Trump on DeSantis: “No Personal Charisma” and “Dull Personality”

The name axios itself is a hybrid between defense contractor and deodorant
thats a red flag toto...

Kind of like harry reid going after Mitt Romney word on the street october suprise.
President Trump has a big ego. He has accomplished great things.

Which politician does NOT have a massive ego? So what is your point, and if you have one, so what?

I didn't say "big", Trumpster.
Trump isn't wrong if he said that.

Where is the audio or video?

Is this HEARSAY?
anything a Democrat says should be considered a lie. Democrats believe lying is virtuous if it helps Democrats. They put these stories out knowing their cultists will believe it and repeat it.
anything a Democrat says should be considered a lie. Democrats believe lying is virtuous if it helps Democrats. They put these stories out knowing their cultists will believe it and repeat it.

They are like radicalized Muslims killing other Muslims. They justify it somehow, altough their scripture forbids it.
Someday, you clowns will learn. I've never been a Trump supporter. The first time around, I was anti-Hillary, just like any sane American. The second time around, I voted for Myself, just as I did the first time.

Trump did three things correctly.

He kept the SCOTUS leaning slightly to the right.
He did away with hundreds of unnecessary and anti-economic regulations
He started building the wall and made sure that the flow into this country by illegals was slowed to a trickle.

A fourth thing would be he didn't start any new wars.

There is no 'backstabbing' going on anywhere in the GOP. They have always been spineless, follow the wind, kind of values. However, it seems that the Democrats have been knifing each other so often they'll need to put "knifer's elbow" on their medical insurance.
Lol, ya what Dems have turned on each other? Mean while what do you suppose is going to happen if both Trump and Desantis run. Then Desantis wins the primary?
They'll love Trump before they hate him. Name a single Republican since Reagan that GOP voters acknowledge they ever liked.

Bush: "He said no new taxes, and lied. Fuck that guy."

Bush Jr.: "He supported that unpopular war we also supported until we stopped supporting it. Fuck that guy."

McCain: "Fuck Obama. This guy's a war hero.Wait. He's not a war hero. That dude who hosts that game show said so. Fuck that guy."

Romney: "He'd be a way better candidate than Obama. Wait. He lost, and thinks Trump is kinda a doucheknozzle? I never liked that guy."

Trump: "This guy is it. He's the shit we need right now. Wait. He got the booster? BOOOOOO!!!"

If Desantis were a smart man he'd be hiding in his basement, and never utter a single word to the public. Republican voters are a bit retarded.
"Reportedly." From a snowflake website. Stopped reading right there
Lol, ya what Dems have turned on each other? Mean while what do you suppose is going to happen if both Trump and Desantis run. Then Desantis wins the primary?
Manchin, Sinema, The Squad against Pelosi, the moderates unhappy with Shumers extremism.

What Democrats AREN'T turning on each other.


The former president was confident about his chances if he decided to run, even if it meant a potential head-to-head matchup with DeSantis, another GOP favorite.

“If I faced him, I'd beat him like I would beat everyone else,” Trump declared, even as he said he doesn't actually expect a showdown.

“I don't think I will face him,” he predicted about what DeSantis and other Republicans would do if he got into the race. “I think most people would drop out, I think he would drop out.”
According to Dems they defeated Trump, yet they continue to rant and foam at the mouth about Trump 24/7. :auiqs.jpg:
Sore Loser Trump whines every day about his loss to Biden.

DeSantis refuses to kiss the ring, so Trump is opening fire on his potential rival

I love desantis---but he does have less charisma than Trump.

DeSantis and Trump are friends---Trump is just the louder more flamboyant Friend.

And the dems are jealous and fear both of them, so they are always making up shit.
watch how fast all these "Desantis is the real deal" commenters change their tune once he actually runs!!!

overnight he will become a tax dodging pedophile who cheated on his wife!!!!
No. Although Trump does project all of his flaws onto others, he can't use "cheated on his wife" against anyone. Or tax dodging.

Dull DeSantis will become a socialist pedophile Biden supporter.

No one is ‘terrified’ of Trump.

In fact, Democrats would love nothing more than for Republicans to nominate Trump in 2024.

In 2024 we’ll see just how insane Republicans truly are.
Bless you, for your sincere concern over who Republicans will nominate for President in 2024!

By the way, who is the nominee for the Democrat ticket?

Bless you, for your sincere concern over who Republicans will nominate for President in 2024!

By the way, who is the nominee for the Democrat ticket?
Who cares? I won't vote for their idiot either. In fact, the biggest problem we have in this country is that so many slackjawed morons will always vote Ds or Rs, regardless of how bad they are.

Please stop.

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