Trump OKs Keystone pipeline....

many americans have become very wealthy as a resort of eminent domain. The land it not "taken" it is "purchased". Do you understand the difference?

If the person losing the land has no choice in the transaction, then it's not purchased, it's taken

then remove the eminent domain laws from our national statutes. That's the way it works and the people are paid the appraised value of the land. You can hold out if you don't like the offer, many do that. But eventually a deal will be made. If you don't like that, change the law, otherwise deal with reality.
I think eminent domain, a lot fo times, is necessary. But this is for a FOREIGN company. You can sit there and do the cliché of telling me to change the law but that doesn't change the fact Americans are getting fucked for a foreign company.

the Canadian crude is going to American refineries. The jobs building the pipeline will be American jobs. The management and maintenance of the pipeline will be done by Americans. Canada will sell its crude to someone, This is not to help Canada, its to create American jobs.
yes, im sure that's the purpose :lol:

of course it is. Do you think American refineries are run by Canadians? Do you think American construction companies hire Canadians? Final question: WTF is wrong with you?
So you dummies against shipping by pipeline...

a 1,700 mile pipeline on dry land joining more than 185,000 miles of liquid petroleum pipelines, nearly 320,000 miles of gas transmission pipelines, and more than 2 million miles of gas distribution pipelines to safely and efficiently move energy and raw materials to fuel our nation's economic engine.
Pipeline101 - Why-Do-We-Need-Pipelines
The Keystone will carry 700 barrels in one mile on dry land within 2 hours of repair and at the worst 2,100 barrels versus a tanker carrying 1 million barrels in one mile.
Which one if there was an accident would spill the most oil? Which one would be fixed quicker?

So let's compare...
one mile of pipe carrying 700 barrels of oil VERSUS
one tanker traveling one mile carrying 1 million barrels.
Which one would have the opportunity of doing the most damage???
of course it is. Do you think American refineries are run by Canadians? Do you think American construction companies hire Canadians? Final question: WTF is wrong with you?

He's a dimocrap

That explains it all
If the person losing the land has no choice in the transaction, then it's not purchased, it's taken

then remove the eminent domain laws from our national statutes. That's the way it works and the people are paid the appraised value of the land. You can hold out if you don't like the offer, many do that. But eventually a deal will be made. If you don't like that, change the law, otherwise deal with reality.
I think eminent domain, a lot fo times, is necessary. But this is for a FOREIGN company. You can sit there and do the cliché of telling me to change the law but that doesn't change the fact Americans are getting fucked for a foreign company.

the Canadian crude is going to American refineries. The jobs building the pipeline will be American jobs. The management and maintenance of the pipeline will be done by Americans. Canada will sell its crude to someone, This is not to help Canada, its to create American jobs.
yes, im sure that's the purpose :lol:

MOST Importantly it is ENVIRONMENTALLY Beneficial and here is why!

GUESS what ??
NOW Canada will NOT be shipping via Oil Tanker 1 million barrels a day through the most ship wreck prone straits in the Northwest!
David Mosley, public affairs specialist for the U.S. Coast Guard in Alaska, says that the thousands of ships that already navigate its waters each year face "winter hurricanes" with 40-foot seas and 100-knot winds that appear with little advanced notice.
In a typical year, at least one ship gets into trouble.
"A vessel will have some sort of mechanical or physical issue that then puts them at the mercy of the weather and the waves."
The Dangers of Not Building Keystone XL
Now add 365 tankers each carrying 1 million barrels traveling in these waters every year!

NOT now! Thank goodness Trump understood the environmental impact an Exxon Valdez once
a year is NOW reduced as it would have been without the Keystone!
yes, its safer than rail cars but I don't care. That's not what I am upset about.
If the person losing the land has no choice in the transaction, then it's not purchased, it's taken

then remove the eminent domain laws from our national statutes. That's the way it works and the people are paid the appraised value of the land. You can hold out if you don't like the offer, many do that. But eventually a deal will be made. If you don't like that, change the law, otherwise deal with reality.
I think eminent domain, a lot fo times, is necessary. But this is for a FOREIGN company. You can sit there and do the cliché of telling me to change the law but that doesn't change the fact Americans are getting fucked for a foreign company.

the Canadian crude is going to American refineries. The jobs building the pipeline will be American jobs. The management and maintenance of the pipeline will be done by Americans. Canada will sell its crude to someone, This is not to help Canada, its to create American jobs.
yes, im sure that's the purpose :lol:

of course it is. Do you think American refineries are run by Canadians? Do you think American construction companies hire Canadians? Final question: WTF is wrong with you?
Support your statism if you want. I will remember this because I am sure you will be screaming about statism before too long.
Then you got snookered.

