Trump: Only fools and haters object US/Russia good relationship

Have nothing bad to say about the Russian people, because of Putin's media control we don't know much, just don't trust the man.
Have nothing bad to say about the Russian people, because of Putin's media control we don't know much, just don't trust the man.

I don't think that "don't trust" thing is exclusive to Putin, I think we need to be wary of all foreign leaders - not because they're up to no good, but rather because they are going to try to get the best for their nation, even if that means we get the short end of the stick. Blind trust is how we end up with massive trade deficits and shit...

Declassified report says Putin ‘ordered’ effort to undermine faith in U.S. election and help Trump

Do you get paid to spread Russian propaganda? Come clean.

Was Obama lying?

Retard, no one ever claimed that Russians hacked actual vote tallies.

They committed gross acts of wire fraud against our political and electoral institutions with a side of a huge propaganda and disinformation campaign.

BTW, Ukraine meddled in your election


BTW Lets start with he fact that Ukraine didn't break our laws.

They didn't hack our political organizations and they didn't have a campaign to spread fake stories here in the states..

Just another ridiculous attempt at equivalency.

There is no way to prove whom hacked shit, IPs are not traceable on the dark web, the software used was over 2 years old (and I highly doubt the Russian government would be using freely available hacking software when they can write their own "brand new" software that would get around way more security protocols.)

I think it's far more realistic to argue that "someone" hacked Clinton; then they sold/gave it to Wikileaks (who is not a Russian group, but rather Australian) or maybe they gave it to Russia who gave it to Wikileaks.

As for the DNC thing, Wikileaks said it was an inside job and came from a disgruntled Bernie supporter. Why would he lie about that? I mean you'd have to argue that he had some ties to Russia, except they went after Putin and tried to stop him from becoming president - I mean seriously most of the shit ya'll spout about Putin being some kind of KGB sleeper who wants to bring back the USSR comes from Wikileaks publications back in 2000; Assange thinks Putin's a smuck for the Crimea thing. He also think's that President Trump is an idiot. Assange was against both of them, but you folks are "seriously" arguing that he's de facto working for them both - it's a fantasy that you folks would rather believe than the truth. It's not healthy, its not good for the nation, it's not good for justice, nor America's reputation. Ya'll need to just stop with the uninformed bullshit and let the investigation finish.

Speaking of uninformed bullshit, Julian Assange hates Hillary Clinton with an unrelenting passion because she essentially said she’d be quite happy to see him dead. He would do ANYTHING to bring her down including work with Putin.

Assange, Avowed Foe of Clinton, Timed Email Release for Democratic Convention

Furthermore, WikiLeaks has NEVER said that the source was inside the DNC, only that it wasn’t the Russian government or any other “state” source.

Julian Assange's claim about the source of DNC emails is disproved by WikiLeaks' own website
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Was Obama lying?

Retard, no one ever claimed that Russians hacked actual vote tallies.

They committed gross acts of wire fraud against our political and electoral institutions with a side of a huge propaganda and disinformation campaign.

BTW, Ukraine meddled in your election


BTW Lets start with he fact that Ukraine didn't break our laws.

They didn't hack our political organizations and they didn't have a campaign to spread fake stories here in the states..

Just another ridiculous attempt at equivalency.

There is no way to prove whom hacked shit, IPs are not traceable on the dark web, the software used was over 2 years old (and I highly doubt the Russian government would be using freely available hacking software when they can write their own "brand new" software that would get around way more security protocols.)

I think it's far more realistic to argue that "someone" hacked Clinton; then they sold/gave it to Wikileaks (who is not a Russian group, but rather Australian) or maybe they gave it to Russia who gave it to Wikileaks.

