Trump: Only fools and haters object US/Russia good relationship

"There is no such thing as a former KGB man." - Vladimir Putin
While you liberals and your puppeteers have been screaming and yelling bad things [all alleged!] about Russia/Putin, Putin is establishing partnership and trading with almost half a world and you are losing your opportunities and a good income for your country.

Even India and Pakistan put aside their long-running tensions, as they were officially confirmed as members of the increasingly influential Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), during a summit in Kazakhstan capital Astana. SCO now includes almost half of the all world population.
Then there were 8: Eurasian powerhouse SCO expands after India & Pakistan join

Also the news from today:

The 83 million tons of wheat Russian farmers are forecast to have reaped this season has cemented the country’s resurgence as an agricultural superpower and ratcheted up the pressure on U.S. farmers, who sowed fewer acres of wheat in 2017 than ever before.
Russia’s Resurgent Wheat Farmers Squeeze U.S.

Jump on the train before it is too late.

Because our farmers are too busy planting food for fuel.

I really don't get the Left's Putin hatred...except that he outwitted Obama. The people of the US and the people of Russia can be friends.

Is Putin a plutocrat? Yep. In bed with the Russian mob? Yep. The aggressor in Georgia, Crimea and Ukraine? Yep. Do old Soviets fade away? Prolly not. Is he going to do what he needs to do to advance Russia's cause, thereby his own? Yep. Does that mean we have to support him? means that he is now a player on the world stage, and I doubt there is a hook strong enough to remove him...even if we wanted to.

Trump is no fool, neither is Putin. It is smarter to have the bear in front of you in order to see his movements, than to know he is behind you, somewhere.
"There is no such thing as a former KGB man." - Vladimir Putin
While you liberals and your puppeteers have been screaming and yelling bad things [all alleged!] about Russia/Putin, Putin is establishing partnership and trading with almost half a world and you are losing your opportunities and a good income for your country.

Even India and Pakistan put aside their long-running tensions, as they were officially confirmed as members of the increasingly influential Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), during a summit in Kazakhstan capital Astana. SCO now includes almost half of the all world population.
Then there were 8: Eurasian powerhouse SCO expands after India & Pakistan join

Also the news from today:

The 83 million tons of wheat Russian farmers are forecast to have reaped this season has cemented the country’s resurgence as an agricultural superpower and ratcheted up the pressure on U.S. farmers, who sowed fewer acres of wheat in 2017 than ever before.
Russia’s Resurgent Wheat Farmers Squeeze U.S.

Jump on the train before it is too late.

Because our farmers are too busy planting food for fuel.

I really don't get the Left's Putin hatred...except that he outwitted Obama. The people of the US and the people of Russia can be friends.

Is Putin a plutocrat? Yep. In bed with the Russian mob? Yep. The aggressor in Georgia, Crimea and Ukraine? Yep. Do old Soviets fade away? Prolly not. Is he going to do what he needs to do to advance Russia's cause, thereby his own? Yep. Does that mean we have to support him? means that he is now a player on the world stage, and I doubt there is a hook strong enough to remove him...even if we wanted to.

Trump is no fool, neither is Putin. It is smarter to have the bear in front of you in order to see his movements, than to know he is behind you, somewhere.
I agree with basically everything you said except for "aggressor in Georgia, Ukraine and Crimea". That is just a Soros propaganda to fool you guys and to make it easy to manipulate you. BTW, I'm from Ukraine.

I agree with basically everything you said except for "aggressor in Georgia, Ukraine and Crimea". That is just a Soros propaganda to fool you guys and to make it easy to manipulate you. BTW, I'm from Ukraine.

I understand and respect your viewpoint - propaganda is useful on both sides - is there no one from Ukraine who would disagree with you on the matter?

The history is available for all to read, and the following map shows Russian Federation troops inside Ukraine.
Interactive live map of conflict news - Ukraine Latest News in English-

I know you didn't intend for this to be a discussion of Ukraine - there are other threads, we can visit it there. I agree with you that it is right the US and Russia attempt a relationship.
You fools fail to understand one simple thing: if Putin invaded Ukraine in 2014 as you claim, Kiev would have been ruled by Russians 3 years ago. Look at Syria. Putin started its deliberation only 2 years ago and ISIS was weaponed, trained and financed [from Washington] a lot better than poor Ukrainian army. Now over 95% of Syria is deliberated from ISIS.

All those fairly tales about "Putin invaded Ukraine" are only for fools. Washington Deep State, that's who REALLY invaded Ukraine and has been totally controlling it since 2014.


Didn't Russia almost lose Chechnya?
Actually apparently Chechens won the Battle of Grozny even. (Well not without damage)
But, just goes to show.
Battle of Grozny (August 1996) - Wikipedia
That was Yeltsin's times. Putin came in 2000 and ended the war. Now Chechnians have been voting for him with 95%.

