XL Won't Lower Gas Prices, It Might Raise Them

Both several years old. Common knowledge for anyone even minimally aware of the issues. Hell, the application to the US for the permit openly admitted it was about opening up additional markets and would generate an additional dollar per barrel in revenue for Canada. That's over a hundred million dollars per month at current levels.

Here's what the US Government says about it --

Increasing American Energy Production Will Lower Gasoline Prices, Create More Jobs

You go ahead and invest in what dimocrap scum say. I'll bet on Republicans.

Let's see who makes out better in the end.

The Keystone XL Pipeline, in conjunction with other initiatives in Energy production, will have a stabilizing effect on Energy prices and will cause them to lower.

The major Oil Producing Countries will be forced to stop throttling their production of Oil. They do that to keep oil prices high. Supply and Demand. You should look into it sometime.

Once we get the Pipeline built and we open the HUGE Oil Reserves in Alaska, the CONSHELF and on Federal Lands..... Prices will plummet.

Oil is really, actually worth about an average of $25 a bbl. Even with the cost of Fracking. Fracked oil needs around $50 a bbl just to make a small profit.

Overall, with all things considered, the price of oil should never exceed $50 a bbl.

One of our biggest problems is -- We haven't built a refinery in something like 50 years. dimocrap SCUM won't let it happen.

The Keystone XL Pipeline is a major benefit to the US Consumer.

That you CHOOSE to believe dimocrap scum is your problem.

It's one thing to be born stupid. It's one thing to suffer brain damage.

It's quite another to CHOOSE to be stupid by believing what dimocrap SCUM have to say about -- Anything.

It's on you. Remember that. When you start whinging and sniveling about all the bad things that happened to you in your youth..... I'm telling you now -- It's on you for believing the wrong message.

Being a dimocrap isn't just a minor thing..... It isn't a political belief that you can change on a whim -- It is way of life.

A very bad way of life.

You'll see. I'm right

You are a flippin idiot. First, you post a partisan Republican house committee report, which is not worth the bandwidth used. Might as well let the oil industry give you the facts.

Second, do you really think we can win a race to the bottom with the Middle East? They can make money at ten dollars a barrel. And in effect, shut down domestic production. It's a fool me once kind of thing.

Third, you got to be smoking some good shit if you believe the federal government and the Trump administration has any desire to move oil prices down. That would curtail domestic production, hell it is the biggest problem now.

Fourth, your refinery argument is foolish. We have vastly expanded capacity. Worse, when you examine that capacity expansion you find it is for, wait for it, EXPORT.

US is becoming the 'refiner to the world'

You can sling shit all you want. Bookmark the thread. Come back to it later, when gas prices are higher, when diesel prices here at home are higher, when the temporary jobs are all dried up, and when there is an environmental catastrophe at both ends, the toxic waste from the refining process and leaks in the pipeline. Then you can tell me what a great deal it was for the American people.

What toxic waste from the refining process?

Are you aware of the fact that petroleum coke is the main byproduct of the process? Petroleum coke has many, many uses. I, for one, have hauled dozens of loads of petcoke to SLC to be used as a landscaping material.

"Uses of Petroleum Coke

Petroleum coke is typically used as a source of energy, or as a source of carbon for industrial applications. Fuel grade petcoke represents nearly 80 percent of worldwide production and is a source of fuel for cement kilns and electric power plants. Calcined petcoke has the highest carbon purity and is used to manufacture energy, as well as in the aluminum, graphite electrode, steel, titanium dioxide and other carbon consuming industries.

Additionally, the EPA does NOT classify petcoke as a hazardous material.

“The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) does not classify petcoke as a hazardous waste. EPA has surveyed the potential human health and environmental impacts of petcoke through its High Production Volume (HPV) Challenge Program and found the material to be highly stable and non-reactive at ambient environmental conditions. Most toxicity analyses of petcoke find it has a low potential to cause adverse effects on aquatic or terrestrial environments as well as a low health hazard potential in humans, with no observed carcinogenic, reproductive, or developmental effects.”

Petroleum Coke | AFPM
And the EPA won't....liberal fucktards......
I never got too worked up over this one. But i am concerned it could adversely effect our environment. Is a few more bucks worth possibly destroying wildlife habitats? I guess that question has just been answered. I'm still torn though. And on another side note, the far Left leader of Canada has fully supported it. Something else for folks to chew on.

