Trump Once Asked If Finland Was Part Of Russia

The amount of rationalization here is pathetic.

Obama thought that there were 57 states in America, yet that was excused by the left.

That's a lot bigger error that not knowing the current status of a minor power like Finland.
Thereā€™s a difference between a verbal mistake and asking an insane question. Saying 57 when you meant to say 47 is a simple mistake.

Asking if Finland is part of Russia demonstrates a fundamental lack of knowledge. We all know that Trump has very poor knowledge of the world. Why argue this point?

47 States, yes, much better
You're rationalizing Obama's mistake. Hey using your logic, not mine.

Did Obama ever ask anyone how many states there were?

This isnt a ā€œmistakeā€ from Trump. Itā€™s showing he lacks knowledge. He asked because he doesnā€™t know.

Of course it's a mistake quick name all 195 countries of the world today.

You canā€™t ā€œquicklyā€ name 195 of anything.

What was the mistake? He asked a question because he didnā€™t know.
THIS thread, however, is not discussing one of Trump's real short comings.
Really? Lack of knowledge about the world is a serious short coming by any stretch of the imagination. I love how people believe theyā€™re so even handed but just decide to ignore anything thatā€™s inconvenient to them.

Allegedly asking if Finland is part of Russia isn't a "lack of knowledge about the world" you fucking idiot

All it is yet another attempt by liberal douchebags to pretend as if they are intellectually superior to conservatives.

It's todays "Trump supporters are deplorables"
The amount of rationalization here is pathetic.

Obama thought that there were 57 states in America, yet that was excused by the left.

That's a lot bigger error that not knowing the current status of a minor power like Finland.
Thereā€™s a difference between a verbal mistake and asking an insane question. Saying 57 when you meant to say 47 is a simple mistake.

Asking if Finland is part of Russia demonstrates a fundamental lack of knowledge. We all know that Trump has very poor knowledge of the world. Why argue this point?

47 States, yes, much better
The question to Obama was how many states he had visited and he started thinking to himself, going from 50 and subtracting the three states he had not been to, arriving at 47 that he had visited.

Thatā€™s the context.

Sorry I know there are many criminal activities described in Bolton's Book but the lack of actual knowledge to doing his job just gets worse...

And before you go disgruntled employee... Bolton didn't testify against Trump and then there is the other people Trump hired...

Rex Tillerson:


Finland used to be part of Russia, and if Mr. Trump had an older globe in his office he wouldn't have necessarily known that.

Easy mistake to be made, not everyone knows everything, that's why Presidents keep experts around staff.

Finland really hasn't produced any notable world celebrities outside of Ludwig Borga and Minea Blomqvist, I can't think of any.
Finland has history of being at odds with Russia and fighting against being dominated and occupied by Russia. Also why Finland was an ally of Germany during WWII.
Helsinki was my favorite Europen capital to visit. It was clean, crime free and the Fins party hardy and drink like fish.
I used to go to Storyville in Helsinki. It had groups that played American jazz a lot. It was or is a very popular club and it also usually has or had a lot of Russians from St. Petersburg hanging out.
Helsinki is very picturesque too. I found Finnish food to be just so so for the most part.
The amount of rationalization here is pathetic.

Obama thought that there were 57 states in America, yet that was excused by the left.

That's a lot bigger error that not knowing the current status of a minor power like Finland.
Thereā€™s a difference between a verbal mistake and asking an insane question. Saying 57 when you meant to say 47 is a simple mistake.

Asking if Finland is part of Russia demonstrates a fundamental lack of knowledge. We all know that Trump has very poor knowledge of the world. Why argue this point?

47 States, yes, much better
The question to Obama was how many states he had visited and he started thinking to himself, going from 50 and subtracting the three states he had not been to, arriving at 47 that he had visited.

Thatā€™s the context.

Obviously saying 57 was a simple mistake, but of course you are - by your own definition - rationalizing again. You see it as a mistake because you want to. You see everything Trump does , even allegedly does, as proof that he's an idiot because you want to.
The amount of rationalization here is pathetic.

Obama thought that there were 57 states in America, yet that was excused by the left.

That's a lot bigger error that not knowing the current status of a minor power like Finland.
Thereā€™s a difference between a verbal mistake and asking an insane question. Saying 57 when you meant to say 47 is a simple mistake.

Asking if Finland is part of Russia demonstrates a fundamental lack of knowledge. We all know that Trump has very poor knowledge of the world. Why argue this point?

47 States, yes, much better
The question to Obama was how many states he had visited and he started thinking to himself, going from 50 and subtracting the three states he had not been to, arriving at 47 that he had visited.

Thatā€™s the context.

Obviously saying 57 was a simple mistake, but of course you are - by your own definition - rationalizing again. You see it as a mistake because you want to. You see everything Trump does , even allegedly does, as proof that he's an idiot because you want to.
Because the two scenarios are totally different.

Did Trump accidentally ask a silly question he knew the answer to?
The amount of rationalization here is pathetic.

Obama thought that there were 57 states in America, yet that was excused by the left.

That's a lot bigger error that not knowing the current status of a minor power like Finland.
Thereā€™s a difference between a verbal mistake and asking an insane question. Saying 57 when you meant to say 47 is a simple mistake.

Asking if Finland is part of Russia demonstrates a fundamental lack of knowledge. We all know that Trump has very poor knowledge of the world. Why argue this point?

47 States, yes, much better
The question to Obama was how many states he had visited and he started thinking to himself, going from 50 and subtracting the three states he had not been to, arriving at 47 that he had visited.

Thatā€™s the context.

Obviously saying 57 was a simple mistake, but of course you are - by your own definition - rationalizing again. You see it as a mistake because you want to. You see everything Trump does , even allegedly does, as proof that he's an idiot because you want to.
Because the two scenarios are totally different.