Another myth about flooding Russia with Muslims. Muslim republics like Chechniam Dagestan, Ingushetia and others have been part of Russia for ages, long before USA appeared on the map.

I'm surprised how many "experts on Russia" have no idea what they are writing about.

Yeah, and there's millions of Indigenous Muslims in Moscow, as well?

No, while some came from within Russia like Chechnya, or Tatarstan etc. (Which is bad enough)
Some others have been flooded into Russia from Central Asia, like Uzbekstan, and well all the other Stan's.
(This happened under Putin's watch)
If you are talking about Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and other post-Soviet countries then yes, lots of them are coming to Russia to work and it all started in 90-s when Yeltsin was a president. However unlike USA Russia keeps deporting their sorry a*ses as soon as they are spotted.

Deport them?

Not so much, According to this article, which states Putin's Russia encourages immigrants to come from places like Uzbekistan.

Russia Wants Immigrants the World Doesn’t

Russia Wants Immigrants the World Doesn’t

While Europe and the U.S. tighten border controls, former Soviet states are encouraged by Moscow to send their workers.

Leonid Ragozin
March 14, 2017, 2:00 AM EDT
On a brutally cold February day, hundreds of laborers from Uzbekistan mill around in the snow and mud of a construction site 10 miles outside Moscow. Surrounding them are a series of unfinished 18-story apartment blocks meant to serve as homes for Russian military officers.

Work has stopped because the men haven’t been paid in weeks. With nowhere to go, they stand around smoking and chatting at the vast project locals call Samolyot, Russian for “the plane,” after a nearby monument to World War II pilots. At night, they hole up in a nearby shantytown of corrugated steel cabins. There’s no shower, sink, or toilet—instead there’s a row of blue portable outhouses, each half-filled with stalagmites of frozen excrement. In the morning, the men shiver over a fire cooking carrot gruel and melting ice from a nearby stream to drink. Most are poorly dressed for the 10 degree weather—one laborer emerges with nothing on his feet but wool socks and flip-flops.

Work sites filled with immigrant laborers aren’t particularly novel in developed countries, and Russia is no exception. According to the UN, the nation has 11 million foreigners, many without visas and from largely Muslim, Central Asian countries. But as Europe’s refugee crisis continues to fuel a global resurgence of isolationism and xenophobia, in Russia—the world’s third-biggest destination for international immigrants—things are being handled a little differently.

A recent editorial in Nezavisimaya Gazeta was titled “Trump and Le Pen would be opposition in Russia.” Under President Vladimir Putin, the newspaper argues, being anti-immigration is the same as being anti-establishment. “Domestic TV blasts Europe for multiculturalism, for receiving refugees from Mideast and Africa, for tolerance to migrants,” its editors wrote. But in Russia, anti-immigrant stances are sometimes “characterized by the authorities as an unacceptable form of nationalism.”

The reality in Russia is that the immigrant economy is very much part of its recovery from a prolonged recession. And the government knows it.


Bakhrom Khamroyev (right), a prominent human rights activist, listens to an Uzbek migrant describe being handcuffed and abused by the police. Construction sites are often raided by migration and counterterrorism police units.
Photograph by Misha Friedman for Bloomberg
“Russia is experiencing a huge deficit of workforce,” explains Andrey Movchan, director of the economic policy program at the Moscow Carnegie Center. “We badly need cheap labor that cannot be found inside the country.” Immigrants clean city streets and maintain huge residential buildings that dot the skyline. They play a key role in manufacturing, retail, and service sectors. In the restaurant industry, kitchen staff from countries like Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Georgia stay for years, sending most of their money home.

“If you take out the migrants, who comprise 15 percent of the Russian workforce, it will be impossible to replace them,” Movchan says, warning that the higher wages needed to attract Russian workers to such jobs would raise prices and hurt the recovery.
Sorry, your article sounds very doubtful, especially saying"while Europe is tightening its borders".

I started listening to ALL Putin's speeches since 2001 and know them all pretty darn well, may be even better than some Russian citizens. Russia doesn't need illegals because unlike USA the government understands how much crimes they bring, including terror attacks.

Bloomberg and other Western Media just DOESN"T WANT you guys TO KNOW THE TRUTH ABOUT RUSSIA. Period.

Около 50 нелегалов, задержанных в Балашихе, депортируют из России

I agree with basically everything you said except for "aggressor in Georgia, Ukraine and Crimea". That is just a Soros propaganda to fool you guys and to make it easy to manipulate you. BTW, I'm from Ukraine.

I understand and respect your viewpoint - propaganda is useful on both sides - is there no one from Ukraine who would disagree with you on the matter?

The history is available for all to read, and the following map shows Russian Federation troops inside Ukraine.
Interactive live map of conflict news - Ukraine Latest News in English-

I know you didn't intend for this to be a discussion of Ukraine - there are other threads, we can visit it there. I agree with you that it is right the US and Russia attempt a relationship.

