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Trump on Nice Attacks: "Extreme Vetting" Of Immigrants

He's right, you know, butthe liberals have such LOW IQ'S and care NOTHING about the death and damage that can be done to the COMMON PEOPLE, that they'll piss and moan about this!

RealClearPolitics ^ | July 14, 2016 | RealClearPolitics
"I would be so extreme in terms of documentation," Trump told FOX News' Greta van Susteren on Thursday. "I would not allow people to come in from terrorist nations. I would do extreme vetting. I would call it extreme vetting, too. And, you know, our country has tremendous problems. We don't need any more of the problems."

The Regime's CYCLE of BULLSHIT when it comes to muslim terrorism......


Why allow any immigrants at all from any Muslim country? We should shut down immigration entirely for the next 20 years.

That's your plan since you don't believe in having a federal government at all.

That plan actually requires a government - one that does what it's supposed to do.
blanket prohibition on all new muslim immigration coming into the USA is the only sensible thing to do , imo !!

I agree and all those Syrian refugees that douchebag in the WH brought here should be booted the hell back to Syria.

And of course he brought them in despite the fact that 53% of Americans and 31 States didn't want them. He forced the States to take them and completely ignored what we Americans want.

Just goes to show what his priorities are and they sure ain't what the American people want.

Oh and as far as the Nice attack goes, just another good reason for the Govt. of France to boot every damned Muslim out of their country. This will happen again and again until they do.

Where did the Constitution give the president the authority to force a state to accept "refugees?"
Lock down ALL immigration from the Middle East and use profiling to weed out the ones trying to enter via non middle-east countries.

blanket prohibition on all new muslim immigration coming into the USA is the only sensible thing to do , imo !!

I agree and all those Syrian refugees that douchebag in the WH brought here should be booted the hell back to Syria.

And of course he brought them in despite the fact that 53% of Americans and 31 States didn't want them. He forced the States to take them and completely ignored what we Americans want.

Just goes to show what his priorities are and they sure ain't what the American people want.

Oh and as far as the Nice attack goes, just another good reason for the Govt. of France to boot every damned Muslim out of their country. This will happen again and again until they do.

Truth is that most of the "refugees" are not from Syria. Obama told everyone not to fear widows and children running from the war. It was bait and switch. Communities prepared for the women and children and instead got young males from Pakistan and other countries. They are not running from the war, they are being seeded across the country. And they are bringing a fucked-up mindset with them, one that says women and children have no rights.

It's not widows and children who are raping children, assaulting women and launching attacks on European countries. It wasn't a widow who killed all those people in Orlando.

That is what we are importing.
He's right, you know, butthe liberals have such LOW IQ'S and care NOTHING about the death and damage that can be done to the COMMON PEOPLE, that they'll piss and moan about this!

RealClearPolitics ^ | July 14, 2016 | RealClearPolitics
"I would be so extreme in terms of documentation," Trump told FOX News' Greta van Susteren on Thursday. "I would not allow people to come in from terrorist nations. I would do extreme vetting. I would call it extreme vetting, too. And, you know, our country has tremendous problems. We don't need any more of the problems."

The Regime's CYCLE of BULLSHIT when it comes to muslim terrorism......

Aren't you the poster advocating that Drumpf become king or dictator?

BTW...your chart works just as well for every mass shooting. Welcome to the 2nd Amendment Solution America where the flag is always at half-mast.
Islamic terrorism is increasing. And the Muslim terrorists are inhuman. Obama and Hillary think the solution is reducing the vetting process from 18 months (already inadequate) to 3 months and increasing the number of Muslims bought in.

We are finding out more about previous attacks that the media tried to suppress. The radical Muslims tortured the victims in Bataclan before killing them. It was unspeakable and shows how hateful and brutal they can be. Anyone who could savagely torture people like this and film it are no more than rabid animals. It was people on the second floor that were mutilated and tortured and police were literally sickened when they saw it. Families weren't allowed to see the bodies because of what had been done to them.

