Trump on twitter: "Are we living in Nazi Germany?"

Trump ........................asks, 'Are we living in Nazi Germany?'

waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Look at Alpha dog whining ...what a Pussy LOL

Trump has every right to be royally pissed off . And it's refreshing to see someone so pissed off that they'll take a street fight to these lying mother fuckers in the media.
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I think FAKE NEWS should be called out very loudly every time it happens, left or right. Too many people are falling for it and too many media outlets are pushing it. Someone needs to wake the sheeple up, and it is going to take a huge spotlight. Eventually, even the sheep are going to have to admit they have been swallowing either leftist propaganda/attacks or rightist propaganda/attacks. We, as a nation, have to become much more sophisticated in our search for truth and facts.

It just boggles me the way media changes history, even history of 10 years ago, and people fall for it. I used to think you couldn't change history until the people who lived it were dead, but apparently we have the memory of goldfish and will forget completely what happened is this decade.
Trump has every right to be royally pissed off . And it's refreshing to see someone royally pissed off and street fight with these lying mother fuckers in the media.

So his incessant childish whining is well deserved? He is a grown ass man, and he relieves his frustrations by writing angry tweets to the public (which are often incomprehensible).
NBC News lists 10 questions Trump needs to answer during his press conference. The first three are on Russia:

1. After the intelligence briefing you received on Friday, you and your team released statements, fired off tweets, and conducted interviews -- but never once condemned Russia’s interference in the 2016 election. Why give Russia and Vladimir Putin a pass? And why more outrage directed at the victim (the DNC, John Podesta) than the perpetrator (Russia).
Trump has every right to be royally pissed off . And it's refreshing to see someone royally pissed off and street fight with these lying mother fuckers in the media.

So his incessant childish whining is well deserved? He is a grown ass man, and he relieves his frustrations by writing angry tweets to the public (which are often incomprehensible).
Trumps tweets are meant for Americans...,thus your confusion.....
I swear, this guy cannot get any more pathetic. He is in full melt down mode in twitter.

If the allegations are false, then he should just shut up about it. He is just making himself look guilty, while drawing attention to what he labels 'fake news.' If it is fake, then stop talking about it. I learned this lesson when I was a child.

At any rate, it should be an interesting press conference today.
Maybe he is going a bit overboard, but one thing is for sure he's not acting like a shit eating career politician... :lmao:

Absolutely. I love the fact that he isn't eating shit like Bush did. Fuck the high road. Bring out the brass knuckles.
Trump has every right to be royally pissed off . And it's refreshing to see someone royally pissed off and street fight with these lying mother fuckers in the media.

So his incessant childish whining is well deserved? He is a grown ass man, and he relieves his frustrations by writing angry tweets to the public (which are often incomprehensible).
Really, we have been listening to a delusional, senile and perverted Joe Biden for years now… the Clueless piece of shit that he is.
NBC News lists 10 questions Trump needs to answer during his press conference. The first three are on Russia:

1. After the intelligence briefing you received on Friday, you and your team released statements, fired off tweets, and conducted interviews -- but never once condemned Russia’s interference in the 2016 election. Why give Russia and Vladimir Putin a pass? And why more outrage directed at the victim (the DNC, John Podesta) than the perpetrator (Russia).
Trump won't talk about your fake news....
I swear, this guy cannot get any more pathetic. He is in full melt down mode in twitter.

If the allegations are false, then he should just shut up about it. He is just making himself look guilty, while drawing attention to what he labels 'fake news.' If it is fake, then stop talking about it. I learned this lesson when I was a child.

At any rate, it should be an interesting press conference today.

Trump's taking the fight to them now. His counter punches are legendary. If you want to talk pathetic check out all the times Obama went on a talk show and whined about Rush and FOX.

That's pathetic.
"Intelligence agencies should never have allowed this fake news to "leak" into the public. One last shot at me.Are we living in Nazi Germany?"

"Russia has never tried to use leverage over me. I HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH RUSSIA - NO DEALS, NO LOANS, NO NOTHING!"

"I win an election easily, a great "movement" is verified, and crooked opponents try to belittle our victory with FAKE NEWS. A sorry state!"

you're the Nazi, mr president!
Of course Trump is correct. Obama has severely damaged the credibility and perhaps the usefulness of the intel services by using them against his political enemies in ways reminiscent of how Hitler used the Gestapo. In his efforts to delegitimize Trump's presidency, Obama is using these fake news stories about Russia in a way similar to how hitler used fake news against Jews. It will be no small task to repair the damage Obama has done to America and to the world.
Trump's taking the fight to them now. His counter punches are legendary.

Sorry, I just don't see the appeal of your hero god. Politics is not a game, and you're talking about Donald Trump like he his Muhammed Ali.
Low Energy Jeb Bush: "Melania needs to take Donald's phone away"

Crooked Madeleine Albright: "I'm very concerned by Donald's tweets"

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