Trump on twitter: "Are we living in Nazi Germany?"

I"m not sure what that means? Doesn't trump think nazi germany was awesome?
No...he thinks you liberals are Nazis....

Trump like you emotes, there is no thought involved in his tweets or your posts.
You mean nothing you are able to understand.

I write what I mean, and I understand deviant behavior very well.
Apparently not.
As soon as THE DNC is forced to turn over their servers, the long national nightmare of Obama-Clinton will be over, and the Death of The DNC will be final.

They are SO CONCERNED about THE RUSSIANS and NATIONAL SECURITY, but refuse to let THE FBI investigate their claims and look at their server.

They should be lined up and shot for treason.

You forgot to salute Trump. Now, raise your right hand and arm to 45 degrees with the palm down and say loudly and respectfully, "Heil Trump!" Now, that brown shirt you've been wearing since August needs to be washed, have it laundered as it seems to be the cause of your stinking posts.
TyroneSlothrop My guess, if it's true, would be that he a) bought property in Russia, b) sold property in, or to, Russians, c) that a bank which may or may not have branches in Russia or a Russian CEO loaned him money, or perhaps even d) all of the above.

I've been busy learning XAML to finish up my water cooling loops so would you be a dear and research all those options and get back to me? Though if you can dig up Trumps taxes showing the connection from the IRS, I'll take that into consideration too :)
lets see those Tax returns of Trump shall we a dear and Trust but Verify :badgrin:
TyroneSlothrop My guess, if it's true, would be that he a) bought property in Russia, b) sold property in, or to, Russians, c) that a bank which may or may not have branches in Russia or a Russian CEO loaned him money, or perhaps even d) all of the above.

I've been busy learning XAML to finish up my water cooling loops so would you be a dear and research all those options and get back to me? Though if you can dig up Trumps taxes showing the connection from the IRS, I'll take that into consideration too :)
lets see those Tax returns of Trump shall we a dear and Trust but Verify :badgrin:

Did The Russians Do Trump's Taxes?

When THE DNC turns over their server so their so called "claims" can be verified, I am sure Trump will show his tax return which is not required btw.

And while we are at it, where are Hillary Clinton's Emails? And why didn't The Russians hack that unsecured State Department Server of hers that everyone Knew had Classified Information on it?

Why hasn't one Clinton Email been published from That Unsecured State Department Server?

Why did a Bernie Sanders Supporter Rat Out The DNC?

The DNC server was not hacked. The Emails were leaked, and this is why THE DNC refuses to allow The DNC server to be examined.
Tillerson just testified that Russia did interfere with our election. And that Putin approved the interference. Wonder if Trump is watching
Tillerson just testified that Russia did interfere with our election. And that Putin approved the interference. Wonder if Trump is watching

Snore Fest.

Without The DNC server being examined, this is FAKE NEWS.

If you call a bunch of people on Twitter and Facebook fighting over politics "Interfering With An Election" you have to be a partisan idiot.

Turn over the server.
As soon as THE DNC is forced to turn over their servers, the long national nightmare of Obama-Clinton will be over, and the Death of The DNC will be final.

They are SO CONCERNED about THE RUSSIANS and NATIONAL SECURITY, but refuse to let THE FBI investigate their claims and look at their server.

They should be lined up and shot for treason.

It wasn't the DNC who claimed they were hacked by the Russians. It was the FBI and the CIA who told the DNC they had been hacked by Russians. But nice try at false information.
TyroneSlothrop I have no issues with seeing Trumps tax returns, I'll probably understand them too.

Come over to the capitalist side, we have pretty things ;)

I have no issues with capitalism, as long as there is a healthy social safety net to deal with the downturns and recessions, and as long as the tax code is balanced to prevent the wide swings and transfer of wealth that has been occurring since Reagan changed the tax code.

Companies have to pay a living wage too.
As soon as THE DNC is forced to turn over their servers, the long national nightmare of Obama-Clinton will be over, and the Death of The DNC will be final.

They are SO CONCERNED about THE RUSSIANS and NATIONAL SECURITY, but refuse to let THE FBI investigate their claims and look at their server.