Of course the Canadian prime minister supports it. The alternative is to build a pipeline to the Canadian west coast. Why pump that sludge over the Queen's land when they can pump that sludge over American land.
There are thousands of pipelines already in place, your political correctness makes you a dumb motherfucker. Get a clue and educate yourself…:lmao:
Then you got snookered.

This is about Canadian oil being transported to Gulf refineries to be processed into to diesel fuel for EXPORT. It will increase gas prices for Americans, not decrease them. A great deal for Canada, they get a higher price for their crude. A great deal for Mexico, diesel prices drop. Hell, even a good deal for the European countries that will be gobbling up all that diesel along with Mexico.

But America first? Not by any stretch of imagination.

How in the FUCK is it going to increase American Gas/Diesel Prices? By taking up available refining capabilities?

That's idiotic. The first requests/demands for the fuel/gas will be American and they will be honored...... For less money

All it does is make the refineries more profitable by allowing them to run at near-100% capacity. And by doing that, gas/diesel prices will fall as a result.

Look up 'Economies of Scale' dumbass.

Jesus Jumping Christ On A Fucking Pogo Stick but dimocrap scum are fucking stupid.

It's like they can't stand the thought of living good

Idiotic says the man who claims Americans will get the oil simply by "demanding" it and even at a lower price.

Keystone won't make the price of gas go down and might make it go up. Here,

The Keystone XL pipeline isn’t about lowering your gas prices

You don't like the Washington Post, try this one.

Keystone XL Won't Lower Gas Prices, It Might Raise Them

Both several years old. Common knowledge for anyone even minimally aware of the issues. Hell, the application to the US for the permit openly admitted it was about opening up additional markets and would generate an additional dollar per barrel in revenue for Canada. That's over a hundred million dollars per month at current levels.

Here's what the US Government says about it --

Increasing American Energy Production Will Lower Gasoline Prices, Create More Jobs

You go ahead and invest in what dimocrap scum say. I'll bet on Republicans.

Let's see who makes out better in the end.

The Keystone XL Pipeline, in conjunction with other initiatives in Energy production, will have a stabilizing effect on Energy prices and will cause them to lower.

The major Oil Producing Countries will be forced to stop throttling their production of Oil. They do that to keep oil prices high. Supply and Demand. You should look into it sometime.

Once we get the Pipeline built and we open the HUGE Oil Reserves in Alaska, the CONSHELF and on Federal Lands..... Prices will plummet.

Oil is really, actually worth about an average of $25 a bbl. Even with the cost of Fracking. Fracked oil needs around $50 a bbl just to make a small profit.

Overall, with all things considered, the price of oil should never exceed $50 a bbl.

One of our biggest problems is -- We haven't built a refinery in something like 50 years. dimocrap SCUM won't let it happen.

The Keystone XL Pipeline is a major benefit to the US Consumer.

That you CHOOSE to believe dimocrap scum is your problem.

It's one thing to be born stupid. It's one thing to suffer brain damage.

It's quite another to CHOOSE to be stupid by believing what dimocrap SCUM have to say about -- Anything.

It's on you. Remember that. When you start whinging and sniveling about all the bad things that happened to you in your youth..... I'm telling you now -- It's on you for believing the wrong message.

Being a dimocrap isn't just a minor thing..... It isn't a political belief that you can change on a whim -- It is way of life.

A very bad way of life.

You'll see. I'm right

You are a flippin idiot. First, you post a partisan Republican house committee report, which is not worth the bandwidth used. Might as well let the oil industry give you the facts.

Second, do you really think we can win a race to the bottom with the Middle East? They can make money at ten dollars a barrel. And in effect, shut down domestic production. It's a fool me once kind of thing.

Third, you got to be smoking some good shit if you believe the federal government and the Trump administration has any desire to move oil prices down. That would curtail domestic production, hell it is the biggest problem now.

Fourth, your refinery argument is foolish. We have vastly expanded capacity. Worse, when you examine that capacity expansion you find it is for, wait for it, EXPORT.

US is becoming the 'refiner to the world'

You can sling shit all you want. Bookmark the thread. Come back to it later, when gas prices are higher, when diesel prices here at home are higher, when the temporary jobs are all dried up, and when there is an environmental catastrophe at both ends, the toxic waste from the refining process and leaks in the pipeline. Then you can tell me what a great deal it was for the American people.

What toxic waste from the refining process?

Are you aware of the fact that petroleum coke is the main byproduct of the process? Petroleum coke has many, many uses. I, for one, have hauled dozens of loads of petcoke to SLC to be used as a landscaping material.