Info-wars against Russia are getting just unbelievable. Look how Dems and RINOs are making RT register as a foreign agent: its' been telling too much truth to Americans.

I'll try to make a long story short. Look what "Putin invaded in Ukraine" since 2014 on the map of Ukraine (small red spot in the East). Can you believe that during 3 years Russian army couldn't advance at all? The army which deliberated over 95% of Syria from ISIS, which has been trained and weaponed by Obama's administration and Mrs. Clinton especially? Ukrainian army is poor, unprofessional and the majority is not motivated to shoot their countrymen in Donbass. Yes, there were Russian volonteers who came to Donbass to support their brothers (Russia and Ukraine is basically same people who were artificially separated after USSR collapse), but your Media prefers to stay silent about lots of Georgians, Lithuanians, other NATO countries volunteers who came to fight with Donbass on Ukrainian side.


You're right: lots of Ukrainian residents will disagree with me and it's because Ukrainian propaganda machine works even tighter than US propaganda machine, both controlled by Soros&Co. Liberals in USA also live in a parallel world due to it.

If you want to know more truth about Ukraine, there is a very honest article by CIS-EMO political analyst of an International Monitoring Organization, Stanislav Byshok (Polish), he explained the recent events there pretty darn good. This is the best article, written by a Western author who can't be blamed for "Russian propaganda".

The truth about Ukraine: Byshok's lecture at Brown University - Fort Russ

If you have more questions and trust my answers, you are always welcome.
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Progressive have turned against their Motherland because Putin has committed many sins including: calling Communist economy a failed idea for losers and morons and booting the IMF out of his country.

Putin became the enemy when he fell off the Progressive plantation

That’s not why Putin is the enemy. He is the enemy because he is trampling human rights in Russia. He is rebuilding the old Soviet Empire to distract Russians from their dire economic conditions due to low oil prices.

And he is prepared to see America and Western Europe go up in flames of white nationalism, bigotry and division to help his cause.

Anyone who sews seeds to hate and division doesn’t have your country’s best interests at heart. Putin is that guy.

So people had it better under Soviet Communism?

Communism, right wing authoritarianism - there’s not much difference to ordinary Russians. There’s no free press either way. It’s better for the oligarchs but for the working class it’s same as it ever was.

Religion is no longer oppressed but conservative right wing Russian Orthodox religion has replaced atheism as the official religion of Russia. Hating on religious freedom is no different than hating on religion. Same box, different handles.

There are no jobs for ordinary Russians and without money the western luxuries are for the oligarchs and their families. Not working people.

Putin is restoring the Russian empire in an effort to restore Russian pride as one of the great nations of the world. Make Russia Great Again by overrunning the Crimean Penninsula.

It’s Putin’s meddling in elections abroad that’s most egregiously evil. He seeks to disrupt democracy and he’s succeeded to this point. He got his man elected President. That’s quite the coup. Too bad about those pesky “checks and balances”. The sanctions stay.

Trump better get off his ass and impose the new sanctions. Unlike Russia, the US is not yet a dictatorship.
Love to have a good relationship with Russia

If only Putin would behave
Progressive have turned against their Motherland because Putin has committed many sins including: calling Communist economy a failed idea for losers and morons and booting the IMF out of his country.

Putin became the enemy when he fell off the Progressive plantation

That’s not why Putin is the enemy. He is the enemy because he is trampling human rights in Russia. He is rebuilding the old Soviet Empire to distract Russians from their dire economic conditions due to low oil prices.

And he is prepared to see America and Western Europe go up in flames of white nationalism, bigotry and division to help his cause.

Anyone who sews seeds to hate and division doesn’t have your country’s best interests at heart. Putin is that guy.

So people had it better under Soviet Communism?

Communism, right wing authoritarianism - there’s not much difference to ordinary Russians. There’s no free press either way. It’s better for the oligarchs but for the working class it’s same as it ever was.

Religion is no longer oppressed but conservative right wing Russian Orthodox religion has replaced atheism as the official religion of Russia. Hating on religious freedom is no different than hating on religion. Same box, different handles.

There are no jobs for ordinary Russians and without money the western luxuries are for the oligarchs and their families. Not working people.

Putin is restoring the Russian empire in an effort to restore Russian pride as one of the great nations of the world. Make Russia Great Again by overrunning the Crimean Penninsula.

It’s Putin’s meddling in elections abroad that’s most egregiously evil. He seeks to disrupt democracy and he’s succeeded to this point. He got his man elected President. That’s quite the coup. Too bad about those pesky “checks and balances”. The sanctions stay.

Trump better get off his ass and impose the new sanctions. Unlike Russia, the US is not yet a dictatorship.
Bunch of BS repeated after Soros Media.

1. Russia meddled into elections? A lot of noise, no sane evidence. While USA has been meddling into elections, supporting coups and destabilizing whole countries all over the world.

