Trump on twitter: "Are we living in Nazi Germany?"

As soon as THE DNC is forced to turn over their servers, the long national nightmare of Obama-Clinton will be over, and the Death of The DNC will be final.

They are SO CONCERNED about THE RUSSIANS and NATIONAL SECURITY, but refuse to let THE FBI investigate their claims and look at their server.

They should be lined up and shot for treason.

You forgot to salute Trump. Now, raise your right hand and arm to 45 degrees with the palm down and say loudly and respectfully, "Heil Trump!" Now, that brown shirt you've been wearing since August needs to be washed, have it laundered as it seems to be the cause of your stinking posts.
In other words, you have nothing to say but you're not smart enough to realize it.

What I wrote was in response to your comment, "They should be lined up and shot for treason". I have no reason to question your post as sarcasm or hyperbole, and it aptly describes the behavior of fascists, murder sans trial and conviction.

Don't try to put words in my mouth, it only adds to the evidence that you're a stooge and a fool.
In fact, you are putting words in my mouth. I never posted "They should be lined up and shot for treason".
Sorry, I just don't see the appeal of your hero god. Politics is not a game, and you're talking about Donald Trump like he his Muhammed Ali.
It has been treated like a game since the days of LBJ, at least. And a whole bunch of the gamesters, all the way on up to the U.S. Senate, are being smoked out for the frauds and political hacks that they are.

This should be a day of great rejoicing, for those who have been seeking but only the most modest amounts of transparency.
Maybe he is going a bit overboard, but one thing is for sure he's not acting like a shit eating career politician...
Going overboard is the understatement of the year to date! And no, Trump couldn't possibly act like a career politician being the narcissistic petulant childlike know-it-all asshole he is. But he sure fooled millions of shit sundae slurpers to get elected. Too fucking bad that he has to be inaugurated before he can be impeached, tried and run out of Swampy Bottom! Or maybe he'll just resign like Nixon did before the Articles of Impeachment could be voted on in the House!

Yeah Rustic, apologize for Trump and keep doing it till the ax falls!
Clinton WAS impeached. But you humor me like a child by thinking career politicians aren't the narcissistic petulant childlike ones.
What the fuck does Clinton being impeached have to do with the price of potatoes? To equate Trump's extremely flawed personal traits to those of the everyday run of the mill career politician is absurd. I guess you are with the shrinking column of Trump sycophants willing to apologize for his sorry ass at every turn!
You brought up impeachment. If you are too brain damaged to remember what you said just read your posts. The absurdity is all yours by thinking your depraved opinion matters to anyone but you.
context -
a. the circumstances that form the setting for an event, statement, or idea, and in terms of which it can be fully understood and assessed;

b. the parts of something written or spoken that immediately precede and follow a word or passage and clarify its meaning.

Maybe he is going a bit overboard, but one thing is for sure he's not acting like a shit eating career politician...
Going overboard is the understatement of the year to date! And no, Trump couldn't possibly act like a career politician being the narcissistic petulant childlike know-it-all asshole he is. But he sure fooled millions of shit sundae slurpers to get elected. Too fucking bad that he has to be inaugurated before he can be impeached, tried and run out of Swampy Bottom! Or maybe he'll just resign like Nixon did before the Articles of Impeachment could be voted on in the House!

Yeah Rustic, apologize for Trump and keep doing it till the ax falls!
Clinton WAS impeached. But you humor me like a child by thinking career politicians aren't the narcissistic petulant childlike ones.
What the fuck does Clinton being impeached have to do with the price of potatoes? To equate Trump's extremely flawed personal traits to those of the everyday run of the mill career politician is absurd. I guess you are with the shrinking column of Trump sycophants willing to apologize for his sorry ass at every turn!
You brought up impeachment. If you are too brain damaged to remember what you said just read your posts. The absurdity is all yours by thinking your depraved opinion matters to anyone but you.
context -
a. the circumstances that form the setting for an event, statement, or idea, and in terms of which it can be fully understood and assessed;

b. the parts of something written or spoken that immediately precede and follow a word or passage and clarify its meaning.

Google 'idiot'. You'll find your posts.
As soon as THE DNC is forced to turn over their servers, the long national nightmare of Obama-Clinton will be over, and the Death of The DNC will be final.

They are SO CONCERNED about THE RUSSIANS and NATIONAL SECURITY, but refuse to let THE FBI investigate their claims and look at their server.

They should be lined up and shot for treason.

You forgot to salute Trump. Now, raise your right hand and arm to 45 degrees with the palm down and say loudly and respectfully, "Heil Trump!" Now, that brown shirt you've been wearing since August needs to be washed, have it laundered as it seems to be the cause of your stinking posts.