This is about Canadian oil being transported to Gulf refineries to be processed into to diesel fuel for EXPORT. It will increase gas prices for Americans, not decrease them. A great deal for Canada, they get a higher price for their crude. A great deal for Mexico, diesel prices drop. Hell, even a good deal for the European countries that will be gobbling up all that diesel along with Mexico.

But America first? Not by any stretch of imagination.

How in the FUCK is it going to increase American Gas/Diesel Prices? By taking up available refining capabilities?

That's idiotic. The first requests/demands for the fuel/gas will be American and they will be honored...... For less money

All it does is make the refineries more profitable by allowing them to run at near-100% capacity. And by doing that, gas/diesel prices will fall as a result.

Look up 'Economies of Scale' dumbass.

Jesus Jumping Christ On A Fucking Pogo Stick but dimocrap scum are fucking stupid.

It's like they can't stand the thought of living good

Idiotic says the man who claims Americans will get the oil simply by "demanding" it and even at a lower price.

Keystone won't make the price of gas go down and might make it go up. Here,

The Keystone XL pipeline isn’t about lowering your gas prices

You don't like the Washington Post, try this one.

Keystone XL Won't Lower Gas Prices, It Might Raise Them

Both several years old. Common knowledge for anyone even minimally aware of the issues. Hell, the application to the US for the permit openly admitted it was about opening up additional markets and would generate an additional dollar per barrel in revenue for Canada. That's over a hundred million dollars per month at current levels.

Here's what the US Government says about it --

Increasing American Energy Production Will Lower Gasoline Prices, Create More Jobs

You go ahead and invest in what dimocrap scum say. I'll bet on Republicans.

Let's see who makes out better in the end.

The Keystone XL Pipeline, in conjunction with other initiatives in Energy production, will have a stabilizing effect on Energy prices and will cause them to lower.

The major Oil Producing Countries will be forced to stop throttling their production of Oil. They do that to keep oil prices high. Supply and Demand. You should look into it sometime.

Once we get the Pipeline built and we open the HUGE Oil Reserves in Alaska, the CONSHELF and on Federal Lands..... Prices will plummet.

Oil is really, actually worth about an average of $25 a bbl. Even with the cost of Fracking. Fracked oil needs around $50 a bbl just to make a small profit.

Overall, with all things considered, the price of oil should never exceed $50 a bbl.

One of our biggest problems is -- We haven't built a refinery in something like 50 years. dimocrap SCUM won't let it happen.

The Keystone XL Pipeline is a major benefit to the US Consumer.

That you CHOOSE to believe dimocrap scum is your problem.

It's one thing to be born stupid. It's one thing to suffer brain damage.

It's quite another to CHOOSE to be stupid by believing what dimocrap SCUM have to say about -- Anything.

It's on you. Remember that. When you start whinging and sniveling about all the bad things that happened to you in your youth..... I'm telling you now -- It's on you for believing the wrong message.

Being a dimocrap isn't just a minor thing..... It isn't a political belief that you can change on a whim -- It is way of life.

A very bad way of life.

You'll see. I'm right

You are a flippin idiot. First, you post a partisan Republican house committee report, which is not worth the bandwidth used. Might as well let the oil industry give you the facts.

Second, do you really think we can win a race to the bottom with the Middle East? They can make money at ten dollars a barrel. And in effect, shut down domestic production. It's a fool me once kind of thing.

Third, you got to be smoking some good shit if you believe the federal government and the Trump administration has any desire to move oil prices down. That would curtail domestic production, hell it is the biggest problem now.

Fourth, your refinery argument is foolish. We have vastly expanded capacity. Worse, when you examine that capacity expansion you find it is for, wait for it, EXPORT.

