Trump Once Asked If Finland Was Part Of Russia

I asked for members of Congress
Well thatā€™s a lie.
Not a lie , a mistake, I wrote "national political figures" and then later thought I had written "members of Congress"

my mistake, you know sort of like "57 states"
If you say so.

So Obama gets your benefit of the doubt, but I do not.

Damn son, you just proved the exact point.

If YOU had made a similar error , I GUARANTEE I would have laughed and written something like "hey mistakes happen"

But you simply can't help being a judgemental elitist prick.

Yeah, I know. Heard it all before. But youā€™re just as jidgemental and elitist as me so sorry if I donā€™t really care what you think of me personally.

But at least I know that Finland is an independent country.
I'm judgmental as fuck, but I'm not an elitist. I actually think "The elite" are the dumbest of all of us.
You sure act like an elitist.
I asked for members of Congress
Well thatā€™s a lie.
Not a lie , a mistake, I wrote "national political figures" and then later thought I had written "members of Congress"

my mistake, you know sort of like "57 states"
If you say so.

So Obama gets your benefit of the doubt, but I do not.

Damn son, you just proved the exact point.

If YOU had made a similar error , I GUARANTEE I would have laughed and written something like "hey mistakes happen"

But you simply can't help being a judgemental elitist prick.

Yeah, I know. Heard it all before. But youā€™re just as jidgemental and elitist as me so sorry if I donā€™t really care what you think of me personally.

But at least I know that Finland is an independent country.
I'm judgmental as fuck, but I'm not an elitist. I actually think "The elite" are the dumbest of all of us.
You sure act like an elitist.

what a crock.

I do act like someone who is smarter than 90% of Americans, but sadly that is no mean feat.

Sorry I know there are many criminal activities described in Bolton's Book but the lack of actual knowledge to doing his job just gets worse...

And before you go disgruntled employee... Bolton didn't testify against Trump and then there is the other people Trump hired...

Rex Tillerson:


1) Obama made a more elementary flub when, during the 2008 campaign, he said: ā€œIā€™ve now been in 57 states-I think one left to go.ā€
2) "A comrade of yours, Jared Monti, was the first person who I was able to award the Medal of Honor to who actually came back and wasnā€™t receiving it posthumously.ā€
Wrong hero.
3) President Obama signed the guest book and dated it 24 May 2008. Oops. It was 2011.
4) ā€œSen. Clinton, I think, is much better known, coming from a nearby state of Arkansas Obamaā€™s home state of Illinois, and not Arkansas, shares a border with Kentucky.
5) ā€œI donā€™t know what the term is in Austrianā€ for ā€œwheeling and dealing.ā€ Oops, Mr. President. There is no Austrian language.
6) ā€In case you missed it, this week, there was a tragedy in Kansas. Ten thousand people died-an entire town destroyed.ā€ He was only off by 9,988 as the twister
killed 12 people.
7) In his remarks, Obama made a reference to daughter Malia, saying she was 13 years old, when at the time she was 12.
8) "No, no. I have been practicing. ā€¦ I bowled a 129. Itā€™s like-it was like Special Olympics, or something.ā€
9) What I was suggesting-youā€™re absolutely right that John McCain has not talked about my Muslim faith
10) And that really famous gaffe.."while in Kansas City, Missouri, Aug. 25, 2008. Navy Corpse-Man Christian Brossard." ā€“mispronouncing "Corpsman"! Geez!
Remember this is the same guy that those rough and tough "journalists" declared :
Evan Thomas "I mean in a way Obama's standing above the country, above above the world, he's sort of God."
Chris Matthews' "I felt this thrill going up my leg. I mean, I don't have that too often. No, seriously. It's a dramatic event."

Yea the MSM have been so soft on Obama not any of them really were as Trump described them "hateful" tone during Obama's terms.
Finland used to be part of Russia, and if Mr. Trump had an older globe in his office he wouldn't have necessarily known that.
Trump.........paying attention to a historical map.............. :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: ...............hilarious.
Obama claimed there are 57 States, and itā€™s not hearsay. Itā€™s on fucking video.
And before you go disgruntled employee... Bolton didn't testify against Trump
Bolton would not have made any money by testifying against trump

this way he gets to sell a book and cannot be prosecuted for lying since the book is not published under oath
The amount of rationalization here is pathetic.
History not your friend, hell Finland helped Nazi Germany to attack the USSR.

Any 5th grader knows that.
History is my friend. Finland hasnā€™t been a part of Russia for 100 years. Itā€™d be akin to asking if Austria and Hungary were still the same country.