They should be lined up and shot for treason.

You forgot to salute Trump. Now, raise your right hand and arm to 45 degrees with the palm down and say loudly and respectfully, "Heil Trump!" Now, that brown shirt you've been wearing since August needs to be washed, have it laundered as it seems to be the cause of your stinking posts.
In other words, you have nothing to say but you're not smart enough to realize it.
As soon as THE DNC is forced to turn over their servers, the long national nightmare of Obama-Clinton will be over, and the Death of The DNC will be final.

They are SO CONCERNED about THE RUSSIANS and NATIONAL SECURITY, but refuse to let THE FBI investigate their claims and look at their server.

They should be lined up and shot for treason.

It wasn't the DNC who claimed they were hacked by the Russians. It was the FBI and the CIA who told the DNC they had been hacked by Russians. But nice try at false information.

LOL. So wait, The FBI told THE DNC they were hacked by The Russians?
Not so fast there skippy.
Care to back that up?

The FBI said they cannot confirm these accusations unless they look at the server.
The DNC said they are refusing to let THE FBI see the server.

The report released, and I read it, has a disclaimer that states that the accusations cannot be verified.
The only way to verify them is to examine The DNC server which The Lying Democratic Party refuses to allow to be examined.

Maybe he is going a bit overboard, but one thing is for sure he's not acting like a shit eating career politician...
Going overboard is the understatement of the year to date! And no, Trump couldn't possibly act like a career politician being the narcissistic petulant childlike know-it-all asshole he is. But he sure fooled millions of shit sundae slurpers to get elected. Too fucking bad that he has to be inaugurated before he can be impeached, tried and run out of Swampy Bottom! Or maybe he'll just resign like Nixon did before the Articles of Impeachment could be voted on in the House!

Yeah Rustic, apologize for Trump and keep doing it till the ax falls!
Clinton WAS impeached. But you humor me like a child by thinking career politicians aren't the narcissistic petulant childlike ones.
As soon as THE DNC is forced to turn over their servers, the long national nightmare of Obama-Clinton will be over, and the Death of The DNC will be final.

They are SO CONCERNED about THE RUSSIANS and NATIONAL SECURITY, but refuse to let THE FBI investigate their claims and look at their server.

They should be lined up and shot for treason.

You forgot to salute Trump. Now, raise your right hand and arm to 45 degrees with the palm down and say loudly and respectfully, "Heil Trump!" Now, that brown shirt you've been wearing since August needs to be washed, have it laundered as it seems to be the cause of your stinking posts.
In other words, you have nothing to say but you're not smart enough to realize it.


We as a nation should not rely on a DNC paid firm to tell us they think The Russians hacked The DNC server when they refuse to share the so called evidence of the hacking.

There is no evidence.

If you don't think for a minute that The Corrupt DNC would love to have this verified to get the stink of Primary Fixing, Paying Thugs to beat up little old ladies voting for Trump, Organizing Paid Protestors to Riot, and Being Exposed as Elitist Bigots, off of them you are an idiot.

The Dem party and The Liberal Media are done. This is the most desperate attempt I have ever seen to remain relative. It is nothing but rats clinging to what's left of a sinking ship.

The DNC if they had Evidence to PROVE Russia hacked them, instead of what really happened, Bernie Supporter got pissed and ratted on them, THE DNC WOULD TAKE OUT A FULL PAGE AD SHOWING THE EVIDENCE, THE LOGS, to stick it to Trump.

Because they are sore losers, this is exactly what they would do, IF THEY HAD EVIDENCE TO BACK UP THEIR CLAIMS.

But they don't so they won't allow the server to be examined or the evidence to be published.

And again, where is Hillary Clinton's Unsecured Server's Emails, and why did no one hack that?
Not one email Published from That Unsecured State Department Server that she was so terrified of what was on it, that she Ordered it Bleach Bitted, and ordered 17 blackberries, cell phones, tablets, and laptops destroyed as well as deleted illegally 33,000 emails.

And no one hacked that server or published anything from it?

