Trump on DeSantis: “No Personal Charisma” and “Dull Personality”

DeSantis refuses to kiss the ring, so Trump is opening fire on his potential rival

Yeah, there's pretty much zero (0) percent chance this won't be fascinating as hell, as Trump childishly and ham-handedly defends his profoundly brittle ego. Again.

watch how fast all these "Desantis is the real deal" commenters change their tune once he actually runs!!!

overnight he will become a tax dodging pedophile who cheated on his wife!!!!
watch how fast all these "Desantis is the real deal" commenters change their tune once he actually runs!!!

overnight he will become a tax dodging pedophile who cheated on his wife!!!!
Desantis is a tax dodging pedophile who cheated on his wife?

Fuck that guy. Nobody loves a tax dodger.
Yeah, there's pretty much zero (0) percent chance this won't be fascinating as hell, as Trump childishly and ham-handedly defends his profoundly brittle ego. Again.

And yet everyday it takes me more of my fixed income t survive with your great leaders who know all the answers over that mean nasty Trump. The worst progs are the ones who live a great life while forcing others to share through socialist policies run amok and taxing the same more while saying the rich do not pay.
Fuck Trump.

DeSantis is a better thinker and has a track record of doing what he says he'll do. Trump? Not so much.

Plus DeSantis shows the nation just how wrong the Democrats are.
Lol, finally seeing what a back stabber Trump is, good for you. The bad news is that back stabbing is currently the basis of your entire party. Thought ya all would have gotten it with all his buddies getting charged with felonies, or With the destruction of Rudy, or the Georgia governor or secretary of state, or when all those republican elections workers were receiving death threats. He turned people against them imagine what he could do to you if he felt like it. Lol. Good luck reversing that shit. You now belong to a party who's base believe s pedophile lizard vampire s rule the world and JFK is going to show up in Texas any day. Good luck with that
I don't care about a presidents charisma or personality. All I care about is the end result of their decisions and their impact.

Despite bidens pitiful personality, I don't like him because all he has done is shit on America and Americans.

Trumps personality and charisma was the opposite of bidens, it was too much for my taste, but I still supported him because he loved america and Americans and did a good job of supporting both.
Lol, finally seeing what a back stabber Trump is, good for you. The bad news is that back stabbing is currently the basis of your entire party. Thought ya all would have gotten it with all his buddies getting charged with felonies, or With the destruction of Rudy, or the Georgia governor or secretary of state, or when all those republican elections workers were receiving death threats. He turned people against them imagine what he could do to you if he felt like it. Lol. Good luck reversing that shit. You now belong to a party who's base believe s pedophile lizard vampire s rule the world and JFK is going to show up in Texas any day. Good luck with that
Someday, you clowns will learn. I've never been a Trump supporter. The first time around, I was anti-Hillary, just like any sane American. The second time around, I voted for Myself, just as I did the first time.

Trump did three things correctly.

He kept the SCOTUS leaning slightly to the right.
He did away with hundreds of unnecessary and anti-economic regulations
He started building the wall and made sure that the flow into this country by illegals was slowed to a trickle.

A fourth thing would be he didn't start any new wars.

There is no 'backstabbing' going on anywhere in the GOP. They have always been spineless, follow the wind, kind of values. However, it seems that the Democrats have been knifing each other so often they'll need to put "knifer's elbow" on their medical insurance.
DeSantis refuses to kiss the ring, so Trump is opening fire on his potential rival

I live in Florida in the winter and rickey d has just been incredible. In Vermont I get milquetoast Phil Scott, like kissing your sister amazingly they're both Republicans
Right now, DeSantis has to be the A#1 top Republican. He's so much of what Trump ISN'T.
Marco is ready anytime I think the overall underlooked candidate is Rand Paul perhaps the vice president pick doctor a real doctor not like fauci Trump is definitely running that I can tell you Nikki Haley tops my list right now
Pence just turned into Stone and is standing guard as statue in a garden somewhere.

Joe biden is chauncy gardener...
Yeah, there's pretty much zero (0) percent chance this won't be fascinating as hell, as Trump childishly and ham-handedly defends his profoundly brittle ego. Again.

President Trump has a big ego. He has accomplished great things.

Which politician does NOT have a massive ego? So what is your point, and if you have one, so what?

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