Trump: Only fools and haters object US/Russia good relationship

(1). Putin did NOT direct his intelligence community to work toward a Donald Trump win in the 2016 election. Remember? Trump had NO CHANCE even up until the day before the election.


Declassified report says Putin ‘ordered’ effort to undermine faith in U.S. election and help Trump

Do you get paid to spread Russian propaganda? Come clean.

Was Obama lying?

Retard, no one ever claimed that Russians hacked actual vote tallies.

They committed gross acts of wire fraud against our political and electoral institutions with a side of a huge propaganda and disinformation campaign.

Huge propaganda, really?

The Guardian:

A small office of Russian trolls could derail 241 years of US political history with a handful of dank memes and an advertising budget that would barely buy you a billboard in Brooklyn.

Silicon Valley helped Russia sway the US election. So now what? | Emily Bell

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(1). Putin did NOT direct his intelligence community to work toward a Donald Trump win in the 2016 election. Remember? Trump had NO CHANCE even up until the day before the election.


Declassified report says Putin ‘ordered’ effort to undermine faith in U.S. election and help Trump

Do you get paid to spread Russian propaganda? Come clean.

Was Obama lying?

Retard, no one ever claimed that Russians hacked actual vote tallies.

They committed gross acts of wire fraud against our political and electoral institutions with a side of a huge propaganda and disinformation campaign.

Huge propaganda, really?

The Guardian:

A small office of Russian trolls could derail 241 years of US political history with a handful of dank memes and an advertising budget that would barely buy you a billboard in Brooklyn.

Silicon Valley helped Russia sway the US election. So now what? | Emily Bell


Yea? :rolleyes: Is that were RT operates from too?

And here is what "small operation" did:

Facebook: Up to 126 million people saw Russian-planted posts

No, only Democrats when they aren’t in the office of the presidency.

(1). Putin did NOT direct his intelligence community to work toward a Donald Trump win in the 2016 election. Remember? Trump had NO CHANCE even up until the day before the election.


Declassified report says Putin ‘ordered’ effort to undermine faith in U.S. election and help Trump

Do you get paid to spread Russian propaganda? Come clean.

Was Obama lying?

Retard, no one ever claimed that Russians hacked actual vote tallies.

They committed gross acts of wire fraud against our political and electoral institutions with a side of a huge propaganda and disinformation campaign.

BTW, Ukraine meddled in your election, why you prefer to stay silent about that?

The Clinton foundation is also linked directly to Ukrainian oligarchs:
Between 2009 and 2013, including when Mrs. Clinton was secretary of state, the Clinton Foundation received at least $8.6 million from the Victor Pinchuk Foundation, according to that foundation, which is based in Kiev, Ukraine. It was created by Mr. Pinchuk, whose fortune stems from a pipe-making company. He served two terms as an elected member of the Ukrainian Parliament and is a proponent of closer ties between Ukraine and the European Union. [14]

Why Did the Saudi Regime and Other Gulf Tyrannies Donate Millions to the Clinton Foundation?

Assange: Clinton & ISIS funded by same money, Trump won’t be allowed to win (JOHN PILGER EXCLUSIVE)

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(1). Putin did NOT direct his intelligence community to work toward a Donald Trump win in the 2016 election. Remember? Trump had NO CHANCE even up until the day before the election.


Declassified report says Putin ‘ordered’ effort to undermine faith in U.S. election and help Trump

Do you get paid to spread Russian propaganda? Come clean.

Was Obama lying?

Retard, no one ever claimed that Russians hacked actual vote tallies.

They committed gross acts of wire fraud against our political and electoral institutions with a side of a huge propaganda and disinformation campaign.

BTW, Ukraine meddled in your election


BTW Lets start with he fact that Ukraine didn't break our laws.

They didn't hack our political organizations and they didn't have a campaign to spread fake stories here in the states..

Just another ridiculous attempt at equivalency.
Oh yeah, that really bothered them, thus why they let him stay in Crimea, approved the purchase of Uranium One deal, let Podesta stay on the Russian companies board, ok’d Bills speech, and let them ship out uranium under someone else’s license.
Now, what was that you were saying?

