Trump On Woodward Tape Admitting To Lying About Seriousness Of Coronavirus

and biden had to lie about his education
It's hard to believe anyone could be a worse POTUS choice than Joe Biden::D

PolitiFact - Ad Watch: Fact-checking a video about Biden’s academic record

"Biden graduated from Syracuse University’s law school in 1968, but not in the top half of his class. He also did not receive three undergraduate degrees. And, according to a September 1987 Newsweek report, Biden didn’t attend law school on a full academic scholarship, either."
I thought for sure nothing could expose Trump's lack of character the way the "Suckers and Losers" report did. Fooled me. Lying to Americans about how dangerous and deadly COVID-19 was brought Trump to a new depth of evil.

Oh, you mean that lie by the liberal editor of the Atlantic? As for lying to American's about C-19, that's a lie as well...So, you're just a liar.

Just like Nixon knew......Trumpybear knew and did it on purpose. It's on tape.

Are there no patriotic Republicans left in the party?
Spare me.....we are the only patriots there are. You goofs want open borders, jobs overseas, no police, and checks to sit home wearing your goofy masks.

This is about lying on purpose to the American people about how deadly the new virus was, not the lies you and your kind spread about our regulated border, or the export of capital, or de-funding choke holds......

But again, you're lying. You hate Trump and attack him for whatever he says. So why should anyone give a shit when you are part of the leftist echo chamber calling Trump a liar when you're constantly lying about him?

On Feb 7th, after speaking with the Chinese leader, during Woodwards taped interview with the Trumpybear, Trumpybear was explaining how much more deadly the new virus was compared to the Flu. He is a proven liar. Everyone in the country can and has listen to him lying through his teeth. Maybe it hasn't broken into the Faux News Circle yet, but it's like a reality train coming down the track.

And why is your hyping the virus somehow less dishonest than Trump downplaying it?

It is proving to be at least 5 times deadlier as the flu. If the threat were hyped instead of downplayed, fewer Americans would have died. By downplaying it he exponentially increased the spread among the public.

How about telling the truth.

Like what? What did we not do? No Monday morning quarterbacking. Democrats were downplaying it at the time too. As was Fauci.

And how would the widespread panic you wanted make it better? Be specific.

And let's remember what Democrats were saying. Hannity has their clips on, don't whine bu-bu-but you don't like Hannity.

"Like what? What did we not do? "

Calmly explain the situation to all America, not draped in the "Hoax" of the political moment. Churchill didn't down play the Nazi threat to the Brits. You didn't hear him say those V2 ballistic missiles are just like ordinary bombs.......didja?
Nazi threat compared to the flu....hahahahahahahah wow you libbers are comical.

It was Trumpybear who compared himself to Churchill, FDR.... Zippy.

And it was you who improvised comparing the flu to the German threat.

I didn't say this "

"As the British government advised the British people in the face of World War II, keep calm and carry on. That's what I did."

Churchill didn't lie to the British people about the threat they faced. Trump knew about the threat and he lied about it because it would make him look bad. He has American blood on his hands. He should resign.

Trump didn't lie, he played it down. Those are not the same. You know that when you get home and admit to your wife that you're drunk but try to make it sound like you didn't drink as much as you did.

Again, you lie, lie, lie and lie. Your indignation over Trump is just laughable, partisan hate filled hack

March 25 2020, 6:33 a.m.

“We have a lot of people dying from the flu, as you know,” Donald Trump told reporters at the White House, as his attorney general, William Barr, stood far less than 6 feet behind him. “It looks like it could be over 50,000,” he said about the current flu season, later clarifying that he was referring to deaths from the flu, “not cases, 50,000 deaths, which is a lot.”

Trump didn't lie, he played it down. Those are not the same.

Trump was told the coronavirus was five times that of the worst flu.

Trump said the coronavirus was the same as the seasonal flu.

That's not playing it down.
And what he was told ends up to be....not true.....and what he said ends up to be.....possibly true.
Actually what he was told was actually underplayed. As your side has pointed out the 100,000 deaths in 6 states, was actually twice as deadly as Trump was warned about.
Just like Nixon knew......Trumpybear knew and did it on purpose. It's on tape.