"Uses of Petroleum Coke

Petroleum coke is typically used as a source of energy, or as a source of carbon for industrial applications. Fuel grade petcoke represents nearly 80 percent of worldwide production and is a source of fuel for cement kilns and electric power plants. Calcined petcoke has the highest carbon purity and is used to manufacture energy, as well as in the aluminum, graphite electrode, steel, titanium dioxide and other carbon consuming industries.

Additionally, the EPA does NOT classify petcoke as a hazardous material.

“The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) does not classify petcoke as a hazardous waste. EPA has surveyed the potential human health and environmental impacts of petcoke through its High Production Volume (HPV) Challenge Program and found the material to be highly stable and non-reactive at ambient environmental conditions. Most toxicity analyses of petcoke find it has a low potential to cause adverse effects on aquatic or terrestrial environments as well as a low health hazard potential in humans, with no observed carcinogenic, reproductive, or developmental effects.”

Petroleum Coke | AFPM

Who said anything about Coke? The refining process is inherently damaging to the environment. Visit Port Arthur Texas and get back to me.
I never got too worked up over this one. But i am concerned it could adversely effect our environment. Is a few more bucks worth possibly destroying wildlife habitats? I guess that question has just been answered. I'm still torn though. And on another side note, the far Left leader of Canada has fully supported it. Something else for folks to chew on.

Of COURSE it will 'adversely' affect our environment. Everything we do as humans adversely affects the environment.

It's a matter of degree.

Which is worse, shipping oil underground where there is somewhere around zero chance of it falling off a bridge and contaminating the river below it or shipping it by rail and/or truck where the risk is multiplied ten fold?

It isn't that dimocrap FILTH are trying to stop the Pipeline..... The truth is, they're trying to stop the shipment of Oil totally.
Why? I don't know. Because they're scum, I guess

I'm a big animal and nature lover. I think these pipelines will likely have some adverse effects on wildlife and the land. Is it worth it? I guess many believe it is. Not to mention, the Government will now seize more land.

I'm one of those who doesn't march in lock-step with any particular entity. Environmentalists aren't always wrong. This is just one of those occasions where i question if it's worth it. Are a few jobs really worth possibly destroying nature?
How in the FUCK is it going to increase American Gas/Diesel Prices? By taking up available refining capabilities?

That's idiotic. The first requests/demands for the fuel/gas will be American and they will be honored...... For less money

All it does is make the refineries more profitable by allowing them to run at near-100% capacity. And by doing that, gas/diesel prices will fall as a result.

Look up 'Economies of Scale' dumbass.

Jesus Jumping Christ On A Fucking Pogo Stick but dimocrap scum are fucking stupid.

It's like they can't stand the thought of living good

Idiotic says the man who claims Americans will get the oil simply by "demanding" it and even at a lower price.

Keystone won't make the price of gas go down and might make it go up. Here,

The Keystone XL pipeline isn’t about lowering your gas prices

You don't like the Washington Post, try this one.

Keystone XL Won't Lower Gas Prices, It Might Raise Them

Both several years old. Common knowledge for anyone even minimally aware of the issues. Hell, the application to the US for the permit openly admitted it was about opening up additional markets and would generate an additional dollar per barrel in revenue for Canada. That's over a hundred million dollars per month at current levels.

Here's what the US Government says about it --

Increasing American Energy Production Will Lower Gasoline Prices, Create More Jobs

You go ahead and invest in what dimocrap scum say. I'll bet on Republicans.

Let's see who makes out better in the end.

The Keystone XL Pipeline, in conjunction with other initiatives in Energy production, will have a stabilizing effect on Energy prices and will cause them to lower.

The major Oil Producing Countries will be forced to stop throttling their production of Oil. They do that to keep oil prices high. Supply and Demand. You should look into it sometime.

Once we get the Pipeline built and we open the HUGE Oil Reserves in Alaska, the CONSHELF and on Federal Lands..... Prices will plummet.

Oil is really, actually worth about an average of $25 a bbl. Even with the cost of Fracking. Fracked oil needs around $50 a bbl just to make a small profit.

Overall, with all things considered, the price of oil should never exceed $50 a bbl.

One of our biggest problems is -- We haven't built a refinery in something like 50 years. dimocrap SCUM won't let it happen.

The Keystone XL Pipeline is a major benefit to the US Consumer.

That you CHOOSE to believe dimocrap scum is your problem.