I wish you could hear yourself
View attachment 160735

No, only Democrats when they aren’t in the office of the presidency.

Yes - this is Democrats working hard to make nice with Putin before he went ahead and shot his country in the foot with his Ukranian mis-adventures.
A pinch of truth is the salt that makes the stew of propaganda palatable. :)

To say Ukraine was artificially separated from Russia is to forget how it was absorbed by Russia, then the USSR. But that was long before you and I were born - well, long before I was anyway. :wink_2:

I'll try to make a long story short. Look what "Putin invaded in Ukraine" since 2014 on the map of Ukraine (small red spot in the East). Can you believe that during 3 years Russian army couldn't advance at all?

I believe that Putin is pragmatic and a patient opportunist - he took what he wanted and knew he could get. His actions produced a great fuss in the West but little of consequence. The largest jewel in Ukraine's crown is Crimea...whose seaports and location are perhaps more valuable to Putin than the people.

I agree with you that Soros is an evil man, fomenting strife wherever he can...and that much of the US media has an agenda that furthers his cause. But I believe that Putin is a fomenter of strife also...perhaps creating the problem, or manufacturing an enemy, while offering the solution and/or protection. However - it would be counterproductive and foolish to scorn him publicly.
My impression of Putin is that he is a very strong leader, ruthless yet 'likeable' who has convinced his countryman that they are his first love - and I hope that's true. The people of Russia deserve that. That's part of Trump's appeal - he gives the impression that nothing matters more to him than his fellow countrymen - I also hope that is true. It's nice to believe that your leader has nothing more than his country's best interests at heart....and that he loves his people, even the 'deplorable' ones. ;)

If you have more questions and trust my answers, you are always welcome.

Thank you. I am always interested in what you have to say. :beer:

Just as a side note - I grew up under the threats of the Cold War. Remember well Khrushchev and his infamous shoe banging, the Cuban missile crisis. In grade school we would have 'bomb drills' - using our desks as protection from Soviet launched nukes. lol They taught us about prevailing winds and fallout - which cities would be primary targets.

A 4th grade class assignment involved writing a letter to the embassy of a foreign country to request literature to share with the rest of the class. I chose Russia, and the teacher gently explained why that would not be a 'good idea'. So I chose another country...but even at that young age I knew it was not the Russian people who were the 'enemy'.

Nor do I think that Putin is our enemy, but neither is he our friend. He is the President of Russia...and as such we should have a cordial relationship on the world stage.

ps - ...and the wall in Berlin. I remember when it went up, and when it came down.
SeaGal, your post was very interesting, thank you. I agree with many things you said and I was VERY tickled to read you wanted to write a letter so USSR. And I still think that a good partnership between Russia and USA would benefit not only our 2 countries, but the whole world. But that's what Deep State is afraid is.

About Ukraine: it exited USSR twice or more bigger than it entered USSR. Three criminals and drunks Yeltsin, Kravchuk and Shushkevitch (who signed "independence" for 3 Soviet republics) allowed Ukraine to annex historical Russian lands which Lenin and Khrushchev "joined" to Ukrainian Republic within the same country of USSR. That was the moment our troubles have begun: millions of Russians woke up in a foreign and unfriendly country.

View attachment 160722

The truth about Ukraine: Byshok's lecture at Brown University - Fort Russ
^ this article explains a lot

Putin: Thinking of Crimea, our Western partners choose not to notice that the will of the Crimean people, 70 percent of which are ethnic Russians and the rest speak Russian as their native language, was to join Russia. They prefer to ignore this. In one place, in Kosovo, the will of the people can be honoured, but here – it cannot. All of this is about political games.

So, I can reassure you that Russia has been pursuing absolutely peaceful foreign policy aimed at cooperation, and will continue to do so.

Just come over to Crimea, walk around, and everything will become perfectly clear to you. So, yes, our military personnel were in Crimea; but they did not even outnumber our grouping that had been present there under the treaty we had with Ukraine.

