Trump on Pence's Iraq war vote: 'I don't care'

Pence...just like Hillary...and another reason for Libs to like Pence.

I'll stick with Hillary. She isn't a delusional religious nut.
...Like Obama, who spent decades in a black liberation theology 'Christian' church being mentored by a racist hate-spewing America-hating pastor who taught 'sermons' like 'G.D. America'...

You can see where Barry gets his love for the US....from Obama Sr, Bill Ayers, Frank Marshall Davis, and unca Jeremiah!
You sure do make a lot of assumptions against a guy who's not even running for president. Why bother?
Not assumptions. He admitted to being tutored by Davis and mentored by Wright.
So I go and look up Frank Marshall Davis and it's hilarious.

“I worked with all kinds of groups,” Davis wrote, “I made no distinction between those labeled Communist, Socialist or merely liberal. My sole criterion was this: Are you with me in my determination to wipe out white supremacy? Because I had some smattering of prestige as a writer and wielded some influence as an opinion maker in the black press at large, my active participation was welcomed.”

When an FBI agent eventually interviewed him in Hawaii, Davis denied party membership. He wrote: “When they could find no evidence I was plotting to overthrow the government by force and violence, the Hoover gestapo turned to other tactics. … I owe the FBI an apology for causing them a needless waste of so much energy on me.”


The article is pretty funny. But I didn't find anywhere he "tutored" Obama. Seems Obama was a kid at the time. And we all know how much kids are into politics.

If you are going to reach into a conspiracy, you need to reach a little farther.
Libs fill the boards with how unqualified Pence is because he voted for the Iraq war ... but ignores how Hillary not only voted for it but declated we HAD to do it while arguing for it.

Libs say Pence is evil because he believes homosexuality is religiously wrong...but give Hillary a pass for taking millions from people who throw gays off roof tops...

Libs say Pence hates women and wants to deny them rights / protection ... but refuse to talk about how Hillary spent decades demonizing, bullying, attacking, intimidating, and silencing her husband's victims of sexual harassment, sexual assault, and rape...and how Hillary takes millions from nations that severely oppress, mutilate, and murder women...

The hypocrisy and BS level is off the chart...

'He's entitled to make a mistake'

But Trump didn't shy away from the double standard in his response to Clinton's vote versus Pence's.

"He's entitled to make a mistake every once in a while," Trump said of Pence, who was a congressman from Indiana at the time.

"But she's not?" CBS interviewer Lesley Stahl pressed.

"No. She's not," Trump replied.

Trump on Pence's Iraq war vote: 'I don't care' -

What about Hillary? Gee, why the double standard?

This only matters to the democratic base---gotta keep the sheep in line. Shouldn't be hard for Hillary to find a running mate who agrees with her completely since she is on all sides of every issue at some point in her 100% consistent support of herself and her husband. In fact, nobody can create facts nobody else can find like Hillary.
Pence supported the Iraq conflict just like Hillary and he never backtracked on his support. That's the freaking key that low information lefties who rely on George Soros for information can't seem to ....duh....understand. Like the rest of the 36% of democrats who supported George Bush's effort to use combat troops to enforce U.N. mandates in Iraq and the rest of the hoard that didn't, Hillary became a freaking hypocrite traitor and undermined the mission.

Apparently Pence wasn't smart enough to finally realize and admit that the Iraq War was a Bush clusterfuck based on lies.
...much like Hillary who not only voted for it but argued for it. On her behalf, though, she did realize she was on the wrong side, which is why she joined Barry in allying herself with Al Qaeida, dragged the US into an unsanctioned war, and helped the terrorists who killed 3,000 Americans (+4) take over their own country....bravo.

Look, you clearly don't know what you're talking about. You're so used to spewing that distorted NaziCon bullshit that you have no idea what the facts and truth are. Here are some for you:

5 Myths (And One Big Truth) About Hillary’s 2002 Iraq War Vote

Myth #1: The 2002 Congressional Resolution authorizing the use of military force against Iraq, on which Hillary Clinton and a large majority of U.S. Senators voted yes, gave George W. Bush “carte blanche” to pursue war against Saddam Hussein.

False! In fact exactly the opposite is true: While that Resolution did indeed authorize President Bush, under strict requirements of the 1973 War Powers Act, to use force, Section 3(b) of the Act also required that sanctions or diplomacy be fully employed before force was used, i.e. force was to be used only as “necessary and appropriate in order to defend the national security of the United States against the continuing threat posed by Iraq,” and to do so only upon the President certifying to Congress that “diplomatic or other peaceful means” would be insufficient to defang Saddam.

