Trump: Only fools and haters object US/Russia good relationship

The anti war left, is unhappy that we are not at war with Russia, or at least on the brink of war with Russia?

Really? Surely this is the looking glass.
Trump said the other day: those who objects US/Russia good relationship are haters and fools.

That's like saying battered wife reporting domestic violence just doesn't want to have a good marriage.

Like you Strat, Trump is spending his time peddling Putin propaganda...except unlike you he is a fucking POTUS. What a disgrace.

Can I get directions to an excample of that propaganda?

View attachment 160159

Ha! What a load of redneck bullshit. Obama was a deporter-in-charge when it came to illegals with any criminal record.

Not really.
Trump is not to be trusted. He changes his mind every day.
I agree: both leaders should be very careful with each other doing one step at a time towards each other, but when there is a chance and hope to improve the relationship, they both should GO for that! And we should welcome it. Trump is in a very rough situation, Deep State and their puppets in Congress have been literally hobbling him, threatening him and trashing him and his family. It's actually and unprecedented actions against US president. And it tells me: they are scared.
The Russians must be careful. They wish too hard to be part of the West and will be fooled again. All US words on Syria were empty so far, why should that be different now?
Trump is not to be trusted. He changes his mind every day.
I agree: both leaders should be very careful with each other doing one step at a time towards each other, but when there is a chance and hope to improve the relationship, they both should GO for that! And we should welcome it. Trump is in a very rough situation, Deep State and their puppets in Congress have been literally hobbling him, threatening him and trashing him and his family. It's actually and unprecedented actions against US president. And it tells me: they are scared.
The Russians must be careful. They wish too hard to be part of the West and will be fooled again. All US words on Syria were empty so far, why should that be different now?
Trump is completely tied in his actions and Putin understands that. A couple of weeks ago:

Andrei Sushentsov: The impression is that Trump is breaking all records in unpredictability.

Vladimir Putin: As for unpredictability, he is not the only one to blame. It also has to do with the intense opposition in the country.

After all, he is being prevented from carrying out any of his election platforms and plans. In health care, in other spheres. The moment he makes a decision on migrants, a court immediately blocks it. This is happening all the time. So to say that he is the only source of this unpredictability – no, this depends on the entire US political system. Nevertheless, we will work with the partners that we have.

The United States is a great power, the world’s largest economic and military power. We will continue working despite all difficulties. That is, of course, if they also want this. If they do not, we will not.

As for the trust:
Sabine Fischer, Science and Politics Foundation, Berlin:
What political mistakes, in your opinion, has Russia made in its relations with the West over the past 15 years?

Vladimir Putin: Our most serious mistake in relations with the West is that we trusted you too much. And your mistake is that you took that trust as weakness and abused it. It is therefore necessary to put this behind us, turn the page and move on, building our relations on the basis of mutual respect and treating each other as equal partners of equal value.
Meeting of the Valdai International Discussion Club
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'The Trump-Russia Collusion' narrative is a ploy by the Left to distract from their doing what they accuse others of doing.

There is an insurmountable mountain of evidence against the Democrats colluding, collaborating with, taking bribes from, and covering for Russian crimes while what amounts to committing treason against the US ... as opposed to the Democrats being unable to even prove there was a crime committed in their false narrative about Trump.
American liberals will never like Russia because they support the OLD russia!
That's why you see liberals supporting Chavez and Castro. When you look at Americas liberal party you are looking at the OLD communist party. When you look at opposition to modern day Russia in your country you are looking at OLD communist party.
Deep state are very heavily old school communists on BOTH sides!

very true.
"There is no such thing as a former KGB man." - Vladimir Putin
"There is no such thing as a former KGB man." - Vladimir Putin
While you liberals and your puppeteers have been screaming and yelling bad things [all alleged!] about Russia/Putin, Putin is establishing partnership and trading with almost half a world and you are losing your opportunities and a good income for your country.

Even India and Pakistan put aside their long-running tensions, as they were officially confirmed as members of the increasingly influential Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), during a summit in Kazakhstan capital Astana. SCO now includes almost half of the all world population.
Then there were 8: Eurasian powerhouse SCO expands after India & Pakistan join

Also the news from today:

The 83 million tons of wheat Russian farmers are forecast to have reaped this season has cemented the country’s resurgence as an agricultural superpower and ratcheted up the pressure on U.S. farmers, who sowed fewer acres of wheat in 2017 than ever before.
Russia’s Resurgent Wheat Farmers Squeeze U.S.