Most importantly, though, the Crimean parliament, which had been elected two years prior to the voting under the Ukrainian law, voted in favour of the referendum and later, in favour of independence. It is an absolutely legitimate representative body elected by Crimean people. This is first.

Second, the international legal framework. When the settlement of the Kosovo issue was under negotiation, the UN International Court of Justice passed a judgment that was met with applause by all Western partners. The Court decided that the settlement of independence issues did not require the decision of country's central authorities. So, we did everything in accordance with international law, the United Nations Charter and principles of democracy, which include, first of all, the free expression of peoples' will.
Interview to Bloomberg

Putin: The court ruling concerns not just Kosovo, but also the applicability of international law to the declaration of independence by any part of any state in principle. It was a ruling that opened Pandora’s box and the genie that was let out of the bottle.
Meeting of the Valdai International Discussion Club

And I know many people in Crimea: they are very happy to be with Russia and very sorry for us, who remained in a country controlled by Washington Deep State which turned it into a another Somalia.

And yes, I strongly believe both Putin and Trump want the best and do their best for their countries in spite of all Deep State and their puppets [all over the world] efforts.

Putin: Mr. Trump and I hold public offices, and each country has its own interests. Trump is guided in his activities by his country’s national interests, and I am guided by my country’s interests.

I do hope that we will be able, as the current President of the United States said, to find compromises in resolving bilateral and international issues so that they can be settled in the interests of the American and Russian people taking into account the special responsibility for international security that lies on our two countries.
Vladimir Putin’s news conference following BRICS Summit

All Putin's quotes I've presented are taken from Kremlin site. He answers a lot of questions about Syria, Ukraine, US/Russia relationship and many others. Your Media prefers not to keep you too informed about that. So, you may find it interesting to learn his point of view from original sources.

Again, I tried to do my best not to make my post too long, but... I will be glad to answer more of your questions.

Guys like Yeltsin, Kravchuk and Shushkevitch were not ordinary criminals, they were servers of NWO and deliberately derailed USSR with murder of millions per 'democratic' reforms.
(1). Putin did NOT direct his intelligence community to work toward a Donald Trump win in the 2016 election. Remember? Trump had NO CHANCE even up until the day before the election.


Declassified report says Putin ‘ordered’ effort to undermine faith in U.S. election and help Trump

Do you get paid to spread Russian propaganda? Come clean.

Was Obama lying?

Retard, no one ever claimed that Russians hacked actual vote tallies.

They committed gross acts of wire fraud against our political and electoral institutions with a side of a huge propaganda and disinformation campaign.

Huge propaganda, really?

The Guardian:

A small office of Russian trolls could derail 241 years of US political history with a handful of dank memes and an advertising budget that would barely buy you a billboard in Brooklyn.

Silicon Valley helped Russia sway the US election. So now what? | Emily Bell


Yea? :rolleyes: Is that were RT operates from too?

And here is what "small operation" did:

Facebook: Up to 126 million people saw Russian-planted posts

Question: The US Department of Justice is forcing our channel [Russia Today] to register as a foreign agent. Also, Twitter recently banned our advertising even though it has been paid for and is published legally. What do you think of this unprecedented pressure on the Russian media in the United States, and can we expect a response?
Putin : the people who are doing this in the US used to do a lot of chest thumping calling themselves the Number One Democrats in the world. And the freedom of the press has always been put on a pedestal as a beacon of democracy. Democracy does not exist without the freedom of speech.

The attack on the Russian media in the United States is an attack on the freedom of speech, there is no doubt about it. But we have to give some sort of a response, and it will be mirror response.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that there is no and cannot be any evidence of our media’s meddling in the election campaign. The latest Congressional, I think, or Senate hearings have revealed that the advertising had a share of zero point zero zero, or one hundredth of a percentage point. The impact on the audience also amounts to the tenth or hundredth of a percentage point.

There can be no comparison: your advertising cost about 100,000, whereas other US media placed advertisements worth millions. There can be no comparison. However, even this appeared to be a danger and is treated as a sort of interference.