As for the DNC thing, Wikileaks said it was an inside job and came from a disgruntled Bernie supporter. Why would he lie about that? I mean you'd have to argue that he had some ties to Russia, except they went after Putin and tried to stop him from becoming president - I mean seriously most of the shit ya'll spout about Putin being some kind of KGB sleeper who wants to bring back the USSR comes from Wikileaks publications back in 2000; Assange thinks Putin's a smuck for the Crimea thing. He also think's that President Trump is an idiot. Assange was against both of them, but you folks are "seriously" arguing that he's de facto working for them both - it's a fantasy that you folks would rather believe than the truth. It's not healthy, its not good for the nation, it's not good for justice, nor America's reputation. Ya'll need to just stop with the uninformed bullshit and let the investigation finish.

View attachment 160951

Such a young, handsome guy lost his life just because somebody in DNC didn't want Americans to know the dirty truth about DNC and Hillary.

Another Russian troll farm worker lying about Seth Rich. The story that Seth Rich, the guy with NO ACCESS TO DNC emails, was the WiliLeaks source. The DC police, the FBI, the Rich Family, and the investigator that Sean Hannity used as a source for his fake documentary all say this is a lie.
Was Obama lying?

Retard, no one ever claimed that Russians hacked actual vote tallies.

They committed gross acts of wire fraud against our political and electoral institutions with a side of a huge propaganda and disinformation campaign.

BTW, Ukraine meddled in your election


BTW Lets start with he fact that Ukraine didn't break our laws.

They didn't hack our political organizations and they didn't have a campaign to spread fake stories here in the states..

Just another ridiculous attempt at equivalency.

There is no way to prove whom hacked shit, IPs are not traceable on the dark web, the software used was over 2 years old (and I highly doubt the Russian government would be using freely available hacking software when they can write their own "brand new" software that would get around way more security protocols.)

I think it's far more realistic to argue that "someone" hacked Clinton; then they sold/gave it to Wikileaks (who is not a Russian group, but rather Australian) or maybe they gave it to Russia who gave it to Wikileaks.

As for the DNC thing, Wikileaks said it was an inside job and came from a disgruntled Bernie supporter. Why would he lie about that? I mean you'd have to argue that he had some ties to Russia, except they went after Putin and tried to stop him from becoming president - I mean seriously most of the shit ya'll spout about Putin being some kind of KGB sleeper who wants to bring back the USSR comes from Wikileaks publications back in 2000; Assange thinks Putin's a smuck for the Crimea thing. He also think's that President Trump is an idiot. Assange was against both of them, but you folks are "seriously" arguing that he's de facto working for them both - it's a fantasy that you folks would rather believe than the truth. It's not healthy, its not good for the nation, it's not good for justice, nor America's reputation. Ya'll need to just stop with the uninformed bullshit and let the investigation finish.

Speaking of uninformed bullshit, Julian Assange hates Hillary Clinton with an unrelenting passion because she essentially said she’d be quite happy to see him dead. He would do ANYTHING to bring her down including work with Putin.

Assange, Avowed Foe of Clinton, Timed Email Release for Democratic Convention

Furthermore, WikiLeaks has NEVER said that the source was inside the DNC, only that it wasn’t the Russian government or any other “state” source.

Julian Assange's claim about the source of DNC emails is disproved by WikiLeaks' own website

All the sane part of the world hates Hillary. Assange just made her crimes available for the public, at least for those who care.

BTW, Ukraine meddled in your election


BTW Lets start with he fact that Ukraine didn't break our laws.

They didn't hack our political organizations and they didn't have a campaign to spread fake stories here in the states..

Just another ridiculous attempt at equivalency.

There is no way to prove whom hacked shit, IPs are not traceable on the dark web, the software used was over 2 years old (and I highly doubt the Russian government would be using freely available hacking software when they can write their own "brand new" software that would get around way more security protocols.)

I think it's far more realistic to argue that "someone" hacked Clinton; then they sold/gave it to Wikileaks (who is not a Russian group, but rather Australian) or maybe they gave it to Russia who gave it to Wikileaks.