2. After USSR collapse more and more people are becoming Russian orthodox Christians, what's wrong with that. Russia has a freedom of religion, seems that what American holiday of Thanksgiving is about, isn't it? Soviets denied all religions and forces atheism all over the country, a lot of people still are atheists, but it's their free choice.

3, The coup in Ukraine was anti-constitutional and the people of both Crimea and Donbass have had a referendum to get out of Ukraine, where the bloody hands seized the power supported by Soros, Obama administration and McCain. Crimea was more lucky than Donbass and returned to Russia according to International law. You supported Kosovo and blame Crimea, it shows your double standards.

"According to UN Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples:
All peoples have the right to self-determination; by virtue of that right they freely determine their political status and freely pursue their economic, social and cultural development."
The United Nations and Decolonization - Declaration

The delegation of French parliamentarians led by member of National Assembly, ex-Minister of transport of France Thierry Mariani visited the Crimea with a three-day visit. “Those who describe the Crimea as occupied territory, you’d better have been there and seen what is happening… Crimea has chosen its path in the referendum” — said Mariani at the press conference in Moscow.
Thierry Mariani: Better to be Crimean Tatar than Russian in Baltics
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George Soros has nothing to do with Russia, troll. I’m not some stupid Republican you can pull that Soros is the all powerful boogie man on.

Your love of all things Putin is in evidence. He has murdered over 200 reporters and thrown dissidents and protestors in jail. Gays are being systemically tortured and abused. People are jailed for speaking out about Putin’s lawlessness.

The tenents of the Orthodox Church are becoming law making Russia a theocracy. You may be free to be an atheist or a Jew but you’re governed by laws based on Orthodox Christianity. No separation of Church and State.

The votes in Ukraine were hardly free or without pressure or bullying. People were afraid to vote against joining Russia.

Then there’s the theft of money from Russian businesses which the oligarchs are busy laundering in the New York real estate market.

There is ample evidence of Putin’s trolling and disruption of other countries’ elections. You chose to ignore it. The rest of us aren’t falling for this bullshit.

This isn’t a court of law. Putin is not innocent until proven guilty. Donald Trump and his feckless followers may believe Putin. The rest of us aren’t that gullible.
George Soros has nothing to do with Russia, troll. I’m not some stupid Republican you can pull that Soros is the all powerful boogie man on.

Your love of all things Putin is in evidence. He has murdered over 200 reporters and thrown dissidents and protestors in jail. Gays are being systemically tortured and abused. People are jailed for speaking out about Putin’s lawlessness.

The tenents of the Orthodox Church are becoming law making Russia a theocracy. You may be free to be an atheist or a Jew but you’re governed by laws based on Orthodox Christianity. No separation of Church and State.

The votes in Ukraine were hardly free or without pressure or bullying. People were afraid to vote against joining Russia.

Then there’s the theft of money from Russian businesses which the oligarchs are busy laundering in the New York real estate market.

There is ample evidence of Putin’s trolling and disruption of other countries’ elections. You chose to ignore it. The rest of us aren’t falling for this bullshit.

This isn’t a court of law. Putin is not innocent until proven guilty. Donald Trump and his feckless followers may believe Putin. The rest of us aren’t that gullible.
Another bunch of nonsense repeated after liberal Media.

Too bad Western countries love to declare all kinds of Russian criminals “victims of Putin’s regime” and to shelter them. But morons and criminals remain morons and criminals regardless of the country they currently reside. For some reason when they start violating the laws in Western countries, they immediately stop being “political refugees” and are thrown to prison. Here is another recent example of such double standards.

A controversial Russian artist who was granted political asylum in France has been arrested after setting fire to a bank in central Paris, police say.
Russian artist held over Paris bank fire

Pyromaniac artist who nailed scrotum to Red Square sets Bank of France entrance ablaze

More with shocking pictures at:

A “Victim of Putin’s regime” arrested in France
George Soros has nothing to do with Russia, troll. I’m not some stupid Republican you can pull that Soros is the all powerful boogie man on.

Your love of all things Putin is in evidence. He has murdered over 200 reporters and thrown dissidents and protestors in jail. Gays are being systemically tortured and abused. People are jailed for speaking out about Putin’s lawlessness.

The tenents of the Orthodox Church are becoming law making Russia a theocracy. You may be free to be an atheist or a Jew but you’re governed by laws based on Orthodox Christianity. No separation of Church and State.

The votes in Ukraine were hardly free or without pressure or bullying. People were afraid to vote against joining Russia.

Then there’s the theft of money from Russian businesses which the oligarchs are busy laundering in the New York real estate market.

There is ample evidence of Putin’s trolling and disruption of other countries’ elections. You chose to ignore it. The rest of us aren’t falling for this bullshit.

This isn’t a court of law. Putin is not innocent until proven guilty. Donald Trump and his feckless followers may believe Putin. The rest of us aren’t that gullible.
Another bunch of nonsense repeated after liberal Media.