APEC Economic Leaders’ Meeting wrapped up in Vietnam
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Declassified report says Putin ‘ordered’ effort to undermine faith in U.S. election and help Trump

Do you get paid to spread Russian propaganda? Come clean.

Was Obama lying?

Retard, no one ever claimed that Russians hacked actual vote tallies.

They committed gross acts of wire fraud against our political and electoral institutions with a side of a huge propaganda and disinformation campaign.

Huge propaganda, really?

The Guardian:

A small office of Russian trolls could derail 241 years of US political history with a handful of dank memes and an advertising budget that would barely buy you a billboard in Brooklyn.

Silicon Valley helped Russia sway the US election. So now what? | Emily Bell


Yea? :rolleyes: Is that were RT operates from too?

And here is what "small operation" did:

Facebook: Up to 126 million people saw Russian-planted posts

Question: The US Department of Justice is forcing our channel [Russia Today] to register as a foreign agent. Also, Twitter recently banned our advertising even though it has been paid for and is published legally. What do you think of this unprecedented pressure on the Russian media in the United States, and can we expect a response?
Putin : the people who are doing this in the US used to do a lot of chest thumping calling themselves the Number One Democrats in the world. And the freedom of the press has always been put on a pedestal as a beacon of democracy. Democracy does not exist without the freedom of speech.

The attack on the Russian media in the United States is an attack on the freedom of speech, there is no doubt about it. But we have to give some sort of a response, and it will be mirror response.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that there is no and cannot be any evidence of our media’s meddling in the election campaign. The latest Congressional, I think, or Senate hearings have revealed that the advertising had a share of zero point zero zero, or one hundredth of a percentage point. The impact on the audience also amounts to the tenth or hundredth of a percentage point.

There can be no comparison: your advertising cost about 100,000, whereas other US media placed advertisements worth millions. There can be no comparison. However, even this appeared to be a danger and is treated as a sort of interference.

The media provide information, interpret it and offer their opinion. One can argue with them but not by shutting them down or putting up barriers making their professional activities impossible, but rather by offering one’s own opinion, relating one’s own information to the audience. Nevertheless, they opted for actually shutting them down. The response will be adequate and mirror.

APEC Economic Leaders’ Meeting wrapped up in Vietnam

The attack on RT is ashamed and shows hypocrisy of the U.S.Surely it is a good advertisement to RT which receives new TV viewers
Was Obama lying?

Retard, no one ever claimed that Russians hacked actual vote tallies.

They committed gross acts of wire fraud against our political and electoral institutions with a side of a huge propaganda and disinformation campaign.

Huge propaganda, really?

The Guardian:

A small office of Russian trolls could derail 241 years of US political history with a handful of dank memes and an advertising budget that would barely buy you a billboard in Brooklyn.

Silicon Valley helped Russia sway the US election. So now what? | Emily Bell


Yea? :rolleyes: Is that were RT operates from too?

And here is what "small operation" did:

Facebook: Up to 126 million people saw Russian-planted posts

Question: The US Department of Justice is forcing our channel [Russia Today] to register as a foreign agent. Also, Twitter recently banned our advertising even though it has been paid for and is published legally. What do you think of this unprecedented pressure on the Russian media in the United States, and can we expect a response?
Putin : the people who are doing this in the US used to do a lot of chest thumping calling themselves the Number One Democrats in the world. And the freedom of the press has always been put on a pedestal as a beacon of democracy. Democracy does not exist without the freedom of speech.

The attack on the Russian media in the United States is an attack on the freedom of speech, there is no doubt about it. But we have to give some sort of a response, and it will be mirror response.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that there is no and cannot be any evidence of our media’s meddling in the election campaign. The latest Congressional, I think, or Senate hearings have revealed that the advertising had a share of zero point zero zero, or one hundredth of a percentage point. The impact on the audience also amounts to the tenth or hundredth of a percentage point.

There can be no comparison: your advertising cost about 100,000, whereas other US media placed advertisements worth millions. There can be no comparison. However, even this appeared to be a danger and is treated as a sort of interference.