Jump on the train before it is too late.
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"There is no such thing as a former KGB man." - Vladimir Putin
While you liberals and your puppeteers have been screaming and yelling bad things [all alleged!] about Russia/Putin, Putin is establishing partnership and trading with almost half a world and you are losing your opportunities and a good income for your country.

Even India and Pakistan put aside their long-running tensions, as they were officially confirmed as members of the increasingly influential Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), during a summit in Kazakhstan capital Astana. SCO now includes almost half of the all world population.

Then there were 8: Eurasian powerhouse SCO expands after India & Pakistan join
How The Trump Campaign Weakened The Republican Platform On Aid To Ukraine

Republicans are on board with Russia. They love Russia. They think a murdering dictator is someone this country should admire. Trump really loves him.
"There is no such thing as a former KGB man." - Vladimir Putin
While you liberals and your puppeteers have been screaming and yelling bad things [all alleged!] about Russia/Putin, Putin is establishing partnership and trading with almost half a world and you are losing your opportunities and a good income for your country.

Even India and Pakistan put aside their long-running tensions, as they were officially confirmed as members of the increasingly influential Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), during a summit in Kazakhstan capital Astana. SCO now includes almost half of the all world population.

Then there were 8: Eurasian powerhouse SCO expands after India & Pakistan join
How The Trump Campaign Weakened The Republican Platform On Aid To Ukraine

Republicans are on board with Russia. They love Russia. They think a murdering dictator is someone this country should admire. Trump really loves him.
So far we are seeing murdering dictatorship in your liberals' darling Ukraine, not in Russia. I wonder, why your Media is so silent about that?

2015: Oles Buzina' assassination was the third in a row of political killings in the last four days: Sergey Sukhobok (April 13); Oleg Kalashnikov (April 15); and Oles Buzina (April 16).

Can you imagine what would happened if, in Russia, three opposition figures, a well-known writer and two politicians, were killed in the span of two days? We have a vague of idea of what that would look like, after the Western hysteria about Nemtsov.
History of Ukraine Told by Assassinated Ukrainian Writer Oles Buzina

A year ago my favorite satiric Mikhail Zadornov said in his interview: "I have been making fun of Russian authorities since USSR collapse and NEVER received any warnings or threats from them. Today nobody in Baltic states can joke about EU otherwise they will ban you from coming there."
Интервью М.Задорнова
(in Russian)

Baron, I hope you don't mind me using the interview you shared with me, thanks again for sharing that priceless interview.
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Trump is not to be trusted. He changes his mind every day.

The OP presents facts and all you leftist imbeciles can do is post hollow, meaningless stupid retorts like this.
Your OPINION and brainwashing does not equate to truth moron.
No wonder the right wants you eradicated. You're worse than rats.

Meanwhile THIS is what YOU voted for and support.....
MS-13 gang member eyed in El Salvador murder nabbed in stabbing of Colorado woman
MS-13 gang member eyed in El Salvador murder nabbed in stabbing of Colorado woman

The irony (if not poetic justice) is that most of your darling Sanctuary Citizens are going after YOU liberals in YOUR liberal towns.
Calm down, my Nigga. "Trump is not to trusted" is not related to any political view but only to reality.
Did you trust Barack Obama? If so, what did you base your trust on?

This is a very "solid" base for trusting Obama's words:

1. Russian economy is torn into pieces.
2. Hillary Clinton will be a great POTUS,
3. ISIS is contained.

Everything is sooooo true... :laugh:

How do you know Obama is lying? Because his lips are moving.
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After the fall of the USSR, Reagan initiated polices to bring Russia into the fold

We established stronger diplomatic and economic ties to Russia. These policies were expanded and strengthened up until Obama's second term

The difference was the emergence of Putin who yearned to bring Russia back to the policies of the old USSR. He strengthened their spy network and invaded Crimea and Ukraine in an attempt to reconstitute their sphere of influence

In reaction, the west instituted strong sanctions and dissolved past relationships with Russia

It is not a question of...Why can't we just be friends?
Putin needs to take concrete actions...which he is not
After the fall of the USSR, Reagan initiated polices to bring Russia into the fold