As for the DNC thing, Wikileaks said it was an inside job and came from a disgruntled Bernie supporter. Why would he lie about that? I mean you'd have to argue that he had some ties to Russia, except they went after Putin and tried to stop him from becoming president - I mean seriously most of the shit ya'll spout about Putin being some kind of KGB sleeper who wants to bring back the USSR comes from Wikileaks publications back in 2000; Assange thinks Putin's a smuck for the Crimea thing. He also think's that President Trump is an idiot. Assange was against both of them, but you folks are "seriously" arguing that he's de facto working for them both - it's a fantasy that you folks would rather believe than the truth. It's not healthy, its not good for the nation, it's not good for justice, nor America's reputation. Ya'll need to just stop with the uninformed bullshit and let the investigation finish.
View attachment 160951

Such a young, handsome guy lost his life just because somebody in DNC didn't want Americans to know the dirty truth about DNC and Hillary.

Rich's family has pleaded for you nutters to stop spreading conspiracy theories about their dead son.

So how about you show a bit of respect towards them and STFU already.

We’re Seth Rich’s parents. Stop politicizing our son’s murder.
It's very fair to demand some respect to Seth's memory and to his family. And I think it would be same fair to demand some respect to Nemtsov's memory and to stop screaming "Putin is killing his opposition!!!", which you liberals have been enjoying doing. Also it would be fair to pay some respect to Trump and his family, whom you liberals keep trashing 24/7 for more than a year: calling his wife bad names, mocking his little son and even posting the threads about the size of Trump's d*ck (I remember that shameful thread very well from last year).

That would be fair to pay some respect to President and his family as well, don't you think? Let's respect everybody same way and stop politicizing murders same way.

:rolleyes: No I don’t think that we should respect daily lying, amoral pieces of shit like our president.

If you can show me disrespecting reasonable wishes of parents of the dead I’d have no problem correcting myself. Nemtsov’s perhaps???

Otherwise stop trying make false equivalence and stop spreading bullshit about Rich Seth’s murder.

BTW Lets start with he fact that Ukraine didn't break our laws.

They didn't hack our political organizations and they didn't have a campaign to spread fake stories here in the states..

Just another ridiculous attempt at equivalency.

There is no way to prove whom hacked shit, IPs are not traceable on the dark web, the software used was over 2 years old (and I highly doubt the Russian government would be using freely available hacking software when they can write their own "brand new" software that would get around way more security protocols.)

I think it's far more realistic to argue that "someone" hacked Clinton; then they sold/gave it to Wikileaks (who is not a Russian group, but rather Australian) or maybe they gave it to Russia who gave it to Wikileaks.

As for the DNC thing, Wikileaks said it was an inside job and came from a disgruntled Bernie supporter. Why would he lie about that? I mean you'd have to argue that he had some ties to Russia, except they went after Putin and tried to stop him from becoming president - I mean seriously most of the shit ya'll spout about Putin being some kind of KGB sleeper who wants to bring back the USSR comes from Wikileaks publications back in 2000; Assange thinks Putin's a smuck for the Crimea thing. He also think's that President Trump is an idiot. Assange was against both of them, but you folks are "seriously" arguing that he's de facto working for them both - it's a fantasy that you folks would rather believe than the truth. It's not healthy, its not good for the nation, it's not good for justice, nor America's reputation. Ya'll need to just stop with the uninformed bullshit and let the investigation finish.
View attachment 160951

Such a young, handsome guy lost his life just because somebody in DNC didn't want Americans to know the dirty truth about DNC and Hillary.

Rich's family has pleaded for you nutters to stop spreading conspiracy theories about their dead son.

So how about you show a bit of respect towards them and STFU already.

We’re Seth Rich’s parents. Stop politicizing our son’s murder.
It's very fair to demand some respect to Seth's memory and to his family. And I think it would be same fair to demand some respect to Nemtsov's memory and to stop screaming "Putin is killing his opposition!!!", which you liberals have been enjoying doing. Also it would be fair to pay some respect to Trump and his family, whom you liberals keep trashing 24/7 for more than a year: calling his wife bad names, mocking his little son and even posting the threads about the size of Trump's d*ck (I remember that shameful thread very well from last year).

That would be fair to pay some respect to President and his family as well, don't you think? Let's respect everybody same way and stop politicizing murders same way.

