Trump on 60 minutes.

If he does as he claims he'll do and kicked all the illegals out and repealed the disastrous obamacare, with the trillions saved from just those two things, he could redo health care the RIGHT way and be able to pay for it.

Good for him.
If he kicked all the illegals out and repealed the disastrous obamacare, with the trillions saved from just those two things, he could redo health care RIGHT and be able to pay for it.

Good for him.
That's what he says he is going to do. He says government will still cover the uninsured by making deals with existing hospitals....says it will save money on the other end....ya gotta give it to him he has balls and brains and is certainly confident.
I am on the fence as well~ he sure promises a lot , mostly that we will be rich .

Perhaps we do need a businessman.
If he does as he claims he'll do and kicked all the illegals out and repealed the disastrous obamacare, with the trillions saved from just those two things, he could redo health care the RIGHT way and be able to pay for it.

Good for him.

Just so the pre-existing law remains the same and he doesn't do the stupid pool which would turn into welfare after the defunds. I would like to hear more of his plan.
I am on the fence as well~ he sure promises a lot , mostly that we will be rich .

Perhaps we do need a businessman.
This interview certainly pushes me more towards voting for him and supporting him..his confidence is infectious. I mean it just draws you in. I like his stance on healthcare,( I do prefer a one payer system which he has claimed we need before) I do agree with his stance on letting Russia deal with ISIS,I do agree with him on building the wall and taxing the rich....I don't agree with going back to Iraq.
The highlight of the interview, IMO, was the dumbm@$$ interviewer asking Trump if he loses the election will he GO BACK TO WORK.... Trump's priceless answer: "What else am I going to do?"

Such intelligent questions...I smell 'Pulitzer'. :p
The distance between what Trump claims he will do and what he will be able to do with the Congress and courts is immense and his success at getting the congress and courts to go along with some of his schemes seems highly unlikely.
The distance between what Trump claims he will do and what he will be able to do with the Congress and courts is immense and his success at getting the congress and courts to go along with some of his schemes seems highly unlikely.
Nah. Between Bush and Obama they have shown the world and any subsequent president that the use of EO is priceless!
The distance between what Trump claims he will do and what he will be able to do with the Congress and courts is immense and his success at getting the congress and courts to go along with some of his schemes seems highly unlikely.


You forget, my friend - either by choice or denial - that Barak Obama has now set the precedence for any future President to be able to step in and do whatever the hail they want - by-pass Congress as often as they like - with the use of his trusty phone and pen!

This President has refused to enforce the law, has BROKEN the law, has crated his own new 'laws', and has by-passed Congress so often that Trump could immediately step in, cancel all federal funding to Sanctuary Cities, cancel funding for Planned Parenthood, declare that he and HIS DOJ will NOT enforce any act of refusing to marry / cater to / etc same-sex couples (like Obama did with the DOMA), and pretty much whatever he wanted to do...and it would all be 'legal' as OBAMA has already set the precedence. To declare it NOT to be so if a Republican stepped in and started doing it would be an ADMISSION that every time Obama did so he was perpetrating Un-Constitutional / Criminal acts!

(Personally, I don't think a Republican would do so because one of their 'weaknesses' has always been the un-willingness to stoop to the level of Liberals and their acts. Still, the above remains true....he COULD....)
The distance between what Trump claims he will do and what he will be able to do with the Congress and courts is immense and his success at getting the congress and courts to go along with some of his schemes seems highly unlikely.


You forget, my friend - either by choice or denial - that Barak Obama has now set the precedence for any future President to be able to step in and do whatever the hail they want - by-pass Congress as often as they like - with the use of his trusty phone and pen!

This President has refused to enforce the law, has BROKEN the law, has crated his own new 'laws', and has by-passed Congress so often that Trump could immediately step in, cancel all federal funding to Sanctuary Cities, cancel funding for Planned Parenthood, declare that he and HIS DOJ will NOT enforce any act of refusing to marry / cater to / etc same-sex couples (like Obama did with the DOMA), and pretty much whatever he wanted to do...and it would all be 'legal' as OBAMA has already set the precedence. To declare it NOT to be so if a Republican stepped in and started doing it would be an ADMISSION that every time Obama did so he was perpetrating Un-Constitutional / Criminal acts!

(Personally, I don't think a Republican would do so because one of their 'weaknesses' has always been the un-willingness to stoop to the level of Liberals and their acts. Still, the above remains true....he COULD....)

Executive orders have been overruled by Supreme Court decisions and Obama has not set a precedent. The EO have been used by Presidents since George Washington. Trump is not a magician that can lock horns with Congress and SCOTUS and become the emperor. You guys may like to portray Obama as an emperor or king but that is just talking point propaganda. His ability to manipulate the disjointed constantly feuding Republican Party in congress has gotten his agenda passed, not some kind of dictator like imagined power. Congress still holds the purse strings and that will always limit the President's power. Most of the things you mention Trump will be able to do will get knocked down by SCOTUS. He can not instigate policies they have already ruled as unconstitutional.
At best, Trump would make a decent Secretary of Commerce. If demagoguery is your thing, then by all means support Trump.

Running a country with its ethical, legal and fair precepts is NOT the equivalent of being a CEO of a corporation. In his business, Trump can fire anyone who disagrees with him...even when he is wrong......Fortunately, our system of governance and adherence to laws are a bit different than how decisions are made in the boardroom.
You forget, my friend - either by choice or denial - that Barak Obama has now set the precedence for any future President to be able to step in and do whatever the hail they want - by-pass Congress as often as they like - with the use of his trusty phone and pen!