We established stronger diplomatic and economic ties to Russia. These policies were expanded and strengthened up until Obama's second term

The difference was the emergence of Putin who yearned to bring Russia back to the policies of the old USSR. He strengthened their spy network and invaded Crimea and Ukraine in an attempt to reconstitute their sphere of influence

In reaction, the west instituted strong sanctions and dissolved past relationships with Russia

It is not a question of...Why can't we just be friends?
Putin needs to take concrete actions...which he is not
In other words: If the US can´t boss someone around, it´s going to kill him.
The actual reason is that a strong Russia in the western community would challenge Amercia´s role of the sole dominator.
Europe starts to realize that the US wants play off EU against RU and the other way round. The big middle finger is in preparaton.
After the fall of the USSR, Reagan initiated polices to bring Russia into the fold

We established stronger diplomatic and economic ties to Russia. These policies were expanded and strengthened up until Obama's second term

The difference was the emergence of Putin who yearned to bring Russia back to the policies of the old USSR. He strengthened their spy network and invaded Crimea and Ukraine in an attempt to reconstitute their sphere of influence

In reaction, the west instituted strong sanctions and dissolved past relationships with Russia

It is not a question of...Why can't we just be friends?
Putin needs to take concrete actions...which he is not
In other words: If the US can´t boss someone around, it´s going to kill him.
The actual reason is that a strong Russia in the western community would challenge Amercia´s role of the sole dominator.
Europe starts to realize that the US wants play off EU against RU and the other way round. The big middle finger is in preparaton.

Total nonsense

NATO wanted a de-escalation of tensions with Russia. Russia was invited into the G8 summit and we welcomed stronger economic and social relations.
Lessening the tension meant the old Cold War forces in Europe were no longer needed

It is Putin who is manipulating Trump to destabilize the NATO alliance and strengthening his own role in Europe
Trump is not to be trusted. He changes his mind every day.

The OP presents facts and all you leftist imbeciles can do is post hollow, meaningless stupid retorts like this.
Your OPINION and brainwashing does not equate to truth moron.
No wonder the right wants you eradicated. You're worse than rats.

Meanwhile THIS is what YOU voted for and support.....
MS-13 gang member eyed in El Salvador murder nabbed in stabbing of Colorado woman
MS-13 gang member eyed in El Salvador murder nabbed in stabbing of Colorado woman

The irony (if not poetic justice) is that most of your darling Sanctuary Citizens are going after YOU liberals in YOUR liberal towns.

This is what Russians voted for, by voting for Putin.

Russian nanny who decapitated girl will never go to jail because she is 'insane' | Daily Mail Online

'Smirking' Russian nanny who beheaded girl, 4, and paraded her head in the street will NOT face murder trial as she is 'insane'
  • Gyulchehra Bobokulova decapitated girl she was looking after in February
  • She walked around Moscow with girl's head aloft shouting: 'Allahu Akbar'
  • The nanny said Allah told her to do it in revenge for Putin's bombs in Syria
  • But she will not face trial for murder as she is insane and not responsible
By Will Stewart In Moscow for MailOnline

PUBLISHED: 13:08 EST, 13 May 2016 | UPDATED: 16:34 EST, 13 May 2016

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The nanny who decapitated a girl, four, and paraded her severed head in the streets of Moscow will never face trial, say sources close to the criminal investigation.

Gyulchehra Bobokulova, 38, claimed she was inspired to kill the helpless child in a copycat of gruesome jihadist beheadings which she watched online.

She was trusted nanny to the girl she confessed to decapitating in north west Moscow - Anastasia Meshcheryakova - in a brutal act which caused shock around the world.



Insane: Gyulchehra Bobokulova, 38, beheaded four-year-old Anastasia Meshcheryakova while was in her cot in a brutal act which caused shock around the world



Horror: In extraordinary scenes, Bobokulova held the child's head aloft and shouted 'Allahu Akbar' before she was arrested on February 29


Innocence: Four-year-old Anastasia (Nastya) Meshcheryakova was decapitated as she lay in her cot at her parents' home

Earlier, the burka-clad babysitter had claimed that she killed the child on February 29 in revenge for Putin's aerial bombardment of Muslims in Syria. She claimed she ordered by Allah to cut off the girl's head.

Read more: Russian nanny who decapitated girl will never go to jail because she is 'insane' | Daily Mail Online
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