US is becoming the 'refiner to the world'

You can sling shit all you want. Bookmark the thread. Come back to it later, when gas prices are higher, when diesel prices here at home are higher, when the temporary jobs are all dried up, and when there is an environmental catastrophe at both ends, the toxic waste from the refining process and leaks in the pipeline. Then you can tell me what a great deal it was for the American people.
then remove the eminent domain laws from our national statutes. That's the way it works and the people are paid the appraised value of the land. You can hold out if you don't like the offer, many do that. But eventually a deal will be made. If you don't like that, change the law, otherwise deal with reality.
I think eminent domain, a lot fo times, is necessary. But this is for a FOREIGN company. You can sit there and do the cliché of telling me to change the law but that doesn't change the fact Americans are getting fucked for a foreign company.

the Canadian crude is going to American refineries. The jobs building the pipeline will be American jobs. The management and maintenance of the pipeline will be done by Americans. Canada will sell its crude to someone, This is not to help Canada, its to create American jobs.
yes, im sure that's the purpose :lol:

MOST Importantly it is ENVIRONMENTALLY Beneficial and here is why!

GUESS what ??
NOW Canada will NOT be shipping via Oil Tanker 1 million barrels a day through the most ship wreck prone straits in the Northwest!
David Mosley, public affairs specialist for the U.S. Coast Guard in Alaska, says that the thousands of ships that already navigate its waters each year face "winter hurricanes" with 40-foot seas and 100-knot winds that appear with little advanced notice.
In a typical year, at least one ship gets into trouble.
"A vessel will have some sort of mechanical or physical issue that then puts them at the mercy of the weather and the waves."
The Dangers of Not Building Keystone XL
Now add 365 tankers each carrying 1 million barrels traveling in these waters every year!

NOT now! Thank goodness Trump understood the environmental impact an Exxon Valdez once
a year is NOW reduced as it would have been without the Keystone!
yes, its safer than rail cars but I don't care. That's not what I am upset about.

So you don't care about the environment?
Get 'er done. This has been dragging on for far too long. If America can put a man on the moon, it can build a pipeline.
I think eminent domain, a lot fo times, is necessary. But this is for a FOREIGN company. You can sit there and do the cliché of telling me to change the law but that doesn't change the fact Americans are getting fucked for a foreign company.

the Canadian crude is going to American refineries. The jobs building the pipeline will be American jobs. The management and maintenance of the pipeline will be done by Americans. Canada will sell its crude to someone, This is not to help Canada, its to create American jobs.
yes, im sure that's the purpose :lol:

MOST Importantly it is ENVIRONMENTALLY Beneficial and here is why!

GUESS what ??
NOW Canada will NOT be shipping via Oil Tanker 1 million barrels a day through the most ship wreck prone straits in the Northwest!
David Mosley, public affairs specialist for the U.S. Coast Guard in Alaska, says that the thousands of ships that already navigate its waters each year face "winter hurricanes" with 40-foot seas and 100-knot winds that appear with little advanced notice.
In a typical year, at least one ship gets into trouble.
"A vessel will have some sort of mechanical or physical issue that then puts them at the mercy of the weather and the waves."
The Dangers of Not Building Keystone XL
Now add 365 tankers each carrying 1 million barrels traveling in these waters every year!

NOT now! Thank goodness Trump understood the environmental impact an Exxon Valdez once
a year is NOW reduced as it would have been without the Keystone!
yes, its safer than rail cars but I don't care. That's not what I am upset about.

So you don't care about the environment?
Lol, of course. I love this planet.
Then you got snookered.

This is about Canadian oil being transported to Gulf refineries to be processed into to diesel fuel for EXPORT. It will increase gas prices for Americans, not decrease them. A great deal for Canada, they get a higher price for their crude. A great deal for Mexico, diesel prices drop. Hell, even a good deal for the European countries that will be gobbling up all that diesel along with Mexico.

But America first? Not by any stretch of imagination.

How in the FUCK is it going to increase American Gas/Diesel Prices? By taking up available refining capabilities?