I get it.... it would be akin to saying Austria speaks Austrian.... oh wait.... the kenyan klown fucked that up. Let me think of a better example and get back to you.
Trump should have asked Barron. They're on the same education level.

I'm sure President Trump would like to thank you for the compliment...
Barron's IQ is 146, speaks 2 additional languages beyond English, very athletic & unlike even most adults Barron not only has goals but works very focused & extremely hard to achieve them...
Trivia. Finland was caught in between Russia and Sweden in may wars throughout the Middle Ages, struggling for independence from enemies on both sides.
Barron's IQ is 146, speaks 2 additional languages beyond English,
And if people speak English as a second or third language, just drop 100 from the IQ and that leaves 46.
7) In his remarks, Obama made a reference to daughter Malia, saying she was 13 years old, when at the time she was 12.
Could be life begins at conception rather than birth, or else some dude is waiting for a girl to reach an "age of consent" for his gentlemanly propositions. Otherwise it's a thirteenth birthday party and she hasn't blown out the candles on her cake yet.
There is no Austrian language.
That is absurd. Austrians are not deaf, dumb, and illiterate.

What is a "language" in its own right versus a "dialect" or distinct local "idiom" is subject to much argument and disputation.

I could argue that Swedish, Norwegian (nynorsk, bokmƄl, etc.) and Danish are all dialects of the same language, since speakers of all three languages including both official dialects of Norwegian can all understand each other fluently without difficulty, but national pride keeps them classified officially as separate and distinct languages rather than regional dialects of the same Nordic language.

Or consider the various dialects of Chinese which have nothing in common but are classified as dialects of the same language under a nationalistic "one China" policy.

I am certain Austria as well as Switzerland has its own regional dialects of German, Italian, French, and Hungarian.

Sorry I know there are many criminal activities described in Bolton's Book but the lack of actual knowledge to doing his job just gets worse...

And before you go disgruntled employee... Bolton didn't testify against Trump and then there is the other people Trump hired...

Rex Tillerson:


Biden doesnt know what office he is running for...and its on video.

Look at this stupid shit


Sorry I know there are many criminal activities described in Bolton's Book but the lack of actual knowledge to doing his job just gets worse...

And before you go disgruntled employee... Bolton didn't testify against Trump and then there is the other people Trump hired...

Rex Tillerson:


What an idiot. Everyone knows Finland is part of a giant fish-shaped island.

Some people..... :rolleyes-41:
Trivia. Finland was caught in between Russia and Sweden in may wars throughout the Middle Ages, struggling for independence from enemies on both sides.
Barron's IQ is 146, speaks 2 additional languages beyond English,
And if people speak English as a second or third language, just drop 100 from the IQ and that leaves 46.
7) In his remarks, Obama made a reference to daughter Malia, saying she was 13 years old, when at the time she was 12.
Could be life begins at conception rather than birth, or else some dude is waiting for a girl to reach an "age of consent" for his gentlemanly propositions. Otherwise it's a thirteenth birthday party and she hasn't blown out the candles on her cake yet.
There is no Austrian language.
That is absurd. Austrians are not deaf, dumb, and illiterate.

What is a "language" in its own right versus a "dialect" or distinct local "idiom" is subject to much argument and disputation.

I could argue that Swedish, Norwegian (nynorsk, bokmƄl, etc.) and Danish are all dialects of the same language, since speakers of all three languages including both official dialects of Norwegian can all understand each other fluently without difficulty, but national pride keeps them classified officially as separate and distinct languages rather than regional dialects of the same Nordic language.

Or consider the various dialects of Chinese which have nothing in common but are classified as dialects of the same language under a nationalistic "one China" policy.

I am certain Austria as well as Switzerland has its own regional dialects of German, Italian, French, and Hungarian.

American President Barack Hussein Obama, speaking in front of an audience at a NATO Conference refers to the Austrian Language. Problem is there is no language of Austrian.
Languages of Austria - Wikipedia

Languages of Austria - Wikipedia
German is the national official language and constitutes a lingua franca and de facto first language: most Austrians other than (mostly rural) seniors are able to speak it. It is the language used in media, in schools, and formal announcements. The variety of German used, Austrian German, is partially influenced by Austro-Bavarian. Alemannic
Trivia. Finland was caught in between Russia and Sweden in may wars throughout the Middle Ages, struggling for independence from enemies on both sides.
Barron's IQ is 146, speaks 2 additional languages beyond English,
And if people speak English as a second or third language, just drop 100 from the IQ and that leaves 46.
7) In his remarks, Obama made a reference to daughter Malia, saying she was 13 years old, when at the time she was 12.
Could be life begins at conception rather than birth, or else some dude is waiting for a girl to reach an "age of consent" for his gentlemanly propositions. Otherwise it's a thirteenth birthday party and she hasn't blown out the candles on her cake yet.
There is no Austrian language.
That is absurd. Austrians are not deaf, dumb, and illiterate.