Are there no patriotic Republicans left in the party?
Spare me.....we are the only patriots there are. You goofs want open borders, jobs overseas, no police, and checks to sit home wearing your goofy masks.

This is about lying on purpose to the American people about how deadly the new virus was, not the lies you and your kind spread about our regulated border, or the export of capital, or de-funding choke holds......

But again, you're lying. You hate Trump and attack him for whatever he says. So why should anyone give a shit when you are part of the leftist echo chamber calling Trump a liar when you're constantly lying about him?

On Feb 7th, after speaking with the Chinese leader, during Woodwards taped interview with the Trumpybear, Trumpybear was explaining how much more deadly the new virus was compared to the Flu. He is a proven liar. Everyone in the country can and has listen to him lying through his teeth. Maybe it hasn't broken into the Faux News Circle yet, but it's like a reality train coming down the track.

And why is your hyping the virus somehow less dishonest than Trump downplaying it?

It is proving to be at least 5 times deadlier as the flu. If the threat were hyped instead of downplayed, fewer Americans would have died. By downplaying it he exponentially increased the spread among the public.

How about telling the truth.

Like what? What did we not do? No Monday morning quarterbacking. Democrats were downplaying it at the time too. As was Fauci.

And how would the widespread panic you wanted make it better? Be specific.

And let's remember what Democrats were saying. Hannity has their clips on, don't whine bu-bu-but you don't like Hannity.

"Like what? What did we not do? "

Calmly explain the situation to all America, not draped in the "Hoax" of the political moment. Churchill didn't down play the Nazi threat to the Brits. You didn't hear him say those V2 ballistic missiles are just like ordinary bombs.......didja?
Nazi threat compared to the flu....hahahahahahahah wow you libbers are comical.

It was Trumpybear who compared himself to Churchill, FDR.... Zippy.

And it was you who improvised comparing the flu to the German threat.

I didn't say this "

"As the British government advised the British people in the face of World War II, keep calm and carry on. That's what I did."

Churchill didn't lie to the British people about the threat they faced. Trump knew about the threat and he lied about it because it would make him look bad. He has American blood on his hands. He should resign.
I must have read this wrong...keep calm and carry on sounds like the truth and not a lie. I must be a deplorable to miss your brilliant point here.

I know you heard "Keep calm and it will all just disappear, like magic!

Did you know the flu actually kills people?
I must have read this wrong...keep calm and carry on sounds like the truth and not a lie. I must be a deplorable to miss your brilliant point here.

I know you heard "Keep calm and it will all just disappear, like magic!

Did you know the flu actually kills people?

Before this is over, more americans will have died of the coronavirus, than died from combat in WWII.
Trying to avoid a panic
Right idea
Weird that other world leaders managed to not panic their citizens.

And this is Trump we are talking about. The same guy who couldn't stop talking about an "immigrant invasion" The same Trump whose inaugural address was titled "American Carnage" . The same Trump who is currently falsely claiming that Portland is on fire. Puhleese.
Trump’s lie about not wanting to ‘panic’ Americans is as ridiculous as it is lame.

Trump not only has contempt for America’s war dead but he has contempt for the intelligence of the American people.
Nancy got the same briefing since she's speaker of the house come to Chinatown was her call for action
Yes and? That has what to do with Trump’s failed leadership?
Trump hasn't failed in his leadership so nothing.
Trump has not failed in his leadership because he hasn't offered any leadership in the fight against the cornavirus. He has refused to take any responsibility for the failure of his administration to have working test kits in March. He has blamed China, the WHO, the democrats, Obama, and probably others for the epidemic in the US. He leaves the public confused when he praises unorthodox cures while his own people are warning the public about using them. His healthcare advisors and the CDC was telling the public to wear masks and Trump was questions the effectiveness, often refusing to set an example by wearing a mask, and worst of all encouraging open rebellion in states where governors tried to make masks mandatory. Anyone questioning why the high infection rate and death toll in the US, need only look to our non-leader in the White House.
And what does Biden offer in leadership? Lies and double lies
First he opposed the travel ban then he said he totally supported it and denied he ever opposed it.
Yes it's from Fox because the interview was conducted on Fox
Biden is a good man with a good heart Trump is heartless and an asshole

Fake news. Biden is a total, hate filled dick and a raging racist
Your lying ears deceive you
Ya'll remember yesterday when I asked meaner gene eddiew BlindBoo to use their 8 months of new knowledge and 20/20 hindsight to tell us what their plan to stop the virus would have been................and not single one had a single idea?