That's idiotic. The first requests/demands for the fuel/gas will be American and they will be honored...... For less money

All it does is make the refineries more profitable by allowing them to run at near-100% capacity. And by doing that, gas/diesel prices will fall as a result.

Look up 'Economies of Scale' dumbass.

Jesus Jumping Christ On A Fucking Pogo Stick but dimocrap scum are fucking stupid.

It's like they can't stand the thought of living good

Idiotic says the man who claims Americans will get the oil simply by "demanding" it and even at a lower price.

Keystone won't make the price of gas go down and might make it go up. Here,

The Keystone XL pipeline isn’t about lowering your gas prices

You don't like the Washington Post, try this one.

Keystone XL Won't Lower Gas Prices, It Might Raise Them

Both several years old. Common knowledge for anyone even minimally aware of the issues. Hell, the application to the US for the permit openly admitted it was about opening up additional markets and would generate an additional dollar per barrel in revenue for Canada. That's over a hundred million dollars per month at current levels.

Here's what the US Government says about it --

Increasing American Energy Production Will Lower Gasoline Prices, Create More Jobs

You go ahead and invest in what dimocrap scum say. I'll bet on Republicans.

Let's see who makes out better in the end.

The Keystone XL Pipeline, in conjunction with other initiatives in Energy production, will have a stabilizing effect on Energy prices and will cause them to lower.

The major Oil Producing Countries will be forced to stop throttling their production of Oil. They do that to keep oil prices high. Supply and Demand. You should look into it sometime.

Once we get the Pipeline built and we open the HUGE Oil Reserves in Alaska, the CONSHELF and on Federal Lands..... Prices will plummet.

Oil is really, actually worth about an average of $25 a bbl. Even with the cost of Fracking. Fracked oil needs around $50 a bbl just to make a small profit.

Overall, with all things considered, the price of oil should never exceed $50 a bbl.

One of our biggest problems is -- We haven't built a refinery in something like 50 years. dimocrap SCUM won't let it happen.

The Keystone XL Pipeline is a major benefit to the US Consumer.

That you CHOOSE to believe dimocrap scum is your problem.

It's one thing to be born stupid. It's one thing to suffer brain damage.

It's quite another to CHOOSE to be stupid by believing what dimocrap SCUM have to say about -- Anything.

It's on you. Remember that. When you start whinging and sniveling about all the bad things that happened to you in your youth..... I'm telling you now -- It's on you for believing the wrong message.

Being a dimocrap isn't just a minor thing..... It isn't a political belief that you can change on a whim -- It is way of life.

A very bad way of life.

You'll see. I'm right

You are a flippin idiot. First, you post a partisan Republican house committee report, which is not worth the bandwidth used. Might as well let the oil industry give you the facts.

Second, do you really think we can win a race to the bottom with the Middle East? They can make money at ten dollars a barrel. And in effect, shut down domestic production. It's a fool me once kind of thing.

Third, you got to be smoking some good shit if you believe the federal government and the Trump administration has any desire to move oil prices down. That would curtail domestic production, hell it is the biggest problem now.

Fourth, your refinery argument is foolish. We have vastly expanded capacity. Worse, when you examine that capacity expansion you find it is for, wait for it, EXPORT.

US is becoming the 'refiner to the world'

You can sling shit all you want. Bookmark the thread. Come back to it later, when gas prices are higher, when diesel prices here at home are higher, when the temporary jobs are all dried up, and when there is an environmental catastrophe at both ends, the toxic waste from the refining process and leaks in the pipeline. Then you can tell me what a great deal it was for the American people.

So you want 1 million barrels traveling one mile in the worst storm area every day versus 700 barrels traveling 1 mile every day? And you don't see the risk environmentally with that?
Let's make it even more simple....
Which is a bigger number .... 1 million barrels or 700 barrels? Can you tell me please because you are missing the gigantic issue here!
This is such good news. The Keystone has been fought long enough. obama is gone. The damage he did is slowly being undone. The Keystone was a huge part of his ill will toward the nation.
Who doesn't love using fascism to force people to go against their own will/land to appease a foreign company?
I know the left love fascism and we like jobs. It doesn't matter if an owner is foreign or not if Americans are at work for the good of the nation.
This is such good news. The Keystone has been fought long enough. obama is gone. The damage he did is slowly being undone. The Keystone was a huge part of his ill will toward the nation.