The left was outraged at water boarding the worst kind of people, despite the fact that people survived with no permanent injuries, yet they keep turning a blind eye to the brutal torture of innocent people? It's too difficult to even imagine the suffering of these poor souls at the hands of radical Muslims.

The same liberals who seek to keep law abiding, armed citizens out of places support bringing in terrorists to continue their savage murder spree. And they blame guns. The latest attack proves that it's the mindset that poses the threat and not the means by which they carry it out. When evil people want to kill, nothing will stop them. We could be making it more difficult for them by admitting that radical Islam is a problem that is out of control and limiting their ability to spread their brand of terror around the world. Instead, the left is helping them migrate. And they have no desire to assimilate or show respect. They seek to change countries to sharia.

How many more terrorists will kill innocents, screaming allah's name, before the left agrees to stop aiding and abetting them? If we don't admit they exist and keep seeding Muslims around the world, we will see more and more of this. Stop with the political correctness and stop claiming that Islam is a religion of peace. Islam isn't even religion. It's government and one that we don't need. Freedom of religion does not allow people to actively take over our government and shred our constitution. The left is ever-viligant when it comes to separating church and state when it come to Christianity, but when it comes to Islam, they are willing to bend over and let sharia rule. Too many countries have told it's people to change their ways to avoid offending Muslims. The only way to avoid offending them is to become one of them and obey every rule. Fuck that. They are not something to respect, they are something to fight against. They can keep their sharia and their oppressive government in the own countries because there is no room for their dictatorship in free countries.

Bataclan victims were tortured before death


The changing face of terrorism...

Renewed Fears Attacks Like Nice Are the Future of Jihad
July 16, 2016 - As investigators in France began sifting through the devastation of the attack on Bastille Day celebrations in Nice that killed 84 people, some Western intelligence officials were already alarmed.
They feared the initial investigation could fail to show any definitive links between the suspect, a 31-year-old Tunisian-born Frenchman named Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel, and any known terror group. But they also feared that Bouhlel’s profile would fit with an emerging trend. Increasingly, these officials said, the Islamic State terror group seems to be seeking out petty criminals and the mentally ill to quickly turn them into weapons. So far, that appears to be how Bouhlel’s story is playing out. The IS-linked Aamaq news agency said Saturday that the terror group was responsible for the deadly attack on Nice, claiming Bouhlel as a “soldier of the Islamic State.”


Screen grab of profile photo of Nice attacker Mohamed Bouhlel.​

Evidence was still being gathered, but French officials were not ruling out the possibility. "It seems that he was radicalized very quickly," French Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve told reporters Saturday in Paris. Just a day earlier, French prosecutor Francois Molins had said that while Bouhlel was known to police and had been involved a violent altercation, he was “completely unknown” to French intelligence. “This is the future of their jihad,” Malcolm Nance, a former counterterrorism and intelligence officer, said of IS. “All of these little absences of radicalization themselves are actually a sign of radicalization.”

The process is often quick, with no clear line of communication for intelligence agencies to follow. And it can take place with little human interaction; IS allowing its propaganda and ideology to do most of the work. “They take people who have generally petty criminal backgrounds and give them something higher to strive for,” said Nance, who now heads the Terror Asymmetrics Project, a counter-ideology think tank in Hudson, New York. The suspect in the Nice attack would seem to match that description.

Divorced, depressed

See also:

'Learn to Live With Terrorism' Strikes Some as Good Advice
July 15, 2016 - In the hours after the terror attack in Nice, France, Prime Minister Manuel Valls riled many critics when he said that “times have changed, and France should learn to live with terrorism.”
On Twitter, one person called the statement “crazy,” while another said it was “a sad indictment on our times.” Heat Street, a conservative news-and-commentary website, chided it for its “defeatist tone.” The timing of Valls’ statement may have struck some as insensitive, but to others, there was a sense that it reflected reality. “I agree with it,” said Colin Clarke, a political scientist at Rand Corporation, a global policy research group based in Santa Monica, California. “We all have to learn to live with terrorism. It’s a different paradigm in the [post-]9/11 world.”