Too bad Western countries love to declare all kinds of Russian criminals “victims of Putin’s regime” and to shelter them. But morons and criminals remain morons and criminals regardless of the country they currently reside. For some reason when they start violating the laws in Western countries, they immediately stop being “political refugees” and are thrown to prison. Here is another recent example of such double standards.

A controversial Russian artist who was granted political asylum in France has been arrested after setting fire to a bank in central Paris, police say.
Russian artist held over Paris bank fire

Pyromaniac artist who nailed scrotum to Red Square sets Bank of France entrance ablaze

More with shocking pictures at:

A “Victim of Putin’s regime” arrested in France

Notice how any criticism of Putin is attributed to Soros media. I guess it’s like all criticism of Trump is “fake news”.

Sorry but Putin is a nasty piece of shit. There is nothing admirable about this sociopath and no good will come of his Presidency for everyday Russians. Putin is in it for himself and his oligarch friends. He’s a liar, a murderer and a thief.

God help the Russian people.
George Soros has nothing to do with Russia, troll. I’m not some stupid Republican you can pull that Soros is the all powerful boogie man on.

Your love of all things Putin is in evidence. He has murdered over 200 reporters and thrown dissidents and protestors in jail. Gays are being systemically tortured and abused. People are jailed for speaking out about Putin’s lawlessness.

The tenents of the Orthodox Church are becoming law making Russia a theocracy. You may be free to be an atheist or a Jew but you’re governed by laws based on Orthodox Christianity. No separation of Church and State.

The votes in Ukraine were hardly free or without pressure or bullying. People were afraid to vote against joining Russia.

Then there’s the theft of money from Russian businesses which the oligarchs are busy laundering in the New York real estate market.

There is ample evidence of Putin’s trolling and disruption of other countries’ elections. You chose to ignore it. The rest of us aren’t falling for this bullshit.

This isn’t a court of law. Putin is not innocent until proven guilty. Donald Trump and his feckless followers may believe Putin. The rest of us aren’t that gullible.
Another bunch of nonsense repeated after liberal Media.

Too bad Western countries love to declare all kinds of Russian criminals “victims of Putin’s regime” and to shelter them. But morons and criminals remain morons and criminals regardless of the country they currently reside. For some reason when they start violating the laws in Western countries, they immediately stop being “political refugees” and are thrown to prison. Here is another recent example of such double standards.

A controversial Russian artist who was granted political asylum in France has been arrested after setting fire to a bank in central Paris, police say.
Russian artist held over Paris bank fire

Pyromaniac artist who nailed scrotum to Red Square sets Bank of France entrance ablaze

More with shocking pictures at:

A “Victim of Putin’s regime” arrested in France

Notice how any criticism of Putin is attributed to Soros media. I guess it’s like all criticism of Trump is “fake news”.

Sorry but Putin is a nasty piece of shit. There is nothing admirable about this sociopath and no good will come of his Presidency for everyday Russians. Putin is in it for himself and his oligarch friends. He’s a liar, a murderer and a thief.

God help the Russian people.

Have you read the articles I presented in my previous post, Dragonlady, an ignorant victim of Soros propaganda?

Nevertheless, thanks for asking God to help us, the Russian people in Russia and abroad. We truly need His help. And all we need at the moment is all the truth to come out about both Russia and everybody who tries to harm her.
George Soros has nothing to do with Russia, troll. I’m not some stupid Republican you can pull that Soros is the all powerful boogie man on.

Your love of all things Putin is in evidence. He has murdered over 200 reporters and thrown dissidents and protestors in jail. Gays are being systemically tortured and abused. People are jailed for speaking out about Putin’s lawlessness.

The tenents of the Orthodox Church are becoming law making Russia a theocracy. You may be free to be an atheist or a Jew but you’re governed by laws based on Orthodox Christianity. No separation of Church and State.

The votes in Ukraine were hardly free or without pressure or bullying. People were afraid to vote against joining Russia.

Then there’s the theft of money from Russian businesses which the oligarchs are busy laundering in the New York real estate market.

There is ample evidence of Putin’s trolling and disruption of other countries’ elections. You chose to ignore it. The rest of us aren’t falling for this bullshit.

This isn’t a court of law. Putin is not innocent until proven guilty. Donald Trump and his feckless followers may believe Putin. The rest of us aren’t that gullible.
Another bunch of nonsense repeated after liberal Media.

Too bad Western countries love to declare all kinds of Russian criminals “victims of Putin’s regime” and to shelter them. But morons and criminals remain morons and criminals regardless of the country they currently reside. For some reason when they start violating the laws in Western countries, they immediately stop being “political refugees” and are thrown to prison. Here is another recent example of such double standards.