Despite those legal conditions, the following year we were at war—and millions of us were astonished that the Bush Administration, running roughshod over Congress’s requirements, hadn’t given more time for U.N. inspectors to complete their job of searching for weapons of mass destruction.

Myth #2: By voting for the 2002 Congressional Resolution which authorized (but was also designed to limit) George Bush’s power to wage war in Iraq, Hillary Clinton cannot be considered a “progressive” Democrat.

False! On October 11, 2002, Clinton joined a strong majority of Democrats, including liberal and left-center Democrats like Tom Harkin, John Kerry, and Joe Biden, in voting in favor of the Resolution authorizing the use of military force against Iraq. Later on, Clinton came to deeply regret giving President Bush the benefit of the doubt on the Resolution, and she has plainly admitted her mistake. Yet it is a “mistake” which many other senators of conscience made with her; if Clinton bears any blame for the resulting war, it is because she placed too much reliance on legislation that was actually designed to check a president’s war-making ability but instead inadvertently gave that president cover to run roughshod over the interests of both Congress and the public at large.

Myth #3: At the time of her vote, Clinton was very supportive of going to war in order to remove Saddam Hussein from power.

False! While Clinton quickly turned against the war, another piece of “lost history” is the deep concern she expressed at the very time of her vote in the fall of 2002. Given the Resolution’s several prerequisites to waging war, Clinton’s vote was for a Resolution that was also supposed to restrain the President’s ability to wage war, and her 2002 floor speech leading up to consideration of the Resolution made this clear:

My vote is not a vote for any new doctrine of preemption or for unilateralism or for the arrogance of American power or purpose, all of which carry grave dangers for our Nation, the rule of international law, and the peace and security of people throughout the world.

These words presaged the doctrine of “smart power” Clinton later espoused as Secretary of State. Her vision is neither interventionist on the one hand nor hesitant and supine on the other, but rather something in between: a belief that the United States is the indispensable leader—in a troubled world where such leadership matters—but a belief still grounded in reality, the limits of American power and, perhaps most significantly, the importance of collaboration with like-minded actors who can be found in every corner of the globe. Meanwhile, as Clinton has said many times, then as now, armed intervention is only to be used as a last resort.

Myth #4: At the time of the 2002 vote, the “architecture” of George Bush’s Presidency was well understood, including a philosophy and history of carrying out pre-emptive wars.

False! In 2002, Clinton palpably feared a precipitous rush to war, but was willing to trust a leader who at the time was only in the second year of his presidency, having just suffered the most calamitous attack on the homeland since Pearl Harbor—and, notably, whose only international venture up until then was a widely applauded campaign to overthrow the Taliban in Al Qaida’s sanctuary of Afghanistan. While it was already well known that Bush had neocon advisers like Cheney and Paul Wolfowitz, the true extent of their influence had not yet been manifested. (Colin Powell was also an important adviser and George W. was, after all, George H.W. Bush’s son.)

Myth #5. Hillary Clinton’s vote belies support for an “Imperial Presidency” that brooks no dissent, and disrespects Congress and other partners, foreign or domestic.

False! To the contrary, one of the reasons Hillary Clinton is so well qualified to be president is because she deeply respects the rule of law and, in particular, appropriate Congressional prerogatives and the Constitutional principle of checks and balances. (Indeed, this is precisely why she voted the way she did on the 2002 Iraq Resolution.) In this vein, she is also uniquely capable of reaching across the aisle to forge common-sense solutions, a “progressive who delivers results,” as she says.

One big truth: Hillary Clinton possesses another, singular, quality: she has the capacity to learn from the hard lessons that our Iraq adventure taught us, including from the misplaced trust she and others conferred on an Administration that brought so much grief to this country. She has said as much in her memoir, Hard Choices:

As much as I might have wanted to, I could never change my vote on Iraq. But I could try to help us learn the right lessons from that war and apply them to Afghanistan and other challenges where we had fundamental security interests. I was determined to do exactly that when facing future hard choices, with more experience, wisdom, skepticism, and humility.

It is clear that Hillary Clinton is a candidate for president who has learned from the lessons of history, and is capable of applying them to the future; in fact this quality is a critical ingredient of great leadership.

5 Myths (And One Big Truth) About Hillary's 2002 Iraq War Vote
Pence supported the Iraq conflict just like Hillary and he never backtracked on his support. That's the freaking key that low information lefties who rely on George Soros for information can't seem to ....duh....understand. Like the rest of the 36% of democrats who supported George Bush's effort to use combat troops to enforce U.N. mandates in Iraq and the rest of the hoard that didn't, Hillary became a freaking hypocrite traitor and undermined the mission.