Inane comment......The ACA and gay marriages were not enacted by a "trusty phone and pen".....Both laws were (to put it mildly) objected to and had to be finally enforced by judicial fiat.
The distance between what Trump claims he will do and what he will be able to do with the Congress and courts is immense and his success at getting the congress and courts to go along with some of his schemes seems highly unlikely.

They said the same thing about Reagan and Reagan took it to the people and congress folded up their opposition tent. Congress critters are gutless cowards, if Trump gets the people on his side and the hacks in Congress fear losing their jobs they will fall in line. So its not congress he needs to convince its the people and its obvious Trump knows this.
The distance between what Trump claims he will do and what he will be able to do with the Congress and courts is immense and his success at getting the congress and courts to go along with some of his schemes seems highly unlikely.

They said the same thing about Reagan and Reagan took it to the people and congress folded up their opposition tent. Congress critters are gutless cowards, if Trump gets the people on his side and the hacks in Congress fear losing their jobs they will fall in line. So its not congress he needs to convince its the people and its obvious Trump knows this.
Trump is not Reagan and the people are not on his side as you claim. He is currently getting perhaps one in five or one in four supporters from the pool of Republicans claiming to be primary voters. He still rates a high disapproval rating and he is making serious enemies as he burns bridges for an illusion he is creating. The reality is that twice as many people believe we are being visited by space aliens and a guy called Big Foot as support Trump. You people are easily tricked by those polls that only count people claiming to be primary voters. Those numbers are not cross sections of voters. The half the country that votes democrat are not included in those polls.
I am on the fence as well~ he sure promises a lot , mostly that we will be rich .

Perhaps we do need a businessman.
This interview certainly pushes me more towards voting for him and supporting him..his confidence is infectious. I mean it just draws you in. I like his stance on healthcare,( I do prefer a one payer system which he has claimed we need before) I do agree with his stance on letting Russia deal with ISIS,I do agree with him on building the wall and taxing the rich....I don't agree with going back to Iraq.

His financial plan is coming out this morning. I do like his confidence and seems to be transparent as well as wanting to get America back on track bringing jobs back. Not sure if he would be able to tax with the free trade, but I certainly agree with him.
The distance between what Trump claims he will do and what he will be able to do with the Congress and courts is immense and his success at getting the congress and courts to go along with some of his schemes seems highly unlikely.

They said the same thing about Reagan and Reagan took it to the people and congress folded up their opposition tent. Congress critters are gutless cowards, if Trump gets the people on his side and the hacks in Congress fear losing their jobs they will fall in line. So its not congress he needs to convince its the people and its obvious Trump knows this.
Trump is not Reagan and the people are not on his side as you claim. He is currently getting perhaps one in five or one in four supporters from the pool of Republicans claiming to be primary voters. He still rates a high disapproval rating and he is making serious enemies as he burns bridges for an illusion he is creating. The reality is that twice as many people believe we are being visited by space aliens and a guy called Big Foot as support Trump. You people are easily tricked by those polls that only count people claiming to be primary voters. Those numbers are not cross sections of voters. The half the country that votes democrat are not included in those polls.
you have to admit its hard to deny the existence of big foot when he is running around the white house dressed as a first lady in plain view.
Executive orders have been overruled by Supreme Court decisions and Obama has not set a precedent.

The USSC has overruled President in the Past. Federal Courts Judges have overruled Obama...and have held him in Contempt of Court....yet this has not stopped him from continuing to violate both law and Constitution.

What is unprecedented is how and to what extent Obama has used Executive Privilege and simply by-passed Congress to do whatever he wants. By 'Setting Precedence', THIS is what I mean. SHOULD Trump, or any other GOP President, step right into office and begin blowing Congress off and doing whatever he or she wants they will be within their 'Liberal Precedence Setting' Right to do so, and any complaints by Liberals, as I mentioned will be a sign of both their hypocrisy and admission that what Obama did was wrong as well.

Republican Party in congress has gotten his agenda passed, not some kind of dictator like imagined power. Congress still holds the purse strings and that will always limit the President's power.

While the Republican Party has HELPED pass Obama's and the Liberals' agenda, they can NOT be blamed - which is something Liberals and Obama have proven they always want to do (blame others). It was not the GOP that rammed the minority-supported legislation (ACA) down the throats of the majority of Americans who opposed it, for example. And while Obama did not force the GOP to forfeit the Constitutional Power authority to ratify a Treaty, Obama DID violate the Constitution and by-pass Congress by declaring the Iran Treaty to be a 'deal' (NO Such Thing) and conspiratorially going along with the GOP in violating the Constitution so that only a MINORITRY of Congress was required to ensure the Iran TREATY was imposed.

Most of the things you mention Trump will be able to do will get knocked down by SCOTUS. He can not instigate policies they have already ruled as unconstitutional.

Much of what Obama has done has already been deemed Un-Constitutional as well; yet he has gotten away with it. The Iran TREATY, again, is a perfect example. The Constitution specifically states a 2/3rds majority is required to ratify a Treaty; yet Obama used the 'Bill Clinton Definition of the word 'Is' ' B$ to declare his 'deal' was NOT a 'Treaty', which is simply a LIE and an act of Violating the Constitution by By-passing Congress' to secure his 'Legacy'.

You can argue and deny all you want, but I challenge you to list in the Constitution where a President can make such a pact with SEVERAL nations, involving all that it does, call it a 'deal', and requires only 1/3rd of Congressional approval to impose it. Such a 1/3rd minority decision goes against EVERYTHING established by our Founding Fathers in this system of government.

Obama's EPA has no Constitutional authority to by-pass Congress to create and impose new laws, but they have.

So as far as I am concerned, should a GOP President step in and start doing the same thing Obama & his administration has done all the Liberals who defended Obama doing so can just STFU!

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