A controversial Russian artist who was granted political asylum in France has been arrested after setting fire to a bank in central Paris, police say.
Russian artist held over Paris bank fire

Pyromaniac artist who nailed scrotum to Red Square sets Bank of France entrance ablaze

More with shocking pictures at:

A “Victim of Putin’s regime” arrested in France

Notice how any criticism of Putin is attributed to Soros media. I guess it’s like all criticism of Trump is “fake news”.

Sorry but Putin is a nasty piece of shit. There is nothing admirable about this sociopath and no good will come of his Presidency for everyday Russians. Putin is in it for himself and his oligarch friends. He’s a liar, a murderer and a thief.

God help the Russian people.

What the heck, take a trip over there. Fire up the masses, break a few windows, throw some bricks. Let us know how that works out.
George Soros has nothing to do with Russia, troll. I’m not some stupid Republican you can pull that Soros is the all powerful boogie man on.

Your love of all things Putin is in evidence. He has murdered over 200 reporters and thrown dissidents and protestors in jail. Gays are being systemically tortured and abused. People are jailed for speaking out about Putin’s lawlessness.

The tenents of the Orthodox Church are becoming law making Russia a theocracy. You may be free to be an atheist or a Jew but you’re governed by laws based on Orthodox Christianity. No separation of Church and State.

The votes in Ukraine were hardly free or without pressure or bullying. People were afraid to vote against joining Russia.

Then there’s the theft of money from Russian businesses which the oligarchs are busy laundering in the New York real estate market.

There is ample evidence of Putin’s trolling and disruption of other countries’ elections. You chose to ignore it. The rest of us aren’t falling for this bullshit.

This isn’t a court of law. Putin is not innocent until proven guilty. Donald Trump and his feckless followers may believe Putin. The rest of us aren’t that gullible.
Another bunch of nonsense repeated after liberal Media.

Too bad Western countries love to declare all kinds of Russian criminals “victims of Putin’s regime” and to shelter them. But morons and criminals remain morons and criminals regardless of the country they currently reside. For some reason when they start violating the laws in Western countries, they immediately stop being “political refugees” and are thrown to prison. Here is another recent example of such double standards.

A controversial Russian artist who was granted political asylum in France has been arrested after setting fire to a bank in central Paris, police say.
Russian artist held over Paris bank fire

Pyromaniac artist who nailed scrotum to Red Square sets Bank of France entrance ablaze

More with shocking pictures at:

A “Victim of Putin’s regime” arrested in France

Notice how any criticism of Putin is attributed to Soros media. I guess it’s like all criticism of Trump is “fake news”.

Sorry but Putin is a nasty piece of shit. There is nothing admirable about this sociopath and no good will come of his Presidency for everyday Russians. Putin is in it for himself and his oligarch friends. He’s a liar, a murderer and a thief.

God help the Russian people.

What the heck, take a trip over there. Fire up the masses, break a few windows, throw some bricks. Let us know how that works out.

Not my circus, not my monkeys. I have a limited number of fucks to give. If the Russian people want him gone, it’s up to them.
American liberals will never like Russia because they support the OLD russia!
That's why you see liberals supporting Chavez and Castro. When you look at Americas liberal party you are looking at the OLD communist party. When you look at opposition to modern day Russia in your country you are looking at OLD communist party.
Deep state are very heavily old school communists on BOTH sides!

Yes finally a DEEP STATE!:banana::itsok::woohoo:
George Soros has nothing to do with Russia, troll. I’m not some stupid Republican you can pull that Soros is the all powerful boogie man on.

Your love of all things Putin is in evidence. He has murdered over 200 reporters and thrown dissidents and protestors in jail. Gays are being systemically tortured and abused. People are jailed for speaking out about Putin’s lawlessness.

The tenents of the Orthodox Church are becoming law making Russia a theocracy. You may be free to be an atheist or a Jew but you’re governed by laws based on Orthodox Christianity. No separation of Church and State.

The votes in Ukraine were hardly free or without pressure or bullying. People were afraid to vote against joining Russia.

Then there’s the theft of money from Russian businesses which the oligarchs are busy laundering in the New York real estate market.

There is ample evidence of Putin’s trolling and disruption of other countries’ elections. You chose to ignore it. The rest of us aren’t falling for this bullshit.

This isn’t a court of law. Putin is not innocent until proven guilty. Donald Trump and his feckless followers may believe Putin. The rest of us aren’t that gullible.
Another bunch of nonsense repeated after liberal Media.

Too bad Western countries love to declare all kinds of Russian criminals “victims of Putin’s regime” and to shelter them. But morons and criminals remain morons and criminals regardless of the country they currently reside. For some reason when they start violating the laws in Western countries, they immediately stop being “political refugees” and are thrown to prison. Here is another recent example of such double standards.

A controversial Russian artist who was granted political asylum in France has been arrested after setting fire to a bank in central Paris, police say.
Russian artist held over Paris bank fire

Pyromaniac artist who nailed scrotum to Red Square sets Bank of France entrance ablaze

More with shocking pictures at:

A “Victim of Putin’s regime” arrested in France

Notice how any criticism of Putin is attributed to Soros media. I guess it’s like all criticism of Trump is “fake news”.