Good times.. :abgg2q.jpg:
Trump's Deceptive Comparion of the Corona Virus To Flu.


The 59 Wort Lies 45 Told About COVID.


All of 45's Lies About The Corona Virus.

Its pretty accurate as it turns out.....the most deception came from the mouths of the "experts" and still does.

He lied. 194,000 People Died.
I must have read this wrong...keep calm and carry on sounds like the truth and not a lie. I must be a deplorable to miss your brilliant point here.

I know you heard "Keep calm and it will all just disappear, like magic!

Did you know the flu actually kills people?

Before this is over, more americans will have died of the coronavirus, than died from combat in WWII.

You mean those "Suckers" and "Losers" (According to Trumpybear) who fought against the Axis Fascist Nazi Bastards?
Trump's Deceptive Comparion of the Corona Virus To Flu.


The 59 Wort Lies 45 Told About COVID.


All of 45's Lies About The Corona Virus.

Its pretty accurate as it turns out.....the most deception came from the mouths of the "experts" and still does.

He lied. 194,000 People Died.
What would you have done to stop the virus in it's tracks? Use your 8 months of new knowledge and 20/20 hindsight to tell us what you would have done.

Be specific.
Ya'll remember yesterday when I asked meaner gene eddiew BlindBoo to use their 8 months of new knowledge and 20/20 hindsight to tell us what their plan to stop the virus would have been................and not single one had a single idea?

Good times.. :abgg2q.jpg:

Hindsight is 20/20. I would have advised President Kennedy not to go to Dallas too!
Ya'll remember yesterday when I asked meaner gene eddiew BlindBoo to use their 8 months of new knowledge and 20/20 hindsight to tell us what their plan to stop the virus would have been................and not single one had a single idea?

Good times.. :abgg2q.jpg:

Hindsight is 20/20. I would have advised President Kennedy not to go to Dallas too!
Still no plan. Thanks for once again proving you are a clueless boob.
Trying to avoid a panic
Right idea
Weird that other world leaders managed to not panic their citizens.

And this is Trump we are talking about. The same guy who couldn't stop talking about an "immigrant invasion" The same Trump whose inaugural address was titled "American Carnage" . The same Trump who is currently falsely claiming that Portland is on fire. Puhleese.
Trump’s lie about not wanting to ‘panic’ Americans is as ridiculous as it is lame.

Trump not only has contempt for America’s war dead but he has contempt for the intelligence of the American people.
Nancy got the same briefing since she's speaker of the house come to Chinatown was her call for action
Yes and? That has what to do with Trump’s failed leadership?
Trump hasn't failed in his leadership so nothing.
Trump has not failed in his leadership because he hasn't offered any leadership in the fight against the cornavirus. He has refused to take any responsibility for the failure of his administration to have working test kits in March. He has blamed China, the WHO, the democrats, Obama, and probably others for the epidemic in the US. He leaves the public confused when he praises unorthodox cures while his own people are warning the public about using them. His healthcare advisors and the CDC was telling the public to wear masks and Trump was questions the effectiveness, often refusing to set an example by wearing a mask, and worst of all encouraging open rebellion in states where governors tried to make masks mandatory. Anyone questioning why the high infection rate and death toll in the US, need only look to our non-leader in the White House.
And what does Biden offer in leadership? Lies and double lies
First he opposed the travel ban then he said he totally supported it and denied he ever opposed it.
Yes it's from Fox because the interview was conducted on Fox
Biden is a good man with a good heart Trump is heartless and an asshole

Fake news. Biden is a total, hate filled dick and a raging racist
Kaz All I can say ,after only 1 scotch is I'm so glad you and brownie didn't lose a loved one because the AH lied about the severity of the virus. Wonder how you'd be posting if you had .
Ya'll remember yesterday when I asked meaner gene eddiew BlindBoo to use their 8 months of new knowledge and 20/20 hindsight to tell us what their plan to stop the virus would have been................and not single one had a single idea?