People gather at a makeshift memorial to honor the victims of an attack, near the area where a truck mowed through revelers in Nice, France​

Daniel Benjamin, a former coordinator for counterterrorism at the U.S. State Department, called the statement wise. “I think it’s good that leaders are working to cultivate resilience and not creating illusions that there are a series of buttons that can be pushed and terrorism will go away,” said Benjamin, who is now the director of the John Sloan Dickey Center for International Understanding at Dartmouth College in Hanover, New Hampshire. “Obviously, we have to take it seriously and not get complacent in the face of a threat, but I think it’s a wise message.” French officials said Friday that 84 people were killed and 52 were critically wounded when a man drove a large truck through a Bastille Day celebration in Nice late Thursday. French police identified the attacker as Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel, 31, a French-Tunisian who lived in Nice.

Similar sentiments in U.S.

President Barack Obama struck a corresponding note, saying Americans and allies could not give in to fear, turn on each other or sacrifice their way of life. “We will not be deterred,” he said. “We will not relent. We are going to keep working together to prevent attacks and defend our homeland.”

Blaise Misztal, director of national security at the Bipartisan Policy Center in Washington, noted that Obama’s and former President George W. Bush’s calls for resilience in the face of terrorism have not been all that different from the French prime minister’s. “President Bush advocated just such an approach of continuing to go about our daily lives after 9/11,” Misztal said via email. “President Obama has tried to make a similar point in saying that more people die from bathtub accidents than terrorism, and Israel has long ago come to terms with the fact of terrorism.”

'Inured to the horror'?
Islamic terrorism is increasing. And the Muslim terrorists are inhuman. Obama and Hillary think the solution is reducing the vetting process from 18 months (already inadequate) to 3 months and increasing the number of Muslims bought in.

We are finding out more about previous attacks that the media tried to suppress. The radical Muslims tortured the victims in Bataclan before killing them. It was unspeakable and shows how hateful and brutal they can be. Anyone who could savagely torture people like this and film it are no more than rabid animals. It was people on the second floor that were mutilated and tortured and police were literally sickened when they saw it. Families weren't allowed to see the bodies because of what had been done to them.

The left was outraged at water boarding the worst kind of people, despite the fact that people survived with no permanent injuries, yet they keep turning a blind eye to the brutal torture of innocent people? It's too difficult to even imagine the suffering of these poor souls at the hands of radical Muslims.

The same liberals who seek to keep law abiding, armed citizens out of places support bringing in terrorists to continue their savage murder spree. And they blame guns. The latest attack proves that it's the mindset that poses the threat and not the means by which they carry it out. When evil people want to kill, nothing will stop them. We could be making it more difficult for them by admitting that radical Islam is a problem that is out of control and limiting their ability to spread their brand of terror around the world. Instead, the left is helping them migrate. And they have no desire to assimilate or show respect. They seek to change countries to sharia.

How many more terrorists will kill innocents, screaming allah's name, before the left agrees to stop aiding and abetting them? If we don't admit they exist and keep seeding Muslims around the world, we will see more and more of this. Stop with the political correctness and stop claiming that Islam is a religion of peace. Islam isn't even religion. It's government and one that we don't need. Freedom of religion does not allow people to actively take over our government and shred our constitution. The left is ever-viligant when it comes to separating church and state when it come to Christianity, but when it comes to Islam, they are willing to bend over and let sharia rule. Too many countries have told it's people to change their ways to avoid offending Muslims. The only way to avoid offending them is to become one of them and obey every rule. Fuck that. They are not something to respect, they are something to fight against. They can keep their sharia and their oppressive government in the own countries because there is no room for their dictatorship in free countries.

Bataclan victims were tortured before death


----------------------------------------------- thankyou for your post and the links Clementine .

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