Sorry but Putin is a nasty piece of shit. There is nothing admirable about this sociopath and no good will come of his Presidency for everyday Russians. Putin is in it for himself and his oligarch friends. He’s a liar, a murderer and a thief.

God help the Russian people.

What the heck, take a trip over there. Fire up the masses, break a few windows, throw some bricks. Let us know how that works out.

Not my circus, not my monkeys. I have a limited number of fucks to give. If the Russian people want him gone, it’s up to them.

Wow, and here I thought liberals were so concerned about people around the world.
A pinch of truth is the salt that makes the stew of propaganda palatable. :)

To say Ukraine was artificially separated from Russia is to forget how it was absorbed by Russia, then the USSR. But that was long before you and I were born - well, long before I was anyway. :wink_2:

I'll try to make a long story short. Look what "Putin invaded in Ukraine" since 2014 on the map of Ukraine (small red spot in the East). Can you believe that during 3 years Russian army couldn't advance at all?

I believe that Putin is pragmatic and a patient opportunist - he took what he wanted and knew he could get. His actions produced a great fuss in the West but little of consequence. The largest jewel in Ukraine's crown is Crimea...whose seaports and location are perhaps more valuable to Putin than the people.

I agree with you that Soros is an evil man, fomenting strife wherever he can...and that much of the US media has an agenda that furthers his cause. But I believe that Putin is a fomenter of strife also...perhaps creating the problem, or manufacturing an enemy, while offering the solution and/or protection. However - it would be counterproductive and foolish to scorn him publicly.
My impression of Putin is that he is a very strong leader, ruthless yet 'likeable' who has convinced his countryman that they are his first love - and I hope that's true. The people of Russia deserve that. That's part of Trump's appeal - he gives the impression that nothing matters more to him than his fellow countrymen - I also hope that is true. It's nice to believe that your leader has nothing more than his country's best interests at heart....and that he loves his people, even the 'deplorable' ones. ;)

If you have more questions and trust my answers, you are always welcome.

Thank you. I am always interested in what you have to say. :beer:

Just as a side note - I grew up under the threats of the Cold War. Remember well Khrushchev and his infamous shoe banging, the Cuban missile crisis. In grade school we would have 'bomb drills' - using our desks as protection from Soviet launched nukes. lol They taught us about prevailing winds and fallout - which cities would be primary targets.

A 4th grade class assignment involved writing a letter to the embassy of a foreign country to request literature to share with the rest of the class. I chose Russia, and the teacher gently explained why that would not be a 'good idea'. So I chose another country...but even at that young age I knew it was not the Russian people who were the 'enemy'.

Nor do I think that Putin is our enemy, but neither is he our friend. He is the President of Russia...and as such we should have a cordial relationship on the world stage.

ps - ...and the wall in Berlin. I remember when it went up, and when it came down.
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(1). Putin did NOT direct his intelligence community to work toward a Donald Trump win in the 2016 election. Remember? Trump had NO CHANCE even up until the day before the election.


Declassified report says Putin ‘ordered’ effort to undermine faith in U.S. election and help Trump

Do you get paid to spread Russian propaganda? Come clean.

I got a new idea... How about EU come to the plate for the Democrats... If the there is an election to coerce why are only the Russians allowed, how about every pile in...

Basically it works like this... the US presidency will go to the highest bidder... Stop the pretence... The Alt-Right don't care about Russian interference why not let the EU have a go too.. I presume China will want a go too

Fuck that, they've already got Mexico, they even let them come into the US to massively influence our elections.
A pinch of truth is the salt that makes the stew of propaganda palatable. :)

To say Ukraine was artificially separated from Russia is to forget how it was absorbed by Russia, then the USSR. But that was long before you and I were born - well, long before I was anyway. :wink_2:

I'll try to make a long story short. Look what "Putin invaded in Ukraine" since 2014 on the map of Ukraine (small red spot in the East). Can you believe that during 3 years Russian army couldn't advance at all?

I believe that Putin is pragmatic and a patient opportunist - he took what he wanted and knew he could get. His actions produced a great fuss in the West but little of consequence. The largest jewel in Ukraine's crown is Crimea...whose seaports and location are perhaps more valuable to Putin than the people.

I agree with you that Soros is an evil man, fomenting strife wherever he can...and that much of the US media has an agenda that furthers his cause. But I believe that Putin is a fomenter of strife also...perhaps creating the problem, or manufacturing an enemy, while offering the solution and/or protection. However - it would be counterproductive and foolish to scorn him publicly.
My impression of Putin is that he is a very strong leader, ruthless yet 'likeable' who has convinced his countryman that they are his first love - and I hope that's true. The people of Russia deserve that. That's part of Trump's appeal - he gives the impression that nothing matters more to him than his fellow countrymen - I also hope that is true. It's nice to believe that your leader has nothing more than his country's best interests at heart....and that he loves his people, even the 'deplorable' ones. ;)

If you have more questions and trust my answers, you are always welcome.