Go bash your head in with a rock. That would make more sense.
As soon as THE DNC is forced to turn over their servers, the long national nightmare of Obama-Clinton will be over, and the Death of The DNC will be final.

They are SO CONCERNED about THE RUSSIANS and NATIONAL SECURITY, but refuse to let THE FBI investigate their claims and look at their server.

They should be lined up and shot for treason.

You forgot to salute Trump. Now, raise your right hand and arm to 45 degrees with the palm down and say loudly and respectfully, "Heil Trump!" Now, that brown shirt you've been wearing since August needs to be washed, have it laundered as it seems to be the cause of your stinking posts.
In other words, you have nothing to say but you're not smart enough to realize it.

What I wrote was in response to your comment, "They should be lined up and shot for treason". I have no reason to question your post as sarcasm or hyperbole, and it aptly describes the behavior of fascists, murder sans trial and conviction.

Don't try to put words in my mouth, it only adds to the evidence that you're a stooge and a fool.
As soon as THE DNC is forced to turn over their servers, the long national nightmare of Obama-Clinton will be over, and the Death of The DNC will be final.

They are SO CONCERNED about THE RUSSIANS and NATIONAL SECURITY, but refuse to let THE FBI investigate their claims and look at their server.

They should be lined up and shot for treason.

You forgot to salute Trump. Now, raise your right hand and arm to 45 degrees with the palm down and say loudly and respectfully, "Heil Trump!" Now, that brown shirt you've been wearing since August needs to be washed, have it laundered as it seems to be the cause of your stinking posts.
In other words, you have nothing to say but you're not smart enough to realize it.

What I wrote was in response to your comment, "They should be lined up and shot for treason". I have no reason to question your post as sarcasm or hyperbole, and it aptly describes the behavior of fascists, murder sans trial and conviction.

Don't try to put words in my mouth, it only adds to the evidence that you're a stooge and a fool.

Oh, no, we want to have a trial first. This is a Republic and every traitor deserves Due Process.
So as soon as The DNC turns over the server we can start the investigation and indictments against The DNC.
Maybe he is going a bit overboard, but one thing is for sure he's not acting like a shit eating career politician...
Going overboard is the understatement of the year to date! And no, Trump couldn't possibly act like a career politician being the narcissistic petulant childlike know-it-all asshole he is. But he sure fooled millions of shit sundae slurpers to get elected. Too fucking bad that he has to be inaugurated before he can be impeached, tried and run out of Swampy Bottom! Or maybe he'll just resign like Nixon did before the Articles of Impeachment could be voted on in the House!

Yeah Rustic, apologize for Trump and keep doing it till the ax falls!
Clinton WAS impeached. But you humor me like a child by thinking career politicians aren't the narcissistic petulant childlike ones.
What the fuck does Clinton being impeached have to do with the price of potatoes? To equate Trump's extremely flawed personal traits to those of the everyday run of the mill career politician is absurd. I guess you are with the shrinking column of Trump sycophants willing to apologize for his sorry ass at every turn!
Maybe he is going a bit overboard, but one thing is for sure he's not acting like a shit eating career politician...
Going overboard is the understatement of the year to date! And no, Trump couldn't possibly act like a career politician being the narcissistic petulant childlike know-it-all asshole he is. But he sure fooled millions of shit sundae slurpers to get elected. Too fucking bad that he has to be inaugurated before he can be impeached, tried and run out of Swampy Bottom! Or maybe he'll just resign like Nixon did before the Articles of Impeachment could be voted on in the House!

Yeah Rustic, apologize for Trump and keep doing it till the ax falls!
Clinton WAS impeached. But you humor me like a child by thinking career politicians aren't the narcissistic petulant childlike ones.
What the fuck does Clinton being impeached have to do with the price of potatoes? To equate Trump's extremely flawed personal traits to those of the everyday run of the mill career politician is absurd. I guess you are with the shrinking column of Trump sycophants willing to apologize for his sorry ass at every turn!
You brought up impeachment. If you are too brain damaged to remember what you said just read your posts. The absurdity is all yours by thinking your depraved opinion matters to anyone but you.
And Democrats Tweet they don't want to make America great again.

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