Did Trump accidentally ask a silly question he knew the answer to?

It wouldn't have been a "silly question" if Trump knew the answer and he was just putting his experts to the test to see how informed they are about international relations.

If the advisors didn't know about the Finnish Republic's current independent status, they would not be knowledgable enough to stay on board
Finland really hasn't produced any notable world celebrities outside of Ludwig Borga and Minea Blomqvist, I can't think of any.
Linus Torvalds, author of the Linux kernel. Finland was too close to Communist Russia for many, many years, though.

Anyone in Finland who can become famous or do something notable without being arrested is a fucking Swede.

The Finnish coat of arms is a castrated lion anymore, since it was changed because some felt the old traditional "artwork" was too offensive, and may not be construed as sufficiently inclusive of women.
The amount of rationalization here is pathetic.

Obama thought that there were 57 states in America, yet that was excused by the left.

That's a lot bigger error that not knowing the current status of a minor power like Finland.
Thereā€™s a difference between a verbal mistake and asking an insane question. Saying 57 when you meant to say 47 is a simple mistake.

Asking if Finland is part of Russia demonstrates a fundamental lack of knowledge. We all know that Trump has very poor knowledge of the world. Why argue this point?

47 States, yes, much better
The question to Obama was how many states he had visited and he started thinking to himself, going from 50 and subtracting the three states he had not been to, arriving at 47 that he had visited.

Thatā€™s the context.

Obviously saying 57 was a simple mistake, but of course you are - by your own definition - rationalizing again. You see it as a mistake because you want to. You see everything Trump does , even allegedly does, as proof that he's an idiot because you want to.
Because the two scenarios are totally different.

Did Trump accidentally ask a silly question he knew the answer to?

It wouldn't have been a "silly question" if Trump knew the answer and he was just putting his experts to the test to see how informed they are about international relations.

If the advisors didn't know about the Finnish Republic's current independent status, they would not be knowledgable enough to stay on board

Youā€™re either a complete idiot or a brilliant troll.

Carry on.
The amount of rationalization here is pathetic.
History not your friend, hell Finland helped Nazi Germany to attack the USSR.

Any 5th grader knows that.
I know it now but didn't know that as a fifth grader and I seriously doubt you did either. And I'd just about bet my bottom dollar that I'd kick your ass on the topics of geography and geo politics today. Three years living out of a suitcase doing geodetic work and another seven traveling extensively abroad for business has its side benefits.

Sorry I know there are many criminal activities described in Bolton's Book but the lack of actual knowledge to doing his job just gets worse...

And before you go disgruntled employee... Bolton didn't testify against Trump and then there is the other people Trump hired...

Rex Tillerson:

That's just horrible. least he's right most of TIME.... as opposed to Biden being wrong ALL OF THE TIME!!!
The amount of rationalization here is pathetic.
History not your friend, hell Finland helped Nazi Germany to attack the USSR.

Any 5th grader knows that.
History is my friend. Finland hasnā€™t been a part of Russia for 100 years. Itā€™d be akin to asking if Austria and Hungary were still the same country.
He must be a genius because most people didn't know it ever was.
Singling out episodes of ā€œobstruction of justice as a way of life.ā€
The other episodes that Mr. Bolton says the House should have investigated include Mr. Trumpā€™s willingness to intervene in Justice Department investigations against foreign companies to ā€œgive personal favors to dictators he liked.ā€ Mr. Bolton said it appeared to be ā€œobstruction of justice as a way of life.ā€

He singles out Halkbank of Turkey, a financial institution investigated for a multibillion-dollar scheme to evade American sanctions on Iran. At a side encounter during a Buenos Aires summit meeting in late 2018, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey handed Mr. Trump a memo by the law firm representing Halkbank, ā€œwhich Trump did nothing more than flip through before declaring he believed Halkbank was totally innocent.ā€ He then told Mr. Erdogan ā€œhe would take care of things.ā€

The amount of rationalization here is pathetic.
History not your friend, hell Finland helped Nazi Germany to attack the USSR.

Any 5th grader knows that.
History is my friend. Finland hasnā€™t been a part of Russia for 100 years. Itā€™d be akin to asking if Austria and Hungary were still the same country.
He must be a genius because most people didn't know it ever was.
So we should applaud him for his hilariously out of date knowledge?

You guys are too funny.

Sorry I know there are many criminal activities described in Bolton's Book but the lack of actual knowledge to doing his job just gets worse...

And before you go disgruntled employee... Bolton didn't testify against Trump and then there is the other people Trump hired...

Rex Tillerson:

At one point Russia thought Finland should be part of Russia. Besides BO once said there were 57 states. Now you have a point to this or just more hot air?
The amount of rationalization here is pathetic.
History not your friend, hell Finland helped Nazi Germany to attack the USSR.

Any 5th grader knows that.
I know it now but didn't know that as a fifth grader and I seriously doubt you did either. And I'd just about bet my bottom dollar that I'd kick your ass on the topics of geography and geo politics today. Three years living out of a suitcase doing geodetic work and another seven traveling extensively abroad for business has its side benefits.

Oh fucking please I am a wiz at history
The amount of rationalization here is pathetic.
History not your friend, hell Finland helped Nazi Germany to attack the USSR.

Any 5th grader knows that.
History is my friend. Finland hasnā€™t been a part of Russia for 100 years. Itā€™d be akin to asking if Austria and Hungary were still the same country.
He must be a genius because most people didn't know it ever was.
So we should applaud him for his hilariously out of date knowledge?

You guys are too funny.
I think we have worse problems in America, and clearly the left is bent on creating more.

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