The media provide information, interpret it and offer their opinion. One can argue with them but not by shutting them down or putting up barriers making their professional activities impossible, but rather by offering one’s own opinion, relating one’s own information to the audience. Nevertheless, they opted for actually shutting them down. The response will be adequate and mirror.

APEC Economic Leaders’ Meeting wrapped up in Vietnam

The attack on RT is ashamed and shows hypocrisy of the U.S.Surely it is a good advertisement to RT which receives new TV viewers

Baron, Thank you. I'm so happy there are so many Americans who did NOT allow Deep State to fool them and to manipulate their minds and money. I am always happy to post back to back with you. I love smart and honest people. Thank you, Baron, again!

Retard, no one ever claimed that Russians hacked actual vote tallies.

They committed gross acts of wire fraud against our political and electoral institutions with a side of a huge propaganda and disinformation campaign.

Huge propaganda, really?

The Guardian:

A small office of Russian trolls could derail 241 years of US political history with a handful of dank memes and an advertising budget that would barely buy you a billboard in Brooklyn.

Silicon Valley helped Russia sway the US election. So now what? | Emily Bell


Yea? :rolleyes: Is that were RT operates from too?

And here is what "small operation" did:

Facebook: Up to 126 million people saw Russian-planted posts

Question: The US Department of Justice is forcing our channel [Russia Today] to register as a foreign agent. Also, Twitter recently banned our advertising even though it has been paid for and is published legally. What do you think of this unprecedented pressure on the Russian media in the United States, and can we expect a response?
Putin : the people who are doing this in the US used to do a lot of chest thumping calling themselves the Number One Democrats in the world. And the freedom of the press has always been put on a pedestal as a beacon of democracy. Democracy does not exist without the freedom of speech.

The attack on the Russian media in the United States is an attack on the freedom of speech, there is no doubt about it. But we have to give some sort of a response, and it will be mirror response.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that there is no and cannot be any evidence of our media’s meddling in the election campaign. The latest Congressional, I think, or Senate hearings have revealed that the advertising had a share of zero point zero zero, or one hundredth of a percentage point. The impact on the audience also amounts to the tenth or hundredth of a percentage point.

There can be no comparison: your advertising cost about 100,000, whereas other US media placed advertisements worth millions. There can be no comparison. However, even this appeared to be a danger and is treated as a sort of interference.

The media provide information, interpret it and offer their opinion. One can argue with them but not by shutting them down or putting up barriers making their professional activities impossible, but rather by offering one’s own opinion, relating one’s own information to the audience. Nevertheless, they opted for actually shutting them down. The response will be adequate and mirror.

APEC Economic Leaders’ Meeting wrapped up in Vietnam

The attack on RT is ashamed and shows hypocrisy of the U.S.Surely it is a good advertisement to RT which receives new TV viewers
Baron, Thank you. I'm so happy there are so many Americans who did NOT allow Deep State to fool them and to manipulate their minds and money. I am always happy to post back to back with you. I love smart and honest people. Thank you, Baron, again!


I thank you Statford for nice words. I visited almost all states in the U.S. and know lot of people. Most of them are deeply dissatisfied with government and wish not WWIII with Russia, but jobs, security, no wetback's and 'people of color' crime and honest people in D.C. I hope Trump get close ties to Putin and together they will destroy Deep State which leads the completely World to perdition.
Thank you again.

Declassified report says Putin ‘ordered’ effort to undermine faith in U.S. election and help Trump

Do you get paid to spread Russian propaganda? Come clean.

Was Obama lying?

Retard, no one ever claimed that Russians hacked actual vote tallies.

They committed gross acts of wire fraud against our political and electoral institutions with a side of a huge propaganda and disinformation campaign.

Huge propaganda, really?

The Guardian:

A small office of Russian trolls could derail 241 years of US political history with a handful of dank memes and an advertising budget that would barely buy you a billboard in Brooklyn.

Silicon Valley helped Russia sway the US election. So now what? | Emily Bell


Yea? :rolleyes: Is that were RT operates from too?