See Obama had NO idea of how big a number 1 million barrels versus 700 barrels was!
In other words he didn't care if one Exxon Valdez happened every year i.e. 1 million barrels per day traveling in the
worst storm area versus 700 barrels traveling in a pipeline on dry land!
Couldn't see the difference and I just laugh at this lack of awareness!
Then you got snookered.

This is about Canadian oil being transported to Gulf refineries to be processed into to diesel fuel for EXPORT. It will increase gas prices for Americans, not decrease them. A great deal for Canada, they get a higher price for their crude. A great deal for Mexico, diesel prices drop. Hell, even a good deal for the European countries that will be gobbling up all that diesel along with Mexico.

But America first? Not by any stretch of imagination.

How in the FUCK is it going to increase American Gas/Diesel Prices? By taking up available refining capabilities?

That's idiotic. The first requests/demands for the fuel/gas will be American and they will be honored...... For less money

All it does is make the refineries more profitable by allowing them to run at near-100% capacity. And by doing that, gas/diesel prices will fall as a result.

Look up 'Economies of Scale' dumbass.

Jesus Jumping Christ On A Fucking Pogo Stick but dimocrap scum are fucking stupid.

It's like they can't stand the thought of living good

Idiotic says the man who claims Americans will get the oil simply by "demanding" it and even at a lower price.

Keystone won't make the price of gas go down and might make it go up. Here,

The Keystone XL pipeline isn’t about lowering your gas prices

You don't like the Washington Post, try this one.

Keystone XL Won't Lower Gas Prices, It Might Raise Them

Both several years old. Common knowledge for anyone even minimally aware of the issues. Hell, the application to the US for the permit openly admitted it was about opening up additional markets and would generate an additional dollar per barrel in revenue for Canada. That's over a hundred million dollars per month at current levels.

Here's what the US Government says about it --

Increasing American Energy Production Will Lower Gasoline Prices, Create More Jobs

You go ahead and invest in what dimocrap scum say. I'll bet on Republicans.

Let's see who makes out better in the end.

The Keystone XL Pipeline, in conjunction with other initiatives in Energy production, will have a stabilizing effect on Energy prices and will cause them to lower.

The major Oil Producing Countries will be forced to stop throttling their production of Oil. They do that to keep oil prices high. Supply and Demand. You should look into it sometime.

Once we get the Pipeline built and we open the HUGE Oil Reserves in Alaska, the CONSHELF and on Federal Lands..... Prices will plummet.

Oil is really, actually worth about an average of $25 a bbl. Even with the cost of Fracking. Fracked oil needs around $50 a bbl just to make a small profit.

Overall, with all things considered, the price of oil should never exceed $50 a bbl.

One of our biggest problems is -- We haven't built a refinery in something like 50 years. dimocrap SCUM won't let it happen.

The Keystone XL Pipeline is a major benefit to the US Consumer.

That you CHOOSE to believe dimocrap scum is your problem.

It's one thing to be born stupid. It's one thing to suffer brain damage.

It's quite another to CHOOSE to be stupid by believing what dimocrap SCUM have to say about -- Anything.

It's on you. Remember that. When you start whinging and sniveling about all the bad things that happened to you in your youth..... I'm telling you now -- It's on you for believing the wrong message.

Being a dimocrap isn't just a minor thing..... It isn't a political belief that you can change on a whim -- It is way of life.

A very bad way of life.

You'll see. I'm right

You are a flippin idiot. First, you post a partisan Republican house committee report, which is not worth the bandwidth used. Might as well let the oil industry give you the facts.

Second, do you really think we can win a race to the bottom with the Middle East? They can make money at ten dollars a barrel. And in effect, shut down domestic production. It's a fool me once kind of thing.

Third, you got to be smoking some good shit if you believe the federal government and the Trump administration has any desire to move oil prices down. That would curtail domestic production, hell it is the biggest problem now.

Fourth, your refinery argument is foolish. We have vastly expanded capacity. Worse, when you examine that capacity expansion you find it is for, wait for it, EXPORT.