Apparently Pence wasn't smart enough to finally realize and admit that the Iraq War was a Bush clusterfuck based on lies.
...much like Hillary who not only voted for it but argued for it. On her behalf, though, she did realize she was on the wrong side, which is why she joined Barry in allying herself with Al Qaeida, dragged the US into an unsanctioned war, and helped the terrorists who killed 3,000 Americans (+4) take over their own country....bravo.

Look, you clearly don't know what you're talking about. You're so used to spewing that distorted NaziCon bullshit that you have no idea what the facts and truth are. Here are some for you:

5 Myths (And One Big Truth) About Hillary’s 2002 Iraq War Vote

Myth #1: The 2002 Congressional Resolution authorizing the use of military force against Iraq, on which Hillary Clinton and a large majority of U.S. Senators voted yes, gave George W. Bush “carte blanche” to pursue war against Saddam Hussein.

False! In fact exactly the opposite is true: While that Resolution did indeed authorize President Bush, under strict requirements of the 1973 War Powers Act, to use force, Section 3(b) of the Act also required that sanctions or diplomacy be fully employed before force was used, i.e. force was to be used only as “necessary and appropriate in order to defend the national security of the United States against the continuing threat posed by Iraq,” and to do so only upon the President certifying to Congress that “diplomatic or other peaceful means” would be insufficient to defang Saddam.

Despite those legal conditions, the following year we were at war—and millions of us were astonished that the Bush Administration, running roughshod over Congress’s requirements, hadn’t given more time for U.N. inspectors to complete their job of searching for weapons of mass destruction.

Myth #2: By voting for the 2002 Congressional Resolution which authorized (but was also designed to limit) George Bush’s power to wage war in Iraq, Hillary Clinton cannot be considered a “progressive” Democrat.

False! On October 11, 2002, Clinton joined a strong majority of Democrats, including liberal and left-center Democrats like Tom Harkin, John Kerry, and Joe Biden, in voting in favor of the Resolution authorizing the use of military force against Iraq. Later on, Clinton came to deeply regret giving President Bush the benefit of the doubt on the Resolution, and she has plainly admitted her mistake. Yet it is a “mistake” which many other senators of conscience made with her; if Clinton bears any blame for the resulting war, it is because she placed too much reliance on legislation that was actually designed to check a president’s war-making ability but instead inadvertently gave that president cover to run roughshod over the interests of both Congress and the public at large.

Myth #3: At the time of her vote, Clinton was very supportive of going to war in order to remove Saddam Hussein from power.

False! While Clinton quickly turned against the war, another piece of “lost history” is the deep concern she expressed at the very time of her vote in the fall of 2002. Given the Resolution’s several prerequisites to waging war, Clinton’s vote was for a Resolution that was also supposed to restrain the President’s ability to wage war, and her 2002 floor speech leading up to consideration of the Resolution made this clear:

My vote is not a vote for any new doctrine of preemption or for unilateralism or for the arrogance of American power or purpose, all of which carry grave dangers for our Nation, the rule of international law, and the peace and security of people throughout the world.

These words presaged the doctrine of “smart power” Clinton later espoused as Secretary of State. Her vision is neither interventionist on the one hand nor hesitant and supine on the other, but rather something in between: a belief that the United States is the indispensable leader—in a troubled world where such leadership matters—but a belief still grounded in reality, the limits of American power and, perhaps most significantly, the importance of collaboration with like-minded actors who can be found in every corner of the globe. Meanwhile, as Clinton has said many times, then as now, armed intervention is only to be used as a last resort.

Myth #4: At the time of the 2002 vote, the “architecture” of George Bush’s Presidency was well understood, including a philosophy and history of carrying out pre-emptive wars.

False! In 2002, Clinton palpably feared a precipitous rush to war, but was willing to trust a leader who at the time was only in the second year of his presidency, having just suffered the most calamitous attack on the homeland since Pearl Harbor—and, notably, whose only international venture up until then was a widely applauded campaign to overthrow the Taliban in Al Qaida’s sanctuary of Afghanistan. While it was already well known that Bush had neocon advisers like Cheney and Paul Wolfowitz, the true extent of their influence had not yet been manifested. (Colin Powell was also an important adviser and George W. was, after all, George H.W. Bush’s son.)

Myth #5. Hillary Clinton’s vote belies support for an “Imperial Presidency” that brooks no dissent, and disrespects Congress and other partners, foreign or domestic.

