Trump on twitter: "Are we living in Nazi Germany?"

Not so fast there skippy.
Care to back that up?

The FBI said they cannot confirm these accusations unless they look at the server.
The DNC said they are refusing to let THE FBI see the server.
Not so fast there Slick!
Care to back that up?

The FBI never requested access to the DNC’s computer servers,” DNC deputy communications director Eric Walker told BuzzFeed in an email.
According to one intelligence official who spoke to the publication..., the bureau and other agencies have relied on analysis done by the third-party security firm CrowdStrike, which investigated the breach for the DNC.
“Crowdstrike is pretty good. There’s no reason to believe that anything that they have concluded is not accurate,” the intelligence official told BuzzFeed.
I am 100% behind Trump ripping the media to shreds over this!

~hands out pom poms and short skirts~ (For the men, do shave your legs please.)
I"m not sure what that means? Doesn't trump think nazi germany was awesome?
No...he thinks you liberals are Nazis....
Trump is a snowflake. Say anything about him that he doesn't like and he runs to Twitter to whine about it. Whatever you may think about Obama's policies, at least he showed a lot more class, despite much worse that was said about him.
No,he's calling you moonbats out for making up fake news. He's been schooling you morons since the day he dropped his hat in the ring yet you still haven't learned.
He's the one that needs to learn, being president isn't the same as being a CEO or a reality TV star.
Or a community organizer.....
I"m not sure what that means? Doesn't trump think nazi germany was awesome?
No...he thinks you liberals are Nazis....
Trump is a snowflake. Say anything about him that he doesn't like and he runs to Twitter to whine about it. Whatever you may think about Obama's policies, at least he showed a lot more class, despite much worse that was said about him.
You're talking about the same asshole that gave the Supreme Court judges a dressing down at the state of the union address because they failed to go along with his over reach. You define class differently than I do.
The dressing down was in public and done in a classy way, not midnight ramblings ala Trump.
I said you define class differently than I do. You do not have the power and authority to define my morality. You like a smug condescending asshole using the world's stage to humiliate the highest court in the land for refusing to bend over for him and I don't. Period!
I"m not sure what that means? Doesn't trump think nazi germany was awesome?
No...he thinks you liberals are Nazis....
Trump is a snowflake. Say anything about him that he doesn't like and he runs to Twitter to whine about it. Whatever you may think about Obama's policies, at least he showed a lot more class, despite much worse that was said about him.
No,he's calling you moonbats out for making up fake news. He's been schooling you morons since the day he dropped his hat in the ring yet you still haven't learned.
He's the one that needs to learn, being president isn't the same as being a CEO or a reality TV star.
Pretty bad state of affairs when a CEO/TV star is doing a better job than our seasoned politicians.
A better job? Base on what? He hasn't been inaugurated yet! That's a fantasy along the lines of when Trump said the confirmation hearings were going well, before they even started. :laugh2:
"Russia has never tried to use leverage over me. I HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH RUSSIA - NO DEALS, NO LOANS, NO NOTHING!"
“Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets.”
“We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia.”
- Donald Trump Jr., to a real estate conference in 2008
Of course there is no contradiction. Jr. was referring to the many wealthy Russians who want to invest in Trump projects. If Trump had any real financial dealings with Russia, the specifics would clearly have been made public at least months ago, so you are citing what clearly is a fake news story planted by Democrats.
I am citing what Trump JR said to a real estate conference that was published in a trade publication in 2008, long before any election activities.
Trump released a huge report on his financials - why don't ya'll investigate all the companies he's done business with and find the alleged Russian connections?
As soon as THE DNC is forced to turn over their servers, the long national nightmare of Obama-Clinton will be over, and the Death of The DNC will be final.

They are SO CONCERNED about THE RUSSIANS and NATIONAL SECURITY, but refuse to let THE FBI investigate their claims and look at their server.

They should be lined up and shot for treason.

You forgot to salute Trump. Now, raise your right hand and arm to 45 degrees with the palm down and say loudly and respectfully, "Heil Trump!" Now, that brown shirt you've been wearing since August needs to be washed, have it laundered as it seems to be the cause of your stinking posts.

/---- Nazis were Left Wingers. Now you have a nice day.

Thanks for sharing your opinion...err ... the meme you've been instructed to echo by your handlers.
No...he thinks you liberals are Nazis....
Trump is a snowflake. Say anything about him that he doesn't like and he runs to Twitter to whine about it. Whatever you may think about Obama's policies, at least he showed a lot more class, despite much worse that was said about him.
No,he's calling you moonbats out for making up fake news. He's been schooling you morons since the day he dropped his hat in the ring yet you still haven't learned.
He's the one that needs to learn, being president isn't the same as being a CEO or a reality TV star.
Pretty bad state of affairs when a CEO/TV star is doing a better job than our seasoned politicians.
A better job? Base on what? He hasn't been inaugurated yet! That's a fantasy along the lines of when Trump said the confirmation hearings were going well, before they even started. :laugh2:

You can't admit it can you?
Trump Bump: Small-Business Confidence Surges to 12-Year-High |
It wasn't the DNC who claimed they were hacked by the Russians. It was the FBI and the CIA who told the DNC they had been hacked by Russians. But nice try at false information.

Actually, according to what I've heard from the FBI and CIA, the DNC wouldn't give up the systems and they were forced to go off the report compiled by CrowdStrike.
I swear, this guy cannot get any more pathetic. He is in full melt down mode in twitter.

If the allegations are false, then he should just shut up about it. He is just making himself look guilty, while drawing attention to what he labels 'fake news.' If it is fake, then stop talking about it. I learned this lesson when I was a child.

At any rate, it should be an interesting press conference today.