Good times.. :abgg2q.jpg:

Why lie. I told you:
January - Remove Trump from office, put Pence in charge.
February - impeach Pence
March - Remove Pence from office, put Pelosi in charge.
Ya'll remember yesterday when I asked meaner gene eddiew BlindBoo to use their 8 months of new knowledge and 20/20 hindsight to tell us what their plan to stop the virus would have been................and not single one had a single idea?

Good times.. :abgg2q.jpg:

Hindsight is 20/20. I would have advised President Kennedy not to go to Dallas too!
Still no plan. Thanks for once again proving you are a clueless boob.
I told you WEAR fn masks and keep 6 feet away from the other person Don't you read?
Just like Nixon knew......Trumpybear knew and did it on purpose. It's on tape.

Are there no patriotic Republicans left in the party?
Spare me.....we are the only patriots there are. You goofs want open borders, jobs overseas, no police, and checks to sit home wearing your goofy masks.

This is about lying on purpose to the American people about how deadly the new virus was, not the lies you and your kind spread about our regulated border, or the export of capital, or de-funding choke holds......

But again, you're lying. You hate Trump and attack him for whatever he says. So why should anyone give a shit when you are part of the leftist echo chamber calling Trump a liar when you're constantly lying about him?

On Feb 7th, after speaking with the Chinese leader, during Woodwards taped interview with the Trumpybear, Trumpybear was explaining how much more deadly the new virus was compared to the Flu. He is a proven liar. Everyone in the country can and has listen to him lying through his teeth. Maybe it hasn't broken into the Faux News Circle yet, but it's like a reality train coming down the track.

And why is your hyping the virus somehow less dishonest than Trump downplaying it?

It is proving to be at least 5 times deadlier as the flu. If the threat were hyped instead of downplayed, fewer Americans would have died. By downplaying it he exponentially increased the spread among the public.

How about telling the truth.

Like what? What did we not do? No Monday morning quarterbacking. Democrats were downplaying it at the time too. As was Fauci.

And how would the widespread panic you wanted make it better? Be specific.

And let's remember what Democrats were saying. Hannity has their clips on, don't whine bu-bu-but you don't like Hannity.

"Like what? What did we not do? "

Calmly explain the situation to all America, not draped in the "Hoax" of the political moment. Churchill didn't down play the Nazi threat to the Brits. You didn't hear him say those V2 ballistic missiles are just like ordinary bombs.......didja?
Nazi threat compared to the flu....hahahahahahahah wow you libbers are comical.

It was Trumpybear who compared himself to Churchill, FDR.... Zippy.

And it was you who improvised comparing the flu to the German threat.

I didn't say this "

"As the British government advised the British people in the face of World War II, keep calm and carry on. That's what I did."

Churchill didn't lie to the British people about the threat they faced. Trump knew about the threat and he lied about it because it would make him look bad. He has American blood on his hands. He should resign.

Trump didn't lie, he played it down. Those are not the same. You know that when you get home and admit to your wife that you're drunk but try to make it sound like you didn't drink as much as you did.

Again, you lie, lie, lie and lie. Your indignation over Trump is just laughable, partisan hate filled hack

March 25 2020, 6:33 a.m.

“We have a lot of people dying from the flu, as you know,” Donald Trump told reporters at the White House, as his attorney general, William Barr, stood far less than 6 feet behind him. “It looks like it could be over 50,000,” he said about the current flu season, later clarifying that he was referring to deaths from the flu, “not cases, 50,000 deaths, which is a lot.”

And two weeks later we shut down the economy ...

You're looking for particular posts and not the overall message. He started travel restrictions with China in January. Democrats attacked him. He started European. The European travel ban started earlier in March and Democrats attacked him.

I mean Democrats just have you tied around their little finger. You'll blame Trump for anything and Democrats for nothing ever

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