Trump Once Asked If Finland Was Part Of Russia

You're rationalizing Obama's mistake. Hey using your logic, not mine.

Did Obama ever ask anyone how many states there were?

This isnt a ā€œmistakeā€ from Trump. Itā€™s showing he lacks knowledge. He asked because he doesnā€™t know.

Of course it's a mistake quick name all 195 countries of the world today.

You canā€™t ā€œquicklyā€ name 195 of anything.

What was the mistake? He asked a question because he didnā€™t know.
So what?
Singling out episodes of ā€œobstruction of justice as a way of life.ā€
The other episodes that Mr. Bolton says the House should have investigated include Mr. Trumpā€™s willingness to intervene in Justice Department investigations against foreign companies to ā€œgive personal favors to dictators he liked.ā€ Mr. Bolton said it appeared to be ā€œobstruction of justice as a way of life.ā€

He singles out Halkbank of Turkey, a financial institution investigated for a multibillion-dollar scheme to evade American sanctions on Iran. At a side encounter during a Buenos Aires summit meeting in late 2018, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey handed Mr. Trump a memo by the law firm representing Halkbank, ā€œwhich Trump did nothing more than flip through before declaring he believed Halkbank was totally innocent.ā€ He then told Mr. Erdogan ā€œhe would take care of things.ā€

Since when did Bolton get such street-cred with leftard? Libs wouldn't give him an up-or-down vote in the Senate when President Bush nominated him for the UN gig.

Sorry I know there are many criminal activities described in Bolton's Book but the lack of actual knowledge to doing his job just gets worse...

And before you go disgruntled employee... Bolton didn't testify against Trump and then there is the other people Trump hired...

Rex Tillerson:

57 states. Just think of the rest he didn't know. A pot head. A coke head. Angel dust.......And he had 8 years of the Presidency.
Allegedly asking if Finland is part of Russia isn't a "lack of knowledge about the world" you fucking idiot
Of course it is. It demonstrates that he didnā€™t know Finland wasnā€™t a part of Russia.

There are a lot of very intelligent conservatives. Trump isnā€™t one of them.

Name 5 conservatives you consider to be very intelligent

Conversely name 5 liberals you think are idiots.

I'm talking about national political figures.

Sorry I know there are many criminal activities described in Bolton's Book but the lack of actual knowledge to doing his job just gets worse...

And before you go disgruntled employee... Bolton didn't testify against Trump and then there is the other people Trump hired...

Rex Tillerson:


So what? I'd bet a large sum of money that most Americans couldn't find Finland on a globe. Hardly a requirement of the job.

And if you don't think Obama or even Clinton , who most certainly is the smartest President in my lifetime at least occasionally said dumb things or asked dumb questions, well...............

What a fine young idiot you are. Being able to find Finland on the globe, is most definitely a requirement of the job. In fact, a knowledge of geography, history, and the basic strategic importance of each first world country, at graduate level of knowledge is one of the FIRST requirements of the job.

W's utter lack of knowledge of world geography and history is why the USA has been at war for the past 18 years. Afghanistan is the most invaded country on earth - standing at the crossroads of Europe and Asia, and controlling access to both. The Afghan people have resisted every conqueror throughout history, starting with Alexander the Great, who was able to claim a path through to India, but little else. The Afghans have never been completely conquered, although some parts of the country have fallen to invaders if only briefly. Even the Russian army couldn't defeat them. The Russian Army's loss to a primitive, tribal people is considered to be their Viet Nam.

Anyone with a knowledge of history and georgraphy would not have invaded Afghanistan. W, the C student party boy, had no knowledge of either.

Last but not least, FuckBoi, every President misspeaks and says something stupid. Once in a while. Trump does it every time he gets in front of a microphone. Every other President, laughs about it later, and says "Yeah, you got me. I was really tired that day, and jet lagged. I was a long campaign". And everyone moves on except the right, which repeats the gaffe endlessly.

But not Trump. He blows his every gaffe up into a three day incident of denial, doubling down, accusing the press of all sorts of things, and demanding his administration back up his gaffe. Take "SharpieGate" as an example. Trump misspoke and said that Alabama was threatened by the hurricane, when it wasn't. Trump misspoke. Instead of saying, yes, I misspoke, Trump insisted that he had been given a map by the US Weather Service, which showed the danger area including Alabama. Later, he produced a weather map with a large bulge in the path of the hurricane, drawn with a black Sharpie, to back up his assertion. When people laughed and send you drew that yourself, he ordered his scientists to issue a statement backing up his false assertion, which they did. The Department swore they had initially had concerns about Alabama in an earlier map, although they couldn't produce any such map. All because the President misspoke.