That's what Trump needs to learn...and what most other public figures have learned - if you respond to this stuff, you give it "legs".

Oh please.. If he remained silent the Media would crucify him and tell him he needs to get out in front of the story.. You fucking slimeballz make up disgusting lies about this President then tell him he's not allowed to defend himself.. GFY
It wasn't the DNC who claimed they were hacked by the Russians. It was the FBI and the CIA who told the DNC they had been hacked by Russians. But nice try at false information.

Actually, according to what I've heard from the FBI and CIA, the DNC wouldn't give up the systems and they were forced to go off the report compiled by CrowdStrike.
The CrowdStrike report is conveniently devoid of evidence, and The Report was paid for by The DNC to achieve a desired result. Same as with the polls conducted by the liberal media.

This is The Dem modus operandi. Dog and Pony Shows. Bread and Circuses. Misdirection, Lies and Prestidigitation.

David Copperfield would applaud The Democratic Party's Showmanship.
Not so fast there Slick!
Care to back that up?

The FBI never requested access to the DNC’s computer servers,” DNC deputy communications director Eric Walker told BuzzFeed in an email.
According to one intelligence official who spoke to the publication..., the bureau and other agencies have relied on analysis done by the third-party security firm CrowdStrike, which investigated the breach for the DNC.
“Crowdstrike is pretty good. There’s no reason to believe that anything that they have concluded is not accurate,” the intelligence official told BuzzFeed.
The same BuzzFeed that got pimped with 35 pages of fake "intelligence" and the fake "pissgate" story.

Yeah, they're all nonpartisan and credible.
he CrowdStrike report is conveniently devoid of evidence, and The Report was paid for by The DNC to achieve a desired result. Same as with the polls conducted by the liberal media.

This is The Dem modus operandi. Dog and Pony Shows. Bread and Circuses. Misdirection, Lies and Prestidigitation.

David Copperfield would applaud The Democratic Party's Showmanship.

Oh you don't have to tell me, I've shredded that wheat six ways to Tuesday heh

Vlad the Merciful flushed Joke Obama down the toilett - Breaking down the PDF reports "evidence" - re Phishing
US EXPELS 35 Russian diplomats, closes two compounds. - Related: Explaining Phishing (Addendum 1)
US EXPELS 35 Russian diplomats, closes two compounds. - Related: Explaining Phishing (Addendum 2)

US EXPELS 35 Russian diplomats, closes two compounds. - Destroying the PDF report's "evidence" - re Malware
Wikileaks: Russia didn't hack shit. - Wikileaks has always claimed it was an insider, Crowdstrike connection, and further breaking down report's evidence
No evidence has been submitted that the Russians hacked the DNC - Explaining Guccifer 2.0 and APT28 & APT29 (labeled Fuzzy Bear and Cozy Bear by a private company, not our government, Crowdstrike connection part 2
US EXPELS 35 Russian diplomats, closes two compounds. - Related: Wikileaks nailing Russia (and specifically Putin,) aka they are no friends
PROOF: FBI, DHS release joint report on Russia hacking - Related: Just how easy it is too get the malware proclaimed as Russia (malware claims to be Ukrainian - Guccifer 2.0 claims to be Ukrainian as well )
CIA Concludes Russia Interfered In Election To Help Trump Win - Related: explaining a bit on how hacking/coding/malware works, as well as trashing the proclaimed "keyboard" tracking the media is flapping about.

US EXPELS 35 Russian diplomats, closes two compounds. - Related: Our reactions to other countries hacking us in the very recent past (aka 2015)
Why hasn't Obama initiated a Cyber Attack Against Russia in retaliation?
He had no problem stabbing Israel in the back with a midnight UN resolution claiming they had no right to The West Bank which Jordan Conceded to them making The West Bank legally Israel's?
He has no problem rushing to release terrorists from GITMO, and Felons from Prison.
"Russia has never tried to use leverage over me. I HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH RUSSIA - NO DEALS, NO LOANS, NO NOTHING!"
“Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets.”
“We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia.”
- Donald Trump Jr., to a real estate conference in 2008
Of course there is no contradiction. Jr. was referring to the many wealthy Russians who want to invest in Trump projects. If Trump had any real financial dealings with Russia, the specifics would clearly have been made public at least months ago, so you are citing what clearly is a fake news story planted by Democrats.
I am citing what Trump JR said to a real estate conference that was published in a trade publication in 2008, long before any election activities.
Yes, but you are using it with the intent to deceive. Jr. was talking about wealthy Russians who wanted to invest in in Trump businesses not profits from investments. If you are not an idiot, you know that all of this nonsense about Trump's relations with Russia is fake news used by the Democrats to try to delegitimize the Trump presidency, just more evidence that the Democrats have nothing to offer but anti Trump propaganda.
I swear, this guy cannot get any more pathetic. He is in full melt down mode in twitter.

If the allegations are false, then he should just shut up about it. He is just making himself look guilty, while drawing attention to what he labels 'fake news.' If it is fake, then stop talking about it. I learned this lesson when I was a child.

At any rate, it should be an interesting press conference today.

That's what Trump needs to learn...and what most other public figures have learned - if you respond to this stuff, you give it "legs".

Oh please.. If he remained silent the Media would crucify him and tell him he needs to get out in front of the story.. You fucking slimeballz make up disgusting lies about this President then tell him he's not allowed to defend himself.. GFY

Look at how Obama was crucified - Muslim brotherhood in WH, attended Madrassa, was born in Kenya etc. - You "fucking slimeballz" were just as bad. What would have been the point in Obama getting into a public war over it? It just brings attention TO it and then they'll just say - where there is smoke there is fire. You guys did the same to Obama, you should be advising Trump to stay above the fray, not get into the dirt.

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