:rolleyes: No I don’t think that we should respect daily lying, amoral pieces of shit like our president.

If you can show me disrespecting reasonable wishes of parents of the dead I’d have no problem correcting myself. Nemtsov’s perhaps???

Otherwise stop trying make false equivalence and stop spreading bullshit about Rich Seth’s murder.
1. There was No false equivalence, there is just an equivalence. Liberal double standards as always.
2. We shouldn't respect daily lying, bravo! No respect for all your lying Media, it should be banned for spreading lies and misinforming the people.
A pinch of truth is the salt that makes the stew of propaganda palatable. :)

To say Ukraine was artificially separated from Russia is to forget how it was absorbed by Russia, then the USSR. But that was long before you and I were born - well, long before I was anyway. :wink_2:

I'll try to make a long story short. Look what "Putin invaded in Ukraine" since 2014 on the map of Ukraine (small red spot in the East). Can you believe that during 3 years Russian army couldn't advance at all?

I believe that Putin is pragmatic and a patient opportunist - he took what he wanted and knew he could get. His actions produced a great fuss in the West but little of consequence. The largest jewel in Ukraine's crown is Crimea...whose seaports and location are perhaps more valuable to Putin than the people.

I agree with you that Soros is an evil man, fomenting strife wherever he can...and that much of the US media has an agenda that furthers his cause. But I believe that Putin is a fomenter of strife also...perhaps creating the problem, or manufacturing an enemy, while offering the solution and/or protection. However - it would be counterproductive and foolish to scorn him publicly.
My impression of Putin is that he is a very strong leader, ruthless yet 'likeable' who has convinced his countryman that they are his first love - and I hope that's true. The people of Russia deserve that. That's part of Trump's appeal - he gives the impression that nothing matters more to him than his fellow countrymen - I also hope that is true. It's nice to believe that your leader has nothing more than his country's best interests at heart....and that he loves his people, even the 'deplorable' ones. ;)

If you have more questions and trust my answers, you are always welcome.

Thank you. I am always interested in what you have to say. :beer:

Just as a side note - I grew up under the threats of the Cold War. Remember well Khrushchev and his infamous shoe banging, the Cuban missile crisis. In grade school we would have 'bomb drills' - using our desks as protection from Soviet launched nukes. lol They taught us about prevailing winds and fallout - which cities would be primary targets.

A 4th grade class assignment involved writing a letter to the embassy of a foreign country to request literature to share with the rest of the class. I chose Russia, and the teacher gently explained why that would not be a 'good idea'. So I chose another country...but even at that young age I knew it was not the Russian people who were the 'enemy'.

Nor do I think that Putin is our enemy, but neither is he our friend. He is the President of Russia...and as such we should have a cordial relationship on the world stage.

ps - ...and the wall in Berlin. I remember when it went up, and when it came down.
If you are still interested in more hidden truth about Ukraine, I'm posting the new Italian documentary about the coup 2014, the confession of snipers who were shooting both sides: policemen and protesters (20 minutes with English subtitles). We knew that but Western audience has never been told about it.

"Ukraine-the hidden truth" an Italian film about snipers on the Maidan in Ukraine (20 minutes)

^English subtitles

Long story of the Italian documentary short:

Feb 20, 2014: a group of unknown snipers starts shooting both at police and protesters, pretty soon almost 80 killed.. Until today the official version is about slaughter conducted by order of Kremlin-backed government.

Minister of foreign affairs of Estonia: evidence shows that the people who were killed by snipers from both sides (policemen and people from the street) that they were the same snipers who killed the people from both sides. It’s not Yanuckovitch who stands behind snipers but somebody from the new coalition.

They were Georgian citizens who were among provokers acting on the protester’s side. One of them says: “The story starts in Tbilisi and there are many personalities who are hidden behind the scenes, first of them is ex-president of Georgia Mikhail Saakashvili. He’s the main hero of the short bloody war against Russia in 2008. The second was his military adviser Mamuka Mamulashvili. Afterwards he becomes the leader of “Georgian Legion”, a Georgian volunteer group to combat against pro-Russian protesters in Donbass. This group was organized by Saakashvili, he gave $1000, promised to give $1500 later to each group member and ordered to go to Kiev.


