Trump on Terrorism


Diamond Member
Mar 7, 2014
The travel ban was for Syria, Iran, Sudan, Libya, Somalia, Yemen and Iraq.

On 9/11 15 of the attackers came from Saudi Arabia, 2 from UAE, one from Lebanon, and one from Egypt. None of these countries were on Trump's travel ban.

Since 9/11 there have been plenty of terrorist attack, both Muslim extremist and other attacks.

Where America's Terrorists Actually Come From

"Nationals of the seven countries singled out by Trump have killed zero people in terrorist attacks on U.S. soil between 1975 and 2015."

"Six Iranians, six Sudanese, two Somalis, two Iraqis, and one Yemeni have been convicted of attempting or executing terrorist attacks on U.S. soil during that time period, according to Nowrasteh’s research."

"Over the last four decades, 20 out of 3.25 million refugees welcomed to the United States have been convicted of attempting or committing terrorism on U.S. soil, and only three Americans have been killed in attacks committed by refugees—all by Cuban refugees in the 1970s."


190 terrorists were US born. 82 were Naturalized citizens, 43 Permanent residents, 11 non-immigrant visas, 8 illegal immigrants and 12 refugees.

So, you're most likely to die in a terrorist attack by a US born person. From the people who are foreigners, you're most likely to die at the hands of a SAUDI. Who Trump seems to like and wouldn't dare banning from the US.

But it gets more interesting.

Qatar blockade: US urges Gulf states to ease restrictions - BBC News

So, there's a spat with Qatar. The Saudis, in their wisdom, have accused Qatar of funding ISIS and other Islamic terrorism. This is from the Saudis who almost certainly fund Islamic terrorism. The reason for this spat is because the Saudis don't like Qatar's attitude towards Iran. The Saudis want Iran to die, and die horribly, Qatar wants to talk to Iran. Also Qatar has al Jazeera and the Saudis don't like a media outlet which says the truth, and promotes openness and change.

So, Trump said of the Qataris:

"I decided with Rex Tillerson that the time had come to call on Qatar to end funding and extremist ideology in terms of funding," he said.

Which was interpreted by the BBC as meaning:

"Donald Trump has accused Qatar of funding terrorism, and urged it to stop."

Okay, Trump has accused the Qataris of funding terrorism. So, he's going to try and make a travel ban against them? Sanctions? No.

"US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson says Gulf countries must ease the blockade on Qatar, which is accused by Arab neighbours of funding terrorism."

They want the blockade to be eased. Yes, that's what happens if you fund terrorism folks, the US president will back you up.

So, what is this game then? You have a country with lots of terrorists on US soil, no ban, you have countries accused of funding ISIS and other terrorist groups, no ban, in fact reduce the blockade, but then you have countries with little terrorism in comparison, and.... ban then. Why?

What's the point? Is the point that Trump doesn't know what he's doing and just follows the money every time? He said he wanted to keep US citizens safe, but doesn't seem to care.
So AFTER a syrian refugee murders several innocent people frostedturd won't want to be reminded of this post.
It's all the same to me, let's ban ALL Muslims, and deport the ones who are already here.
Oh wait!!!

Last I heard the euroweenies are having plenty of grief dealing with the offspring of their muslim immigrants who were graciously welcomed to scrub their toilets and now produce children who blow themselves up in concerts where the audience are mostly young girls.

We're suposed to welcome these fuckin people in so they don't get more pissed off at us?


AND FUCK YOU, you sniveling turd full of worms.

I came home today and stepped in some shit and had to wash off my shoe, and I never did find the shit, but it's somewhere in my house or near it, and I think I just found that shit in this thread.
I agree with the OP that the temporary travel restrictions ordered by Trump did not go nearly far enough. But even Trump's moderated, reasonable approach was killed by our crazy liberal courts, who struck it down because Trump campaigned on wanting a "Muslim ban" -- even though the travel restrictions weren't a Muslim ban, the courts said they were unconstitutional simply because Trump said the words "Muslim ban." The whole thing is complete nonsense.

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