Trump on the US Constitution: ‘It’s like a foreign language”.

I did write a book on my family history.
Unlike Trump, I did all the research myself and didn’t need a ghost writer

Also, unlike Trump, I have actually read the whole thing multiple times
I too wrote a book- on my opinions titled "I" will survive. I wrote it for my descendants to give them a first hand account of this point in time vs having to rely on lies and official bullshit- I did an entire chapter on the Constitution. Since it's in simple English and you claim to have read it multiple times, what does the phrase "the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed" mean to you- and since the OP can't read, what does it mean to whom?

I started another book for them as well- and I used the thread, "I've been thinking, again" as it's basis- I used the back and forths to point out a lot of things in my own words, not a ghost writer, though I did use some quotes from here. And while I make no prosaic claims I do have a pretty good grasp on simple English- the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed- that's in the rules and applies to ALL elected empty suits regardless of their brain dead bullshit political assignment.
Case law define the words that are ambiguous
I've seen one such example for the word "shall"- case law is "a" particular instance to reach a conclusion about a particular grievance- it is action. Not definition.
In the new book A Very Stable Genius recounts Trump’s war with reading and understanding the US Constitution. Trump was asked to be on a HBO special on the Constitution and he only had to read small passage. No one else had trouble with reading the Constitution but Trump:

.”....the president stumbled, trying to get out the words in the arcane, stilted form the founding fathers had written. Trump grew irritated. “It’s very hard to do because of the language here,” Trump told the crew. “It’s very hard to get through that whole thing without a stumble.” He added, “It’s like a different language, right?” The cameraman tried to calm Trump, telling him it was no big deal, to take a moment and start over. Trump tried again, but again remarked, “It’s like a foreign language.””


“It’s Like a Foreign Language”: Donald Trump’s Encounter With the Constitution Did Not Go Well

Can you imagine if Obama said this. But it makes sense for the semi-literate Trump. I would also guess that most Trumplicans would agree that the US Constitution is like a foreign language, since most of them haven’t a clue what it says or what it means. Trump obviously has no idea what his Constitutional role is which is why he keeps running roughshod over the Constitution.
Barack "57 States" Obama had a firm grasp on the facts
Most federal judges are Conservative
Most judges, period, were lawyers who paid others to teach them to lie legally- Porter Rockwell claims to have passed the Bar exam and claims it is the most left wing organization in existence- I'd suggest you take him on for "case law"- the boy is pretty sharp- but he might scare you since he also claims to be a man of God- though he doesn't let that get in the way of Law- he also believes in Liberty- I'm sure that'll scare you- LOL
In the new book A Very Stable Genius recounts Trump’s war with reading and understanding the US Constitution. Trump was asked to be on a HBO special on the Constitution and he only had to read small passage. No one else had trouble with reading the Constitution but Trump:

.”....the president stumbled, trying to get out the words in the arcane, stilted form the founding fathers had written. Trump grew irritated. “It’s very hard to do because of the language here,” Trump told the crew. “It’s very hard to get through that whole thing without a stumble.” He added, “It’s like a different language, right?” The cameraman tried to calm Trump, telling him it was no big deal, to take a moment and start over. Trump tried again, but again remarked, “It’s like a foreign language.””


“It’s Like a Foreign Language”: Donald Trump’s Encounter With the Constitution Did Not Go Well

Can you imagine if Obama said this. But it makes sense for the semi-literate Trump. I would also guess that most Trumplicans would agree that the US Constitution is like a foreign language, since most of them haven’t a clue what it says or what it means. Trump obviously has no idea what his Constitutional role which is why he keeps running roughshod over the Constitution.
Can you imagine if Obama said this
No because if Obama started reading the Constitution, he would start to burn like a vampire in sunlight, as we all know the brown turd hated the Constitution as much as Nanny Pelosi from San Fransicko.

Stuttering clusterfuck. To many drugs no doubt.
Can you imagine if Obama said this. But it makes sense for the semi-literate Trump. I would also guess that most Trumplicans would agree that the US Constitution is like a foreign language, since most of them haven’t a clue what it says or what it means. Trump obviously has no idea what his Constitutional role which is why he keeps running roughshod over the Constitution.
The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. Where is that and what does it mean to whom?
No I'm not a Trump fan- I despise politico's period- but hyperbole means there is no point to be made other than click bait.
The only part of the constitution that Trumpers quote is the 2nd amendment and with all due respect, like yourself, still can’t get it right.
Still cant get it right? You are such a moron, maybe you can stop global warming for US.

In the new book A Very Stable Genius recounts Trump’s war with reading and understanding the US Constitution. Trump was asked to be on a HBO special on the Constitution and he only had to read small passage. No one else had trouble with reading the Constitution but Trump:

.”....the president stumbled, trying to get out the words in the arcane, stilted form the founding fathers had written. Trump grew irritated. “It’s very hard to do because of the language here,” Trump told the crew. “It’s very hard to get through that whole thing without a stumble.” He added, “It’s like a different language, right?” The cameraman tried to calm Trump, telling him it was no big deal, to take a moment and start over. Trump tried again, but again remarked, “It’s like a foreign language.””


“It’s Like a Foreign Language”: Donald Trump’s Encounter With the Constitution Did Not Go Well

Can you imagine if Obama said this. But it makes sense for the semi-literate Trump. I would also guess that most Trumplicans would agree that the US Constitution is like a foreign language, since most of them haven’t a clue what it says or what it means. Trump obviously has no idea what his Constitutional role is which is why he keeps running roughshod over the Constitution.

He’s never read the thing...that’s why it’s so foreign to him. As are the concepts.
In the new book A Very Stable Genius recounts Trump’s war with reading and understanding the US Constitution. Trump was asked to be on a HBO special on the Constitution and he only had to read small passage. No one else had trouble with reading the Constitution but Trump:

.”....the president stumbled, trying to get out the words in the arcane, stilted form the founding fathers had written. Trump grew irritated. “It’s very hard to do because of the language here,” Trump told the crew. “It’s very hard to get through that whole thing without a stumble.” He added, “It’s like a different language, right?” The cameraman tried to calm Trump, telling him it was no big deal, to take a moment and start over. Trump tried again, but again remarked, “It’s like a foreign language.””


“It’s Like a Foreign Language”: Donald Trump’s Encounter With the Constitution Did Not Go Well

Can you imagine if Obama said this. But it makes sense for the semi-literate Trump. I would also guess that most Trumplicans would agree that the US Constitution is like a foreign language, since most of them haven’t a clue what it says or what it means. Trump obviously has no idea what his Constitutional role which is why he keeps running roughshod over the Constitution.
Can you imagine if Obama said this
No because if Obama started reading the Constitution, he would start to burn like a vampire in sunlight, as we all know the brown turd hated the Constitution as much as Nanny Pelosi from San Fransicko.

Seems Obama has some experience when it comes to the constitution...
Obama a Constitutional Law Professor?

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