“We had to make provocations, to provoke policemen to turn against the crowd and to attack the people. Mamulashvili presented an American military guy [Brian Christopher Boyenger, a sniper from 101 Airborne division USA] and told us he would be our instructor. After Maidan he went to Donbass where he would fight in “Georgian Legion”, he was the one who gave them orders

The first suspicions that the protestors were using small arms were connected to Sergey Pashinsky, who was one of Maidan leaders and later became a deputy of Ukrainian parliament.

” In February one could see Parubiy, Pashinsky and Brian in hotel “Ukraine” very often and they were bringing bags with weapons (Makarov pistols, Kalashnikovs automatic rifles, carabines and packs of cartridges. Pashinsky said: “We have to start shooting, we can’t allow early presidential elections”. We had to shoot to make more chaos, mess and panic. There were two Lithuanians in our group too.”

“Pashinsky told us to take our things and to follow him to Conservatory building, the group was masked. We were ordered to shoot both policemen (“Berkut”) and protesters without making any difference. Only lated I realized: we were used, it was a set up.”

While there was shooting at the crowd from “Ukraine” hotel, the protesters were trying to hide inside the hotel. Thus the victims were next to their killers.

At the end of the documentary those snipers told why they decided to tell about this now, not 3 years ago.

That is the ugly Ukrainian "democracy" the West was and is supporting.
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A pinch of truth is the salt that makes the stew of propaganda palatable. :)

To say Ukraine was artificially separated from Russia is to forget how it was absorbed by Russia, then the USSR. But that was long before you and I were born - well, long before I was anyway. :wink_2:

I'll try to make a long story short. Look what "Putin invaded in Ukraine" since 2014 on the map of Ukraine (small red spot in the East). Can you believe that during 3 years Russian army couldn't advance at all?

I believe that Putin is pragmatic and a patient opportunist - he took what he wanted and knew he could get. His actions produced a great fuss in the West but little of consequence. The largest jewel in Ukraine's crown is Crimea...whose seaports and location are perhaps more valuable to Putin than the people.

I agree with you that Soros is an evil man, fomenting strife wherever he can...and that much of the US media has an agenda that furthers his cause. But I believe that Putin is a fomenter of strife also...perhaps creating the problem, or manufacturing an enemy, while offering the solution and/or protection. However - it would be counterproductive and foolish to scorn him publicly.
My impression of Putin is that he is a very strong leader, ruthless yet 'likeable' who has convinced his countryman that they are his first love - and I hope that's true. The people of Russia deserve that. That's part of Trump's appeal - he gives the impression that nothing matters more to him than his fellow countrymen - I also hope that is true. It's nice to believe that your leader has nothing more than his country's best interests at heart....and that he loves his people, even the 'deplorable' ones. ;)

If you have more questions and trust my answers, you are always welcome.

Thank you. I am always interested in what you have to say. :beer:

Just as a side note - I grew up under the threats of the Cold War. Remember well Khrushchev and his infamous shoe banging, the Cuban missile crisis. In grade school we would have 'bomb drills' - using our desks as protection from Soviet launched nukes. lol They taught us about prevailing winds and fallout - which cities would be primary targets.

A 4th grade class assignment involved writing a letter to the embassy of a foreign country to request literature to share with the rest of the class. I chose Russia, and the teacher gently explained why that would not be a 'good idea'. So I chose another country...but even at that young age I knew it was not the Russian people who were the 'enemy'.

Nor do I think that Putin is our enemy, but neither is he our friend. He is the President of Russia...and as such we should have a cordial relationship on the world stage.

ps - ...and the wall in Berlin. I remember when it went up, and when it came down.
If you are still interested in more hidden truth about Ukraine, I'm posting the new Italian documentary about the coup 2014, the confession of snipers who were shooting both sides: policemen and protesters (20 minutes with English subtitles). We knew that but Western audience has never been told about it.