False! To the contrary, one of the reasons Hillary Clinton is so well qualified to be president is because she deeply respects the rule of law and, in particular, appropriate Congressional prerogatives and the Constitutional principle of checks and balances. (Indeed, this is precisely why she voted the way she did on the 2002 Iraq Resolution.) In this vein, she is also uniquely capable of reaching across the aisle to forge common-sense solutions, a “progressive who delivers results,” as she says.

One big truth: Hillary Clinton possesses another, singular, quality: she has the capacity to learn from the hard lessons that our Iraq adventure taught us, including from the misplaced trust she and others conferred on an Administration that brought so much grief to this country. She has said as much in her memoir, Hard Choices:

As much as I might have wanted to, I could never change my vote on Iraq. But I could try to help us learn the right lessons from that war and apply them to Afghanistan and other challenges where we had fundamental security interests. I was determined to do exactly that when facing future hard choices, with more experience, wisdom, skepticism, and humility.

It is clear that Hillary Clinton is a candidate for president who has learned from the lessons of history, and is capable of applying them to the future; in fact this quality is a critical ingredient of great leadership.

5 Myths (And One Big Truth) About Hillary's 2002 Iraq War Vote

Funny. The ole NaziCon double standard on full display. Don't forget your Obama/Hillary rabies shot.

'He's entitled to make a mistake'

But Trump didn't shy away from the double standard in his response to Clinton's vote versus Pence's.

"He's entitled to make a mistake every once in a while," Trump said of Pence, who was a congressman from Indiana at the time.

"But she's not?" CBS interviewer Lesley Stahl pressed.

"No. She's not," Trump replied.

Trump on Pence's Iraq war vote: 'I don't care' -

What about Hillary? Gee, why the double standard?
well ask a silly question...
Gingrich would have been better, because he's a lot less of a bigot than Pence but i see Trump's reasoning.
Pence...just like Hillary...and another reason for Libs to like Pence.
Because libs hate gays? Pence does. We know that.
Pence is a Christian.
Christians think homosexuality is a sin but teach 'hate the SIN, love the sinner'.
Libs take money from people who throw gays off rooftops and profess to love them.
Yep. When it comes to Muslims vs gays. Libs will throw gays off the roof too.

'He's entitled to make a mistake'

But Trump didn't shy away from the double standard in his response to Clinton's vote versus Pence's.

"He's entitled to make a mistake every once in a while," Trump said of Pence, who was a congressman from Indiana at the time.

"But she's not?" CBS interviewer Lesley Stahl pressed.

"No. She's not," Trump replied.

Trump on Pence's Iraq war vote: 'I don't care' -

What about Hillary? Gee, why the double standard?

It's not her only mistake

And she voted for the war because of popular sentiment....and quickly turned in it and subverted it the whole time........
Pence...just like Hillary...and another reason for Libs to like Pence.

I think Republicans don't remember 1920. You know when women won the right to vote in this country. They are now the largest voting block in this country.

As if Donald Trump didn't have enough problems with Women--he makes Pense his VP--LOL
73 percent of women voters have an 'unfavorable' view of Donald Trump
Pence signs new abortion restrictions into law with a prayer

You don't need to worry about an Iraq vote--99%% of Democrats in congress voted for it, including John Kerry--who was chairman of the Senate intelligence committee at the time.

Seems like women would have a higher standard, though. A lying, deceiving, self-serving elitist who demonized her husand's victims, joined forces with terrorists, lost $6 BILLION, under felony criminal investigation 3 months out...

If it really is more than 'vote for me because I am a woman' Hillary is hardly a worthy candidate to represent women.

When your fellow Senator can't name 1 of your accomplishments, even with the help of Google, you're not exactly Presidential material.

If you have more scandals or more needlessly killed Americans associated with your name than accomplishments you should DEFINITELY not be President.
Libs fill the boards with how unqualified Pence is because he voted for the Iraq war ... but ignores how Hillary not only voted for it but declated we HAD to do it while arguing for it.

Libs say Pence is evil because he believes homosexuality is religiously wrong...but give Hillary a pass for taking millions from people who throw gays off roof tops...

Libs say Pence hates women and wants to deny them rights / protection ... but refuse to talk about how Hillary spent decades demonizing, bullying, attacking, intimidating, and silencing her husband's victims of sexual harassment, sexual assault, and rape...and how Hillary takes millions from nations that severely oppress, mutilate, and murder women...

The hypocrisy and BS level is off the chart...
Why are you defending gays. We know you want them dead just like the Muslims do.

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