Trump Once Asked If Finland Was Part Of Russia

The amount of rationalization here is pathetic.
History not your friend, hell Finland helped Nazi Germany to attack the USSR.

Any 5th grader knows that.
History is my friend. Finland hasn’t been a part of Russia for 100 years. It’d be akin to asking if Austria and Hungary were still the same country.
So you finnaly admit it now, instead of being an asshole?

You're rationalizing Obama's mistake. Hey using your logic, not mine.

Did Obama ever ask anyone how many states there were?

This isnt a “mistake” from Trump. It’s showing he lacks knowledge. He asked because he doesn’t know.
You're rationalizing Obama's mistake. Hey using your logic, not mine.

Did Obama ever ask anyone how many states there were?

This isnt a “mistake” from Trump. It’s showing he lacks knowledge. He asked because he doesn’t know.

STFU man, this is dumb and you know it.

For one we don't even know that it's true and for two even if it is true, who gives a shit. We literally have the dumbest people on the planet in Congress 90% of them make Trump look like a genuine MENSA member, so............

Sorry I know there are many criminal activities described in Bolton's Book but the lack of actual knowledge to doing his job just gets worse...

And before you go disgruntled employee... Bolton didn't testify against Trump and then there is the other people Trump hired...

Rex Tillerson:


Finland used to be part of Russia, and if Mr. Trump had an older globe in his office he wouldn't have necessarily known that.

Easy mistake to be made, not everyone knows everything, that's why Presidents keep experts around staff.

Finland really hasn't produced any notable world celebrities outside of Ludwig Borga and Minea Blomqvist, I can't think of any.
Finland has never been a part of russia nor was it a part of the soviet union. They guy and you are fucking idiots.
You're rationalizing Obama's mistake. Hey using your logic, not mine.

Did Obama ever ask anyone how many states there were?

This isnt a “mistake” from Trump. It’s showing he lacks knowledge. He asked because he doesn’t know.

STFU man, this is dumb and you know it.

For one we don't even know that it's true and for two even if it is true, who gives a shit. We literally have the dumbest people on the planet in Congress 90% of them make Trump look like a genuine MENSA member, so............

If Trump were in Congress, I wouldn’t have as much concern. Idiots in Congress aren’t nearly as dangerous as the dumbest man ever to hold the office of president.

You may not care that Trump has a fundamental lack of knowledge of the world that would embarrass a middle schooler, but I care. I actually think the president shouldn’t be this stupid.

Sorry I know there are many criminal activities described in Bolton's Book but the lack of actual knowledge to doing his job just gets worse...

And before you go disgruntled employee... Bolton didn't testify against Trump and then there is the other people Trump hired...

Rex Tillerson:


Finland used to be part of Russia, and if Mr. Trump had an older globe in his office he wouldn't have necessarily known that.

Easy mistake to be made, not everyone knows everything, that's why Presidents keep experts around staff.

Finland really hasn't produced any notable world celebrities outside of Ludwig Borga and Minea Blomqvist, I can't think of any.
Yes. Thank goodness we have experts who know Finland is not a part of Russia. I call these experts average 7th graders.

Ahmen. Thank God we also have experts that know Austrian isn’t a language
According a book written by his enemies...

Get the fuck out of here.
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You're rationalizing Obama's mistake. Hey using your logic, not mine.

Did Obama ever ask anyone how many states there were?

This isnt a “mistake” from Trump. It’s showing he lacks knowledge. He asked because he doesn’t know.

STFU man, this is dumb and you know it.

For one we don't even know that it's true and for two even if it is true, who gives a shit. We literally have the dumbest people on the planet in Congress 90% of them make Trump look like a genuine MENSA member, so............

If Trump were in Congress, I wouldn’t have as much concern. Idiots in Congress aren’t nearly as dangerous as the dumbest man ever to hold the office of president.

You may not care that Trump has a fundamental lack of knowledge of the world that would embarrass a middle schooler, but I care. I actually think the president shouldn’t be this stupid.

If Trump were a Democrat you would have ZERO concern. You know this, I know this, we all know this.

You see this is what happens when you're a partisan fuck stain in every single thread , who posts stupidity after stupidity in your pursuit of Trump. Hell , you may genuinely think it's a big deal that the President thought Finland was part of Russia, but you've been such a shit stick on this board that no one believes you, we just all assume you're being a shit stick again.

This is a direct result of your own dishonesty.

The very saddest part of all of it is that you will do ZERO self reflection .

"a President who didn't know that Finland isn't part of Russia is dangerous" LOL LOL LOL

I'll bet you any amount of money you want that Joe Biden couldn't even SPELL Finland, but he's got your vote in November, doesn't he.
There were quite a few countries that were 'part if Russia' at one time...

Is this what snowflake butt hurt has turned into?

If Trump were a Democrat you would have ZERO concern. You know this, I know this, we all know this.
If Trump were a Democrat he never would be president. He could only gain control by way of the Republican Party.

Bullshit, in fact at one time your last nominee wanted him to run for President, as a Democrat, if had been woke and pushed the left agenda and ran as a Democrat, you would have voted for him and loved it. Again your general dishonesty results in no one believing your protests.

And because, unlike you, I am a fundamentally fair and honest person, I will surely acknowledge that Trump has REAL short comings that many Republicans flat out ignored and continue to ignore simply because he's a Republican.

THIS thread, however, is not discussing one of Trump's real short comings.
The amount of rationalization here is pathetic.

Obama thought that there were 57 states in America, yet that was excused by the left.

That's a lot bigger error that not knowing the current status of a minor power like Finland.
There’s a difference between a verbal mistake and asking an insane question. Saying 57 when you meant to say 47 is a simple mistake.

Asking if Finland is part of Russia demonstrates a fundamental lack of knowledge. We all know that Trump has very poor knowledge of the world. Why argue this point?

Meant 47 states what the hell you talking about?
THIS thread, however, is not discussing one of Trump's real short comings.
Really? Lack of knowledge about the world is a serious short coming by any stretch of the imagination. I love how people believe they’re so even handed but just decide to ignore anything that’s inconvenient to them.

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