Thank you. I am always interested in what you have to say. :beer:

Just as a side note - I grew up under the threats of the Cold War. Remember well Khrushchev and his infamous shoe banging, the Cuban missile crisis. In grade school we would have 'bomb drills' - using our desks as protection from Soviet launched nukes. lol They taught us about prevailing winds and fallout - which cities would be primary targets.

A 4th grade class assignment involved writing a letter to the embassy of a foreign country to request literature to share with the rest of the class. I chose Russia, and the teacher gently explained why that would not be a 'good idea'. So I chose another country...but even at that young age I knew it was not the Russian people who were the 'enemy'.

Nor do I think that Putin is our enemy, but neither is he our friend. He is the President of Russia...and as such we should have a cordial relationship on the world stage.

ps - ...and the wall in Berlin. I remember when it went up, and when it came down.
SeaGal, your post was very interesting, thank you. I agree with many things you said and I was VERY tickled to read you wanted to write a letter so USSR. And I still think that a good partnership between Russia and USA would benefit not only our 2 countries, but the whole world. But that's what Deep State is afraid is.

About Ukraine: it exited USSR twice or more bigger than it entered USSR. Three criminals and drunks Yeltsin, Kravchuk and Shushkevitch (who signed "independence" for 3 Soviet republics) allowed Ukraine to annex historical Russian lands which Lenin and Khrushchev "joined" to Ukrainian Republic within the same country of USSR. That was the moment our troubles have begun: millions of Russians woke up in a foreign and unfriendly country.


The truth about Ukraine: Byshok's lecture at Brown University - Fort Russ
^ this article explains a lot

Putin: Thinking of Crimea, our Western partners choose not to notice that the will of the Crimean people, 70 percent of which are ethnic Russians and the rest speak Russian as their native language, was to join Russia. They prefer to ignore this. In one place, in Kosovo, the will of the people can be honoured, but here – it cannot. All of this is about political games.

So, I can reassure you that Russia has been pursuing absolutely peaceful foreign policy aimed at cooperation, and will continue to do so.

Just come over to Crimea, walk around, and everything will become perfectly clear to you. So, yes, our military personnel were in Crimea; but they did not even outnumber our grouping that had been present there under the treaty we had with Ukraine.

Most importantly, though, the Crimean parliament, which had been elected two years prior to the voting under the Ukrainian law, voted in favour of the referendum and later, in favour of independence. It is an absolutely legitimate representative body elected by Crimean people. This is first.

Second, the international legal framework. When the settlement of the Kosovo issue was under negotiation, the UN International Court of Justice passed a judgment that was met with applause by all Western partners. The Court decided that the settlement of independence issues did not require the decision of country's central authorities. So, we did everything in accordance with international law, the United Nations Charter and principles of democracy, which include, first of all, the free expression of peoples' will.
Interview to Bloomberg

Putin: The court ruling concerns not just Kosovo, but also the applicability of international law to the declaration of independence by any part of any state in principle. It was a ruling that opened Pandora’s box and the genie that was let out of the bottle.
Meeting of the Valdai International Discussion Club

And I know many people in Crimea: they are very happy to be with Russia and very sorry for us, who remained in a country controlled by Washington Deep State which turned it into a another Somalia.

And yes, I strongly believe both Putin and Trump want the best and do their best for their countries in spite of all Deep State and their puppets [all over the world] efforts.

Putin: Mr. Trump and I hold public offices, and each country has its own interests. Trump is guided in his activities by his country’s national interests, and I am guided by my country’s interests.

I do hope that we will be able, as the current President of the United States said, to find compromises in resolving bilateral and international issues so that they can be settled in the interests of the American and Russian people taking into account the special responsibility for international security that lies on our two countries.
Vladimir Putin’s news conference following BRICS Summit

All Putin's quotes I've presented are taken from Kremlin site. He answers a lot of questions about Syria, Ukraine, US/Russia relationship and many others. Your Media prefers not to keep you too informed about that. So, you may find it interesting to learn his point of view from original sources.

Again, I tried to do my best not to make my post too long, but... I will be glad to answer more of your questions.
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(1). Putin did NOT direct his intelligence community to work toward a Donald Trump win in the 2016 election. Remember? Trump had NO CHANCE even up until the day before the election.


Declassified report says Putin ‘ordered’ effort to undermine faith in U.S. election and help Trump

Do you get paid to spread Russian propaganda? Come clean.

Was Obama lying?

Retard, no one ever claimed that Russians hacked actual vote tallies.

They committed gross acts of wire fraud against our political and electoral institutions with a side of a huge propaganda and disinformation campaign.
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