US is becoming the 'refiner to the world'

You can sling shit all you want. Bookmark the thread. Come back to it later, when gas prices are higher, when diesel prices here at home are higher, when the temporary jobs are all dried up, and when there is an environmental catastrophe at both ends, the toxic waste from the refining process and leaks in the pipeline. Then you can tell me what a great deal it was for the American people.

You are a mental deficient. Remember the Lying Cocksucker saying that we should just inflate our tires instead of drilling for more oil?

Remember how much the Lying Cocksucker fought fracking, until it was a fait accompli, then like the scumbag he is, jumped on board and tried to claim credit?

But even Obama couldn't carry this one off. The smirk on his face as he sang the praises of an oil and gas industry was unmistakable. This is the man who just two months ago pledged to his pals in the multibillion-dollar climate-change industry that he is committed to shutting down American fossil fuel production.

Right after he boasted of these low gas prices, the president reverted back to form:

"We've got to accelerate the transition away from dirty energy" — by which he means fossil fuels. Then the hammer came down: "I'm going to push to change the way we manage our oil and coal resources, so that they better reflect the costs they impose on taxpayers and our planet."

So 30 seconds after toasting lower gas prices he pledges to find ways to make gas more expensive.

dimocraps are SCUM

You qualify
If the person losing the land has no choice in the transaction, then it's not purchased, it's taken

then remove the eminent domain laws from our national statutes. That's the way it works and the people are paid the appraised value of the land. You can hold out if you don't like the offer, many do that. But eventually a deal will be made. If you don't like that, change the law, otherwise deal with reality.
I think eminent domain, a lot fo times, is necessary. But this is for a FOREIGN company. You can sit there and do the cliché of telling me to change the law but that doesn't change the fact Americans are getting fucked for a foreign company.

the Canadian crude is going to American refineries. The jobs building the pipeline will be American jobs. The management and maintenance of the pipeline will be done by Americans. Canada will sell its crude to someone, This is not to help Canada, its to create American jobs.
yes, im sure that's the purpose :lol:

of course it is. Do you think American refineries are run by Canadians? Do you think American construction companies hire Canadians? Final question: WTF is wrong with you?
30% of refineries are owned by foriegn companies, mainly the Saudis...
this guy is amazing - I am embarrassed that I did not support him early on in the primaries

he is doing what he said he would do

gonna be a great 8 years!
one just can't help the stupid.

BTW, you stupid fool, one million barrels pass that way no matter if it's in a pipe or on a road. Again, how fking stupid are you?

dimocraps are more than just stupid, they're simply scum.

They scream against those who would hurt the environment but forget how harmful it is to ship oil by rail..... (BTW, wanna guess who gets fat off these shipments?)

Oil train derails and catches fire, forcing Oregon town to evacuate

Freight Train Carrying Oil Derails, Catches Fire in Illinois

Train Carrying Oil Derails, Catches Fire In New Brunswick, Canada

dimocraps are simply scum

That's all you need to know about them
I never got too worked up over this one. But i am concerned it could adversely effect our environment. Is a few more bucks worth possibly destroying wildlife habitats? I guess that question has just been answered. I'm still torn though. And on another side note, the far Left leader of Canada has fully supported it. Something else for folks to chew on.
then remove the eminent domain laws from our national statutes. That's the way it works and the people are paid the appraised value of the land. You can hold out if you don't like the offer, many do that. But eventually a deal will be made. If you don't like that, change the law, otherwise deal with reality.
I think eminent domain, a lot fo times, is necessary. But this is for a FOREIGN company. You can sit there and do the cliché of telling me to change the law but that doesn't change the fact Americans are getting fucked for a foreign company.

the Canadian crude is going to American refineries. The jobs building the pipeline will be American jobs. The management and maintenance of the pipeline will be done by Americans. Canada will sell its crude to someone, This is not to help Canada, its to create American jobs.
yes, im sure that's the purpose :lol:

of course it is. Do you think American refineries are run by Canadians? Do you think American construction companies hire Canadians? Final question: WTF is wrong with you?
30% of refineries are owned by foriegn companies, mainly the Saudis...
that's why we need our own.

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