Now you may think "So what?" But thousands of frightened citizens in Alabama made a run on building supply and grocery stores to prepare for the storm, and the local weather offices were flooded with calls from concerned citizens wanting more information on when the storm would hit, and what sort of damage should they be preparing for. The US Weather Service is now up on the carpet with the it's scientific oversight group and may lose their certification and standing for putting out false information to the public based on political concerns, and having no validity in science or in fact.

What the President says and does has consequences. It's the chaos theory writ large. When you release an unknown variable into the system, you have no idea of what can happen as a result. How many people were killed by Trump's claims that Hydrochoroquine was an effective treatment.

The current President's "gaffes" are endangering lives.

Sorry I know there are many criminal activities described in Bolton's Book but the lack of actual knowledge to doing his job just gets worse...

And before you go disgruntled employee... Bolton didn't testify against Trump and then there is the other people Trump hired...

Rex Tillerson:


Finland used to be part of Russia, and if Mr. Trump had an older globe in his office he wouldn't have necessarily known that.

Easy mistake to be made, not everyone knows everything, that's why Presidents keep experts around staff.

Finland really hasn't produced any notable world celebrities outside of Ludwig Borga and Minea Blomqvist, I can't think of any.

I guess that he does not count as a "world celebrity," but I have read that Finland had a General Mannerheim, who did such a good job in fighting the USSR that even Marshal Stalin respected him.

And, yeah, at least the President knows that there used to be a close relationship between those two countries. Most Americans, of course, could not even find Finland on a map to save their lives!

Neither can tRump, don't kid yourself!
Allegedly asking if Finland is part of Russia isn't a "lack of knowledge about the world" you fucking idiot
Of course it is. It demonstrates that he didnā€™t know Finland wasnā€™t a part of Russia.

There are a lot of very intelligent conservatives. Trump isnā€™t one of them.

Name 5 conservatives you consider to be very intelligent

Conversely name 5 liberals you think are idiots.

I'm talking about national political figures.

You first FuckBoi.
Captain Know-Nothing also wasn't aware that the UK has nukes.
Probably a good thing he found out in time. He'd been considering nuking them. :)


Sorry I know there are many criminal activities described in Bolton's Book but the lack of actual knowledge to doing his job just gets worse...

And before you go disgruntled employee... Bolton didn't testify against Trump and then there is the other people Trump hired...

Rex Tillerson:


So what? I'd bet a large sum of money that most Americans couldn't find Finland on a globe. Hardly a requirement of the job.

And if you don't think Obama or even Clinton , who most certainly is the smartest President in my lifetime at least occasionally said dumb things or asked dumb questions, well...............

What a fine young idiot you are. Being able to find Finland on the globe, is most definitely a requirement of the job. In fact, a knowledge of geography, history, and the basic strategic importance of each first world country, at graduate level of knowledge is one of the FIRST requirements of the job.

W's utter lack of knowledge of world geography and history is why the USA has been at war for the past 18 years. Afghanistan is the most invaded country on earth - standing at the crossroads of Europe and Asia, and controlling access to both. The Afghan people have resisted every conqueror throughout history, starting with Alexander the Great, who was able to claim a path through to India, but little else. The Afghans have never been completely conquered, although some parts of the country have fallen to invaders if only briefly. Even the Russian army couldn't defeat them. The Russian Army's loss to a primitive, tribal people is considered to be their Viet Nam.

Anyone with a knowledge of history and georgraphy would not have invaded Afghanistan. W, the C student party boy, had no knowledge of either.

Last but not least, FuckBoi, every President misspeaks and says something stupid. Once in a while. Trump does it every time he gets in front of a microphone. Every other President, laughs about it later, and says "Yeah, you got me. I was really tired that day, and jet lagged. I was a long campaign". And everyone moves on except the right, which repeats the gaffe endlessly.

But not Trump. He blows his every gaffe up into a three day incident of denial, doubling down, accusing the press of all sorts of things, and demanding his administration back up his gaffe. Take "SharpieGate" as an example. Trump misspoke and said that Alabama was threatened by the hurricane, when it wasn't. Trump misspoke. Instead of saying, yes, I misspoke, Trump insisted that he had been given a map by the US Weather Service, which showed the danger area including Alabama. Later, he produced a weather map with a large bulge in the path of the hurricane, drawn with a black Sharpie, to back up his assertion. When people laughed and send you drew that yourself, he ordered his scientists to issue a statement backing up his false assertion, which they did. The Department swore they had initially had concerns about Alabama in an earlier map, although they couldn't produce any such map. All because the President misspoke.