"Ukraine-the hidden truth" an Italian film about snipers on the Maidan in Ukraine (20 minutes)

^English subtitles

Long story of the Italian documentary short:

Feb 20, 2014: a group of unknown snipers starts shooting both at police and protesters, pretty soon almost 80 killed.. Until today the official version is about slaughter conducted by order of Kremlin-backed government.

Minister of foreign affairs of Estonia: evidence shows that the people who were killed by snipers from both sides (policemen and people from the street) that they were the same snipers who killed the people from both sides. It’s not Yanuckovitch who stands behind snipers but somebody from the new coalition.

They were Georgian citizens who were among provokers acting on the protester’s side. One of them says: “The story starts in Tbilisi and there are many personalities who are hidden behind the scenes, first of them is ex-president of Georgia Mikhail Saakashvili. He’s the main hero of the short bloody war against Russia in 2008. The second was his military adviser Mamuka Mamulashvili. Afterwards he becomes the leader of “Georgian Legion”, a Georgian volunteer group to combat against pro-Russian protesters in Donbass. This group was organized by Saakashvili, he gave $1000, promised to give $1500 later to each group member and ordered to go to Kiev.


“We had to make provocations, to provoke policemen to turn against the crowd and to attack the people. Mamulashvili presented an American military guy [Brian Christopher Boyenger, a sniper from 101 Airborne division USA] and told us he would be our instructor. After Maidan he went to Donbass where he would fight in “Georgian Legion”, he was the one who gave them orders

The first suspicions that the protestors were using small arms were connected to Sergey Pashinsky, who was one of Maidan leaders and later became a deputy of Ukrainian parliament.

” In February one could see Parubiy, Pashinsky and Brian in hotel “Ukraine” very often and they were bringing bags with weapons (Makarov pistols, Kalashnikovs automatic rifles, carabines and packs of cartridges. Pashinsky said: “We have to start shooting, we can’t allow early presidential elections”. We had to shoot to make more chaos, mess and panic. There were two Lithuanians in our group too.”

“Pashinsky told us to take our things and to follow him to Conservatory building, the group was masked. We were ordered to shoot both policemen (“Berkut”) and protesters without making any difference. Only lated I realized: we were used, it was a set up.”

While there was shooting at the crowd from “Ukraine” hotel, the protesters were trying to hide inside the hotel. Thus the victims were next to their killers.

At the end of the documentary those snipers told why they decided to tell about this now, not 3 years ago.

That is the ugly Ukrainian "democracy" the West was and is supporting.

According to western MSM presstitutes Italian journalists are in reality Putin|s paid trolls.
A good relationship with Russia and being Putin's pawn are 2 separate things
Please explain precisely how Trump is Putin's pawn. Please, do not simply just ignore the Uranium one deal.

Please, explain precisely how Trump is Putin's pawn, and do not just give a standard answer that you read on media matters or soros owned sites.
If Jesus Christ gets down off the cross and told me Trump is with Russia, I would tell him, 'Hold on a second. I need to check with the President if it's true.
That is the ugly Ukrainian "democracy" the West was and is supporting.

Yes, I am interested. You've provided a lot of information, thank you. I will give it careful thought and then reply. :smile:
A little addition to the same picture of Ukrainian coup from 3 years ago.

^This is Nuland-Pyatt [US Ambassador in Ukraine] leaked phone conversation ( 5 minutes) selecting who will rule “democratic” Ukraine after the coup they arranged and Soros sponsored.
Pictures showing US politicians stirring the coup in Ukraine: Nuland, Pyatt, McCain and later Biden sitting in the chair of Ukrainian president. And this is only a tip of the ugly and dirty iceberg of USA interference in Ukraine.








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Pictures showing US politicians stirring the coup in Ukraine: Nuland, Pyatt, McCain and later Biden sitting in the chair of Ukrainian president. And this is only a tip of the ugly and dirty iceberg of USA interference in Ukraine.

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All interventions of Deep State and wars for Israel's interests were failed.The last one is Ukraine

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