It's one thing to be born stupid. It's one thing to suffer brain damage.

It's quite another to CHOOSE to be stupid by believing what dimocrap SCUM have to say about -- Anything.

It's on you. Remember that. When you start whinging and sniveling about all the bad things that happened to you in your youth..... I'm telling you now -- It's on you for believing the wrong message.

Being a dimocrap isn't just a minor thing..... It isn't a political belief that you can change on a whim -- It is way of life.

A very bad way of life.

You'll see. I'm right

You are a flippin idiot. First, you post a partisan Republican house committee report, which is not worth the bandwidth used. Might as well let the oil industry give you the facts.

Second, do you really think we can win a race to the bottom with the Middle East? They can make money at ten dollars a barrel. And in effect, shut down domestic production. It's a fool me once kind of thing.

Third, you got to be smoking some good shit if you believe the federal government and the Trump administration has any desire to move oil prices down. That would curtail domestic production, hell it is the biggest problem now.

Fourth, your refinery argument is foolish. We have vastly expanded capacity. Worse, when you examine that capacity expansion you find it is for, wait for it, EXPORT.

US is becoming the 'refiner to the world'

You can sling shit all you want. Bookmark the thread. Come back to it later, when gas prices are higher, when diesel prices here at home are higher, when the temporary jobs are all dried up, and when there is an environmental catastrophe at both ends, the toxic waste from the refining process and leaks in the pipeline. Then you can tell me what a great deal it was for the American people.

What toxic waste from the refining process?

Are you aware of the fact that petroleum coke is the main byproduct of the process? Petroleum coke has many, many uses. I, for one, have hauled dozens of loads of petcoke to SLC to be used as a landscaping material.

"Uses of Petroleum Coke

Petroleum coke is typically used as a source of energy, or as a source of carbon for industrial applications. Fuel grade petcoke represents nearly 80 percent of worldwide production and is a source of fuel for cement kilns and electric power plants. Calcined petcoke has the highest carbon purity and is used to manufacture energy, as well as in the aluminum, graphite electrode, steel, titanium dioxide and other carbon consuming industries.

Additionally, the EPA does NOT classify petcoke as a hazardous material.

“The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) does not classify petcoke as a hazardous waste. EPA has surveyed the potential human health and environmental impacts of petcoke through its High Production Volume (HPV) Challenge Program and found the material to be highly stable and non-reactive at ambient environmental conditions. Most toxicity analyses of petcoke find it has a low potential to cause adverse effects on aquatic or terrestrial environments as well as a low health hazard potential in humans, with no observed carcinogenic, reproductive, or developmental effects.”

Petroleum Coke | AFPM

Who said anything about Coke? The refining process is inherently damaging to the environment. Visit Port Arthur Texas and get back to me.
How are you typing your posts from your cave Luddite?
I never got too worked up over this one. But i am concerned it could adversely effect our environment. Is a few more bucks worth possibly destroying wildlife habitats? I guess that question has just been answered. I'm still torn though. And on another side note, the far Left leader of Canada has fully supported it. Something else for folks to chew on.

Of COURSE it will 'adversely' affect our environment. Everything we do as humans adversely affects the environment.

It's a matter of degree.

Which is worse, shipping oil underground where there is somewhere around zero chance of it falling off a bridge and contaminating the river below it or shipping it by rail and/or truck where the risk is multiplied ten fold?

It isn't that dimocrap FILTH are trying to stop the Pipeline..... The truth is, they're trying to stop the shipment of Oil totally.

Why? I don't know. Because they're scum, I guess
climate change. It was all about climate change. doing away with fossil fuels and moving to horseback and buggies again. heading back to our caves to die. It's all they want. they want you and me dead.
I never got too worked up over this one. But i am concerned it could adversely effect our environment. Is a few more bucks worth possibly destroying wildlife habitats? I guess that question has just been answered. I'm still torn though. And on another side note, the far Left leader of Canada has fully supported it. Something else for folks to chew on.

Of COURSE it will 'adversely' affect our environment. Everything we do as humans adversely affects the environment.

It's a matter of degree.

Which is worse, shipping oil underground where there is somewhere around zero chance of it falling off a bridge and contaminating the river below it or shipping it by rail and/or truck where the risk is multiplied ten fold?

It isn't that dimocrap FILTH are trying to stop the Pipeline..... The truth is, they're trying to stop the shipment of Oil totally.
Why? I don't know. Because they're scum, I guess

I'm a big animal and nature lover. I think these pipelines will likely have some adverse effects on wildlife and the land. Is it worth it? I guess many believe it is. Not to mention, the Government will now seize more land.