/---- Nazis were Left Wingers. Now you have a nice day.
I"m not sure what that means? Doesn't trump think nazi germany was awesome?
No...he thinks you liberals are Nazis....
Trump is a snowflake. Say anything about him that he doesn't like and he runs to Twitter to whine about it. Whatever you may think about Obama's policies, at least he showed a lot more class, despite much worse that was said about him.
No,he's calling you moonbats out for making up fake news. He's been schooling you morons since the day he dropped his hat in the ring yet you still haven't learned.
He's the one that needs to learn, being president isn't the same as being a CEO or a reality TV star.
"Intelligence agencies should never have allowed this fake news to "leak" into the public. One last shot at me.Are we living in Nazi Germany?"

"Russia has never tried to use leverage over me. I HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH RUSSIA - NO DEALS, NO LOANS, NO NOTHING!"

"I win an election easily, a great "movement" is verified, and crooked opponents try to belittle our victory with FAKE NEWS. A sorry state!"

you're the Nazi, mr president!

/---- Read a history book loser. Dems have more in common with Nazis
"Intelligence agencies should never have allowed this fake news to "leak" into the public. One last shot at me.Are we living in Nazi Germany?"

"Russia has never tried to use leverage over me. I HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH RUSSIA - NO DEALS, NO LOANS, NO NOTHING!"

"I win an election easily, a great "movement" is verified, and crooked opponents try to belittle our victory with FAKE NEWS. A sorry state!"

you're the Nazi, mr president!

It makes him look childish when he responds to this stuff.
Even though I tend to agree, who else is going to defend him but himself? He has the entire corporate media complex (including Fox) and nearly the entirety of the DC insider elite arrayed against his nearly every move.
I"m not sure what that means? Doesn't trump think nazi germany was awesome?
No...he thinks you liberals are Nazis....
Trump is a snowflake. Say anything about him that he doesn't like and he runs to Twitter to whine about it. Whatever you may think about Obama's policies, at least he showed a lot more class, despite much worse that was said about him.
You're talking about the same asshole that gave the Supreme Court judges a dressing down at the state of the union address because they failed to go along with his over reach. You define class differently than I do.
The dressing down was in public and done in a classy way, not midnight ramblings ala Trump.
"Russia has never tried to use leverage over me. I HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH RUSSIA - NO DEALS, NO LOANS, NO NOTHING!"
“Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets.”
“We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia.”
- Donald Trump Jr., to a real estate conference in 2008
I"m not sure what that means? Doesn't trump think nazi germany was awesome?
No...he thinks you liberals are Nazis....
Trump is a snowflake. Say anything about him that he doesn't like and he runs to Twitter to whine about it. Whatever you may think about Obama's policies, at least he showed a lot more class, despite much worse that was said about him.
Oh piss off. I can't remember a time when Obama wasn't whining about talk radio, Rush or FOX. No revisionist history allowed.
You obviously only remember what you want to remember, a typical Trump stooge.
I swear, this guy cannot get any more pathetic. He is in full melt down mode in twitter.

If the allegations are false, then he should just shut up about it. He is just making himself look guilty, while drawing attention to what he labels 'fake news.' If it is fake, then stop talking about it. I learned this lesson when I was a child.

At any rate, it should be an interesting press conference today.

That's what Trump needs to learn...and what most other public figures have learned - if you respond to this stuff, you give it "legs".
"Russia has never tried to use leverage over me. I HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH RUSSIA - NO DEALS, NO LOANS, NO NOTHING!"
“Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets.”
“We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia.”
- Donald Trump Jr., to a real estate conference in 2008
Of course there is no contradiction. Jr. was referring to the many wealthy Russians who want to invest in Trump projects. If Trump had any real financial dealings with Russia, the specifics would clearly have been made public at least months ago, so you are citing what clearly is a fake news story planted by Democrats.
I"m not sure what that means? Doesn't trump think nazi germany was awesome?
No...he thinks you liberals are Nazis....
Trump is a snowflake. Say anything about him that he doesn't like and he runs to Twitter to whine about it. Whatever you may think about Obama's policies, at least he showed a lot more class, despite much worse that was said about him.
No,he's calling you moonbats out for making up fake news. He's been schooling you morons since the day he dropped his hat in the ring yet you still haven't learned.
He's the one that needs to learn, being president isn't the same as being a CEO or a reality TV star.

Pretty bad state of affairs when a CEO/TV star is doing a better job than our seasoned politicians.

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