What is a "language" in its own right versus a "dialect" or distinct local "idiom" is subject to much argument and disputation.

I could argue that Swedish, Norwegian (nynorsk, bokmƄl, etc.) and Danish are all dialects of the same language, since speakers of all three languages including both official dialects of Norwegian can all understand each other fluently without difficulty, but national pride keeps them classified officially as separate and distinct languages rather than regional dialects of the same Nordic language.

Or consider the various dialects of Chinese which have nothing in common but are classified as dialects of the same language under a nationalistic "one China" policy.

I am certain Austria as well as Switzerland has its own regional dialects of German, Italian, French, and Hungarian.

FACTS of which you provided NONE! Just your guesses..
Barron's IQ is 146, speaks 2 additional languages beyond English, and your retort:
And if people speak English as a second or third language, just drop 100 from the IQ and that leaves 46.

Once again another example of YOUR IQ as you provided NO LINK to refute the statement.
Try to be a little more scholarly and less xenophobic!

Barron Trump's IQ 146.
  • Barron Trump's IQ is estimated at 146, which is considered as a genius and in the top 0.1% of the population in the world.
  • Thanks to his mother, Melania Trump, who can speak fluent Slovenian and English, so does Barron Trump. In addition, he can speak French. He learned Slovenian at a very young age. Melania Trump said in an interview with People magazine, 2015, that Barron Trump spoke his native language when he was only 3 years old.
Source : What is BARRON TRUMP IQ Score? 11 things to know about him
Barron's IQ is 146, speaks 2 additional languages beyond English, and your retort:
And if people speak English as a second or third language, just drop 100 from the IQ and that leaves 46.

Once again another example of YOUR IQ as you provided NO LINK to refute the statement.
Try to be a little more scholarly and less xenophobic!
I'm not saying the guy isn't smart. It's just that the whole idea of IQ originates from Democrat psychologists and psychiatrists --- it's usually a Democrat family sets somebody like Rosemary Kennedy or Hunter Biden up with a shrink, if the patient can't independently come up with a $100 bill at every appointment to stay out of the psychiatric ward, mental hospital, or insane asylum, or more than the family is offering for a civil commitment on a contingency basis, guns are banned, civil rights revoked, which counts as a victory for Democrat police and prosecutors the world over.

Those very same liberal Democrat / RINO idiot savants like Marty Nemko and Marilyn vos Savant are serving the rest of us who don't belong to their Democrat high-IQ city hall club with civil suits to have us adjudicated as "mental defectives" in a court of law, for life, without recourse, and without responsibility for their professional malpractice.

Sorry I know there are many criminal activities described in Bolton's Book but the lack of actual knowledge to doing his job just gets worse...

And before you go disgruntled employee... Bolton didn't testify against Trump and then there is the other people Trump hired...

Rex Tillerson:

Obama didn't know how many states we have. lol

Barron's IQ is 146, speaks 2 additional languages beyond English, and your retort:
And if people speak English as a second or third language, just drop 100 from the IQ and that leaves 46.

Once again another example of YOUR IQ as you provided NO LINK to refute the statement.
Try to be a little more scholarly and less xenophobic!
I'm not saying the guy isn't smart. It's just that the whole idea of IQ originates from Democrat psychologists and psychiatrists --- it's usually a Democrat family sets somebody like Rosemary Kennedy or Hunter Biden up with a shrink, if the patient can't independently come up with a $100 bill at every appointment to stay out of the psychiatric ward, mental hospital, or insane asylum, or more than the family is offering for a civil commitment on a contingency basis, guns are banned, civil rights revoked, which counts as a victory for Democrat police and prosecutors the world over.

Those very same liberal Democrat / RINO idiot savants like Marty Nemko and Marilyn vos Savant are serving the rest of us who don't belong to their Democrat high-IQ city hall club with civil suits to have us adjudicated as "mental defectives" in a court of law, for life, without recourse, and without responsibility for their professional malpractice.
I understand now where you are coming from. Thanks for the explanation.

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