I'm one of those who doesn't march in lock-step with any particular entity. Environmentalists aren't always wrong. This is just one of those occasions where i question if it's worth it. Are a few jobs really worth possibly destroying nature?
It's far safer in the pipelines than in train cars.....
Then you got snookered.

This is about Canadian oil being transported to Gulf refineries to be processed into to diesel fuel for EXPORT. It will increase gas prices for Americans, not decrease them. A great deal for Canada, they get a higher price for their crude. A great deal for Mexico, diesel prices drop. Hell, even a good deal for the European countries that will be gobbling up all that diesel along with Mexico.

But America first? Not by any stretch of imagination.

How in the FUCK is it going to increase American Gas/Diesel Prices? By taking up available refining capabilities?

That's idiotic. The first requests/demands for the fuel/gas will be American and they will be honored...... For less money

All it does is make the refineries more profitable by allowing them to run at near-100% capacity. And by doing that, gas/diesel prices will fall as a result.

Look up 'Economies of Scale' dumbass.

Jesus Jumping Christ On A Fucking Pogo Stick but dimocrap scum are fucking stupid.

It's like they can't stand the thought of living good

Idiotic says the man who claims Americans will get the oil simply by "demanding" it and even at a lower price.

Keystone won't make the price of gas go down and might make it go up. Here,

The Keystone XL pipeline isn’t about lowering your gas prices

You don't like the Washington Post, try this one.

Keystone XL Won't Lower Gas Prices, It Might Raise Them

Both several years old. Common knowledge for anyone even minimally aware of the issues. Hell, the application to the US for the permit openly admitted it was about opening up additional markets and would generate an additional dollar per barrel in revenue for Canada. That's over a hundred million dollars per month at current levels.

Here's what the US Government says about it --

Increasing American Energy Production Will Lower Gasoline Prices, Create More Jobs

You go ahead and invest in what dimocrap scum say. I'll bet on Republicans.

Let's see who makes out better in the end.

The Keystone XL Pipeline, in conjunction with other initiatives in Energy production, will have a stabilizing effect on Energy prices and will cause them to lower.

The major Oil Producing Countries will be forced to stop throttling their production of Oil. They do that to keep oil prices high. Supply and Demand. You should look into it sometime.

Once we get the Pipeline built and we open the HUGE Oil Reserves in Alaska, the CONSHELF and on Federal Lands..... Prices will plummet.

Oil is really, actually worth about an average of $25 a bbl. Even with the cost of Fracking. Fracked oil needs around $50 a bbl just to make a small profit.

Overall, with all things considered, the price of oil should never exceed $50 a bbl.

One of our biggest problems is -- We haven't built a refinery in something like 50 years. dimocrap SCUM won't let it happen.

The Keystone XL Pipeline is a major benefit to the US Consumer.

That you CHOOSE to believe dimocrap scum is your problem.

It's one thing to be born stupid. It's one thing to suffer brain damage.

It's quite another to CHOOSE to be stupid by believing what dimocrap SCUM have to say about -- Anything.

It's on you. Remember that. When you start whinging and sniveling about all the bad things that happened to you in your youth..... I'm telling you now -- It's on you for believing the wrong message.

Being a dimocrap isn't just a minor thing..... It isn't a political belief that you can change on a whim -- It is way of life.

A very bad way of life.

You'll see. I'm right

You are a flippin idiot. First, you post a partisan Republican house committee report, which is not worth the bandwidth used. Might as well let the oil industry give you the facts.

Second, do you really think we can win a race to the bottom with the Middle East? They can make money at ten dollars a barrel. And in effect, shut down domestic production. It's a fool me once kind of thing.

Third, you got to be smoking some good shit if you believe the federal government and the Trump administration has any desire to move oil prices down. That would curtail domestic production, hell it is the biggest problem now.

Fourth, your refinery argument is foolish. We have vastly expanded capacity. Worse, when you examine that capacity expansion you find it is for, wait for it, EXPORT.

US is becoming the 'refiner to the world'

You can sling shit all you want. Bookmark the thread. Come back to it later, when gas prices are higher, when diesel prices here at home are higher, when the temporary jobs are all dried up, and when there is an environmental catastrophe at both ends, the toxic waste from the refining process and leaks in the pipeline. Then you can tell me what a great deal it was for the American people.