Now you may think "So what?" But thousands of frightened citizens in Alabama made a run on building supply and grocery stores to prepare for the storm, and the local weather offices were flooded with calls from concerned citizens wanting more information on when the storm would hit, and what sort of damage should they be preparing for. The US Weather Service is now up on the carpet with the it's scientific oversight group and may lose their certification and standing for putting out false information to the public based on political concerns, and having no validity in science or in fact.

What the President says and does has consequences. It's the chaos theory writ large. When you release an unknown variable into the system, you have no idea of what can happen as a result. How many people were killed by Trump's claims that Hydrochoroquine was an effective treatment.

The current President's "gaffes" are endangering lives.

wait a minute

If Bush's stupidity got us into wars, how did Obama's superior intelligence only make things worse? Meanwhile dumb old Trump has decreased our presence in the ME?

Watching liberals twist themselves in knots trying to convince people that they are intellectually superior is hilarious indeed.

And of course, let's not forget that all we have to go on about this is the word of a disgruntled war monger whom the left also thought an idiot until well until the day Trump fired him then of course he became a smart, thoughtful, honest person.

What a load of horseshit.
You're rationalizing Obama's mistake. Hey using your logic, not mine.

Did Obama ever ask anyone how many states there were?

This isnt a ā€œmistakeā€ from Trump. Itā€™s showing he lacks knowledge. He asked because he doesnā€™t know.

STFU man, this is dumb and you know it.

For one we don't even know that it's true and for two even if it is true, who gives a shit. We literally have the dumbest people on the planet in Congress 90% of them make Trump look like a genuine MENSA member, so............

Nah, only tRumptards make tRump look like a MENSA member.
You're rationalizing Obama's mistake. Hey using your logic, not mine.

Did Obama ever ask anyone how many states there were?

This isnt a ā€œmistakeā€ from Trump. Itā€™s showing he lacks knowledge. He asked because he doesnā€™t know.

STFU man, this is dumb and you know it.

For one we don't even know that it's true and for two even if it is true, who gives a shit. We literally have the dumbest people on the planet in Congress 90% of them make Trump look like a genuine MENSA member, so............

Nah, only tRumptards make tRump look like a MENSA member.

what a thoughtful well crafted response.
Allegedly asking if Finland is part of Russia isn't a "lack of knowledge about the world" you fucking idiot
Of course it is. It demonstrates that he didnā€™t know Finland wasnā€™t a part of Russia.

There are a lot of very intelligent conservatives. Trump isnā€™t one of them.

Name 5 conservatives you consider to be very intelligent

Conversely name 5 liberals you think are idiots.

I'm talking about national political figures.

You first FuckBoi.

Proving you truly are stupid I'm well on record as stating that I believe the leadership of the Democratic members of Congress are smarter than the leaders of the Republican members of Congress.

In other words you dumb twat I've claimed that there smart Democrats and named them before, as well as naming dumb Republicans. I already did what you demanded I do first, but of course Colfax won't touch my question with a ten foot poll because as usual with liberal shit bags you dishonest fucks never tell the truth about anything.
You're rationalizing Obama's mistake. Hey using your logic, not mine.

Did Obama ever ask anyone how many states there were?

This isnt a ā€œmistakeā€ from Trump. Itā€™s showing he lacks knowledge. He asked because he doesnā€™t know.

STFU man, this is dumb and you know it.

For one we don't even know that it's true and for two even if it is true, who gives a shit. We literally have the dumbest people on the planet in Congress 90% of them make Trump look like a genuine MENSA member, so............

Nah, only tRumptards make tRump look like a MENSA member.

what a thoughtful well crafted response.

Compared to yours or tRump's, you bet!

Sorry I know there are many criminal activities described in Bolton's Book but the lack of actual knowledge to doing his job just gets worse...

And before you go disgruntled employee... Bolton didn't testify against Trump and then there is the other people Trump hired...

Rex Tillerson:


Finland used to be part of Russia, and if Mr. Trump had an older globe in his office he wouldn't have necessarily known that.

Easy mistake to be made, not everyone knows everything, that's why Presidents keep experts around staff.

Finland really hasn't produced any notable world celebrities outside of Ludwig Borga and Minea Blomqvist, I can't think of any.
Allegedly asking if Finland is part of Russia isn't a "lack of knowledge about the world" you fucking idiot
Of course it is. It demonstrates that he didnā€™t know Finland wasnā€™t a part of Russia.

There are a lot of very intelligent conservatives. Trump isnā€™t one of them.

But it's true. Finland was once Finlanistan - But that was before they started raking their forests.


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