And here is what "small operation" did:

Facebook: Up to 126 million people saw Russian-planted posts

Question: The US Department of Justice is forcing our channel [Russia Today] to register as a foreign agent. Also, Twitter recently banned our advertising even though it has been paid for and is published legally. What do you think of this unprecedented pressure on the Russian media in the United States, and can we expect a response?
Putin : the people who are doing this in the US used to do a lot of chest thumping calling themselves the Number One Democrats in the world. And the freedom of the press has always been put on a pedestal as a beacon of democracy. Democracy does not exist without the freedom of speech.

Putin is full of shit -

1. nothing about registering as a foreign agent gets in the way of freedom of speech or media. What it gets in the way is you being able to spread propaganda without disclosing who you work for.

2. TWITTER is a PRIVATE COMPANY. Don't like that they don't want to be a part of spreading Russian propaganda? Don't use them. This has nothing to do with your free speech.

3. In Russia criticizing Putin's regime or putting together a serious opposition party is very dangerous to one's health - Putin should be ashamed and has ZERO CREDIBILITY when it comes to freedom of speech and media. America can be rightfully beating it's chest EVERY DAY OF EVERY HOUR as being far superior in this respect to pathetic state of affairs in Russia.
Last edited:
Huge propaganda, really?

The Guardian:

A small office of Russian trolls could derail 241 years of US political history with a handful of dank memes and an advertising budget that would barely buy you a billboard in Brooklyn.

Silicon Valley helped Russia sway the US election. So now what? | Emily Bell


Yea? :rolleyes: Is that were RT operates from too?

And here is what "small operation" did:

Facebook: Up to 126 million people saw Russian-planted posts

Question: The US Department of Justice is forcing our channel [Russia Today] to register as a foreign agent. Also, Twitter recently banned our advertising even though it has been paid for and is published legally. What do you think of this unprecedented pressure on the Russian media in the United States, and can we expect a response?
Putin : the people who are doing this in the US used to do a lot of chest thumping calling themselves the Number One Democrats in the world. And the freedom of the press has always been put on a pedestal as a beacon of democracy. Democracy does not exist without the freedom of speech.

The attack on the Russian media in the United States is an attack on the freedom of speech, there is no doubt about it. But we have to give some sort of a response, and it will be mirror response.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that there is no and cannot be any evidence of our media’s meddling in the election campaign. The latest Congressional, I think, or Senate hearings have revealed that the advertising had a share of zero point zero zero, or one hundredth of a percentage point. The impact on the audience also amounts to the tenth or hundredth of a percentage point.

There can be no comparison: your advertising cost about 100,000, whereas other US media placed advertisements worth millions. There can be no comparison. However, even this appeared to be a danger and is treated as a sort of interference.

The media provide information, interpret it and offer their opinion. One can argue with them but not by shutting them down or putting up barriers making their professional activities impossible, but rather by offering one’s own opinion, relating one’s own information to the audience. Nevertheless, they opted for actually shutting them down. The response will be adequate and mirror.

APEC Economic Leaders’ Meeting wrapped up in Vietnam

The attack on RT is ashamed and shows hypocrisy of the U.S.Surely it is a good advertisement to RT which receives new TV viewers
Baron, Thank you. I'm so happy there are so many Americans who did NOT allow Deep State to fool them and to manipulate their minds and money. I am always happy to post back to back with you. I love smart and honest people. Thank you, Baron, again!


I thank you Statford for nice words. I visited almost all states in the U.S. and know lot of people. Most of them are deeply dissatisfied with government and wish not WWIII with Russia, but jobs, security, no wetback's and 'people of color' crime and honest people in D.C. I hope Trump get close ties to Putin and together they will destroy Deep State which leads the completely World to perdition.
Thank you again.
Was Obama lying?

Retard, no one ever claimed that Russians hacked actual vote tallies.

They committed gross acts of wire fraud against our political and electoral institutions with a side of a huge propaganda and disinformation campaign.

Huge propaganda, really?