What toxic waste from the refining process?

Are you aware of the fact that petroleum coke is the main byproduct of the process? Petroleum coke has many, many uses. I, for one, have hauled dozens of loads of petcoke to SLC to be used as a landscaping material.

"Uses of Petroleum Coke

Petroleum coke is typically used as a source of energy, or as a source of carbon for industrial applications. Fuel grade petcoke represents nearly 80 percent of worldwide production and is a source of fuel for cement kilns and electric power plants. Calcined petcoke has the highest carbon purity and is used to manufacture energy, as well as in the aluminum, graphite electrode, steel, titanium dioxide and other carbon consuming industries.

Additionally, the EPA does NOT classify petcoke as a hazardous material.

“The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) does not classify petcoke as a hazardous waste. EPA has surveyed the potential human health and environmental impacts of petcoke through its High Production Volume (HPV) Challenge Program and found the material to be highly stable and non-reactive at ambient environmental conditions. Most toxicity analyses of petcoke find it has a low potential to cause adverse effects on aquatic or terrestrial environments as well as a low health hazard potential in humans, with no observed carcinogenic, reproductive, or developmental effects.”

Petroleum Coke | AFPM
Remember, they are told something and they believe. they don't do research or even discuss to understand. They're told it's bad, it's fking bad no matter what anyone else may say. dude, it's hilarious.
I never got too worked up over this one. But i am concerned it could adversely effect our environment. Is a few more bucks worth possibly destroying wildlife habitats? I guess that question has just been answered. I'm still torn though. And on another side note, the far Left leader of Canada has fully supported it. Something else for folks to chew on.

Of course the Canadian prime minister supports it. The alternative is to build a pipeline to the Canadian west coast. Why pump that sludge over the Queen's land when they can pump that sludge over American land.

True. The accidents and pollution will effect mostly US wildlife and land.
I'm a Trump supporter, but i have to say i sided with Native Americans and Environmentalists on this one. Is this monstrosity really worth risking destroying so much beautiful wildlife and land? I mean, i know it is to the few Fatcats who'll be getting fatter. But i have to question whether or not it's worth it overall for average Citizens.
I never got too worked up over this one. But i am concerned it could adversely effect our environment. Is a few more bucks worth possibly destroying wildlife habitats? I guess that question has just been answered. I'm still torn though. And on another side note, the far Left leader of Canada has fully supported it. Something else for folks to chew on.

Of course the Canadian prime minister supports it. The alternative is to build a pipeline to the Canadian west coast. Why pump that sludge over the Queen's land when they can pump that sludge over American land.
There are thousands of pipelines already in place, your political correctness makes you a dumb motherfucker. Get a clue and educate yourself…:lmao:

Great, we got thousands of miles of pipeline already. We don't need this pipeline. It does not benefit the American people. It is increased environmental risk with no positive benefit for the American people. It is a lose, lose for us. Canada gets a higher price for her oil, we pay hundreds of millions of dollars more per month for their crude. Americans get a higher price of gas, a higher price of diesel, the inflationary aspect of those higher prices rolls through the distribution network and Americans pay more for everything from toilet paper to prunes.

Meanwhile, air and water quality suffer as additional pollutants are released into the atmosphere and waterways from the refining of a particular nasty form of something like oil for the benefit of foreign owned companies and foreign customers.

climate change. It was all about climate change. doing away with fossil fuels and moving to horseback and buggies again. heading back to our caves to die. It's all they want. they want you and me dead.

No, they don't want us dead. I know very well why they do what they do, I'm just tired of calling them scum, even though that is the most apt description of them....

Read this and understand.....

When Josef Stalin was on his deathbed he called in two likely successors, to test which one of the two had a better knack for ruling the country.

He ordered two birds to be brought in and presented one bird to each of the two candidates.

The first one grabbed the bird, but was so afraid that the bird could free himself from his grip and fly away that he squeezed his hand very hard, and when he opened his palm, the bird was dead.

Seeing the disapproving look on Stalin's face and being afraid to repeat his rival's mistake, the second candidate loosened his grip so much that the bird freed himself and flew away.

Stalin looked at both of them scornfully. "Bring me a bird!" he ordered.

They did.

Stalin took the bird by its legs and slowly, one by one, he plucked all the feathers from the bird's little body.

Then he opened his palm. The bird was laying there naked, shivering, helpless.

Stalin looked at him, smiled gently and said, "You see... and he is even thankful for the human warmth coming out of my palm."

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