The Guardian:

A small office of Russian trolls could derail 241 years of US political history with a handful of dank memes and an advertising budget that would barely buy you a billboard in Brooklyn.

Silicon Valley helped Russia sway the US election. So now what? | Emily Bell


Yea? :rolleyes: Is that were RT operates from too?

And here is what "small operation" did:

Facebook: Up to 126 million people saw Russian-planted posts

Question: The US Department of Justice is forcing our channel [Russia Today] to register as a foreign agent. Also, Twitter recently banned our advertising even though it has been paid for and is published legally. What do you think of this unprecedented pressure on the Russian media in the United States, and can we expect a response?
Putin : the people who are doing this in the US used to do a lot of chest thumping calling themselves the Number One Democrats in the world. And the freedom of the press has always been put on a pedestal as a beacon of democracy. Democracy does not exist without the freedom of speech.

The attack on the Russian media in the United States is an attack on the freedom of speech, there is no doubt about it. But we have to give some sort of a response, and it will be mirror response.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that there is no and cannot be any evidence of our media’s meddling in the election campaign. The latest Congressional, I think, or Senate hearings have revealed that the advertising had a share of zero point zero zero, or one hundredth of a percentage point. The impact on the audience also amounts to the tenth or hundredth of a percentage point.

There can be no comparison: your advertising cost about 100,000, whereas other US media placed advertisements worth millions. There can be no comparison. However, even this appeared to be a danger and is treated as a sort of interference.

The media provide information, interpret it and offer their opinion. One can argue with them but not by shutting them down or putting up barriers making their professional activities impossible, but rather by offering one’s own opinion, relating one’s own information to the audience. Nevertheless, they opted for actually shutting them down. The response will be adequate and mirror.

APEC Economic Leaders’ Meeting wrapped up in Vietnam

The attack on RT is ashamed and shows hypocrisy of the U.S.Surely it is a good advertisement to RT which receives new TV viewers

lol you can't make this comedy up.

You probably have no idea how idiotic you brainwashed Russian tools sound like.

P.S. I don't want WWIII either :rolleyes:
Last edited:
Trump is Putin's cock holster .. nothing more, nothing less

Why? Because he has the goods on Mango Mussolini - be patient and you will see.

Trump: When will all the haters and fools out there realize that having a good relationship with Russia is a good thing, not a bad thing. There always playing politics - bad for our country. I want to solve North Korea, Syria, Ukraine, terrorism, and Russia can greatly help!

And sure enough fools and haters have been proving they are still fools and haters. I actually feel pity for you, liberals, you keep harming your own country just because your crooked candidate lost.


Trump: When will all the haters and fools out there realize that having a good relationship with Russia is a good thing, not a bad thing. There always playing politics - bad for our country. I want to solve North Korea, Syria, Ukraine, terrorism, and Russia can greatly help!

And sure enough fools and haters have been proving they are still fools and haters. I actually feel pity for you, liberals, you keep harming your own country just because your crooked candidate lost.

I know Scott Adams work and correspond with him on occasion - very funny and intelligent guy. You? Not so much.

You may want to read his new book book about Tangerine Tornado:

However it is good to see that Vlad's troll farm is active here on USMB. ;)
Trump: When will all the haters and fools out there realize that having a good relationship with Russia is a good thing, not a bad thing. There always playing politics - bad for our country. I want to solve North Korea, Syria, Ukraine, terrorism, and Russia can greatly help!

And sure enough fools and haters have been proving they are still fools and haters. I actually feel pity for you, liberals, you keep harming your own country just because your crooked candidate lost.

I know Scott Adams work and correspond with him on occasion - very funny and intelligent guy. You? Not so much.

You may want to read his new book book about Tangerine Tornado:

However it is good to see that Vlad's troll farm is active here on USMB. ;)
I'm only presenting the facts your Media fails to present and also posting Putin's opinion about the events inside and outside Russia. Is that what you call trolling?

BTW, not everybody in your country prefers to stay ignorant and I think it's pretty good. When you decide to climb out of your cave, give me a note and we'll talk like two adults.

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